The dinner lasted longer than everyone expected. Yun Xi finally made it home and naturally had a lot to talk with her parents.

Yun Xi does not have a deep generation gap with her parents like children from ordinary families. She can communicate well with Yun Yi and his wife, and they have a lot of topics to talk about.

Yun Yi looked at Yun Xi. His appearance was still the same as in his memory, but his temperament and childhood had undergone earth-shaking changes. Yun Xi now looked a bit like an adult.

As a father, he not only felt gratified and a little sad, but also said that his daughter was his father's little cotton-padded jacket. Yun Xi seemed to have never been associated with the term "little cotton-padded jacket" since she was a child.

Before the age of sixteen, she was very playful. After the age of sixteen, she was so sensible that people suspected that she had changed her temperament.

This makes Yun Yi a little regretful, but fortunately he still has a pair of smaller ones.

Yun Yi chatted with his daughter. He didn't know about Yun Xi's attack, so he didn't ask questions in this regard. He was just a little curious about her experience in Zun's mysterious territory.

Yun Xi told his father the version that Ruo Huating and the others knew, and said with a smile: "Dad, my current realm is at the same level as you!"

Yun Yi and Xu Qinghan were both stunned and asked in surprise: "You have reached the spirit transformation realm?"

Yun Xi released his aura, and the pride and pride of a child when he got a perfect score appeared on his face: "Early stage of spirit transformation."

Yun Yi and Xu Qinghan looked at each other and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that you have completely surpassed us two old guys."

Yun Xi served the two elders some food and said with a smile: "This is called being better than the old! Maybe A Ze and Li'er will be more talented than me in the future!"

Yun Yi and Xu Qinghan are both spiritual beings, and there is almost no possibility that their heirs will not be able to awaken their spiritual veins. Therefore, Yun Xi does not have to worry about Yunze and Yun Li being unable to cultivate their spirits in the future.

Yun Yi said: "It's not too much to ask for. The two of them can just take it slowly, step by step, and don't aim too high."

After hearing this, Yun Xi thought for a moment and said, "That's right."

Yun Xi was chatting with her parents here, but Li Zixiao and others over there seemed a little reserved. Not to mention Lu Qi, Chu Shuyi, who were here for the first time, and even Li Zixiao, who had been here once before, was also a little uncomfortable. Knowing what to say and do, I could only eat quietly.

In order not to arouse the resentment of Yun Xi’s parents,

Li Zixiao even deliberately concealed the chill on her body and tried her best to act like a normal person, but she didn't know that this made her look a little awkward.

Yunze and Yunli sat next to Yunxi. Because their sister was talking to their parents, they had to focus on other people.

Yun Li looked at Hongling's red hair and bright red eyes, then looked at Qingchan's green hair and blue eyes, and asked curiously: "Are Sister Hongling and Sister Qingchan also twins?"

Hongling thought for a while and shook her head: "No."

Yun Li's eyes lit up: "Is Sister Hongling a flower monster?"

"Fresh...flower monster?"

Hongling didn't understand why Yunli thought so.

Yunze said at this time: "Mom said that Sister Qingchan was made of grass, so her hair is green. Sister Hongling's hair is red, so she must have been made of flowers!"

Everyone looked at Qingchan with doubtful eyes.

Qingchan whispered: "When they were crying when they were children, my wife and I would tell them this to divert their attention."

Everyone was stunned.

Hong Ling paused for a long time with her mouth open, and then said under Yun Li's expectant gaze: "I am a flower... transformed."

Yun Li suddenly asked excitedly: "Really? Can Sister Hongling turn back into a flower? My brother said he wants to see it!"

"I did not say!"

Yunze looked at his sister dissatisfied.

Hongling: "..."

Everyone's lips twitched, Xiao Xi's sister was difficult to deal with.

Neither Yunze nor Yunli were shy and introverted. Facing their sister's many friends, they were full of curiosity and kept asking questions that were immature but very consistent with their age group.

For Lu Qi and the others, Yunze and Yunli are undoubtedly two very cute children. No matter what era they are in, cute children will always be more lovable, let alone Yunze, Yunli or Yunli. Xi's biological brother and sister.

After dinner, Yun Xi and her parents sat under the pavilion in the courtyard and showed the two elders the tea-making skills she learned from Elder Wei. However, Lu Qi and others may have felt that there was too much pressure in front of Yun Yi and his wife, so they simply followed Yunze Yunli started playing in the yard.

Li Zixiao, Ying Nianling and even Xia Qingyao are not very playful, and they don't know how to get along with children. But fortunately, besides them, there is also a living treasure Chu Shuyi and the charming Lu Qi in this group of people.

Under the guidance of these two people, even Li Zixiao was able to say a few words to Yunze Yunli.

Yun Xi patiently brewed tea, while Xu Qinghan's eyes fell on the courtyard. Lu Qi and the others were playing the classic game of an eagle catching a chick. The guy playing the eagle was Li Zixiao, whose expression could never soften. The mother chicken was played by Lu Qi. Yunli and Yunze lined up behind Lu Qi. After that came Qingchan and the others.

This group of people chased each other in the courtyard, and the cheerful laughter could not be heard. Most of them came from the Yunze brothers and sisters... and Chu Shuyi.

This guy fits into the atmosphere of a six-year-old child even more perfectly than Qingchan.

Xu Qinghan looked at these people and said with a smile: "Xiao Xi, you have made a group of very good friends."

Yun Xi gently shook the teapot in her hand, poured the tea into the cup, and then placed the cup in front of and behind the two elders. Then she turned her gaze to the courtyard. She smiled and said, "Yes, you are so lucky."

Even Yun Xi himself could not have imagined that one day, people like Li Zixiao and Xia Qingyao would actually play a childish game like eagle catching chicken with two six-year-old kids.

However, with Li Zixiao's cold temperament, being an eagle is quite suitable.

She took out her mobile phone and secretly recorded the scene.

Seeing her actions, Xu Qinghan and Yun Yi didn't bother them, but their eyes lit up after taking a sip of the tea made by Yun Xi.

Yun Yi asked: "Girl, when did your tea-making skills become so good?"

Yun Xi laughed and explained: "Learned it from Mr. Wei."

"Mr. Wei?"

"One of the Huatings of the Tianling Alliance."

The two elders fell silent immediately.

After a moment, Yun Yi smiled happily and said: "You have already reached this point. The ancestors of the Yun family can feel at ease even if they are far away from the underworld."

Yun Xi said: "I don't care whether they are at ease or not. Anyway, I just want to make your second elder and second uncle feel at ease."

This problem exists among casual spiritual cultivators. If the age difference is too large, it can easily lead to family faults.

Ordinary people only live a short life of a hundred years, so a generation of children will be born every twenty years, while spiritual cultivators often choose to give birth to offspring after a hundred years or more.

Yun Yi's ancestors were all ordinary people, and it was not until his generation that there were two spiritual cultivators, he and Yun Feng. One of them got married early but had children late, and the other has not even gotten married yet.

As for Xu Qinghan, Yun Xi had never heard her mother say anything about her natal family, but she had heard Uncle Mu say before that her grandfather's family didn't seem to like her father. At that time, her mother eloped with her father directly after breaking up with the family. From then on, the two lived happily for hundreds of years, and never returned to that home until the Yun family was established.

It is precisely because of such various pasts that as the daughter of Yun Yi and Xu Qinghan, Yun Xi has no memory of "grandparents" or "grandparents".

Therefore, there is no talk of reverence for the ancestors.

Yun Yi gave him a lesson: "Don't be so rude to your ancestors."

Yun Xi stuck out her tongue: "I know."

Yun Yi continued: "Speaking of which, your second uncle has been traveling around the world in recent years and seems to be living a pretty good life."

After all, they are the only brothers, so the contact between Yun Yi and Yun Feng is quite frequent.

Yun Xi's eyes were evil and she joked: "Second uncle is with Teacher Qin, so it seems quite difficult to think badly. I saw in the photo that Teacher Qin sent us, Second Uncle is smiling happily. "

Xu Qinghan smiled softly and said: "This is a good thing. Your father is really worried about this younger brother. If you, Teacher Qin, hadn't been accompanying your second uncle these past few years, your father would have gone to him personally to arrange a blind date. .”

Yun Xi tilted her head and thought about the scene where her second uncle, wearing a white shirt and hanging the clothes on his shoulders, was walking casually in the rivers and lakes, and was suddenly caught by his father and dragged home for a blind date, and laughed out loud.

"If that's the case, it feels pretty good!"

Yun Yi sighed, but immediately smiled.

"This is enough for now."

In the past, Yun Yi would still worry about Yun Feng's affairs, but after learning that Yun Feng and Qin Susheng were traveling around the world and feeling relieved, he was able to calm down and think carefully.

It was then that he gradually realized that maybe his urging in the past years was wrong. Although the old man's last wish was important, Yunfeng's own feelings could not be ignored either.

He was very lucky and fell in love with Xu Qinghan at a young age, but he couldn't ask Yunfeng to do this early. After all, it was not easy to meet someone who was in love with each other. thing.

When thinking about these things, Yun Yi never urged Yun Feng to marry. Perhaps because he noticed the change in his brother, Yun Feng contacted Yun Yi more frequently in recent years than before, and occasionally even contacted Yun Feng. He would make a video chat and talk about what fun things he had encountered recently. It was a shame that Yun Yi could not see it.

Yun Yi would listen patiently, and then talk about the interesting things he encountered when he and Xu Qinghan traveled around the world, and recommended to Yun Feng some interesting places that were close to them.

Every time like this, the two of them seemed to have returned to the days when they were playing together at home when they were children. There was endless talk between the two brothers.

Occasionally, Yun Yi would lament that the longing for unrestrained freedom may be the genes engraved in the Yun family's bones. Back then, he and Xu Qinghan traveled through the mountains, rivers and lakes of Tianling, and now Yun Feng has embarked on a similar journey.

Yun Xi looked at her father's thoughtful and emotional expression, and tacitly chose to remain silent.

After a while, Yun Yi recovered from his feelings and asked, "How long do you plan to stay when you come back this time?"

"If you don't count today, it will be ten days."

She prepared for half a month's vacation, and it had already taken three days when she came, but that was because she was delayed due to a mission on the road. Two days would be enough when she went back. For the remaining ten days, she planned to stay at home with her parents. .

"Ten days? It seems like a long vacation!"

Yun Yi said with a smile.

"After all, he is a person who has done great things. It is unreasonable for the school not to give him a holiday."

There was a little guilt hidden in Yun Xi's smile. Since she graduated from the martial arts school at the age of eighteen, she has spent less than a month at home in total.

There is no better daughter than a mother. Xu Qinghan seemed to see his daughter's guilt and said: "While you are young, it is a good thing to venture outside. Look at your second uncle, he is over a hundred years old and he is not wandering around anymore." Refuse to go home?"

Yun Xi is not sure where the ancestral home of the Yun family is, but the Yun family founded by Yun Yi must also be the home of Yun Feng. Yun Feng has never returned to the Yun family in these years.

Yun Yi also agreed: "Yes, with your current talent and strength, you should take a longer view and not let your children's affection limit your steps too much."

Yun Xi raised her eyebrows and said, "Then you won't urge me to have sex with you?"

Suddenly, several pairs of ears stood up quietly in the yard.

"Why are you so anxious about emotional matters? You can take care of it yourself."

Yun Yi is relatively open-minded about Yun Xi's love life. After all, for a father, one of the most painful things in life is to marry his daughter. Yun Xi can stay at home. For the old father, Definitely a good thing.

And because he has figured out Yun Feng's matter, Yun Yi now has a casual attitude towards his daughter's life-long events. Compared with arranging and urging, as a father, it is more important for him to inspect and check, so as not to let My precious daughter has fallen into someone else’s trap.

Especially since Yun Xi is getting better and better now, he is even more worried that Yun Xi like this will be coveted by people who are interested in her, although the people who covet her can already be lined up from Yunyang City to Fengyun County.

When Yun Xi heard her father's words, she suddenly felt relaxed, and then her slender and beautiful eyebrows slanted to the other side, making people want to laugh as if they were deliberately funny.

She looked at her mother.

Xu Qinghan glanced back at her, and then said funny: "What are you looking at me for? Will I force you to get married? Your talent in cultivation is extremely rare. For the sake of the future, it is better to practice hard. You have to do it yourself Be careful, there are many people interested in you now, don’t be deceived by those who talk sweet words.”

Yun Xi waved her fist as if punching, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your daughter will be a scumbag in one punch!"

Xu Qinghan shook his head and said with a smile: "Look at your virtue."

After the three of them ended this conversation, the ears that had been raised quietly in the courtyard lowered their voices in silence. The laughter was still there, but compared to the previous laughter to coax the two little ones, the laughter this time was The sound seems to be more cheerful and real.

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