I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 92 The secret behind it

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On the third day after Yun Xi returned to Yunyang City, a brand named [Xueyun] was successfully registered in Fengyun City. In just a few hours, [the Yun family and the Sky Beast Snow Fox Clan reached a cooperation] The incident quickly became a hot search topic on Wanmin.com, attracting numerous heated discussions.

As the daughter of the Yun family, Yun Xi has advertised the Yun family industry for the first time on her personal account. It is unknown what impact this cooperation will have, but what is certain is that the future of the Yun family will only be Much wider than today.

Yun Xi stayed in Fengyun County for a total of half a month. During this half month, in addition to accompanying her family, she also traveled around. While advertising to the Yun family, she also warned some young people. It can be said that a lot of thought has been spent on the development of the Yun family.

During the spring equinox, the night falls, and this is a weekend filled with clouds and clouds.

At this time, the two brothers and sister were sitting in the yard with two futons under them. There were many busy people during this time, including them after awakening their spiritual veins.

Yun Xi took advantage of the opportunity while she was still free to personally teach the two of them how to practice and help them step into the threshold of spiritual cultivators.

Maybe Yun Xi’s teachings were good enough, or maybe the two people’s talents were really high enough. Yun Xi could understand a lot of knowledge with just a tap of his finger.

In just ten days, the two brothers and sisters initially learned the two techniques of Luo Ze and Luo Yu, and stepped into the threshold of warriors in one fell swoop.

Yun Xi stood behind them, feeling the subtle spiritual energy fluctuations on their bodies, and felt quite satisfied.

Xiao Lingyuan was sitting next to Yun Xi. She took off her shoes and bent her legs over each other. Her snow-white feet were as crystal clear as jade and could only be held in her hand. She leaned on Yun Xi's shoulder, looking down at her phone with both hands. What is being operated on.

Viewed from the front, she looks like a beautiful girl with a slight delinquency, playing a game with nothing to do.

Yun Xi looked away from her younger siblings and turned to Xiao Lingyuan's cell phone. She lowered her head and asked, "What is this?"

Xiao Lingyuan said with milk candy in her mouth: "The senior sisters from Liu Yuetang have developed a small game. Let us help test it and give you some feedback."

In a world view that focuses on spiritual cultivation, Tianling's technology does not develop very fast. In three hundred years, it is not as good as the development of Yun Xi's previous life in many aspects. Yun Xi looked at Xiao Lingyuan's mobile phone. Little games, no interest at all.

She has played too many more interesting games than this. It's a pity that she was not a game designer in her previous life, otherwise she would have helped the Yun family expand other businesses.


Yun Xi raised her eyebrows. In fact, it shouldn't matter even if she doesn't understand technology, right? All you have to do is come up with ideas and achieve results, just like those Party A...

Yun Xi began to fall into deep thought, thinking about the possibilities of the Yun family's future development in many aspects.

"Do you want to try it?"

Xiao Lingyuan raised her head and asked after hearing Yun Xi's soft moan and thinking that Yun Xi was interested in it.

Yun Xi shook her head, and a strand of hair playfully slapped Xiao Lingyuan's forehead.

"You play with themselves."

Xiao Lingyuan curled her lips and sighed softly: "This game is too boring."

The cool evening breeze blew the hair of the two of them. Xiao Lingyuan looked at Yun Xi's side face close at hand, her eyes flickered, and she touched it.

"What are you doing?"

The cold touch came, Yun Xi wiped his face, and glared at Xiao Lingyuan angrily.

Xiao Lingyuan said with a smile: "You attract me more than games."


Yun Xi, who had long been accustomed to Xiao Lingyuan's overtures and intimacy, was not moved by her ambiguous words at all.


Xiao Lingyuan was a little dissatisfied with her perfunctory attitude. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. On his pink tongue was a shapeless milk candy that had been bitten.


Yun Xi looked disgusted and changed the subject without hesitation: "Have the Xiao family's affairs been settled?"

"Yeah. There wasn't much to do originally."

They will leave Fengyun County tomorrow.


This vacation has been long enough. Whether it is in the hall or Tianling Gaowu, there are other things to deal with.

Except for the three Ying Nianling people who have been living in Yunxi's house during this period, the only one who came to Yun's house today was Xiao Lingyuan. Lu Qi accompanied Ye Nianhan to the Sunshine Orphanage. After a few days of fun, Nangong Yao and others They all calmed down again and continued to practice.

Yun Xi leaned on the wicker chair, which swayed slightly. She looked at the bright moon in the distant sky, thinking about trivial matters aimlessly in her mind.

"Okay, let's finish practicing today. Take your time."

When it was almost time, Yun Xi stepped forward and woke up Yunze Yunli who was constantly running his skills. The two stood up from the futon, their faces filled with the relaxed joy of "finally finishing their homework."

People who have never been exposed to spiritual cultivation will envy others for their powerful means. Only those who have truly embarked on this path will understand how boring and boring the process is.

There is still the joy of gaining knowledge while answering questions, but meditating is doing the same thing over and over again, just like a person who is not sleepy and is forced to close his eyes and count sheep in his heart, counting and counting.

That's why many spiritual practitioners have become taciturn. They are all forced to be autistic by reality.

Yunze and Yunli are now at a lively age, and their ten days of continuous meditation practice have long worn out their patience. If they didn't want to disappoint and make their sister angry, maybe they would have found ways to be lazy.

"Let's go take a bath."

Yun Xi touched their heads, and the two immediately ran back to their respective rooms.

When you first start practicing meditation, taking a bath after meditating is beneficial to your body.

Xiao Lingyuan put away her phone, stretched lazily, and said to Yun Xi, "Then I'll go back too."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

"Bye, okay~"



Seeing Xiao Lingyuan twisting her hips and leaving with a groan, Yun Xi shook her head helplessly, reached out to touch her face, chuckled, and turned back to the room.

Prince Fengyun returned to Fengyun City, where Bai Weiyang and Yun Yi Yunfeng also worked tirelessly to develop the cooperation between the two families.

The most powerful person in Yunyang City now is Yun Xi, but even in such an environment, Yun Xi still seems cautious.

When Yun Xi returned to the room, she took out her jade of benevolence, turned it into a door, and walked in.

After the space transformation, Yun Xi came to the Buddha City. She stood alone on the top of the pagoda. After her spiritual consciousness spread out and she was sure that no one would come, she waved her hand and an ancient book appeared in her hand.

The ancient book was very thick, and the texture on it was different from any book Yun Xi had ever seen on the market today - of course, because this book came from ten million years ago.

This is the ancient book that Yun Xi obtained in the Demon Lord's secret realm.

This is the first time Yun Xi has taken out this ancient book since he obtained it. Before, he was either in the Snow Fox Clan or accompanied by strong men, so it was really hard to find a chance to observe this thing.

Taking the ancient book to the rooftop, Yun Xi placed the ancient book on the guardrail and reached out to open it.

Over the years, the system has asked Yun Xi to obtain various things. Yun Xi does not know what they are, but it is not difficult to judge from the places where they appear that these things are not simple.

"I hope you can give me some answers."

Yun Xi carefully flipped through the ancient books, looked at the contents, and then gradually fell into silence.

"Are these oracle bones or hieroglyphs..."

She couldn't help but complain.

She didn't recognize any of the words in the ancient books. The words were obscure and mysterious, completely different from what she saw in the Demon Lord's secret realm. She even couldn't understand many of the pictures included in them, but after flipping through them, she reached the middle. During the stage, Yun Xi suddenly stopped.

It was a page of yellowed paper with a strange pattern drawn on it. The pattern looked like a strange mark. Yun Xi had never seen such a mark before, but she recalled a sentence inexplicably.

"All souls are dissatisfied

Forget it, they even invade each other, each has their own hatred, and the spiritual energy cannot be condensed into a seal, so the speed of spiritual energy birth will naturally be too slow. "

This was what Senior Buddha said when he explained to them why it had been difficult for the Hunling World to give birth to a god for so many years. Because it was what Senior Buddha said, she had a deep impression on her, so much so that when she saw this mark I immediately thought of it.

"The spiritual energy cannot be condensed into a seal...is this the seal you are referring to?"

Without the target of the inquiry, Yun Xi's guess could not get a definite answer, but if the two are really related as she guessed, then it means that what she encountered was more terrifying than she imagined. .

That is information related to becoming a god.

Realizing this, Yun Xi's pupils trembled and her expression became solemn. She continued to flip through the ancient books, but unfortunately, she still couldn't understand the content behind it at all.

After calculating the time, Yun Xi knew that Yunze Yunli had not finished taking a bath so soon, so she started to use the Jade of Ren to contact Bai Qing without hesitation.

While waiting, Yun Xi looked at the ancient book unconsciously, thinking about the current situation in his mind.

First of all, the fact that the things the system arranges for it to obtain are related to the way to become a god can withstand scrutiny. Regardless of whether the speculation I just made is true or not, the appearance of Shi Yuan and Jiu Ming in that year has well confirmed this. .

What is worth the risk of offending the Heavenly Spirit Alliance for two spirit-killing experts to snatch it?

The answer seems self-evident.

Yun Xi had not thought about this before, but now her thinking suddenly changed, and she immediately discovered the fishiness in it.

"I should have realized this earlier..."

Yun Xi looked at the blue sky with a complicated expression.

"Are you looking for ***?"

A portal appeared behind Yun Xi, and Bai Qing walked out of it.

Yun Xi has only been back to Tianling Continent for more than half a month. In such a hurry to find it, could it be that there is a problem with the cooperation?

Bai Qing's voice brought Yun Xi's thoughts back. She turned around and said to Bai Qing, "I'm here. I want you to help me look at something."

She handed the ancient book to Bai Qing.

Bai Qing floated over and recognized at a glance that this was the ancient book that Yun Xi had gained in the Demon Lord's secret realm. It blinked and asked, "Are you sure I can read it?"

It knew that Yun Xi was collecting something, this time the ancient books, the chalcedony from the Buddha's secret realm. It didn't know why Yun Xi was collecting these, but it was certain that Yun Xi must be hiding some secret. This secret might be Xiao Ling Yuan and the others don't know.

Yun Xi knew the meaning of Bai Qing's question, and she nodded: "Look, I don't recognize the words inside."

Since Yun Xi said this, Bai Qing naturally didn't know how to write ink. He opened the ancient book and read it carefully. It didn't take long for Bai Qing to give his answer immediately.

"don't know."

Yun Xi was a little surprised: "You don't know these words either?"

Bai Qing spread his little paws and said helplessly: "Although this young clan leader is very knowledgeable, such words are not recorded in the ancestral home of the Snow Fox clan."

The Snow Fox Clan has not fully experienced the tens of millions of years of history in the Hunling Realm, not to mention that this ancient book is most likely from tens of millions of years ago, and it looks older than the words on the walls of the Wantong layer.

Yun Xi, who originally only wanted to give Bai Qing a try, did not show too much disappointment. She put away the ancient book, sighed softly, and said, "There's nothing I can do about it. I'll think about it slowly in the future."

Bai Qing couldn't hide his curiosity and asked: "What on earth are these?"

If it had been before, it would definitely not have asked. After all, everyone has their own secrets, but since Yun Xi took the initiative to show it to him, this shows that for Yun Xi, this matter does not need to be kept secret, then Naturally, it will not waste its curiosity.

Yun Xi looked at her and smiled bitterly: "I said I didn't know myself, do you believe it?"

Bai Qing tilted his head and looked at her, thought for a moment, and nodded: "Letter."

Yun Xi smiled: "I will let you know when I figure out the situation later. I have to leave now. My family will be here soon."

Being called over like this and leaving without saying a few words, Bai Qing would have been furious if it had been anyone else. But facing this alien human being who had had a life-and-death relationship with him, Bai Qing was much more tolerant. He nodded: "Yeah ,See you."

"See you."

Yun Xi waved his hand, opened the portal, and left the city first.

Bai Qing stood on the guardrail at the top of the tower, looking down at the earth. Several years had passed, and Buddha City was still peaceful. The appearance of the four statues did not have any impact on the people here.

"Forget it, I'll also call that witch You Tingjing over. Call her over, and then I'll leave."

Bai Qing looked at a certain enchanting human statue, and a mischievous smile appeared on the cute fox's face.

As soon as Yun Xi returned to the room, there was a knock on the door.

"elder sister."

Yun Li walked in holding her little pillow. Yun Ze did not come tonight, because considering that ten-year-old children already know a lot of things, Xu Qinghan told Yun Ze not to come again after the first night together. Sleeping with my sister.

The idea of ​​the difference between men and women must be grasped from an early age, and cannot be ignored just because the relationship is intimate, because this is likely to affect Yunze's attitude when getting along with other women in the future.

Yunze was sad for a long time at first, but under the mixed education of Yun Yi and Xu Qinghan, he still accepted this reality.

Yun Xi watched the little cutie walk in and gently stroked her young hair. The remaining water stains on her hair from taking a bath quickly dissipated.

"Lie down under the covers quickly and don't catch a cold."


Yun Li got into Yun Xi's bed and stared at Yun Xi with two big, bright eyes. They were watery and very beautiful.

Yun Xi walked into the bathroom, washed her body briefly, put on her pajamas and lay down on the bed.

She was half-leaning on the head of the bed. Under the night, Yunli leaned close to her arms, and she looked at the silver glow on the balcony with a melancholy expression.

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