"Late, late! Overslept!"

Early in the morning, Yun Xi was woken up by Xiao Lingyuan's cry!

She opened her eyes and saw Xiao Lingyuan changing clothes in a hurry. She looked at the time.

"What a fuss, you still have work today?"

Xiao Lingyuan pursed her lips toward the window: "The rain hasn't stopped yet, it's time to change shifts!"

Yun Xi looked out the window. The heavy rain that had lasted all night had not stopped yet, but the intensity of the rain was relatively light.

Yun Xi also got up from the bed: "I'll go with you."

"Are you going too?"

Ye Nianhan and Xiao Lingyuan looked over, and they were not willing to let Yun Xi live the life of a laborer with them.

Yun Xi said while putting on her clothes: "What's wrong? Anyway, you have to hand over the Star Iron later. It's easier for me to explain it. Besides, I originally came to see you, but now Bai Qing They have gone back and you have to go to work again, so it doesn’t make sense for me to stay here alone. You can’t let me practice every day.”

If she wants to practice, there will be plenty of time for her to practice when she returns to Tianling, so why keep busy here? I only practiced for two hours yesterday and was scolded by Bai Qing.

"That's true."

After the three people finished washing, they arrived at the construction site.

Xiao Lingyuan and his two colleagues first handed over the work. In order to ensure that the project was completed smoothly and as planned, they had to work without being affected by the weather.

In other words, if the rain never stops, they must alternately maintain the barrier.

Fortunately, there are several spirits at the construction site. As long as they cooperate with each other properly, they can maintain such a barrier.

It is not difficult for Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan to just block the rain. The difficulty is to keep blocking it. Before, they had to carefully control the consumption of spiritual power and not let their spiritual power be exhausted prematurely.

But now they don't have this worry, because foreign players have entered the game.

"Xiao Xi, how about you maintain the barrier here and I go back to sleep!"

Xiao Lingyuan looked at the strong spiritual power emerging from Yun Xi's body.

He said with a smile.

Yun Xi nodded: "Okay, Nianhan, then the two of us will be responsible here."

"No! It's better for Nianhan to go back, Xiao Xi, you and I are responsible."

"Who cares about you? Gungun!"

Yun Xi showed a disgusted expression. If the current situation wasn't inappropriate, Xiao Lingyuan might have come to bite her.

Yun Xi said: "I can hold it here by myself. You go and hand over the Star Iron first. Don't delay the project."


At this time, they will not be polite.

Yun Xi watched them walking in one direction and discussed with the others for a while. When the people in the construction team saw the three pieces of star iron in her hand, they were all surprised. The dull and unpleasant feeling from yesterday suddenly disappeared.

After a while, several people came to Yun Xi's side to express their gratitude to her.

Obviously, Xiao Lingyuan and the others put all the credit on Yun Xi, although this was indeed Yun Xi's credit.

Yun Xi dealt with everyone with a smile and continued to maintain the barrier.

Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan returned to sit down next to Yun Xi and participated in the maintenance of the barrier with her.

Ye Nianhan said: "The Star Iron has been handed over, and the City Lord's Mansion of Guyan City will take care of the rest."

Xiao Lingyuan said: "Xiao Xi has made great achievements this time, what reward do you want?"

Yun Xi looked over sideways and asked, "What other rewards can you... give me?"

"Does the Kite's Fragrant Kiss count?"

"Are you taking advantage of me?"

"How can the friendly relationship between good best friends be regarded as taking advantage? Xiaoxi, your education is still low."

"Tsk!" Ye Nianhan couldn't help but laugh.

Xiao Lingyuan immediately glanced over: "Why are you laughing?"

Ye Nianhan took a sip, then coughed twice, and said calmly: "What are you laughing at? I'm not laughing."

"You were obviously laughing just now! I heard it!"

Ye Nianhan looked at Yun Xi.

Yun Xi blinked, her eyes filled with confusion: "Really? Could it be Xiao Yuan'er, did you hear it wrong? I didn't even hear it."

Xiao Lingyuan gritted her teeth: "You two are obviously colluding! Wait, I will deal with you when I get back!"

That night, Xiao Lingyuan was beaten red on the buttocks.

In such an environment of bickering and fighting, Yun Xi stayed in Guyan City for a whole week.

In the early morning of the eighth day, the heavy rain in Guyan City stopped three days ago. Now Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan have no work for the time being, so this is a rare occasion when Yun Xi wakes up earlier than them.

"Xiao Xi, are you leaving so early?"

Although they knew that Yun Xi was leaving today, Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan were still a little reluctant to see her get up early.

Yun Xi said with a smile: "Well, we can see each other again when we return to Tianling anyway. What are you afraid of?"

Xiao Lingyuan pouted, crawled to the edge of the bed, put her arms around Yun Xi's waist, pressed her face against her side, and said coquettishly: "I just can't bear it~"

Yun Xi patted her hand gently and coaxed: "Be good, my sister will sell you candies when you get better."

"Then...I want the green apple flavor!" Xiao Lingyuan thought for a moment and said.

"I want mint flavor." Ye Nianhan followed.

"Okay, okay. I've written it all down."

After coaxing these two pretentious guys, Yun Xi stood up and left without looking back.

In the long lives of spiritual practitioners, separation and reunion are common things, and their lives are still very long, and they will spend a lot of time together, so there is no need to be embarrassed by a temporary separation.

The door closed, Xiao Lingyuan looked at the room that was missing most of the bustle, and murmured: "Let's go."

Ye Nianhan nodded slightly: "Well, let's go."


Both of them sighed and prepared to get up to practice.

Suddenly, the door was opened and Yun Xi walked in again.

"Xiao Xi? Why are you back again!"

The two looked surprised.

Yun Xi pointed under them: "I forgot to bring the bed."


Yun Xi left, not even leaving the bed behind!

Xiao Lingyuan punched the air angrily and muttered: "Damn Xiao Xi, it's just a bed! Why are you so stingy!"

Ye Nianhan crossed his fingers and stretched his body.

"Since it's just a bed, why don't you let Xiao Xi take it away?"

"none of your business!"

"Hey! Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone on the road!"

"You're not a good bird either!"

The two of them quarreled and walked out the door. Yun Xi left, and they were about to resume their practice plans.

When he came to the Monster Clan from Tianling, Yun Xi had Rong Guidu by his side, and he didn't need to make the journey on his own; when he came from the Dream Realm to the Huang Realm, Yun Xi had Bai Qing and Niu Wenhua by his side; now from the Huang Realm to the Snow Realm, Yun Xi is already alone.

She was somewhat bored sitting in the small "cloud machine" she made.

She had already bought the overall map of the Sky Beast Continent and knew where the Snowy Region was. In fact, even if she didn't buy it, the location of the Snowy Region wouldn't be difficult to find.

The Ancient Domain, the Yang Domain, and the Snow Domain are all located in the center of the Sky Beast Continent. As long as you walk in the direction facing away from the ocean, you can always reach one of these three domains.

And as long as you find one, the remaining two are very simple, they are all neighbors.

This time, because Yun Xi was alone, she was traveling faster than when she came to the Phoenix Territory before. According to her estimation, she would be able to reach the Snowy Territory in three days at most.

Three days is not a long time, but it is a short time.

How to use time correctly has always been a question worth pondering for Yun Xi.

She had thought that if she became a writer in the future, the first book she would publish would definitely be "Correct Time Management". As long as she divided it carefully enough, writing two or three books would not be a problem.

With the bonus of your good looks, it should be easy to make a little money.

‘Question: How to make reasonable use of time when traveling alone? ’

‘Answer: Practice while traveling. ’

After asking and answering questions in his heart, Yun Xi took out a scroll. The scroll handed over by Qiu Xin recorded the method of practicing invisibility.


Yun Xi opened the scroll and his spiritual consciousness sneaked into it.

In an instant, a large amount of information poured into his mind. Yun Xi quickly closed his eyes and began to absorb the information.

Half an hour later, she opened her eyes.

"There are actually such magical skills in this world..."

She has never seen invisibility skills like this in her system mall, where most of them are offensive skills. .

She took a deep breath, calmed down, and began to practice spiritual skills.

This invisibility technique is different from the spiritual skills she has learned in the past. The operation process of her spiritual power is contrary to the normal operation method of spiritual skills. Yun Xi does not know whether this invisibility technique is really that special or whether Qiu Xin is cheating. Got her.

Anyway, she had to try it more cautiously.

At noon on the second day after setting off from Guyan City, Yun Xi looked down at her hands. She looked calm and began to use her spiritual power. Slowly, she saw that her palms became transparent and gradually disappeared.


Upon seeing this, Yun Xi felt pleasantly surprised.

Her spiritual power shifted slightly, and her palm reappeared.

A smile appeared on Yun Xi's lips. As long as he could succeed once, even if he just concealed a palm, the rest of his practice would be twice the result with half the effort.

But just as she was excited, she noticed something strange. Yun Xi turned her head and looked towards the "window" of the cloud machine.

Through the transparent window, Yun Xi saw a mountain in the distance.

It is a very majestic mountain. It stands obliquely and covers a vast area. From a distance, you can even see all the bright red flame-like air currents, like a phoenix about to take off.

"Phoenix Mountains?"

Yun Xi recognized that mountain at a glance. The only mountain with such majestic momentum in the entire Phoenix Territory was the Phoenix Mountain where the Lanfeng clan lived.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't see it when I arrived, but I saw it when I left."

Yun Xi took out her camera and pressed the shutter button towards Phoenix Mountain in the distance.

Xiao Yuan'er and the others also accompanied them, and Phoenix Mountain also saw it. Going all the way to the Phoenix Territory was not a loss for Yun Xi.

After seeing the majestic atmosphere of Phoenix Mountain, Yun Xi retracted his thoughts and continued his journey and practice.

In this way, more than one day passed.

The snowy area in winter is very easy to recognize. When Yun Xi gradually entered a place with snow falling all over the area, she knew that she had entered the snowy area.

Winter in the snowy area is colder than other places. Snowflakes are flying here, the trees have turned white, and there is hardly any dirt on the ground.

Living in such a place seems to make my mood much better.

Arriving at the snowy area, Yun Xi slowed down and began to fly low.

She was not in a hurry to go to Tianshan to find Bai Qing. She planned to see the daily life of the people in the snowy area first.

When you come to a new place, if you don't experience the local customs and feel the lifestyle that is completely different from your hometown, then such a trip will be meaningless.

Soon, Yun Xi arrived at the first big city of his trip.

This is a city located in the mountains and forests. It has no city walls in the true sense. The houses in the city are either normal living alone or built around trees. The whole city is completely surrounded by nature.

In the past, the similar residences that Yun Xi saw in the areas of certain races were small towns with few residents, but the vastness of this place can be seen from its endless houses.

This is a city no smaller than Guyan City.

But even without city walls and gates, Yun Xi could still see the entrance to the city. After all, the wide road on the ground that could carry a car spoke volumes.

Walking into this unknown city along the road, Yun Xi looked around.

Because the architectural styles of these houses are not uniform, even if they are lined up one after another on both sides of the road, they do not look neat at first glance. But what surprised Yun Xi was that even in such a city where the houses were not neatly arranged, it did not cause any discomfort to her with mild obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Because it's so clean here.

It is indeed inappropriate to use the word "clean" to describe the forest, but in Yun Xi's opinion, the feeling here is that it is very clean and tidy, especially under the heavy snow cover, it is even more pure.

It makes people feel refreshed just by looking at it.

Walking into the city, Yun Xi saw a small figure jumping out of a small mound next to him that was too low to be called a house. It was a fox with brown-red hair.

It glanced at Yun Xi and said humanly: "New here?"

Yun Xi nodded.

The little fox gestured to the side: "The rules of the city are written over there. Go and read them yourself. If you break these rules and get punished, don't say we didn't remind you."


Yun Xi turned her head and looked under a big tree next to her. There was a square wooden sign with rows of dense characters engraved on it. She walked over.

Seeing that Yun Xi was very cooperative, the little fox didn't say anything more. He just stepped on his four short legs and left quickly.

Yun Xi came to the wooden sign and looked at the rules written on it.

[Snowy Red Fox City City Rules:

1. Littering is strictly prohibited

2. Open defecation (including monsters) is strictly prohibited

3. It is strictly prohibited to cut down forest trees at will


Yun Xi looked carefully and saw that there were about forty or fifty rules written on the wooden sign, nearly half of which were related to environmental sanitation.

"It is indeed the domain of the Snow Fox Clan..."

Yun Xi couldn't help but smile when she thought of Bai Qing's strict attitude towards life that didn't allow any dirt to appear on her body hair.

However, wouldn’t it be too much to strictly prohibit monsters from urinating anywhere?

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