
Bang bang bang! !

A huge roar echoed in the practice room of Tianling Gaowu Nei's Spirit-Zhuling Pagoda. Nangong Yao held a giant sword and swung it towards Feng Weiyan in front of him. The latter held a jade fan and kept resisting.

The two fought for hundreds of rounds, and both of them were somewhat out of breath.

Nangong Yao held the heavy Jiujun Sword in both hands with serious eyes. After another fight, he turned around and stepped towards the void with his right foot. The air wave was emptied, and he rushed out like a cannonball.

Feng Weiyan felt the strong pressure brought by the other party, and with a sharp look in his eyes, he immediately waved the Wind Spirit Fan in his hand. The Wind Spirit Fan opened, and the fan blades split and flew out, turning into jade slips with spiritual light printed inside, and they interacted with each other. Overlap, self-proclaimed formation.

Nangong Yao didn't flinch, he held the big sword tightly in his hand and slashed out horizontally. The azure spiritual power all over his body exploded, and his strength increased suddenly.


The formation formed by the jade slips collapsed, Feng Weiyan was affected by the remaining power, and the whole person took a few steps back.

Nangong Yao held the sword with two hands instead of one. He waved the sword gently, put it in the storage ring, smiled at Feng Weiyan and said, "I accept it."

Feng Weiyan made a move with his hand, and the jade slips scattered in the air turned into a jade fan again, which was pinned to his waist.

"You kid, your progress has been amazing since you came back from the Sky Beast Continent."

In the past, Nangong Yao would never be his opponent, but in the Secret Realm of Zunshen, Nangong Yao reached the third level, while he and Tian Ye stopped at the second level. The former enjoyed the improvement of the third level. He overtook them in an instant.

However, the improvement of realm is certainly one aspect. According to his opinion, the current Nangong Yao's fighting ideas and other details are actually slightly different from before.

Nangong Yao did some chest expansion exercises, stretched his body, and said: "It is mainly due to Xiao Xi and senior sister. During this time, senior sister gave me a good training."

And Xiao Xi... Thanks to the pill she gave him, his physique was able to increase.

Tian Ye, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, also walked up, reached out and patted Nangong Yao's shoulder, and said earnestly: "Come on, with your current state, there is definitely hope for luck."

Nangong Yao clenched his fist: "Maybe.


If he can reach the Luck Spirit Realm, then he will have some confidence in front of the Dongfang family.

Feng Weiyan sighed with emotion: "The eldest lady of the Dongfang family... I feel a lot of pressure just thinking about it."

Tian Ye smiled and said: "If it doesn't work, just hug Yun Xi's thigh. Although there are generals in the Dongfang family, Yun Xi and Ying Nianling's future achievements will definitely not be worse than them. With Nangong Yao and their Relationship, it won’t be a problem to have a soft meal.”

"That's not the way to eat soft food."

Nangong Yao rolled his eyes at them, and then thought for a moment: "But it's not impossible to hold Xiao Xi's thigh occasionally."

Based on his relationship with Xiao Xi, if something happened to him, she would definitely not hesitate to help, but if possible, he still hoped to avoid such unilateral requests.

Feng Weiyan took out his mobile phone and checked the time: "Tomorrow is the main competition of the martial arts conference, it's time for us to set off, right?"

Nangong Yao nodded: "Well, if we set off now, we will definitely make it before tomorrow morning. Xiaoyuan and the others have already secured tickets to Jiang Ming's Spiritual Field through their connections, so there is no need to worry about not being able to get in."

Xiao Lingyuan and the others went to Yuezhou very early, but Nangong Yao and the others, as the few men in Yunxi's force, wanted to practice for a while first, especially Nangong Yao, who also had a girlfriend from his side. What about pressure.

The three of them left Tianling Gaowu and headed directly outside the city. After leaving the city, they flew directly towards Yuezhou without any delay.

However, not long after they started, two figures suddenly passed by them.

The five of them paused and turned their heads to each other.

"Ling Xiaoyun, Wei Wenlong."

Nangong Yao greeted the two of them.

Ling Xiaoyun smiled and said, "What? Are you going to Yuezhou too?"

Nangong Yao also smiled: "Go and support Xiao Xi."

After the first battle in the mysterious territory, the relationship between these people has officially transformed from that of classmates to that of friends and comrades-in-arms. There was no embarrassment in this unexpected meeting.

Nangong Yao asked: "What about you? Are you going to watch the game too?"

Ling Xiaoyun and Wei Wenlong looked at each other, and Wei Wenlong said: "Yun Xi contacted me some time ago and told me that there was human trafficking in Jiangming County. I contacted my father at that time, but after this period of investigation, my father discovered that this This matter may be more difficult than imagined. So we are going over now and are ready to help."

Nangong Yao and the other three looked at each other for a moment, and the former said, "Do you still need someone?"

Ling Xiaoyun said: "Don't you still want to support Yun Xi?"

Nangong Yao smiled and said: "She still has two months to go, so there's no rush. And even if I don't go to support it, she will understand. It's better to say that if I tell her about this, she will probably take action herself. "

He and Yun Xi have known each other for so long, and he still knows Yun Xi's character very well.

Wei Wenlong said: "That's why I haven't told her yet. She should be quite busy during this period."

As a native of Yuezhou and a descendant of the Wei family, he obviously knows more about martial arts conferences than others. He knows very well that since Yun Xi has participated, it is impossible to only show up during the final battle.

Ling Xiaoyun said: "In that case, let's just go."


The five of them flew together towards Yuezhou.

"Lao Cheng, our guest judge is here, you should get familiar with it first."

Yun Xi and others followed Yuan Zhou to the backstage of Jiang Ming Spiritual Field. There were nine figures standing inside, all of them middle-aged and elderly people who looked to be in their thirties to sixties.

The man Yuan Zhou called Lao Cheng was a middle-aged man. Hearing Yuan Zhou's words, he walked over directly. The group of people behind him also followed. When they saw Yun Xi and others, they all smiled kindly. laughed.

"I was just talking about when you would arrive, but now, you're here just in time!"

"Hahaha, Brother Liu is in a hurry. He is an old fan of Miss Yun Xi!"

"What an old fan! I am only over 500 years old this year! I can be considered middle-aged at most!"

"But I'm only three hundred years old. Hahaha!"

A few simple conversations can make people feel the harmonious and lively atmosphere here.

Lao Cheng waved his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, pay attention to your appearance, pay attention to your appearance!"

He turned to look at Yun Xi and others, and found that there were more people than expected: "Are these all guests?"

Niu Dabao, Ming Guhao and other demons or people who came to see the world took a few steps back in tacit agreement.

Yuan Zhou pointed at Yun Xi and the other thirteen people and said: "It's the thirteen of them. I won't introduce more about Yun Xi and Ying Nianling, our Tianling Shuangjiao. The others are You Ting from the demon clan. Jing, Bai Qing from the Snow Fox Clan, Gui Zizhou from the Dragon Turtle Clan..."

After introducing these guests to everyone, Yuan Zhou introduced these middle-aged and elderly people to the guests.

After Yuan Zhou's introduction, Yun Xi learned that among these people, including Lao Cheng, there were three commentators, and the remaining six were resident judges.

According to the prescribed plan, one commentator, two judges and two to three guests will appear on the commentator's desk during the competition.

The main explanation work is naturally done by the commentators, while the judges and guests are responsible for interaction and comments, as well as the analysis of some features.

Lao Cheng's full name is Cheng Anwen, and he is a spirit person in the spirit transformation realm. Although he is not a high-level person, he has been in the commentary industry for two hundred years. He has commented on more than ten martial arts conferences and is considered a famous person in the world of heavenly spirit commentary. Big Brother.

He carefully talked to Yun Xi and others about some procedures and precautions after they boarded the commentary stage. Everyone was quite novel about this and listened attentively.

After everything was explained, Lao Cheng said, "How about we rehearse a few times first?"

Yun Xi and others looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, Yun Xi said: "Then Xiaoying and I will come first?"

As the host, Yun Xi naturally cannot appear shy.

Lao Cheng nodded: "Okay, I'll trouble Master Yuanzhou to arrange for two people of similar strength to compete on the martial arts stage."

Yuanzhou nodded.

Everyone walked outside.

The little fox stood on Yun Xi's shoulder and asked curiously: "Can you tell me?"

Yun Xi glanced at it sideways: "How about you come first?"

The little fox immediately showed an expression of eagerness to give it a try, but thinking about its lack of understanding of many cultures of Tianling, it decided to wait and learn first. As the young leader of the Snow Fox Clan, it couldn't be embarrassed!

"After all, this is an opportunity given to you. Wouldn't it be unfair to you if I took it away? It's okay. Why should I wait in line behind you?"

Coming out of Tianling, it obviously doesn't know much about some professional terms.

"It's a rehearsal."

"Oh, it doesn't matter if I rehearse later. What do you mean by rehearsal?"

Bai Qing opened her big round eyes, revealing a little fox face with a strong thirst for knowledge.

‘If you take a photo of it, you can make it into an emoticon, and it will go viral! ’

Yun Xi looked at its face and thought, and at the same time explained patiently: "It is the awareness of rehearsing. In Tianling, some major competitions or events need to be rehearsed in advance to prevent accidents when they are officially launched. This process of practicing in advance is called rehearsal.”


The little fox nodded his head, and the fox fairy next to him also twitched his pink ears and had a pretty face. He felt that he had also gained new knowledge.

In Tianshou Continent, there is never any mention of rehearsals, and there is no such thing as the Internet there.

After walking out of the backstage, everyone climbed onto the commentary stage, while others sat in the audience, acting as spectators.

After a while, Yuan Zhou found two Lingying Hall disciples in charge of security waiting under the competition stage, and the two got ready.

Lao Cheng picked up the microphone and said in a clear voice: "Everyone in the audience, welcome to this Jianghu Martial Arts Conference. I am one of the hosts of this conference, Cheng Anwen! These are our two judges, Teacher Liu Wei and Teacher Song Wei !”

He paused for a moment, and after Liu Wei and Song Wei finished greetings, he continued: "In addition, there are two guest judges that everyone is thinking about - let us welcome Tianling Shuangjiao, Yun Xi and Ying Nianling !”

There was no applause in the audience. Not only did everyone in the Yao clan feel no passion, they even felt embarrassed and ashamed.

However, Yun Xi naturally kept up with Lao Cheng's rhythm. She smiled and said, "Hello everyone, I am Yun Xi."

Ying Nian Ling glanced sideways at Yun Xi, and then said playfully: "I am Ying Nian Ling."

Lao Cheng smiled and said: "I am very grateful to the two guests for being the guests of this martial arts conference. First of all, let us focus on the martial arts competition stage and invite the first group of contestants to appear!"

He skipped some of the lively dialogue in the middle and went straight to the point. Two Lingying Hall disciples boarded the huge competition stage.

"The two players in this group are passer A and passer B from Lingying Hall! I wonder what kind of wonderful performance they can bring to us as they come from the same school..."

The people sitting in the audience looked at Lao Cheng who was performing continuously on the commentary stage. Their expressions changed from initial embarrassment to gradual admiration. The two disciples of Lingying Hall had already started a duel. They were just competing, so naturally they would not attack with all their strength. But the style of play is fancy and provides a lot of explanation points.

As a commentator, Lao Cheng not only has strong commentary skills, but also has good eyesight. He is very professional in analyzing the current situation and is worthy of being a big brother in the commentary world.

The two judges also showed a very professional level. They are basically in the realm of robbery. They can not only see the movements of these players clearly, but also understand their intentions. They can always say reasonable things at the right time. analyze.

Driven by these three people, Yun Xi and Ying Nian Ling performed surprisingly well. Yun Xi herself is no stranger to explaining this kind of thing. She is also a person with a big heart. She may be nervous before speaking. But once you really open your mouth, you can get into the mood immediately.

Ying Nianling, on the other hand, didn't know what nervousness was at all. She responded to Lao Cheng's questions. The only thing that made people smile was that her answers were always full of fun.

For example, Lao Cheng asked: "Ying Nianling, what do you think of the sword hidden in passerby A's back? If you were passerby B, how should you face this sword?"

Ying Nianling replied: "He can't stab me, he's too slow!"

"What if he got stabbed?"

"I can't stab you! I'm very fast!"


Obviously, this little girl's talent in this area is not as good as her cultivation talent, but that doesn't matter. After all, they have the professional commentary themselves, and it would be nice for the guests to liven up the atmosphere.

Walking off the competition stage, everyone came over.

"Yunxi, how do you feel?"

Bai Qing was held in Hu Xian'er's arms and asked Yun Xi curiously.

Yun Xi smiled and said: "It feels pretty good. I feel like I have discovered another advantage of my own!"

Lao Cheng also praised: "Miss Yun's performance really impressed me. I remember when I gave the commentary for the first time, I was so nervous that I couldn't speak."

Liu Wei laughed and said: "And the comments are also very sharp! I have the potential to become a professional judge!"

Yun Xi waved her hand and said modestly: "It's not that bad, it's mainly due to the leadership of a few seniors."

Everyone laughed.

Yun Xi looked at Bai Qing and asked, "Would you like to give it a try?"

Bai Qing rolled his eyes: "Aniu, let's go!"

Niu Wenhua showed a naive expression: "I can't do it."

"If you can't, go ahead and follow this young clan leader!"

After seeing Yun Xi's performance, the little fox had an attitude of "I'm okay with it."


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