The spiritual power turned into a whirlpool, flowing in the room and gradually dissipating.

Yun Xi's cheeks were dripping with sweat. Even though it had taken him nearly a month to adapt, the pain of tempering his spiritual veins was still not easy to bear.

His eyes slowly opened, and Yun Xi broke away from the state of intensive cultivation.

She carefully felt the resilience of her spiritual veins now. After a month of hard tempering, her spiritual veins were indeed stronger than before, but whether it could withstand five years of spiritual power growth at once was still open to question.

But now she couldn't continue to be in seclusion. Yun Xi took out her mobile phone and took a look. It was neither early nor late. It was the early morning of September 30th.

Tomorrow, the main competition of the Jianghu Martial Arts Conference will begin. The main competition will be held in Jiangming County, so Yun Xi does not have to rush, which is a lot of convenience for her.

However, there will be an opening ceremony when the main game starts tomorrow, and they will definitely need to show up then. Today, they need to go to a spot and rehearse a little bit.

Moreover, Yun Xi turned on her phone and looked at the message sent by Prince Jiang Ming. It seemed that guests from the Heavenly Beast Continent and the Heavenly Demon Continent were also here.

"The relationship between the demons and the heavenly spirits is so tense, yet they dare to send people here. How brave they are!"

Yimeng also saw the messages on Yunxi's cell phone.

"The two countries are at war without killing the envoy. Besides, this is a martial arts conference. Tian Ling personally invited us. As the host, not only can we not attack the demons, but we must also ensure their safety. However, we dare not provoke these people. What a trick, I just don’t know who will be sent.”

After a brief exchange with Yimeng, Yun Xi stood up, patted her clothes, and said to Ying Nianling: "Xiaoying, let's go to the county prince's mansion."


Ying Nian Ling has also withdrawn from the state of cultivation at this time. She is different from Yun Xi. This white-haired girl does not need to practice any spiritual skills or exercise her spiritual veins. She only needs to focus on improving her realm. .

Relying on the ever-changing talisman technique, she has no worries about spiritual skills.

There was no need to deliberately pack anything. The two of them put on Yuezhou-style clothes, put on bamboo hats, and headed towards the county prince's palace.

The weather in Yuezhou that has been cloudy for more than half a month has finally turned sunny recently. Although cloudy days are more pleasant at this time of year, since it is a competition,

It is more comfortable to watch when the sky is brighter.

Yun Xi was walking on the street, the sun above her head was setting, and not even a drop of sweat could be forced out of her.

It has been a month since she came to Yuezhou. Except for a lot of things happening in the first two days, the follow-up has been smooth.

No bad information or photos about him have been exposed online, and Wei Wenlong's investigation into human traffickers is also continuing to follow up.

She asked twice and heard Wei Wenlong say that the people behind the human traffickers seemed to be not simple. She only encountered some of them by chance, and they planned to catch a big one.

Yun Xi also agreed with this, and said that if she needed anything, she could just call her. After all, she had always hated human traffickers.

The door of the Prince's Mansion was not closed. When Yun Xi and his wife came here, there were already people waiting at the door. When they saw the two of them, they immediately stepped forward and said respectfully: "Miss Yun, Miss Ying, the Prince is already in the hall. Waiting, please follow me."

"Good work."

Yun Xi and Ying Nianling followed him into the Prince's Mansion.

As the residence of the prince, it is naturally strictly forbidden to pass around the prince's residence, so no one will peep.

Yun Xi and the two came to the mansion and walked for a few minutes before arriving at the reception hall. Before they walked in, Yun Xi felt no less than ten auras.

Some of them were quite familiar to her.

'so many people? ’

"Your Majesty, Miss Yun and the others are here."

"Okay, come in quickly."


Entering the hall, Yun Xi and Ying Nianling saw the people inside.

There were nearly twenty figures in total among the four major princes. Yun Xi glanced at these people roughly. There were many strangers, but equally, there were also many acquaintances.

A little white-furred fox was sitting on a wooden chair that was several times wider than its body. It stood upright on its front legs. When it saw Yun Xi appearing, it immediately turned around and forgot about it. Its sky-blue eyes lit up and it blinked. But he didn't speak.

In addition to it, Yun Xi also saw Niu Wenhua in the transformed state. She was still as cute and cute as she had seen in the mysterious realm, and her body was not strong at all.

In addition to these two clans, Yun Xi also saw several other Heavenly Beast children who had a relationship with each other in the Zun Mysterious Realm. Among them were Gui Zizhou from the Dragon Turtle clan, Qing Yuan from the Qingying clan... Take a closer look. Next, among the ten clans of heavenly beasts, not one clan was absent.

Even the Nightmare Beast Jiaolong and other clans who had a bad relationship with the Tianling also sent their disciples.

‘Is it because of my relationship with Xiaoying? ’

Yun Xi could probably guess the reason why they came here. They just wanted to witness the inheritance of the gods they had received. After all, for these young disciples of various races, the inheritance of the gods was too tempting.

But in addition to these people from the Demon Clan, Yun Xi also saw an acquaintance from the Demon Clan.

Even in this environment, You Tingjing was still wearing her black gauze skirt, which was extremely economical in fabric. Her graceful body was looming under the skirt, and she was exquisite and embossed.

She was turning her beautiful eyes slightly at this moment, looking at Yun Xi with a slight smile on her lips.

Yun Xi couldn't help but have the urge to take a step back.

Not sure if it was a coincidence or if only one person was allowed in, Yun Xi found that there was only one disciple sitting here from the Ten Celestial Beast Clan and the Demon Clan, and on the other side of the table, in addition to the four hosts, there were several strange but familiar disciples. The figure that gives people a vague sense of oppression is probably a strong man from all forces.

Yun Xi did not spend too much time speculating, but instead bowed to the four princes with Ying Nianling.

"Junior Yun Xi (Ying Nianling) has met four princes!"

Prince Jiang Ming raised his hand with a smile and said, "Take a seat."


The two of them took their seats, and then Yun Xi's eyes met Bai Qing's. The little fox winked at her triumphantly, seeming to be bragging about his arrival in Tianling.

Yun Xi remembered that it seemed like it was the first time it came to Tianling Continent, and it had never been there before.

She smiled lightly.

In the upper seat area, several strong men from the Monster Clan and Demon Clan also took a look at Yun Xi and Ying Nian Ling. Some of them had not gone to Longshan Bone Mountain to attend the three-day battle, so this was their first time meeting them. to these two young men with outstanding reputations.

The four princes of Yuezhou looked at each other, and Wen Heming, the prince of Jiangming County, said: "Yun Xi and Ying Nianling have arrived, so everyone is here this time. First of all, welcome to all of you who have been invited to participate in this martial arts conference. As I said before I introduced myself, Yunxi and you are a little late, so you will get to know these guests later."

Yun Xi stood up and said politely: "This junior knows."

Wen Heming smiled and said to the powerful men of all races in the upper seat: "The purpose of inviting you all this time is undoubtedly this martial arts conference. To be honest, we have held more than ten martial arts conferences, and this is the first time that we have been invited to attend the martial arts conference. The beast tribe is here in full force."

The younger generation of the ten major Sky Beast Clan all sent people here, but the strong ones from the older generation were not complete, there were only four or five. After all, the ones who were really invited as guests were the young disciples of all races. These few The strong men of the Heavenly Beast Clan are mainly to protect themselves and other disciples of the Heavenly Beast Clan with whom they have good relationships, so there is no need to send out too many people.

Several people smiled slightly when they heard Wen Heming's words. In this conference, they were just accompanying them, not the protagonists.

Wen Heming continued: "The main event of this conference will be held in Jiangming County, and tomorrow will be the opening ceremony. We have prepared accommodation for you in Wangjiang Tower, and we will send people to notify you of your participation. Please be sure to do not be late."

Bai Qing and other Tianshou and You Tingjing all nodded. They may have high status in their respective forces, but since they agreed to Wen Heming's invitation and came to Tianling to participate in this martial arts conference, they naturally still have to abide by this conference. some rules.

Wen Heming smiled gently: "This is about the arrangements for the main competition of this martial arts competition. All thirteen of you will serve as guest judges this time and sit on the commentary stage one after another. Yuan Zhou."

A middle-aged man standing next to him took the initiative to come down, took out thirteen volumes of schedules from his hand, and handed them to everyone or the demon.

Bai Qing looked at the arrangement list placed on the table next to him, jumped from the chair to the table, stretched out his little paws to open the booklet, which covered an area larger than itself, leaned forward, and looked clearly Wu Gu's blue eyes quickly scanned the schedule, and then nodded with satisfaction.

At the events it needs to attend, Yun Xi or Ying Nianling will attend with them, which is great.

Yuan Zhou and others had almost finished reading the schedule in their hands, and just now said: "This martial arts competition will be held separately for men and women. The women will fight in the morning and the men will fight in the afternoon. In the first round of the main competition, we will adopt a group points system. , there are many contestants from all parties participating in the competition this time. We will arrange our own judges to explain most of the competitions with less suspense. Only some of the more exciting and important competitions will let you come forward.

And during the break during the game, we may arrange for a few guests to come on stage to discuss and show everyone the strength of the forces in all parties. This kind of competition only needs to end at the end, and there is no need to determine the winner. "

Several people and demons looked at each other without saying anything. These requests had been made before.

You Tingjing put down her right leg which was resting on her left leg, and placed her right leg on her left leg. Her voice was not that seductive, but still soft and charming: "I have a question I want to ask."

Yuan Zhou said: "Miss You, please ask."

"I would like to ask, is it up to you to decide this mutual competition? Or can we discuss it ourselves? In addition, I am not the only young disciple coming from the demon clan this time. It is also feasible for me to let several junior brothers and sisters perform. Bar?"

You Ting's beautiful eyes turned slightly. She was clearly looking at this middle-aged man, but Yun Xi always felt like she was being watched.

‘This witch! ’

Yuan Zhou said with a smile: "If we can discuss it among ourselves, that's fine. If not, we will make arrangements. Since the guests invited to this conference are from various tribes, it is feasible if the same tribe or disciples are willing to take action. It's just an exhibition match, but it won't work if everyone doesn't take action from the beginning to the end."

As a judge, you naturally need to show corresponding abilities. No matter how high your level is, you must at least make the casual cultivators convinced by their comments.

You Ting nodded quietly and said nothing more.

Seeing that the others didn't say anything, Yuan Zhou continued: "After the group points match, it will be..."

He explained in detail the competition format, schedule, and some of the work of the guest judges. The reason why he explained the schedule in detail is naturally because if you don’t even understand the schedule, it will cause trouble when the time comes to evaluate it. Isn't Long very embarrassed?

The disciples of all races listened carefully, but they didn't feel irritated at all. Although this martial arts conference was far inferior to the three-day battle some time ago in terms of gold content and popularity, in terms of popularity and excitement, it absolutely crushed the latter. .

It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the most famous conferences in the entire Hunling world, and it is their first time to participate in this conference as guests, so they will naturally be very energetic.

If you think about it carefully, you might even get a little excited about it.

After all the details about the conference were explained clearly, Yuan Zhou said: "Next, I will take you to Jiang Minling Field to see the competition venue and get some detailed understanding. Several people of the same clan can also go with us."

Jiang Ming County only invited one person as a guest judge for both the Ten Celestial Beast Clan and the Demon Clan, but there were more than one person as an audience or participant in the performance competition.

Yun Xi and Ying Nianling are about to take action, and more than one disciple from each tribe wants to come and watch.

"Please follow me."

Yuan Zhou took the initiative to lead the way.

Yun Xi and others followed behind.

The four princes did not come together, but ordered other subordinates to serve tea and wine, and began to drink and chat with the powerful men from various ethnic groups who came with them.

call out--

Just after leaving the county prince's house, a white shadow jumped from Niu Wenhua's head to Yun Xi's shoulder. Bai Qing raised her little paw and patted Yun Xi's head. The pink flesh pad patted Yun Xi's head softly. of.

"Not bad! 'The winner will be able to challenge Yun Xi and Ying Nian Ling, and compete with the inheritor of the God.' It's really impressive."

The little fox's long and narrow eyes are full of narrow eyes.

Yun Xi couldn't help but blush, and reached out to pat the little fox on the head, but the latter nimbly dodged it.

"You're the only one who talks so much! Why, didn't you say before that your clan leader wouldn't let you leave the Sky Beast Continent? Why is this martial arts conference coming?"

Bai Qing's furry tail hung down, hanging on Yun Xi's shoulders like a fox coat.

"Of course I will argue with reason! I am the future clan leader of the Snow Fox Clan! Who can't give in to me? Besides, the clan leader is the clan leader now, but he will not be the clan leader in the future!"

She shouted proudly, only she dared to say such rebellious words casually, which made Yun Xi couldn't help but sigh at its status.

She shook her head helplessly and said hello to Niu Wenhua and Gui Zizhou.

Just after saying hello, before even saying a few words, a demon man in purple robe walked over: "Miss Yunxi."

Yun Xi looked at this person doubtfully: "Who are you?"

The man smiled lightly and said: "I am Mengtang, the young patriarch of the Nightmare Beast Clan. I have admired the name of Miss Yun Xi for a long time. I feel honored to meet her today."


Yun Xi's sea of ​​​​consciousness swayed slightly. In her sea of ​​​​consciousness, Yi Meng, who had just hidden his aura because of the presence of several powerful spiritual masters, suddenly raised his head.

Yun Xi himself also narrowed his eyes slightly.

Mengtang, the direct successor of the Nightmare Beast Clan that was framed by Yimeng!


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