I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 55 Exchange Competition

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In late January of the 5329th year of the Tianling calendar, Guyan City.

Early in the morning, Ye Nianhan knocked on the door of Xiao Lingyuan's room, walked in, looked at the latter who was meditating, and said, "Have your things been packed? We are about to set off."

Xiao Lingyuan opened her eyes, stood up, stretched her body, and said, "Well, Xiao Xi hasn't responded to the message yet?"

Ye Nianhan shook his head: "I have sent her several messages using the Heavenly Spirit Token, but I have not received a response."

Although the Sky Beast Continent will have an impact on the information transmission of the Tianling Order, it is not completely impossible to communicate with each other. It will only cause corresponding interference according to the level of the Tianling Order.

The Heavenly Spirit Orders of the two of them are not as advanced as Yun Xi Xiaoying's, so they will be slightly more affected. Usually, it takes more time to contact Yun Xi, but now it has been almost twenty days since they started contacting Yun Xi. , Yun Xi still didn’t respond.

Xiao Lingyuan pouted and made a cute nasal sound: "Hmm... It seems that Xiao Xi must have really entered that big tree."

It has been nearly three weeks since the Demon Lord's secret realm appeared, and they have also obtained some corresponding information. After all, the Tianling Order itself is intended to be an intelligence network, and everyone often discusses various things in the group.

Ye Nianhan said: "That should be the case. Since she has gone to the Snow Fox Clan, and with Bai Qing's relationship, she should be fine."

They didn't know much about the huge tree, but they knew that Yun Xi was going to the snowy area. With the power of the Snow Fox Clan, they didn't need to worry about Yun Xi being harmed.

As for what happened in the secret realm...it was uncertain what happened inside. Worrying or not would not affect the outcome of the matter, and they still had considerable trust in Yun Xi.

Xiao Lingyuan turned to look out the window, and quickly looked back. She looked around the room, and after making sure that she had not left anything behind, she nodded and said:

"Okay, let's set off now."


The construction of the signal tower in Guyan City has been completed, and their work has been completed successfully. Under normal circumstances, every time they complete a job, they will go to the next work location and continue to work after a short rest.

The main reason is that both the Heavenly Beast Continent and the Heavenly Demon Continent are beginning to vigorously develop technology, which has led to most of their disciples in the Tianling Alliance being relatively busy in recent years.

However, today they set off not to rush to the next place of work, but to return to Tianling.

After leaving the inn, Ye Nianhan condensed a white cloud and dragged them towards the sky.

Only the two of them returned this time. The rest of the construction team did not go back with them because the Tianling Alliance only summoned the two of them to go back.

White clouds flew into the sky, flying towards the direction of Tianling at high speed. Under the influence of Yun Xi, Ye Nianhan also turned the clouds into the image of a "cloud machine". Although this is a test for the control of spiritual power, if it can really be done Doing so can indeed make them fly more comfortably.

When it comes to enjoying life, they obey Yunxi.

Xiao Lingyuan took out her Heavenly Spirit Token and waited quietly for some information on the interface to slowly load. She supported half of her pretty face with one hand and rested her elbow on the clouds next to her.

She said dullly: "After I go back, I must apply to the hall master for a higher-level Heavenly Spirit Order."

Ye Nianhan looked at her Heavenly Spirit Token interface that showed [Loading...] and couldn't help laughing. In fact, the same was true for her own Heavenly Spirit Token, but as long as she didn't take it out, hers didn't count.

Xiao Lingyuan glared at her: "Why are you laughing? Yours is not much better!"

Ye Nianhan spread his hands: "I have no intention of looking at the Heavenly Spirit Token anyway. You said you want to apply for a higher-level Heavenly Spirit Token, what? Your spirit gathering value has reached the standard of a second-class disciple?"

Xiao Lingyuan blinked and looked to the side: "Well, that's almost it."

Seeing her guilty look, Ye Nianhan knew that this guy was probably just getting high.

The inner disciples of the Tianling Alliance are also divided into hierarchical systems. From top to top, they are divided into four levels of disciples: A, B, C, and D. Each level of disciples has different corresponding positions, authority, resources, treatment, etc.

To improve your level, you rely on a type of points called Spirit Gathering Values. Most of the Spirit Gathering Values ​​come from tasks, and some are distributed in a fixed amount every month.

What determines the level of a disciple is the upper limit of the amount of Spirit Gathering Points gained, so in a way, anyone can be promoted to a first-class disciple as long as they stay on the job long enough - as long as they can really live that long.

Both of them are now C-level disciples, seemingly only ranked in the third level. However, if we add the premise that they have joined the Tianling Alliance for less than ten years, the improvement rate is already over 95%. His disciples were beyond his reach.

Xiao Lingyuan, who turned his head away because of a guilty conscience, suddenly paused, turned around and said excitedly with shining eyes: "What do you think, I let Xiao Xi give me some Spirit Gathering Points? Anyway, she has more Spirit Gathering Points!"

Because Yun Xi and Xiao Ying obtained the inheritance of the Gods in the three-day battle that year, they were directly promoted to second-class disciples, and they were properly rich women.

Ye Nianhan chuckled: "The soul-gathering value of internal transactions does not count."

"Ugh! It's so boring."

Xiao Lingyuan curled her lips, with a look of disdain on her face that made people want to pinch her face.

Ye Nianhan smiled helplessly: "I heard that this competition will also reward the winner with a lot of spirit gathering points. If you really want to upgrade, this is a good opportunity."

Xiao Lingyuan thought for a while and said with a rare melancholy: "I thought so too, but the opponents this time are not easy to deal with. They really came out of the battlefield fighting."

Ye Nianhan shrugged: "Maybe we will win?"

Xiao Lingyuan was made to smile by her attitude: "Yes."

Ever since Tianling and Tianmo signed a peace agreement, the conflicts and frictions between the two sides have stopped, and naturally there has been no war on the demon battlefield.

Therefore, in the past few years, except for some troops who stayed at the Demonic Spirit Battlefield just in case, most of the soldiers took the opportunity to take a vacation, go home to rest, and visit their relatives and friends.

It's just that many times, after warriors who have experienced countless life-and-death fights on the battlefield come back, they inevitably have a strong spirit and a somewhat arrogant attitude when facing other disciples of the Tianling Alliance. This has also led to the internal dissatisfaction within the Tianling Alliance in the past two years. There have been many conflicts.

Therefore, some time ago, after internal discussions, the upper management decided to hold an exchange competition.

The objects of the exchange competition are naturally the inner disciples and the Tianling Army.

Comparing the two sides, the winner will be rewarded and the loser will be punished.

This is also the reason why Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan were urgently recalled.

Members of the Yunxi force have always been the mainstay among the younger generation of the Tianling Alliance.

Xiao Lingyuan thought about these things and said with some regret: "It's a pity that Xiao Xi may not be able to participate in this exchange competition, otherwise we must let them see how good Xiao Xi is!"

Ye Nianhan rolled his eyes at her: "What about you? Don't you want them to see how powerful you are?"

Xiao Lingyuan said confidently: "I'm not very powerful."


After six days, Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan finally returned to Tianling County.

The two dropped off outside the county and were about to take a taxi back to Jingming Community when they suddenly saw a black car parked beside them.

The passenger window rolled down, and a familiar voice came out.

"Xiaoyuan, Nianhan!"

The two turned their heads and saw Nangong Yao, who was in the driver's seat, leaning half of his body to greet them.

The two of them immediately laughed, and Xiao Lingyuan said: "Jiuzi, what a coincidence?"

Nangong Yao smiled and said, "I want to say that too, let's get in the car first."


Xiao Lingyuan opened the back seat door and sat in with Ye Nianhan.

"New car?"

As soon as he got into the car, Xiao Lingyuan took a look at the environment inside the car and found that the interior was really good.

Nangong Yao closed the car window, started driving towards Tianling City, and said, "Well, the city does not allow the wanton use of spiritual power, so it will definitely be more convenient to have a car."

"Oh~~" Xiao Lingyuan's eyes suddenly narrowed and she said in a teasing tone, "Is it convenient for you to date Senior Sister Dongfang?"

"Cough cough cough!!!"

After coughing several times, Nangong Yao almost choked on Xiao Lingyuan's words. He said in embarrassment: "W-what! Don't, don't make random guesses! Senior sister and I didn't do anything."

Ye Nianhan interrupted: "Xiaoyuan just said about dating, but didn't say what to do~"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Lingyuan turned to Ye Nianhan and said, "It seems that the saying 'people who are in love are full of thoughts about unpleasant things' is true!"

Ye Nianhan stroked his chin with his hand and said in a deep voice: "I have learned a lot."

"Ladies, stop talking about cross talk and spare me. I admit, I bought a car so that I can go out with my senior sister."

Nangong Yao, who knew that he was no match for them, decisively raised the white flag.

Seeing this, Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan looked at each other, and both saw a proud smile in the eyes of the opposite person.

After making a joke, Xiao Lingyuan turned to ask: "Yaozi, you suddenly came to Tianling County for the exchange competition, right?"

Nangong Yao drove the car, looked ahead and nodded: "Well, that's right, but more importantly, I'm here to meet everyone. After all, we haven't gotten together for a while, so this is a good opportunity."

The relationship within Yunxi's forces has always been very friendly and harmonious. In the past, they often got together for small gatherings and had a big get-together every few months.

But after the internal rectification of the Tianling Alliance, everyone suddenly became busy, so the time to get together was instantly reduced. Now Qingchan and the others have gone to participate in the Jianghu experience, and the family in Jingming Community is basically in a state of long-term emptiness. human condition.

Hearing what Nangong Yao said, Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan also agreed deeply. In the past, Xiao Lingyuan would often question why his parents rarely held class reunions. Is it so difficult to find time to maintain friendship? ?

Now that she has grown up, she realizes that it is really difficult to make time.

Nangong Yao glanced at the rearview mirror in the car and asked, "Where's Xiao Xi, are you back?"

Ye Nianhan shook his head and said: "We haven't been able to contact her. She should be in the new mysterious realm of the Heavenly Beast Continent."

"Well...I just wondered if Xiao Xi would be involved in that matter. I always feel that Xiao Xi is like a war reporter, and good things will appear wherever they are."

Nangong Yao said with a smile, obviously he had also heard about the turmoil in the Heavenly Beast Continent.

Xiao Lingyuan snorted: "Maybe Xiao Xi has a dog nose!"

Ye Nianhan took out his mobile phone and opened the recording software: "Well, I didn't hear what you just said."

Xiao Lingyuan glanced at it and said angrily: "I say, if you dare to say that Xiao Xi has a dog nose in the future, I will never end it with you!"

Ye Nianhan decisively stopped the recording and deleted the recording completely.

Xiao Lingyuan glanced at her proudly, while Ye Nianhan looked out the window indifferently.

After a pause, Ye Nianhan asked Nangong Yao again: "Yaozi, how much do you know about this exchange competition? We only heard that it will be a competition with the Tianling Army, and the specific competition process is not clear yet."

Nangong Yao thought about it carefully and said: "Because it is just an exchange competition, the competition process is not long. The overall competition system is divided into individual competition and team competition, and there is no promotion in a single round."

"In the individual competition, each side of Shitang and Tianlingjun will send nine players to compete one-on-one with each other. There will be a total of nine games. The side with more winners will win. In the team competition, each side will compete one-on-one with each other. Nine teams are sent out, with six people in each team, and the team competition is conducted in the order of one, two, and three people, and the team with the most winning teams wins."

Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan understood, and the latter asked: "Then how were these candidates selected?"

Nangong Yaodao said: "In the individual competition, three players will be selected from each of the three realms of Beginning Spirit, Channeling, and Transformation. The team competition will select three teams from each of these three realms."

Xiao Lingyuan raised her eyebrows and said, "So, if we form a team competition, Xiaoying can't form a team with us."

"Well, her realm is in the spirit transformation realm. Even if she forms a team, she can only form a team with disciples in the spirit transformation realm. But with her strength, she should be placed in the individual competition."

Xiao Lingyuan lowered his head and calculated it silently in his mind, then suddenly clapped his hands and said, "Hey! This seems to be just right! The three of us, plus Zixiao, Qingyao and Aqi, can form a team."

Nangong Yao nodded and said: "That's exactly what I thought, so I rushed back quickly. Moreover, Lu Qi also contacted me. Xia Qingyao and Li Zixiao have returned. When we get there, we can apply to form a team." ”

Xiao Lingyuan's face was full of excitement. She clenched her fists and said eagerly: "Speaking of which, it's been a long time since we cooperated and fought together! I'm so excited!"

Ye Nianhan leaned against the car window with one hand, supported his chin, and smiled.

Xiao Lingyuan is not the only one who has such expectations.

While Xiao Lingyuan and others began to gather together to prepare for the internal competition of Tianling, a figure was slowly getting up in the distant secret territory of the Demon Lord.

After more than half a month, with the help of Luo Shen's Heart Technique, Yun Xi finally fully adapted to the improvement brought by the cultivation pill.

She stood quietly, looking down at her palms. Between her palms, spiritual power gathered like a whirlpool, and the aura exuded was countless times stronger than before.

"Is this the Spirit Tribulation Realm..."

She sighed softly, held her palms, and the spiritual whirlpool dissipated.

Level 1 of the Tribulation Spirit Realm!

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