I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 51 Small Courtyard and Snow

After his eyes paused on the second painting for a moment, Yun Xi continued to walk forward and looked at the third painting.

The background depicted in this painting is still the sky falling, but what is different from the previous two pictures is that there is one more element here.

It was a towering giant tower. The giant tower fell from the sky. There seemed to be a figure standing on the top of the tower. The giant tower was shrouding the monsters on the ground.

Yun Xi knew that this should be the Demon Lord Tower she was currently in. The senior Demon Lord should have used this tower to save many people of the Demon Clan.

As Yun Xi continued to look down, the content in the mural also changed from the collapse of the sky outside to the development inside.

Another picture shows a pile of bonfires standing in the demon tower. There are figures gathering next to the bonfires. Although the artist did not depict the faces of these figures in detail, Yun Xi can still feel it. The despair and sadness in it.

The long passage was like a mural corridor, and the scrolls on it told stories from thousands of years ago. Yun Xi looked at each one one by one, looking at each one very carefully, and gradually understood the specific content of these paintings.

What these murals depict should be what the Qilin tribe experienced after the sudden natural disaster. They recorded the stories they knew here in the form of paintings. I don’t know whether they are waiting for someone to see them after thousands of years, or whether they are simply Just want to record.

Thinking about various problems, Yun Xi walked all the way to the end of the passage. At the end of the passage was a courtyard. The murals did not stop here, but continued to expand towards the walls of the courtyard. However, compared with the original, the content The coherence can almost be described as "no".

It can be seen that the time span between each painting is getting wider and wider.

In fact, Yun Xi saw some small words in the lower left corner of each painting. She speculated that these should be the time and introduction, but the words at that time were so different from today that she could not distinguish them at all. There is no reading between the lines.

Entering the courtyard, Yun Xi's attention was withdrawn from the wall. She turned to look inside the courtyard. It was a large courtyard. When she came out of the passage, there was a path paved with cobblestones at her feet. On both sides of the path were It's a lawn, expanding inward, with flowers, trees, streams...

The wall lamps on the surrounding walls were shining, and there were streams of light floating in the air. This was the first time Yun Xi had seen a completely indoor courtyard.

Judging from the layout and size of the courtyard, it is obviously very different from the courtyards built by humans.

"This is where the Qilin tribe lived in the past?"

Yun Xi stepped forward from the passage,

I stepped on this cobblestone road and walked forward.

When Yun Xi first entered the Demon Lord's secret realm, when he looked up from the outside, he could tell that the area inside the tower was very vast.

The Wantong layer that we have arrived at now is only divided into eight areas, and the size of each area can be imagined.

The courtyard is huge. Standing at the entrance, you can only see the high walls in the distance. As for whether there are other exits, Yun Xi can only know after searching.

While moving forward, Yun Xi was also observing the surrounding environment and noticed that the lawns here were overgrown with weeds, the water in the streams was turbid, leaves were floating, and half-length tree trunks that had long since lost their vitality were lying on the ground...

In an environment that seems to have accumulated many beautiful elements, everything seems extremely chaotic.


With a slight sigh, Yun Xi stopped because she saw dark black stains on some small stones next to her.

Yun Xi walked over, squatted down, took out a small dagger, and gently scraped the stone with the blade, scraping out a layer of fine powder.


There was no smell of blood in the air, but it was undoubtedly blood stains that had long since dried and solidified.

She frowned, raised her head and looked forward. Her sharp gaze fell on the ground in front of her through the space. There were many black blood stains.

Yun Xi walked over and came to a central garden.

The stream meanders here, and the interior of the garden is in a mess. Bloodstains are scattered on the soil and stone bricks, and beside these bloodstains, there are many skeletons scattered.

The skeletons protrude from the garden, with small halves hanging down in the stream.

Yun Xi looked deeply for two seconds (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 51 Small Courtyard and Snow

Looking at these old skeletons, I continued to walk forward.

After the central garden, there is a wide open space, but this open space is not actually empty.

There are groups of skeletons, and there are many monster beast corpses scattered here. These skeletons are either lying down or standing. Under the skeletons, the ground is dark, and in the center surrounded by these skeletons, there is a broken stone sculpture. .

Yun Xi crossed these skeletons, came to the side of the stone sculpture, and leaned over to take a look.

This is a stone sculpture of a woman. The stone sculpture is divided into two halves. The lower body is still standing on the ground, but the upper body is broken and fell to the ground.

Judging from the fracture marks, this stone sculpture should have been split into two pieces by some kind of sharp attack.

Yun Xi's eyes fell on the upper body of the fallen body. Compared with the paintings that Yun Xi had seen on the wall before, this stone sculpture was extremely detailed. The woman in front of her, from her facial features to her hair, was undoubtedly lifelike. , even the gentle and gentle expression on his face can make Yun Xi directly feel a gentle emotion.

Yun Xi had the honor to meet such a gentle and beautiful woman.

Yun Xi turned her head and looked at the lower body of the stone sculpture that was still standing. She was silent for a moment, and finally stretched out her hand to lift the upper body that had fallen to the ground.

"Ah... so heavy!"

Feeling the great heaviness on her arms, Yun Xi could not help but exclaim in a low voice. She did not expect that this stone sculpture was so much heavier than she thought. Even Nangong Yao's Jiujun Sword should be denser than Why don't you go to this stone sculpture?

Her spiritual veins were running, and the muscles on her slender arms were tense. She picked up the heavy stone sculpture, aligned it in the right direction, and placed it on the still standing lower body.

Alignment alone is of no use, the break marks are diagonal. If Yun Xi lets go, the upper body of the stone sculpture will inevitably fall to the ground again.

Her spiritual veins were running, and she stabilized the stone sculpture with her spiritual power. Then she walked aside and picked up a few bones, crossed them to form a bracket, then took out a string of silver wires from the storage ring to fix them, and finally put them on Next to the stone sculpture, support the upper body.

After doing all this, Yun Xi withdrew her spiritual power, slowly took away her hand, and stared at the stone sculpture. After seeing that the stone sculpture still did not fall to the ground under the support of the skeleton after she took her hand away, she A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"I can restore this stone tablet in such a short period of time. If I can't practice spirituality in the future, I will definitely become a great sculpture restorer."

After thinking about it for a while, Yun Xi walked up to the stone sculpture and bowed slowly to it.

This bow is not out of gratitude, but out of admiration.

Recalling the scene that Senior Buddha showed her back then, in the face of such a doomsday on earth, Yun Xi could not abandon his own people and lead them to pursue the glimmer of hope. How could Yun Xi not admire such a person? ?

After bowing, Yun Xi sighed softly and continued walking forward.

The stone tablet was like an announcement. Starting from the stone tablet, the place where Yun Xi passed through was completely in a mess. There were fallen trees and turned-up soil everywhere. The water in the non-flowing creek gradually turned red. Huge skeletons are lying in various directions...

These ancient traces miraculously passed through millions of years, telling future generations of Yun Xi the tragedy of the past.

Yun Xi stood among these bones. These skeletons were like hills surrounding him. They had different shapes, and many were even incomplete.

"What on earth happened here..."

Yun Xi looked at all this and couldn't help but whisper to herself. Suddenly, she turned her eyes and saw a small forest not far away.

All the trees in the forest were broken at the waist. In the center of the forest, there was a complete and larger skeleton. Different from the surrounding skeletons, this skeleton appeared in front of Yun Xi in a standing posture.

Just from that gesture, Yun Xi could imagine how majestic the other party was before he died.

She slipped through the group of skeletons and walked towards the huge and unique skeleton.

The soil in the woods was far from soft. The black soil seemed to have been soaked in blood. Yun Xi stepped on it and came to the skeleton.

She raised her head and looked at the skeleton at close range, and unexpectedly discovered that there was another dent on the skull of the skeleton, and this dent (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 51 Small Courtyard and Snow

The texture of the marks...

Yun Xi took out the unicorn jade seal he had taken before, looked at the lines on the bottom, and found that they matched the lines on the skull.

She immediately jumped lightly, flew into the air, reached out and printed the Qilin Jade Seal on the skull of the skeleton.

The jade seal touched the skull, jade light burst out from the jade seal, and a strange suction force came from the palm of the hand. Before Yun Xi could let go, she felt her eyes flicker, and her entire consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

In the huge passage, the small white figure looked so inconspicuous. After Bai Qing entered the bronze door of the Snow Fox Clan, he floated leisurely in the air, looking around with his sky-blue eyes.

It discovered that the walls here were different from those on the Qiandu Layer. The wall on the left was engraved with dense text, while the wall on the right was covered with murals.

Its eyes first glanced at the mural, and then turned to the side with the words engraved on it.

"These are... ancient writings."

Bai Qing looked at these words in surprise, then took the initiative to get closer and read them carefully.

[For fifty-eight thousand years, the sky has been turbulent, the sky has cracked, stars have fallen like rain, and all life in the world has been devastated...]

These ancient words are recorded in the ancient books of the Snow Fox Clan. As descendants of the mythical beasts left over from ancient times, the ancestors of the Snow Fox Clan naturally knew these words.

It's just that with the passage of time, the writing has been reformed several times, and it is no longer what it used to be. However, as the first eight-tailed snow fox in so many years, Bai Qing has learned various skills since he was a child under the supervision of Bai Yao and other snow fox clan elders. This kind of culture, the ancient characters have naturally not been left behind.

However, it was precisely because he was asked too much when he was young that Bai Qing became a little naughty and bold after assuming the position of young patriarch.

There are a lot of words on the wall, and the description of ancient times is much more detailed than the mural opposite. Bai Qing felt his eyes tired after reading part of it. He turned his head and looked at the front of the passage. He could not see the exit of the passage yet. , showing how long this wall is.

The content written on such a long wall should probably contain millions of words.

So many words...

Bai Qing blinked and turned decisively to look at the painting wall opposite.

It doesn’t matter if it’s meticulous or not, the main thing is to appreciate the art.

Looking along the passage, Bai Qing finished reading the murals on the walls. Judging from the content of these murals, they should be describing the story of the Snow Fox clan from the time of the collapse to their life in the tower.

Bai Qing carefully discovered that in the lower left corner of each painting, there is a brief introduction to the time and content of the painting.

It's just that this time is slightly different from the description in the text on the left. The "Tower Calendar" is used in the painting.

"Tower calendar refers to the time after entering the Demon Lord Tower, right?"

Bai Qing muttered to himself and found that the time of these murals was not bad at first. The time interval was basically between dozens of days and months. But after that, the time interval between one painting was already several years. For the gap.

When Bai Qing came to the exit of the passage and saw the last mural in the passage, the time on it was already [November 2nd, Year 956,314 of the Tower Calendar].

A passage spans nearly a million years of history, and this is obviously not the end of the story.

But Bai Qing didn't want to look any further, because he discovered that there was a snowy field outside the passage.

The small hills were undulating, the ground was covered with snow, and the cold air was transmitted to her. Not only did Bai Qing not feel uncomfortable, but she felt comfortable in her bones.

As soon as its spiritual power was withdrawn, it jumped directly to the ground, stepping on the white ice and snow, and walked forward.

This is a small snowfield. In addition to snow, there are some igloos and cedars around. The overall look is very clean.

Bai Qing walked up to a small snow hill and looked up into the distance. At a glance, he saw hundreds of huge ice cubes standing in the snow in front of him.

It hurriedly moved forward and passed by.

After getting closer, Bai Qing could see clearly that inside every piece of ice here was a beautiful snow fox. Their eyes were closed, and the beautiful fox tails spread out behind them. The number of fox tails remained between four and eight.

Bai (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 51 Small Courtyard and Snow

Qing stood in the snow, looking at the ice cubes, his eyes trembling slightly, his breathing difficult, and he felt an indescribable feeling of discomfort in his heart.

It stared at all this in a daze, and after a moment of confusion, it suddenly discovered that the snow foxes in these ice blocks seemed to be facing the same direction.

That direction is...

Bai Qing turned to look at the center of the ice and snow. He flashed nimbly and arrived at where Qianhu was heading in an instant.

All the snow foxes were facing in the same direction, and here, Bai Qing saw an ice sculpture.

Yes, it is an ice sculpture, not an ice cube. There is also a snow fox in the ice sculpture.

It's just that compared to other snow foxes, this snow fox's figure is more beautiful, and its hair also has an indescribable sense of sanctity. It has its eyes closed, and its expression is calm. It is obviously a snow fox, but it just gives people a sense of holiness. A sense of sacredness and awe that is unparalleled in the world.

Bai Qing's eyes slowly swept across the snow fox's body, and when it landed on its tail, its pupils suddenly shrank.

This snow fox...

Give birth to Kyuubi!

Chapter 51 Small Courtyard and Snow

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