I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 195 Blue and White Introduction

After dinner, everyone went their separate ways.

Ye Nianhan, Lu Qi, and Chu Shuyi followed Xiao Lingyuan to the Xiao family. In fact, Ye Nianhan didn't want to go, but he couldn't bear Xiao Lingyuan's "enthusiastic" invitation and Chu Shuyi's "well-intentioned" persuasion.

Yun Xi could not forget the look Ye Nianhan looked at her when Xiao Lingyuan and Chu Shuyi drove away.

If Yun Xi was forced to describe that look - it should be the last look a person about to go to the execution ground looks at his family, right?

Ye Nianhan and the others left, but the three foodies, Ying Nianling, Li Zixiao, and Xia Qingyao, chose to stay. Of course, they didn't stay just for the food. Mainly considering the number of guest rooms, it was indeed better for everyone to be separated.

However, according to the plan, they will also go to Xiao's house tomorrow to visit Xiao Lingyuan's parents.

As night fell, it was time to sleep, and Yun Ze and Yun Li woke up.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

When the two little ones came to the hall, this was the first thing they said when they saw Xu Qinghan.

Xu Qinghan had expected this and said to them: "Okay, mom will heat up some food for you."

Yunze looked around: "Where's sister?"

"I'm talking to dad about something, so don't disturb them yet."


At this time, Yun Xi was in Yun Yi's study. She took out her mobile phone and forwarded the message Feng Weiyan had replied to her father not long ago.

It was different for people whose father was a county king. Before Yun Xi finished her dinner, Feng Weiyan had already sent her all the information she needed.

"Dad, this is their information, you should take a look first."


Yun Yi carefully read the information sent by Yun Xi and was a little surprised: "So detailed?"

Yun Xi smiled and said, "People who don't know the basics don't dare to use it casually."

"You are very considerate, but don't worry, I know what to do when it comes to hiring people."

Yun Yi founded the Yun Family from scratch.

Whether it is entrepreneurial ability or overall planning ability, Yun Xi is not as good as him.

Yun Xi knew this, so she did not get too involved in the specific development process of the Yun family. All she wanted to do was to ensure the safety of the Yun family and the acquisition of talents.

Yun Yi said: "But since you want to enter the pharmaceutical industry, what pills do you plan to sell?"

Regarding medicines, Yun Xi had already made plans: "Start with the most basic healing medicines."

"Healing medicine? There are a lot of these pills on the market, so I'm afraid business won't be good."

Putting aside the official medicine halls derived from Weiyangtang, most private or family medicine halls in Tianling Continent mostly buy medicines for healing, strengthening the body and strengthening the body.

If the medicine hall opened by the Yun family also sells this kind of medicine, then in the face of a saturated market, I am afraid that it can only rely on the name "Yun Xi's store" to gain business.

Yun Xi smiled and said, "That's what I say, but as long as the things we make are better than others, that's all."

The light flashed from her fingers, and three scrolls floated in her palm.

"These are the three rolls I prepared. Take a look."

Yun Yi took it and looked down at it carefully.

After each scroll, Yun Yi's expression became a little more shocked. By the time he finished reading all three scrolls, Yun Yi's face was filled with disbelief and disbelief.

"Is all this true?"

he asked aloud.

Yun Xi said confidently: "Of course there is no lie. As long as they are properly operated and managed properly, the Yun family can enter the Tianling Pharmaceutical industry in one fell swoop!"

Yun Yi looked at the description on the prescription and still felt a little unbelievable: "If this is true, this medicine is too unbelievable. Xiao Xi, where did you get this prescription?"

"Don't worry, it's through formal channels."

For travelers, isn’t the system informal?

In this era where time-travelers are flying all over the place, time-travelers who have no system but are still able to stand out from the crowd should really think carefully about whether their method of becoming stronger really complies with the "Laws of Time-Travelers"!

Yun Yi saw that Yun Xi was unwilling to say it, so he didn't force it. He just said: "If the description of the effects of the medicine in this prescription are true, then it will definitely cause quite a stir once it is put on the market. But some of the raw materials in it, I don’t think I’ve heard of it?”

Yun Xi glanced at the Juan Fang in Yun Yi's hand.

These are three cheap prescriptions that she redeemed in the system mall. They are actually a three-piece set of healing, detoxifying, and strengthening the body. However, compared to the original three-piece set of Tianling Continent, Yun Xi's medicine is obviously more effective. There are many outstanding people.

But because of this, the raw materials required for her rolls are slightly different.

Some of these items need to be redeemed in the mall.

Yun Xi took out the medicinal seeds that had been prepared and handed them to Yun Yi.

"Those medicines are harder to find. I've already got some seeds here."

Yun Yi took it and looked at it twice: "How long does it take to plant?"

"It's ripe every two months."

Yun Xi reminded: "It is best to choose a more hidden place for planting, and send more powerful spiritual cultivators to handle it. As long as the raw materials are not exposed, even if the roll is exposed, there is no need to worry about someone stealing the skills. "

Yun Yi nodded: "Don't worry, if the effects of these three medicines are as good as mentioned above, I will naturally arrange for spiritual beings to guard them."

Apart from the Yun Yi couple and Yun Xi, the only spiritual person in the Yun family now is Mu Yuanshan. However, there are still several spiritual people in the Xiao family and the Nangong family. It will be enough for them to provide some spiritual people when the time comes.

"Well. Then the future of the Yun family will be left to you, dad!"

Yun Xi patted her father's shoulder sincerely.

"Hey you little bastard! You're neither big nor small!"

Yun Yi held up his hand just to give it to her, but Yun Xi quickly shrank her neck and ran away with a smile.

Looking at his daughter's lively back, Yun Yi shook his head and smiled: "This child..."

After giving all the things he should give to his father, Yun Xi finally finished what he should do.

She walked out of her parents' yard and went back to her room to take a shower and change clothes. Then she went to the outer yard and saw Ying Nianling and Xia Qingyao sitting on wicker chairs eating potato chips, while Li Zixiao was sitting cross-legged and meditating alone.

Among Yunxi's forces, Li Zixiao has always been the one who works hardest in practice. Of course, this may also be related to her lack of other hobbies.

Hearing the footsteps, Xia Qingyao and Ying Nianling both looked back, and then turned back when they realized it was Yun Xi.

Yun Xi walked to them and sat down. She reached into Ying Nianling's food bag and took out a few potato chips and put them in her mouth. While chewing, she lay lazily on the chair and looked up at the night sky.

There is little moonlight in the sky tonight, so the stars are bright.

Yun Xi yawned, feeling a little tired today.

‘No matter how cute a child is, taking care of him for a day is more tiring than practicing for a month. ’

She was minding her own business and made a summary of today's child-rearing operation.

Turning her head slightly while leaning on the backrest of the wicker chair, Yun Xi looked at Xia Qingyao and Ying Nianling beside her.

The two of them ate potato chips seriously and showed no tendency to talk. Then they turned their eyes slightly to look at Li Zixiao. The guy was addicted to his own practice and ignored what was going on outside the window.

‘If it were Little Yuan’er, he must be chirping in my ear like a sparrow now, right? ’

Yun Xi thought as she looked at the starry sky.

'But if it was Nianhan, she might not be so noisy, but she would also find some topics to talk about. ’

When she didn't want to practice and it wasn't raining, Yun Xi still hoped that she would have someone to accompany her to talk to while bathing in the starlight, but it was a pity that the three people who stayed were not talkative people.

‘Little Yuan’er loves to talk, so he takes away all the noisy ones, it’s true. But speaking of which, what about Qingchan and the others? ’

Yun Xi's spiritual consciousness dispersed and he found that Qingchan and the other three were practicing martial arts in another courtyard. Children's martial arts training is different from that of adults. It does not require a fierce collision of spiritual power, but only the attack and defense of moves. It is quite similar to the martial arts masters in martial arts. The feeling of fighting.

It's just that this kind of fighting method is a bit childish in the eyes of the spirit.

Yun Xi raised his left hand and raised his index finger. The light blue spiritual power between his fingers meandered like water droplets.

‘If I also make a move with Xiaoying… the Yun family may disappear directly. ’

Giving up on the idea of ​​practicing, Yun Xi carefully thought about what else she could do.

‘I always feel like... I seem to have forgotten something? What exactly is it? ’

"Yun Xi, if you really have nothing to do, go to bed. If not, just take out your broken piano and play casually. Don't disturb my dreams here, okay?"

Yimeng's voice suddenly came to mind in Yun Xi's mind. Yun Xi sat up with a "whisper" and slapped his palms on his thighs with an annoyed look on his face: "Why do I always feel that I have forgotten something! I gave the teacher to me I forgot the assigned task!"

Yimeng rolled her eyes in Yun Xi's sea of ​​consciousness, hoping she could be quieter.

It lives in Yun Xi's sea of ​​consciousness. If Yun Xi's thoughts are too active, the sea of ​​consciousness will naturally be affected. How can it sleep while lying in that sea of ​​consciousness, feeling the turbulent waves?

The reason why nightmare beasts are called nightmare beasts is not only because they have the ability to create nightmares, but they also need to be supplemented by dreams.

No one has ever stipulated that the soul body cannot sleep!

"Yimeng, thank you for the reminder, I'm going to start the operation."

Yun Xi thanked him perfunctorily, walked to the courtyard, and took out his guqin.

When Ying Nianling and Xia Qingyao saw Yun Xi's movements, they both changed their sitting postures slightly and looked at Yun Xi's position in a comfortable posture.

Yun Xi plays the piano very well and her singing ability is amazing, and they all know it.

As long and white fingers as white as onions slid over the strings, Yun Xi thought that if there was a chance in the future, in addition to the guqin, she would at least have to learn the piano and the suona. Otherwise, she would not be able to play the guqin with just one hand. It is a bit difficult to be an artist when you are not practicing spirituality.

Yun Xi took out the book "Journey in Jinyi" given by Shi Jin, turned the pages to the place where she had learned the latest, and continued her practice.

The melodious sound of the piano comes from under Yun Xi's fingers. In the quiet night, follow the starlight to trace where the stars are.

In the living room, Xu Qinghan, who was watching the two little treasures eating, heard the beautiful sound of the piano. He raised his head in surprise and turned to look in the direction of the yard.

"Mom, is someone playing the piano?"

Yun Li took out the rice spoon from his mouth, swallowed the food and asked playfully.

Xu Qinghan felt much relaxed physically and mentally as she listened to this strange yet beautiful piano music. She smiled and said, "Well, it's my sister who is playing."

Yunze blinked: "Sister?"

They had never heard from their mother that their sister could also play the piano.

Xu Qinghan said softly: "Eat quickly, and then go over and listen carefully after eating."


The two little guys immediately speeded up their eating.

In another courtyard, Qingchan and the other two tacitly stopped what they were doing and turned to look in the direction of the outer courtyard.

"It's the lady playing the music!"

Qingchan spread her legs and ran towards the outer courtyard, Hongling and Qingchan quickly caught up.

Stepping over the stone threshold, they saw Yun Xi pointing at the strings under the bright stars, her back straight, her long lead-pink hair blowing gently in the evening breeze, her white skirt wavy slightly, and she People interpret the full meaning of "beauty".

They stepped lightly in tacit agreement.

The sound of the piano is melodious, like the cool breeze coming from the mountain stream in late summer, accompanied by the sound of a gurgling stream, or mixed with the cry of a lark... Shi Jinjiao and Yun Xi's music is technically extremely difficult It's high, but the music that comes out has no sense of showing off skills at all. Instead, it is full of the charm of life and nature.

Yun Xi was immersed in the music she played, thinking that if it was a rainy day, or if she played the music in the mountains, old forests, or ancient alleys, she would feel better.

In fact, judging from her study in the past few years, Shi Jin's music score is not like a simple music score, but more like a picture scroll. He depicts the story into a painting and saves it on the paper in the form of music score. .

She thought about it many times in the past, and finally decided that there was really no more suitable title for this composition than "Journey in Jinyi".

This means that she has only learned the guqin so far. If she can master more instruments and use them all, the music she plays should be more artistic and exciting.

Just like the first time she heard "Windyhill."

When immersed in music, time would sneak through the gaps that she was completely unaware of. When Yun Xi came back to her senses, the black clouds in the sky had blocked the starlight and then revealed it again.

A long time has passed.

Yun Xi raised his head and looked to the side. Li Zixiao fell from the air at some point and sat beside Ying Nianling and the others, quietly listening to her playing.

Next to them, Qingchan and the other three were sitting on the lawn, with their legs bent together and their chins resting on their knees, looking at her with the same posture and different expressions.

On another wicker chair, Yunze and Yunli were leaning in the arms of Xu Qinghan and Yun Yi respectively. They seemed to be asleep with their eyes closed. Their sleeping appearance made people want to kiss them.

She didn't even know when they came.

Seeing Yun Xi's slightly surprised and shy look, Yun Yi and Xu Qinghan both smiled slightly and gave them a smile of recognition.

Yun Xi puffed up her face and showed a relaxed smile. Then she took a deep breath and plucked the strings with her long fingers again. This time, her beautiful voice sounded along with the sound of the piano.

"A pot of blue and white flowers~clear water and fine rhizome~

The world is full of noise

The night rain in Changnan cools the bottle and melts into the bones~

The elegance of tea and wine can be combined with casual clothes..."


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