"Why is Jiangming County so far away? Haven't we reached it yet?"

When the main competition of the martial arts tournament had already begun, four figures were still walking through the mountains and forests.

Xia Zidi said with some dissatisfaction: "If you hadn't taken the wrong road, we should have arrived the day before yesterday."

Xuanxuan smiled and said without blushing: "Who would have thought of this! There are many vehicles on the national highway during this period, and there are traffic jams every three steps. If we want to reach Jiangming County as soon as possible, we can only take a shortcut. Who knows The mountain roads here are complicated and complicated, and you can take the wrong route if you are not careful.”

Qingchan said: "You read the map backwards. You can't blame the bad road."

"Stop scolding, stop scolding! I promise I will never look the wrong way again next time."

Xuanxuan held up her hands, rubbed her eyes pretentiously, and pretended to cry.

Qingchan gave her an angry look: "You won't have a next time. If you let Zidie look at the map in the future, Zidie will be more reliable."

Xia Zidi's face was calm, but she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth a little, but she immediately suppressed it.

Don't be too happy, as it will go against your usual style.

Qingchan sighed and asked Xia Zidie: "How long will it take for us to reach Jiangming County?"

Xia Zidi looked down at the map in her hand and said, "At the current speed, it will take at most another day to get there. The opening ceremony will definitely be missed."

Qingchan was a little regretful. Although they did not bring mobile phones because of their experience, and the information they could learn was very limited, they could guess that Yun Xi and Ying Nianling would definitely attend the opening ceremony.

"It's okay, just watch the replay after the opening ceremony."

Qingchan said this more like she was comforting herself, which made Xuanxuan feel a little guilty. She glanced at the map in Xia Zidi's hand and secretly vowed in her heart that she must correct Lu Chi's problems.

The warm wind blew from outside the mountain forest. Qingchan and Hongling's hats swayed slightly, and their two pairs of beautiful eyes bloomed like stars in the forest.

A month has passed since they arrived in Yuezhou. They have also gone from being curious at first to being calm now. Their experience in the world is calmer than they imagined.

Although many outside cultivators have come to Yuezhou during this period, public security management has also been strengthened. Girls like them who look childish at first glance,

Rarely will you run into trouble.

In such a situation where safety is much greater, this kind of experience is more like traveling, and it exercises more their ability to live alone outside.

But think about it, they are only sixteen years old now, and they have not yet come into close contact with life and death. Even Yun Xi and the others only started to go to Hunyuan State in their second year of college.

"However, I suddenly remembered..." Xuanxuan looked at everyone and said, "Even if we arrive in Jiangming County, how should we enter the competition venue?"

Tickets are required to watch the game, which they just don't have, and scalper tickets... don't even think about it with their little capital.

Qingchan's blue eyes were filled with confusion. She didn't know much about the game, and she even forgot that she needed tickets to watch the game.

Seeing Qingchan's look, Xuanxuan and Xia Zidi immediately understood the current situation, and everyone was silent.

"It smells like... blood."

Hong Ling's voice came slowly to their ears, and the three of them were immediately alert. Their noses twitched. Xia Zidi frowned and said, "It does smell of blood."

"Why does there smell blood here?"

Xuanxuan was a little confused.

They were not fools. Even if they took shortcuts in the mountains and fields in order to reach Jiangming County earlier, they still took high-security mountain roads that were not far from the city and were rarely visited by monsters.

In the past few days, they had also met many people, all of whom were similar people on the road and rarely saw blood.

Hong Ling's eyes focused on one place, determined the direction, pointed ahead and said: "Over there."

"Want to go there?" Xuanxuan asked.

Xia Zidi thought carefully and said: "It is better to do less than to do more, in case there is any danger..."

After all, this is not Tianling County. Without family members to back them up, it will be very bad if they get into any danger, especially since they are all beautiful girls in their prime.

Qingchan nodded, she didn't want to take this risk with everyone, but just when she was about to speak, the trees in the forest shook, the branches and leaves swayed slightly, and she heard voices that could not distinguish between men and women.

"Help! Help! Help!"

The voice was sharp and urgent.

Qingchan was stunned, looking at these forest plants, hesitated for a moment, and said to everyone: "Let's go and take a look first, maybe someone needs our help."

"Okay, let's be careful."

Xuanxuan and Xia Zidi were not surprised, because during the past period, Qingchan often made some unexpected but extremely correct judgments. Even they didn't know what was going on. They only thought that Qingchan's Intuition is very powerful.

The four of them walked towards the forest in the direction from which the smell came.

The smell of blood in the air was very light. If they hadn't smelled it specifically under Hong Ling's prompting, they might not have been able to detect the blood smell, which was as light as a mist.

"Is it behind the bush?"

After walking around a few trees that were neither thick nor strong, they saw a bush. There was a lot of dark red on the green branches and leaves of the bush, which was blood.

Qingchan looked at the bush and heard the sound from nature again.

"Help! Help! Help!"

Qingchan took a deep breath and said, "Let's go and take a look."

The four of them walked through the bushes and walked to the other half, and then their pupils suddenly shrank.

Behind the bushes, there was a man lying. His face was extremely pale, his clothes were torn, and there were three bloody scars that were particularly eye-catching. They looked like marks left by the claws of some kind of monster, from his chest to his lower abdomen.

The wound has not yet clotted, and not only is blood flowing out, but the bright red flesh and blood can even be seen inside.

Xuanxuan covered her mouth with her hands and said in surprise: "Is this person dead?"

Xia Zidi didn't dare to get close. She just stared at the man closely. After noticing that his lower abdomen was still rising and falling, she said, "He's still alive."

She turned around and asked Qingchan: "Do you want to be saved?"

Qingchan listened to the voice of nature in her ears, and after a brief hesitation she said: "Save."


Xuanxuan swallowed her throat and walked forward boldly. She met a strange person in a strange environment. Even if the other person seemed to be seriously injured, it would still be scary.

Especially the wounds on his body... were so hideous and terrifying.

Xuanxuan walked to the man and squatted down, taking out a bottle of healing medicine from the storage ring. This was the healing medicine that Lu Qi had brought to them from Wuyangtang. The medicine was much more effective than the healing medicine on the market.

She opened the bottle and poured the powder into the man's wound. The white powder melted quickly as soon as it came into contact with the wound, but the blood flow rate also obviously slowed down.

The unconscious man's expression moved slightly, looking a little painful.

Xia Zidi glanced around, walked to a slightly smaller tree, took out a woman's sword, and swung the sword.


The tree was broken in the middle. Xia Zidie cut the severed trunk several times, and then cut out two wooden sticks of moderate length. She held the two wooden sticks in her hands, weighed them, and said to the three of them: "Let's make a simple stretcher first and take him away from here."

This man's injury is so serious that it may not be cured by just relying on some healing medicine. He still needs to go to a regular medical clinic.

Their realm is not high, and they are not yet able to levitate a man through the air with their spiritual power, so they can only rely on some tools to take the man away.

Qingchan nodded, took out the spare sheets and tied them to wooden sticks to form a simple stretcher, and then carried the man onto the stretcher with Hong Ling.

Xuanxuan looked at the horrific wounds in front of the man and asked with some worry: "Qingchan, will we get into trouble if we rescue people without knowing the basics?"

It's not that she is timid, but Yun Xi and others have taught them before they go out, not to be kind and lend a helping hand to unknown people, because you don't know whether you are saving a good person or a bad person.

However, Qingchan is different from ordinary people. She has a psychic physique. Not only can she directly absorb spiritual power from various plants, but she can also communicate with nature. With this ability, she can effectively obtain many things that others cannot. less information.

The surrounding trees were asking themselves to save this man, which meant that they believed that this man would not cause harm to them. She had relied on nature many times during this period, and she still trusted them very much.

She said: "It's okay. He can't wake up now. We can just send him to the hospital directly."

Xia Zidi also said: "With his current situation, he is not a threat to us at all. When we get to the city, there is no need to worry."

Hearing what both of them said, Xuanxuan felt a little relieved. She took the initiative to take one side of the stretcher instead of Qingchan and carried it with Hongling.

Qingchan said: "Zidi, let's first see where the nearest city is to us and go directly there."


Xia Zidi took out the map and looked at it for a few times. After identifying the direction, she walked in one direction.

With the pace of these four girls, it would only take less than an hour to reach the nearest city to them, but it would not be so easy if there was a wounded person with them.

When she was about to walk out of the forest, Xia Zidie raised her head and glanced at the ground outside the woods. There were no lush branches and leaves to block it, and the violent sunlight shone on the ground unbridled. The steaming heat made the woman scared at the sight.

Given their current state, even if they had spiritual power, they would probably get a lot darker if exposed to such a scorching sun. And like a patient on a stretcher, I'm afraid he will get even more injured.

"Just rest where you are."

Xia Zidie suggested.


The three of them obviously had no intention of rushing under the sun.

Xuanxuan and Hongling carefully placed the stretcher on a flatter ground. Qingchan squatted down and stared at the wounds on the man's body carefully.

The healing medicine from Weiyangtang was indeed very effective. After a few dozen minutes, the wounds on the man's body had completely solidified, but his face was still pale.

Qingchan took out an unopened bottle of pure water from the storage ring, unscrewed the cap, gently opened the man's mouth, and poured the water carefully.

The unconscious man drank the water because of his survival instinct.

Xia Zidi looked at this scene and said: "If you can drink water by yourself, there is still hope."

I'm just afraid that I won't be able to react at all.

Xuanxuan took out a long square cloth and put it on the ground, put her hands on her buttocks, gathered up her skirt and sat down, saying, "Is saving a life like this better than building a seven-level pagoda?"

Several people sat down to rest together, Qingchan smiled and said: "We must save him first."

Xia Zidi first raised her head and looked into the distance, and then her eyes fell on the man: "The injuries on his body are like some kind of claw marks. Such big claw marks should be from very big monsters. There are basically no powerful monsters nearby. Monsters are infested, and he may have been injured in the Hanming Mountains."

Qingchan and Xuanxuan understood what she meant. The Hanming Mountain Range was still a short distance away from their current location. It seemed that this person could escape to this place despite being so seriously injured. Simple.

Xuanxuan glanced at the man's face. Although his face was pale, his facial features were still clear. He was quite handsome. He seemed to be older than his sisters. She didn't know where he was from.

"We'll leave after we send him to the hospital, no matter what his identity is."

she muttered.

Xia Zidi nodded in agreement: "Well, this is the best choice."

Qingchan took out a fan and fanned the wind, trying to drive away the summer heat around her. She had no objection to the two people's proposal. She was also anxious to go to Jiangming County to see if she could see the young lady.

Hongling sat quietly on the side, holding a bottle of ice water in her hand. She put the bottle against her face, feeling the coldness in the bottle, and her slightly red face gradually calmed down.

It's really annoying on such a hot day.

The sun did not slowly move to the west until about six o'clock in the afternoon, burning half of the sky. Qingchan and others set off at this time.

Driving from the mountains and forests to the town, there was the sound of falling stars streaking across the sky.

In recent years, the frequency of meteorites falling in the suburbs of Tianling is actually not very high. In some places, one or two may only fall every ten and a half days. Fortunately, because of the rich heritage in the past, Tianling's mineral resources are not Scarcity.

It was nearly eight o'clock in the evening when they reached the nearest city.

In fact, they are now in Jiangming County, but the martial arts conference is held in the main city of Jiangming County, which is the most lively place. In other cities, the liveliness has dropped a lot because the auditions have ended.

The four Qingchans carrying a stretcher were relatively conspicuous on the streets at night. When they passed the city gate, they were naturally questioned. After the city guards confirmed that the man on the stretcher had indeed been injured by a monster, He let them go, and even kindly told them the location of the nearest and best medical center.

After a few people hurriedly walked, they finally arrived at the hospital half an hour later.

This is a medium-sized medical center, and the interior is filled with a faint medicinal smell, which is not pleasant.

"Is there a doctor here? Someone of ours is injured."

As soon as Xuanxuan's inquiry came out, a middle-aged doctor wearing ordinary clothes walked out of the hospital. He immediately glanced at the unconscious man on the stretcher and frowned.

"Such a serious injury? Come here quickly!"

"Thank you!"

The four people who had been carrying the stretcher finally felt a little relieved after hearing the doctor's voice.


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