I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 67 This is called cuteness!

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Just as it appeared, the giant tree that symbolized the Demon Lord's secret realm disappeared very quickly, and the Hengling Realm returned to peace. Only the thick fallen leaves on the ground told what had happened here.

Yun Xi and others stood in the air, looking at the sea of ​​leaves on the ground, their expressions were a little dazed, but neither Yun Xi nor Bai Qing's eyes showed much sadness.

Because they all know that Senior Demon Lord is still alive. As for where she would go, that was no longer within their scope of consideration.

Yun Xi and Bai Qing looked at each other and said nothing, but they both saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

‘If the outside world knew that an ancient god was still alive, I’m afraid the entire Hunling World would become turbulent. ’

Yun Xi smiled bitterly.

Bai Qing sighed softly.

'So we have to keep it a secret. ’

This person never thought of exposing the Demon Lord's whereabouts, not only out of gratitude to her, but also out of trust in her.

"The world is so wonderful... I practice hard, but I can only peek into a small corner."

Yun Xi sighed in a low voice. When she was still in the warrior realm, she came into contact with Prince Fengyun in the Luck Spirit Realm. Not long after she entered the spiritual path, she came into contact with Sanhuating in the Spirit Killing Realm. Later, she channeled spirits into the Spirit Realm. Now, she has seen the remnant soul of the ancient Buddha; now that she has just entered the Tribulation Spirit Realm, she has seen a living god with her own eyes.

Although she is not sure whether Demon Lord still has god-level strength now.

Bai Qing was not the only one who heard Yun Xi's emotion. The surrounding strong men of all races also heard this sentence. They turned their attention and discovered Yun Xi's realm that they had just ignored due to the turmoil of the giant tree.

How did this human girl... come to the spiritual realm? ?

All the powerful Sky Beast Tribe people present here are well-informed people, but it is precisely because they have seen various young geniuses that they were even more shocked by Yun Xi's realm.

Yun Xi has been famous for some years. They have all investigated Yun Xi and know that this human girl is only in her thirties this year. In terms of cultivation time, she has only been practicing for more than ten years.

After practicing for more than ten years, he reached the realm of spiritual tribulation... He didn't even dare to write this in the storybook.

The expressions in the eyes of all the strong men of the Heavenly Beast Clan have become complicated. According to Yun Xi's current growth rate, I am afraid that within two to three hundred years at the earliest, the Heavenly Spirit Alliance will once again add a strong man of the Soul Killing Realm, and even... ...The realm of killing spirits may not be her end.

Bai Yao glanced at Yun Xi, and then turned his attention to Bai Qing. He suddenly felt that Bai Qing's talent was just that.

Yun Xi didn't know that her realm had brought such a big emotional shock to everyone. She just lowered her head, thinking where would Senior Demon Lord go after he destroyed the secret realm?

Bai Qing on her shoulder, on the other hand, felt a slight chill on her body. She turned her head and saw the patriarch looking at her quietly, and her heart couldn't help but tremble.

‘Isn’t it just a joke? As for being so vindictive? Can you be a little elder-like? ’

After the silence lasted for half a breath, Bai Yao asked: "Did you get anything useful this time?"

Naturally, this harvest does not refer to inheritance, but to the news that the Buddha originally conveyed about why it is difficult to worship gods in the world of ghosts.

However, facing this inquiry, Bai Qing and Yun Xi both shook their heads, looking a little regretful.

The strong men sighed. In fact, they had already inquired when Qingqing and Jin Zhengqing came out first, but they still held on to some hope.

Bai Qing's raised tail swept Yun Xi's fair neck and asked, "What are you going to say next? Should you go to Tianshan with me to stay for a few more days, or go back to Tianling directly?"

Yun Xi thought for a while and said, "Let's go to your place first."

She planned to go to the Snow Fox Clan to stay for a while, and contacted Governor Rong Gui to pick her up. This time the system task was completed smoothly, and Feng Ming and the others did not come to intervene, which was a bit unexpected.

According to Yun Xi's judgment, this is probably because after the Buddha's Secret Realm, the major heavenly beasts have very strict control over the spirits who enter the Demon Master's Secret Realm.

She didn't give them any chance to take advantage of her, but that didn't mean that she was already safe, because when she went back this time, she might encounter Shi Yuan and the others halfway.

Therefore, in addition to Shi Rong, she also had to contact Mr. Wei in advance, just in case.

Yun Xi, who had just come out of the Demon Lord's secret realm, had already made proper arrangements for his subsequent itinerary.

What happened after the Demon Lord's secret realm disappeared was no longer what Yun Xi needed to care about. She and Bai Qing returned to Tianshan Mountain.

The disciples of the Snow Fox Clan undoubtedly had another carnival after hearing that their young patriarch once again waited for the inheritance of the God. Sometimes Yun Xi would find it very strange. In the human world, no matter how talented or powerful his background is, Even if you are a good person, there will definitely be people who are dissatisfied with him and may even resort to small tricks secretly.

This is the case even among some members of the Sky Beast Clan. Yimeng died due to calculation.

But within the Snow Fox Clan, Bai Qing seems to be respected by all the disciples of the entire Snow Fox Clan. According to Bai Qing, this is all because it has eight tails. In the Snow Fox Clan, the number of tails has already determined the number of tails it has. Snow fox’s status as a fox.

"Young patriarch, Master Yun Xi."

Fox Fairy'er, who had been staying in Tianshan, saw them coming back and quickly came to greet them.

Bai Qing nodded and asked, "Is there anything to eat? Bring me some, I'm starving."

"Okay. Master Yunxi, do you want it too?"

Yun Xi thought for a while: "Take four snow spirit fish."


Without returning to the igloo, Yun Xi and Bai Qing came to a quiet courtyard. The Tianshan Mountains were covered with snow. The main color here was undoubtedly white, but this did not mean that there was only ice on the Tianshan Mountains.

For example, what Yun Xi is lying on now is a pine rocking chair covered with soft real blankets.

Yun Xi was half lying on the chair, ignoring Bai Qing, who was repairing hair next to him, and took out his Heavenly Spirit Token.

The moment she opened the Tianling Token, a series of messages flashed out, dazzling Yun Xi for a moment.

'What happened? ’

Yun Xi looked confused. She opened the chat section of Tianlingling and found that she had received messages from many people, including Governor Gui Shirong and Hall Zhang Jiuzhi, as well as good friends like Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan.

She opened the information one by one, and after reading it carefully, she realized that the Tianling Alliance had actually held internal competitions recently.

Yun Xi looked at the competition rules sent to her by Zhang Jiuzhi and said to herself regretfully: "It's a pity that not only can I not catch up with the competition now, I am not even qualified to participate in the competition!"

She sighed softly: "Invincible...how lonely it is~"

"Do you believe I will kick you out if you mess with that stinky guy again?"

Bai Qing, who had her hair neatly combed, looked sideways at Yun Xi, who had a sulky look on her face, and spoke angrily.

Yun Xi chuckled: "Isn't it easy to break through? Are you happy?"

"Really? I think it's pretty easy for you."

Thinking that Yun Xi was only thirty years old now, Bai Qing was so angry that it itched her teeth. How could a human being... improve his realm so quickly? ! !

Yun Xi shrugged, lifted one side of the blanket, covered his stomach, and continued to read the news on the Tianling Order. After reading all the news, Yun Xi sent a message back to Governor Shi Rong, explaining that he had now come out of the secret realm. Now, we are in the snowy Tianshan Mountains.

Shi Rong responded very quickly after receiving the news, asking Yun Xi to stay in Tianshan and she would come to pick her up.

‘Being able to have a governor personally pick him up and drop him off…’

Yun Xi stared at the news on the Tianling Order and couldn't help but feel that life was really wonderful. Ten years ago, who would have thought that she, a beautiful girl who was famous only for her appearance, would actually have a Gui when she traveled to the Sky Beast Continent ten years later. The governor personally accompanies him?

After replying "Received" to Shi Rong, Yun Xi immediately turned to contact Mr. Wei and explained his current situation. If he didn't meet those people in the Demon Lord's secret territory, then they might be up to their old tricks again. Repeatedly, he ambushed himself again at sea.

The reply from Mr. Wei was much slower than Shi Rong's, but it was conveyed in time. Seeing Mr. Wei's words "I understand, you don't have to worry", Yun Xi felt much relieved.

She closed the Tianlingling interface, held the Tianlingling in the palm of her hand, and looked at the sky in the distance. The snowflakes and clouds on the Tianshan Mountains would indeed block part of the sight, but Yun Xi could still see that the blue-white sky was that Such clarity.


She let out a long sigh.

Fox Fairy'er, who was walking over with food, heard Yun Xi's long sigh and asked curiously: "Did Mr. Yun Xi encounter any troubles?"

Yun Xi shook her head, sat up and looked at the plate in Hu Xian'er's hand.

She carried two plates. The one in her left hand contained some fruits and cooked food, and the one in her right hand contained four live snow spirit fish.

Yunxi plans to bake this fish herself.

As she set up the barbecue grill and prepared to grill the fish, she asked Hu Xian'er: "Xian'er, tell me, if you were asked to write a storybook, what should be the most important thing for the protagonist?"

"the most important?"

Fox Fairy'er didn't understand why Yun Xi asked like this, but she still tilted her head and thought about it carefully. As the most outstanding fox girl in the fox tribe, she had worked hard since she was a child. Before she was selected by Bai Qing as a maid, she had never been a maid. I haven't read the storybook.

And based on her shallow experience: "Well... it should be talent or luck, right?"

She said carefully.

Yun Xi glanced at her and shook her head cautiously: "No, Xian'er, I tell you, for the protagonist, the most important thing is the background!"


Pure doubt appeared on Hu Xian'er's pretty face, and even Bai Qing glanced over.

Yun Xi nodded, looked at the sky in the distance and said: "You think, for the protagonist, as long as she survives, she will become a strong person sooner or later. Then, as long as her background is strong enough, she can live safely! You Is this true?"

Fox Fairy nodded: "Okay, I guess so."

In fact, she didn't understand what Yun Xi wanted to express.

Yun Xi looked at her understanding look and was very pleased: "So, Xian'er, if you want to write in the future, don't forget to give the protagonist a qualified thigh!"

"Huh? Oh, I, I know."

Fox Fairy'er nodded in confusion, wondering if she wanted to write in the future?

Bai Qing walked over from the side, raised his leg and kicked Yun Xi on the butt.


No pain or itching, just like a massage.

But Yun Xi still yelled: "Oh! What are you doing~"

Bai Qing said angrily: "Don't mislead my maid. When did she say she wanted to write a storybook?"

Without looking back, Yun Xi started on the barbecue task in front of her and said, "Just in case, you know? Life is full of hobbies! Cultivation is not everything!"

Hearing this, Fox Fairy'er thought it made sense and asked again: "Does Master Yun Xi also have hobbies?"

Yun Xi nodded: "Of course, like writing."

Fox Fairy'er was stunned: "Does Master Yun Xi like to write?"

Yun Xi stopped what she was doing, stood up, folded her arms across her chest, and said proudly: "My dream is to write an autobiography before I'm a hundred years old. The title of my autobiography is "I was reincarnated..."


Yun Xi turned around and looked at Bai Qing who flew up to kick her ass, and said angrily: "Bai Qing, don't bully others too much! I've tolerated you for a long time!"

Bai Qing said calmly: "Don't lie to my maid with such nonsense."

Yun Xi still said angrily: "You clearly look down on my future works!"

Bai Qing blinked and said seriously: "Where is it? Didn't I tell you? I also plan to write a book called "I Reincarnated as a Sky Beast Snow Fox"."


Yun Xi resisted the urge to throw Bai Qing out, squatted down and started to light a fire to grill the fish: "I can't talk to an uneducated person like you!"

Fox Fairy's eyes flickered back and forth between Yun Xi and Bai Qing. After a short moment, she finally realized, "Master Yun Xi, were you kidding just now?"

Yun Xi snorted lightly and did not dwell on the topic, but continued along with the original question: "In addition to writing, music, photography, cooking, and putting... stickers are all my hobbies!"

Fox Fairy'er has heard Yun Xi play and eaten the food made by Yun Xi, and knows that she is really good at these two aspects, but photography and stickers... why are there stickers?

In Yun Xi's half-truth words, the living snow spirit fish began to cook the dead fish. The alluring fish fragrance filled the air, making the cooked meat and fruits in Bai Qing's hands lose their taste.

It took steps, walked to the barbecue grill, stretched out its little paws towards a grilled fish, and moved quietly like a cat stealing fish.

"Did I tell you to eat it?"

Yun Xi's voice sounded.

Bai Qing, who was discovered, not only did not blush at all, but directly picked up a fragrant grilled fish and said: "This fish is raised by my Snow Fox clan, I want to eat it, why do I need to ask you?"

"...You guys are so unlovable!"

Yun Xi picked up a grilled fish and handed it to Fox Fairy'er with shining eyes.

Fox Fairy'er took the grilled fish with both hands and said obediently: "Thank you, Master Yun Xi."

"See? This is called cute!"

Yun Xi pointed at Hu Xian'er and said to Bai Qing.

The pink fox ears of Fox Fairy'er, who was inexplicably praised, drooped, and her pretty face flushed. She lowered her head and ate the grilled fish in small bites.

Bai Qing snorted softly and said, "Xian'er."


"Don't say thank you to this guy in the future, or you'll make her laugh!"



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