"Baozi! Hot buns freshly baked!"

"Young man! Would you like a bowl of soy milk? It's homemade, clean and delicious!"


On the streets in the early morning, vendors were shouting. A girl was wearing a gray-brown robe with a hood covering half of her face.

Wei Ruoxi was walking on the street. The crowd was crowded at the moment. Many people were running to the audition venue for the martial arts competition. Some were competing, while others were just there to join in the fun.

She poked her head left and right, her petite body moving nimbly among the crowd, and within a moment she walked into an alley with few people.

As soon as she walked into the alley, Wei Ruoxi lowered her head and looked at her hand. There was an extra jade pendant in her palm.


She put the jade pendant into her belt, smiled proudly, and then rejoined the crowd.

Back in the crowd, Wei Ruoxi's eyes were wandering, but there was always one person in her sight. After following her for about half a day, the man in front suddenly lowered his head and reached out to grope around his waist.

"How stupid! It took me a long time to find out!"

Wei Ruoxi murmured in a low voice, but her tone was indescribably proud. She walked forward and passed the man.

When she turned around again, the man looked at the jade pendant that appeared on the other side of his waist, with confusion on his face. He reached out and scratched his head, full of confusion.

"It's strange, I obviously didn't touch it just now..."

Wei Ruoxi vaguely heard this sentence.

"Haha! How funny!"

She raised her head and smiled, and the skylight fell on her face, illuminating her beautiful face. Many people around her were surprised when they saw this.

Someone couldn't hold back the throbbing in their hearts and took the initiative to come forward: "This girl, the world is so vast, it is fate that you and I can meet here. If you are brave, can you invite me to have a drink with you?"

Wei Ruoxi turned to look at him, Shuiling's eyes moved down slightly.

'There is a storage ring, it is a practitioner, the clothes are so simple, there is no money bag or jade pendant around the waist... Well,

There is no value in stealing. ’

She smiled: "I'm so sorry, my mother told me to go home for dinner!"

After saying that, Wei Ruoxi turned around and left in one direction.

"Hey! Girl, why don't you leave your contact information!"

The man didn't give up, but Wei Ruoxi ran away at a very fast pace. The man immediately felt deeply regretful, but a few guys were very brave and followed him directly.

But after a few corners, the girl was lost.

The spiritual consciousness of these practitioners dispersed, but they still could not find any trace of the girl. Only then did they realize that such a beautiful girl was probably the daughter of a wealthy family.

Wei Ruoxi continued to wear her coat and hat, and her body hidden under the clothes one size larger than hers jumped up and down as she walked through the streets. Not long after, she came to the outside of a huge mansion.

She looked around to make sure no one was following her, then she stepped lightly on the wall and climbed into the house.

There was a plantation garden inside the wall. Wei Ruoxi walked through the plantation garden with ease, then walked through several winding paths and came to a small courtyard.

"Miss, you are back!"

In the yard, a maid was sitting uneasily on a stone bench. When she saw Wei Ruoxi coming back, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said.

Wei Ruoxi took off her hat, looked around, and asked, "Xiaohuan, how are you? Is anyone looking for me today?"

The maid named Xiaohuan replied: "The eldest lady sent someone here to invite you to watch the martial arts competition auditions. I refused temporarily because you are practicing."

Wei Ruoxi nodded and gave a thumbs up: "Well done! What's so interesting about the auditions of a martial arts competition? Most of them are just wine bags and rice bags. You don't even know if something is missing!"

Xiaohuan didn't dare to speak.

If people knew that there was a third lady in the Wei family who was known for cultivating Haoran's righteousness and liked to steal things... the consequences would be disastrous.

"I'm going back to my room to practice first. Remember to call me when you're eating."

"This slave knows."

Wei Ruoxi walked into her boudoir. The room was beautifully decorated and filled with the fragrance of a girl. Wei Ruoxi walked to the desk and sat down. She ran her finger across the storage ring and took out an elegantly styled women's mobile phone with a beautiful protective cover.

She picked it up with her fingers, turning the phone on her fingertips.

"Hmm...what should I do with this phone?"

She thought with a headache.

Wei Ruoxi has had a dream since she was a child, that is, to become a grand thief. Like in martial arts, stealing people's things is as simple as poking around and not being discovered.

However, the Wei family's tutoring is extremely strict. Children of the Wei family must read "Haoran Ji" familiarly from an early age. After awakening their spiritual veins, they can only and must practice the Haoran Zhengqi Jue!

Therefore, under the guidance of her parents, she deeply realized that stealing is a bad behavior, so she developed a habit and hobby.

That is to not leave after stealing something, but to follow the stolen person, observe when the other person will find out that the thing has been stolen, and then return it after the other person finds out.

Well... when I found that something was missing, it came back again. Looking at it this way, didn't it mean that the thing was not lost? It’s not like he did something bad!

And this way you can practice your skills and enjoy a sense of accomplishment...it's simply a double-edged sword!

She started trying out on the streets when she was twelve years old. She often failed at first and was chased everywhere. Fortunately, she rarely showed up. Jiangming County is large and the Internet is not developed, so no one discovered that she was the third young lady of the Wei family. .

After experiencing countless failures, she! Wei Ruoxi! Now he is a qualified thief! In the past two years, she has been out stealing and has never been caught.

However... I found that it was not discovered, but something unexpected happened, and that was the mobile phone in front of me.

Yesterday, she went to Huayue Pavilion to look for prey. Unexpectedly, she was overtaken by a pervert without eyes. She escaped from Huayue Pavilion during the commotion. When she left Huayue Pavilion, she bumped into a woman wearing a bamboo hat. .

At the moment of the collision, she just acted on instinct... and then ran away.

Because someone was chasing her, she failed to follow the woman immediately. When she went back, she could no longer find that person.


Wei Ruoxi held her head with one hand and turned her phone around with the other hand, looking helpless.

After all, I didn't really steal anything and didn't pay it back. If the phone really stayed with me, I would still feel bad about it.

She looked at her phone and said to herself: "How about... when I call next time, I can make an appointment and return it?"

In fact, someone called this mobile phone yesterday, and the note was from a person named "Xiaoying", but she didn't dare to answer it.

Now that I think about it, I should actually take it.

But now... Wei Ruoxi pressed the power button on her phone, but there was no response.

The phone ran out of power and shut down at some point. In fact, when she got it yesterday, it only had the last bit of power.

Wei Ruoxi's eyes were on the wall in front of the table, she reached out and picked up the charger cord plugged into the wall, plugged one end into the phone, and turned the phone back on.

"It's not good to peek into people's privacy. I'll just check the contacts and then make a call to return the phone."

She muttered to herself, and when the phone was turned on, she realized that it needed to be unlocked. She didn't open it on her own initiative yesterday, so she didn't even know about it.

But this is not a problem for her. As a master thief, in addition to being able to steal physical objects, she also has to try to make some information-based products a piece of cake.

Unlocking her phone is not a problem for her at all!

The Hunling World is a world that advocates spiritual power. Even though Tianling Continent has entered the technological era, the development of technology is still not fast. The password lock function of mobile phones is actually not powerful. People who have learned a little bit of technology can actually do it easily. of unlocking.

This little girl is not talented, but she happens to be familiar with some skills in this area.

She glanced at the screen saver interface of the phone and said, "These two little guys are quite cute."

Yun Xi's mobile phone screensaver is a photo of Yun Ze and Yun Li.

After looking at the screen saver for a moment, Wei Ruoxi began to show off her skills.

A few minutes later.


Wei Ruoxi, who successfully turned off the password on her mobile phone, raised her chin slightly and smiled proudly.

She gently slid her finger across the screen and opened the phone.

The main interface of the phone has a different background from the screensaver interface. It is a group photo with many faces she has seen before.

"Yun Xi, Ying Nian Ling, Xia Qingyao... aren't these people from Yun Xi's group? I didn't expect that girl to be a fan of Yun Xi and the others! But how did she get this photo? I have never seen it online. Never seen it.”

“But this phone is really clean!”

After flipping around twice, Wei Ruoxi found that in addition to the built-in software, the phone only had a chat software, Wanmin.com software, and some music software.

There are no other software such as videos or games.

"Is that woman a spiritual cultivator?"

Only spiritual cultivators have such clean mobile phones. They focus most of their energy on spiritual practice and don’t spend much time playing with their mobile phones.

After turning the phone back on, Wei Ruoxi found that a lot of missed call messages popped up, all of which were called in the middle of the night. Among them, a person with the note "Xiao Yuan'er" made the most calls, but at that time, the phone had run out of power and automatically shut down. .

"It should be that the missing mobile phone was discovered, so we can just go back there, right?"

Wei Ruoxi hesitated for a moment, then suddenly glanced around and found that there were notes such as "Nianhan", "Xiao Xiaoxiao", "Aqi", etc. in the missed call.

All are women.

It's not that this is strange, it's the notes that are strange.

Wei Ruoxi returned to the main interface and looked at the person with the background photo.

Ye Nianhan, Li Zixiao, Lu Qi...

The three-day battle not long ago caused great disturbances in Tianling Continent. The commendation notices for Yun Xi and other participants were posted on the top of Wanmin.com for many days, and one of her cousins ​​was among them.

Therefore, she also paid attention and remembered the faces and names of these people.

These notes, and this photo...

"Is that young lady already a fan of Yunxi to this extent?"

Wei Ruoxi's eyes widened in surprise. She often heard people say that fans are crazy, but this was the first time she had seen someone change the name of a friend directly to a member of Yun Xi's force.

It's simply...incomprehensible!

"At this point, I'm already crazy!"

Wei Ruoxi shook her head and sighed, thinking that when she returned the phone, she still didn't show up. Otherwise, if she saw this kind of dark history, the woman would definitely be ashamed and angry, right?

No longer thinking about it, Wei Ruoxi opened her address book.

'I didn't want to see what other notes she had made, I just wanted to see who would be appropriate to call. ’

She thought, arguing for herself.

"Yaozi, Qingyao, Feng Weiyan, Lingxiaoyun, Wei Wenlong... hmm? Wei Wenlong?!"

Wei Ruoxi blinked, turned off the phone, and turned it on again.

There is indeed a note from Wei Wenlong in the address book.

Normally, even if it is imitation, it should not be imitated to this extent.

As smart as Wei Ruoxi, she had already realized something was wrong.

She looked at the phone screen and hesitated for a long time, and finally clicked on Wei Wenlong's name.

Dial the number.

The phone's ringtone rang, and it wasn't long before the call was answered.

"Hey, Yunxi."

The moment her cousin's voice came, Wei Ruoxi's entire body turned into stone gray.

This time... the trouble is raging.

"Yun Xi?"

On the other side of the phone, Wei Wenlong was still making confused sounds.

Wei Ruoxi quickly came to her senses, hung up the phone and covered the phone on the table.

"It's over..."

Wei Ruoxi's eyes were dull and she murmured.

After all, who would have thought that he just stole a mobile phone yesterday because of his stupidity, and the mobile phone he stole was Yun Xi's mobile phone!

"No, that's not right. I still have a chance now!"

Wei Ruoxi crossed her arms and began to think.

"At present, everyone should only know that Yun Xi's mobile phone is lost, but they don't know that I stole it, so as long as I return it without exposing my identity, it will be fine."

She recalled carefully that there was a woman next to the person she bumped into yesterday. If the owner of the phone was really Yun Xi, then the person next to her should be Ying Nianling.

After all, these two people were invited to attend the martial arts conference, so the probability of moving together was very high, and the first call I received yesterday was from someone named "Xiaoying".

By then they should have discovered that the phone was missing.

After thinking about all this, Wei Ruoxi took a deep breath and made a decision.

She clicked on the contact with the note "Xiaoying", hesitated, and started typing.

[The mobile phone is buried under the big banyan tree on Minghuang Street, marked with ink grass. 】

After editing the message, Wei Ruoxi did not send it immediately, but silently waited for dark.

"Miss, Madam has asked you to eat."

"I won't eat anymore. I want to continue practicing."

"This slave knows."

Wei Ruoxi held her cell phone in both hands and waited patiently for nightfall. Suddenly, she had an idea.

‘Since Yunxi and the others can’t find out that I stole the phone, then it shouldn’t matter if I take a second look... right? ’

Thinking like this, Wei Ruoxi turned on her phone in a nervous mood.

‘I don’t look at messages or anything like that, I just look at the photo album for a while. ’

Wei Ruoxi set a rule for herself, and then opened the photo album.

She opened her eyes wide when those photos that were not ordinary to outsiders came into view.

This night, Wei Ruoxi entered a new world.


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