I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 75 There are no weaklings in Yunxi’s forces

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The spring sunshine is particularly warm, and the spring breeze blows on people's bodies, making people feel comfortable.

But compared to the comfort brought by the spring breeze, everyone's attention at the moment is still focused on the fierce battle on the field.

Hu Weihai and Cao Xiangzhi did not show any panic after failing to gain an advantage in the first round. Instead, they played more cautiously and with tacit understanding.

The Yanyue Sword flew through the air, bringing up the biting wind, and headed towards Xia Qingyao. Xia Qingyao swung the long knife in his hand and stopped the Yanyue Sword.

Seizing this opportunity, the two hand axes flew out suddenly. Cao Xiangzhi hunched over and struck at a very tricky angle.

But before he could get close to Xia Qingyao, a long sword came through the air and blocked him directly.

Cao Xiangzhi frowned slightly, raised his eyes and looked at Lu Qi. The latter's eyes were very firm, which was "I will never let him affect Xia Qingyao".

Seeing what Lu Qi meant, Cao Xiangzhi flashed his spiritual energy, displayed his spiritual power on his axe, and tried to repel Lu Qi with his double axe.

But the moment he exerted force, a bright sword light had already risen from Lu Qi's sword.

The spiritual power flowed, and Cao Xiangzhi was in a trance, as if he saw a golden goose spreading its wings. The next moment, an extremely dangerous aura came, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly retreated!

But how could Lu Qi let him escape!

Her eyes were slightly focused, her sword was shining brightly, and she rushed towards Cao Xiangzhi!

‘Ningyu Sword Technique·Golden Wild Goose Hengkong! ’

The golden goose spreads its wings, and every feather is a sword intent.

The geniuses in Yun Xi's force gather together, and being able to become friends with swordsman geniuses like Yun Xi and Li Zixiao, Lu Qi will never be ordinary in swordsmanship, but compared to others, she has always lived an extremely low-key life. .

Cao Xiangzhi noticed the ferocity of Lu Qi's sword. While retreating, spiritual light burst out from both axes, and he took the initiative to greet Jin Yan the moment he arrived!


With a loud sound, Cao Xiangzhi struck with two axes, directly cutting Jin Yan into two pieces!

Lu Qi's attack looked fierce, but in fact it was far weaker than he thought.

His expression changed slightly. When he discovered this, he was not proud, but subconsciously thought that something was wrong. Yunxi's power was able to have a certain reputation within the Tianling Alliance, not just because of Yunxi and Ying Nianling.

If Lu Qi is really that weak, how can she deserve to be with people like Yun Xi and others?

Cao Xiangzhi, who knew this very well, seemed to understand something. He immediately turned his head and looked in the direction of Hu Weihai.

Sure enough, the moment he was forced back by Lu Qi, Xia Qingyao, who had been maintaining a defensive posture, suddenly changed his momentum, activated his skills, and endless sword intent burst out from the Wenqing knife in his hand.

Hu Weihai's eyes widened in surprise. He clearly didn't see Xia Qingyao draw his sword, but the sudden sharp sword intent from all around made the stab hurt.

He clenched his hands tightly, grabbed the Yanyue Sword, and slashed it down high.

boom! !

With a crisp sound, he watched helplessly as his Yan Yue Dao fell on the opponent's beautiful long sword. No matter how hard he tried, he could not suppress the raised slender arm.

Xia Qingyao's beautiful eyes were indifferent. This indifference was different from Li Zixiao's coldness. She just had no interest in things she didn't like.

And under such a look, there is a demon knife that bursts out with dazzling light!


Xia Qingyao swung Wenqing suddenly, knocking Hu Weihai's Yanyue Sword away, then rushed forward, swung Wenqing in his hand out of afterimages, and launched a violent attack like a storm.

This girl, who was on par with Lingxiao Yun, Wei Wenlong and others in terms of fame and power back then, only showed her true strength at this moment!

Xia Qingyao is a very pure person. She has practiced swordsmanship since she was a child. For such a person, every sword she swings is the essence of her swordsmanship!

When the sword was swung towards him, Hu Weihai was shocked in his heart. Xia Qingyao was too strong, so strong that he was in the same realm.

But he felt the pressure from her that only the spirit transformation realm should have!

He finally understood how the Tianqing Army felt when facing Lingxiao Yun, Wei Wenlong and the others just now!

There really are some people in this world who are born different from ordinary people!

After Cao Xiangzhi discovered that Hu Weihai was in trouble, he immediately turned around, intending to rush to help, but before he could move, the clear sound of the sword became louder, and Lu Qi drew his sword for the second time, but the power of the sword was still the same. So fierce and fierce.

He could not ignore Lu Qi's sword and forcefully support Hu Weihai.

He frowned, and only now did he understand that in fact, from the beginning, Xia Qingyao and the others had no intention of fighting them as a team, but wanted to defeat them one by one separately!

It’s not that no team has ever done this tactic before, but the battlefield is so big. How difficult is it to force the Tianling Army players to fight individually?

But now these two women have done it, relying on their strong suppression power!

Lu Qi swung her long sword, one sword after another. Judging from her momentum, what she wanted to do was not only to prevent Cao Xiangzhi from supporting Hu Weihai, but more like to directly eliminate Cao Xiangzhi alone!

Cao Xiangzhi's eyes narrowed. As a soldier of the Tianling Army, how could he be suppressed by a girl many years younger than himself?

After realizing that forcibly rushing to rescue would only injure himself, Cao Xiangzhi immediately changed his target, picked up the ax with both hands, and struck at Lu Qi.

The two met head-on and immediately fell into a fierce battle.

Facing Cao Xiangzhi's extremely ferocious counterattack, Lu Qi executed every sword attack just right, not revealing any flaws due to the opponent's arrogant attack. Instead, he showed extremely resilient fighting ability.

It was not until this moment that the audience inside the spiritual field and in front of the live broadcast room discovered that this woman, who was the most low-key among Yun Xi's forces, actually had such strength.

Especially the senior brothers and sisters of Weiyang Hall were even more excited at this moment, because in the entire exchange competition, Weiyang Hall only sent one person, and that was Lu Qi.

As we all know, Weiyang Hall is mainly responsible for alchemy and medicine. If you ask the disciples in the hall to make alchemy, they will be more active than the other. But when it comes to fighting, even if they are in the same realm, few of them can compete with Shao Guang and Tian Jue. Comparable.

Normally, Lu Qi would study alchemy with her senior sisters in a well-behaved manner in the hall, and she would do her duty without any complaints when faced with the work arrangements of her seniors.

In everyone's eyes, Lu Qi is just an introverted, well-behaved and gentle girl. When they first heard that Lu Qi was going to participate in this exchange competition, they thought it was just because the relationship within Yunxi's force was very good, and everyone would not leave her behind. That's why she took her along to participate.

Many people felt envious because of this, not only envied that she had such a good group of companions, but also envied that her companions were all so outstanding.

Now everyone understands that the outstanding ones are not only Lu Qi’s companions, but also herself!

When they saw Lu Qi showing such a heroic and heroic side on the field, these senior brothers and sisters who usually took good care of Lu Qi were immediately impressed by the contrast in Lu Qi and shouted loudly. Just shouting words like "Come on, Junior Sister Lu"!

No one knows whether Lu Qi heard the shouts from her fellow brothers and sisters, but her swordsmanship did become more powerful.

Soldiers on the battlefield pursue efficiency and choose a variety of weapons. They think that the sword is one of the weapons least suitable as a battlefield weapon, but in fact, in the hands of a swordsman, the sword is the best of all weapons!

Cao Xiangzhi waved the ax with both hands, opening and closing with great momentum. Opposite him, Lu Qi also wielded the Heqi Sword. She was not like Yun Xi, who had all kinds of sword moves, and she was not like Li Zixiao. The sword is full of energy and the attack is swift and fierce.

Her swordsmanship gives people a sense of calmness and maturity.

Cao Xiangzhi tried to force Lu Qi to reveal his flaws, but he never succeeded. On the other side, Hu Weihai was already showing signs of decline under Xia Qingyao's violent offensive. Everyone could see that this continued fighting If we go down, the loser will definitely be Hu Weihai!

‘We can’t continue to be in this stalemate! ’

Realizing this, Cao Xiangzhi bit his gums, stepped back, and then the spiritual power in his body exploded.

His robes made a hunting noise, and the momentum of his whole body seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes. At this moment, Lu Qi seemed to smell a trace of blood, and a hint of murderous intent locked her, making her hair stand on end.

This is the unique murderous aura of those who have walked off the battlefield. Ordinary people would be so frightened that they could not speak if they felt this aura.

Lu Qi knew that Cao Xiangzhi was planning to quickly decide the outcome with her. She took a deep breath, and the spiritual power in her body also burst out, and the majestic momentum flowed out.

For her today, the main task is actually to prevent Cao Xiangzhi from helping Hu Weihai, but if possible, she hopes that she can defeat the opponent head-on.

‘There are no weaklings in Yunxi’s forces. 'she thinks.

boom! !

maple! !

Two powerful auras erupted on Cao Xiangzhi and Lu Qi at the same time. Both of them planned to decide the winner on their own before deciding the winner on another battlefield!

Cao Xiangzhi held two axes in his hands, and the spiritual power on the axes exploded. He rushed forward quickly, leaped high at a certain position, and slammed the two axes downwards!


The sharp ax slashed across the sky, and everything it passed was rubbed into blazing flames!

The flames rose and rolled, and actually condensed into the shape of a lion before approaching Lu Qi!

Lu Qi held the sword in one hand. She closed her eyes slightly and raised the sword. Countless sword intentions and spiritual power flowed from the sword. When Cao Xiangzhi's double axes came, a sharp sound sounded.

It was a golden phoenix phantom transformed by spiritual power and sword intent. It was different from normal phantoms. It looked illusory and weak, and seemed to have no sense of existence. But the moment it flapped its wings, a ray of light appeared. The sword intent that was enough to astound everyone swept across the entire spiritual field in an instant!

‘Ningyu Sword Technique·You Feng Lai Yi! ’


Feng Ming sounded, and Lu Qi pointed out with a sword! !

The two axes and the spiritual sword collided, powerful spiritual powers intertwined, and the majestic momentum spread. At this moment, the audience's attention has shifted from Xia Qingyao and Hu Weihai to Lu Qi and Cao Xiangzhi!

Neither of them is the protagonist of this duel, but they use their strength to prove that realm is by no means a shackle that limits a spiritual person!

boom! ! !

With a deafening roar, Lu Qi and Cao Xiangzhi both stepped back dozens of feet!

Everyone stared at the two men with wide eyes, trying to see who would win this duel.


A cough sounded, and a stream of blood spilled from the corner of Lu Qi's mouth. Her body swayed slightly, and she stabbed the He Qi sword on the stone slab to stabilize her body.


The senior brothers and sisters in Weiyang Hall clenched their fists tightly or grabbed their clothes, with sad and distressed eyes.

But before their emotions spread, Cao Xiangzhi, who was far away opposite Lu Qi, also swayed, and then spit out a large mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound. His face turned pale instantly, and he fell to the ground. Finally, Landed in the arms of the referee.

The whole place suddenly fell into dead silence.

"Yes, Junior Sister Lu won?"

Someone asked unconfidently.

"Of course Junior Sister Lu wins!"

Someone shouted!

Immediately afterwards, the disciples of Weiyang Hall immediately started shouting, and in an instant there was a roar like a tsunami.

Lu Qi slowly turned around and looked at her fellow disciples who were cheering for her. Her eyes were a little moist. She showed a sweet smile to everyone, which instantly melted the hearts of many men.

Xia Qingyao blinked slightly after seeing Lu Qi defeating Cao Xiangzhi. She didn't expect that Lu Qi would solve the problem faster than her, so she turned to look at Hu Weihai.

Hu Weihai felt his whole body tremble, and an inexplicable sense of eeriness made his hair stand on end. He felt that an extremely terrifying aura seemed to be brewing.

His breath suddenly shook, and he waved the Yanyue Sword with both hands. The majestic spiritual power rushed out like a tide, slashing forward along with his Yanyue Sword!

Xia Qingyao, who used to hold the knife with one hand, now switched to holding the knife with two hands. She moved her right foot back and raised the Wenqing knife at almost shoulder height. The bright blade of the Wenqing knife was condensed with knife intent.

She maintained this action and calmly watched Hu Weihai's attack coming.

The sun hung high in the sky, the white clouds dispersed, and it became dazzling, and Hu Weihai's Yanyue Sword fell from the sky under the sunlight!


Xia Qingyao exhaled normally and suddenly moved!

In just a very short moment, everyone saw a bright sword light. It overshadowed the brilliance of the sun and fell on the thick, wide and long Yanyue sword. The sword and the person holding it vibrated together. Fly up!


Huge power was transmitted to the palm of the hand through the Yanyue Sword. Hu Weihai felt a pain in the palm of his hand, and the tiger's mouth cracked. His whole body flew backwards as if being hit by a strong force, and fell to the ground helplessly, covered in embarrassment.

Without even using his spiritual skills, Xia Qingyao just charged up a sword and defeated him. In the same realm, he was decades older than the opponent, but he was defeated so completely.

The referee walked to the center of the competition ring and announced loudly:

"The second game of the sixth round is over! Winners: [Yun Xi Force] Team Xia Qingyao and Lu Qi!"

At this moment, the whole audience cheered! !

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