
After night fell, the sound of the howling night wind was particularly clear in the ears of Yun Xi and Bai Qing, not because their hearing was so strong, but because they had climbed more than 300 floors of the stone tower and were already far away from the ground. .

At such a high altitude, the sound of the wind is much clearer than on the ground.

This time's climb to the pagoda was different from the previous climb to the pagoda in Buddha City. They did not need to consider time issues, so they did not speed up their pace deliberately. When they were tired, they would not hesitate to rest to restore their strength.

It was late at night, the sky was dark, and the night wind was howling. It was difficult for them to see clearly what was inside the tower with their naked eyes.

But fortunately, the structure of each floor in this tower is exactly the same. As long as you feel your way around the walls and follow the same rhythm, there will be no problems.

An hour later, Bai Qing listened to Yun Xi's footsteps and asked, "How many floors have we climbed?"

"Can not remember……"

"Forget it, it's not important anyway."

Bai Qing said this and continued to think about leaving.

Yun Xi knew that it didn't care how many floors of the tower they climbed, it was just a little bored. They had been climbing for several hours, and even Yun Xi couldn't keep talking to it.

"Want to learn human songs?" she asked proactively.

"What song is it?"

Bai Qing's voice came from the darkness, seemingly asking, but Yun Xi heard a hint of excitement in it. It seemed that the little fox was quite interested in it.

She thought for a while and said, "Hua Xizi."

"Hua Xizi?"

Bai Qing searched in his memory: "I haven't heard of it. Please sing and see."


Yun Xi rubbed her throat, moistened it twice, walked lightly, breathed calmly, and sang with a sweet voice:

"The willow catkins are light and the hustle and bustle of the world is gradually ebbing away~

A smile appeared on Yiren’s face~Looking for it in the dream~

The prosperous Su Di and the spring dawn~"

Beautiful singing echoed in the stone tower,

As the night wind drifts into the distance, the lonely and dark night becomes beautiful at this moment.

Bai Qing subconsciously stopped and pulled on Yun Xi's trousers to stop her from moving forward, just to prevent her footsteps from affecting her singing.

"Meet Hua Xizi~

You search for flowers~to be used as medicine~

Ancient Materia Medica~

Use flowers to nourish your makeup~how much more charm you can add~


The song was melodious. Bai Qing closed his eyes and enjoyed this auditory feast. When the song gradually faded and the sound of the night wind roared into his ears again, he gradually came back to his senses.

When was the last time you heard Yun Xi singing?

It thought for a while, and finally remembered that it was after the Buddha's Secret Realm that year, and everyone in Tianling set sail for the return journey. At that time, he followed the elders of the clan to the Eternal Yunzhou and listened to Yun Xi singing a song "Portrait of Rivers and Lakes".

After all these years, she seems to be singing better.

It looked up at Yun Xi, with some admiration in its eyes.

It doesn’t matter that this guy is very talented in cultivation, but he is also very good at cooking, music and other aspects. I don’t know if she is really too talented or if she usually works hard on these things.

If it's the latter, then I may have to re-evaluate this guy's cultivation talent.

It scratched its hair. Compared with this guy, the pressure was really great.

While it was thinking wildly, Yun Xi had already lowered his head and said, "How are you doing? Do you think it's okay?"

Bai Qing nodded truthfully and said: "It is indeed a very nice song. If I sing it a few times, I should be able to learn it."


Yun Xi rolled her eyes: "You think so well. Singing doesn't strain your throat, right? Just hum the tune for you and remember it yourself."

With that said, she started walking again and continued walking upward while humming a tune.

Accompanied by the sound of the night wind, the humming sound naturally harmonized with Yun Xi. On such a beautiful night, Yun Xi and Bai Qing finally reached the top of the stone tower.

After walking through the last staircase, there are no surrounding walls on the top of the stone tower. There are only four stone pillars supporting the top of the tower, surrounded by night light. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 49 A beautiful song!

On the side far away from the stairs, there stood a huge mirror. The size of this mirror was exactly the same as the one they had seen when they entered this space before.

However, neither Yun Xi nor Bai Qing walked there, because there was a figure sitting in front of the mirror.

It was a skeleton man. He was wearing a retro golden-red robe. Only his two hands and head were exposed. Compared with the corpse they encountered in the ancient tomb before, the body in front of them was slightly smaller. , and although a lot of dust has accumulated on the clothes, there are no signs of breakage at all.

When Yun Xi and Bai Qing walked up to the top of the stone tower, a faint light lit up in the eye sockets of the skeleton man, and he looked at Yun Xi and Bai Qing as if he had opened his eyes.

Yun Xi put her hand on the hilt of the Nian Shuang Sword, and Bai Qing opened his claws, both of them looking wary.

Click... click...

The sound of bones rubbing together sounded, and the skeleton in front slowly stood up.

"Who sang that song just now?"

A clear voice came from the skeleton's body, and the content in it made both Yun Xi and Bai Qing slightly stunned.

The two looked at each other, and finally Yun Xi chose to answer, "I sang it."

The skeleton nodded and asked, "What's the name of this song?"

"It's called "Hua Xizi"."

"Hua Xizi? The name is a bit strange, but the song is a good one."

The skeleton man said this, seeming to be very interested in music.

Such a reaction surprised Yun Xi and the others, and for a moment they didn't know what to do.

After the skeleton man finished commenting on the piece, he looked at Yun Xi and Bai Qing quietly for a moment and said, "Human, Snow Fox, this is the first time I have seen such a combination. What are your names?"

"Yun Xi."

"Bai Qing."

They answered truthfully, and their vigilance did not relax at all.

The skeleton said: "The name is well chosen. My name is Xiao Yu, and I am the gatekeeper of this tower. It is very simple to go to the Wantong layer."

He opened his robe. Inside the golden-red robe, there were eight pieces of stone and jade hanging. Whether it was shape or color, they were exactly the same as what they had found in the secret room in the Qiandu Layer.

"One stone jade, one quota."

Xiao Yu said lightly.

Yun Xi asked: "How can I obtain this stone jade?"

"According to the original plan, you need to snatch it from me, but now I have changed my mind."

Because there is no flesh and blood, Yun Xi cannot see the other party's expression, and can only discern the hint of playfulness in Xiao Yu's tone.

Xiao Yu waved his hand, and a gust of wind hit him. Neat pieces of wood and slender silk threads shot out from the ground one after another, intertwined and gathered on the top of the tower, and finally turned into a guqin.

Xiao Yu said: "I will give you a chance. If you can play a piece of music that satisfies me, I will give you two stone jade. If you can't play it, then... you have no choice but to do it."

He spoke calmly and seemed to be very confident in his fighting ability.

Yun Xi and Bai Qing communicated briefly with their eyes. They had fought with the corpses in that ancient tomb before, and they knew very well that this kind of skeletons without flesh and blood were far more difficult to deal with than normal people or monsters.

The unconscious one had such a hard time coping with it, but what about the conscious one?

"Can you try it?" Bai Qing asked.

Yun Xi nodded: "It's hard to say whether it will succeed or not."

"If we fail, we'll fight again."

Bai Qing was not worried. This battle was inevitable in the first place, but now it was just good luck that gave him another chance.

After making a decision, Yun Xi asked: "What kind of music do you want, senior?"

Xiao Yu lowered his head and said after a moment of silence: "A song that makes me have no regrets."

There was no concrete description, just such an abstract request. Yun Xi couldn't help but frown.

However, Xiao Yu would not give her any more time or prompts. He said: "After three minutes, if you can't figure it out, just do it."

Think of a piece of music in three minutes, (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 49 A beautiful song!

If the surrounding environment and the figure in front of him were not different, Yun Xi would even think that he had traveled from the world of ghosts to some entertainment world.

It is obviously a world of spiritual cultivation, but I didn’t expect that there are so many art lovers.

She couldn't help but think of Shi Jin and Shi Rong. One liked to play the piano and the other used a jade flute as a weapon.

After the association continued for a few seconds, Yun Xi immediately came back to her senses and began to think about what kind of music Xiao Yu could listen to without regrets. It is definitely not enough to listen to good music. All people who have no regrets eliminate regrets, not just simply Listen to a nice song.

So what is Xiaoyu's regret?

Yun Xi lowered her eyebrows and thought seriously. Xiao Yu and Bai Qing both remained silent, waiting for her answer.

The evening breeze blows, blowing Yun Xi's hair. People say that men are the most handsome when they are serious, but in fact, girls are also beautiful when they are serious. This has nothing to do with gender.

The evening light slightly reflected on Yun Xi's face, as if covered with a faint silver glow.

"If it were me, what regrets would I have?"

When this question came to Yun Xi's mind, she had already thought of the answer.

A few strands of hair were blown, and Yun Xi walked to the guqin. Xiao Yu only prepared a piano for her. There was no piano stand or seat. Yun Xi didn't take the initiative to make any requests. She just sat cross-legged. Next, he placed the guqin on his lap, and then slowly closed his eyes.

The sound of wind gradually became clearer in my ears, and the tune began to echo in my memory.

Yun Xi took a deep breath, raised his hands, placed them on the strings, and plucked them gently.

The strings were plucked, and the first syllable jumped out, kicking off the song.

The melodious sound of the piano slowly spread, and each note was like a slender paintbrush, beginning to outline a beautiful picture in front of Xiao Yu and Bai Qing.

Bai Qing closed her eyes subconsciously and began to listen to the music carefully, actively looking for the story contained in it.

The evening breeze stopped, and the howling wind suddenly stopped, as if the whole world was making concessions just to be able to hear Yun Xi's music.

The tune was neither gentle nor intense. Under the cover of these notes, Xiao Yu seemed to see a lively and bustling street. There were vendors shouting, pedestrians hurried, women wearing red makeup, and boatmen holding poles to ferry guests... That was a scene he had never witnessed in his life.

It was obviously just a temporary guqin, but such a lifelike scene was displayed in front of Xiao Yu's eyes. He stood there in a daze, and was actually crazy for a moment.

The moving melody continued to sound in the night sky. When it reached a certain moment, the melody gradually slowed down, and Yun Xi's sweet voice sounded at the best time.

"The silk ribbon floats up to cover the sunset~ Playing a heart-breaking ancient song~

The picture is so beautiful when I lift it up~ I don’t know whose ink pen it is~

A touch of rouge covered my thoughts~ I had a few drinks but I still felt drunk~

How many talented people will calligraphy and painting three thousand miles ~ the significance of the carving of the River Scene ~"

The combination of the sound of the piano and the singing added a different color to the already strong sense of the picture. Bai Qing had already opened his eyes wide at this time and looked at Yun Xi without turning around.

It still underestimated Yun Xi. This guy must have practiced these things a lot in Tianling. Otherwise, how could he play and sing so vividly and expressively?

At this moment, Yun Xi, who was being watched, had devoted himself wholeheartedly to the music, playing with passion until the sound of the piano slowed down and the singing was finally heard.

After singing the song, she raised her head and looked at Xiao Yu.

At this time, the wind started roaring again and reached the ears of Xiao Yu and Bai Qing again. It turns out that the sound of the wind never stops, only their ears that listen to the wind stop.

Yun Xi asked slowly: "Senior, are you satisfied?"

Xiao Yu did not answer, as if he was still immersed in the previous music for a long time and could not come back to his senses. It was not until a minute later that he slowly asked: "What is the name of your song...?"

Yun Xi said: ""Along the River During the Qingming Festival"."

"Along the River During the Qingming Festival...Along the River During the Qingming Festival...Hahaha, what a name! What a name!!"

Xiao Yu laughed wantonly, and in addition to being heroic, there was also a vague sense of relaxation in the laughter, like a big dream finally coming true and a long-standing regret finally disappearing.

He said (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 49 A beautiful song!

With a wave of his sleeves, two stone jades flew out one after another and fell into the hands of Yun Xi and Bai Qing. He said to Yun Xi: "You won this battle. Although I, Xiao Yu, am dead, I can't speak. And Youxin, you can leave now.”

Yun Xi held the stone jade and watched the stone jade melt in her hands. Then the three-petal mark on the back of her hand slowly disappeared and she smiled.

She gently put down her guqin, stood up, patted the dust on her body, saluted Xiao Yu respectfully, and said sincerely: "Thank you, senior."

Bai Qing also saluted Xiao Yu and thanked him after seeing the marks on his paws disappear.

Xiao Yu didn't care about their thanks. He said: "This is what you did on your own, and it has nothing to do with me. Yun Xi, let me ask you, who created this song?"

Yun Xi said: "The first half of the tune was created by my master when he traveled around the world, and the second half of the tune was learned by the younger generation among the people. What I did was just combine the two and dedicate a piece of music to the older generation. It’s just a painting.”

Xiao Yu seemed to have taken a deep look at her and laughed: "Okay! Okay! Even if you didn't create it, you can interpret it like this, which shows that you have extraordinary achievements. Let's go, through this mirror, you can Arrive at the Wantong Layer. The monsters that lived in the Wantong Layer back then were all powerful, capable of tearing apart space and creating their own secret realms. There, you will gain a lot!"

Yun Xi and Bai Qing's eyes lit up: "Thank you, senior!"

After saying that, they didn't stay long and walked directly past Xiao Yu and stepped into the mirror.

The evening breeze blew Xiao Yu's robes, and he came back to the mirror and sat down slowly.

His eyes glowed red, why did he feel no regrets about this piece of music? Maybe it's because he has spent his whole life never getting out of this secret realm?

He is a descendant of the demon clan who entered the country back then. From the moment he was born, he has been living in the secret realm of the demon king. Every demon clan who lives in this secret realm all year round will inevitably yearn for the outside world.

I want to know the color of the sky, I want to see what the sun is, I want to see what human beings look like, I want to experience the hustle and bustle of the streets and alleys...

Yun Xi must have seen through this, so he painted a picture of the market for him.

"That's great..." he sighed softly.

Compared to fulfilling your wishes during your lifetime, you are truly lucky to have such an experience after your death...

Chapter 49 A beautiful song!

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