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Life gradually became peaceful with the passage of time. Yun Xi stayed at Shi's house for a total of two months. During these two months, she cultivated her mind and spirit. She took on very few tasks and focused all her time and energy on herself. .

Two months later, in the secret realm of spiritual cultivation of the Shi family.

A cluster of sword lights stood behind Yun Xi. As Yun Xi tapped his fingers, countless sword lights swooped towards Shi Rong, quite like Shi Rong's first demonstration of power to Yun Xi.

Shi Rong casually neutralized the power and said: "You have enough control over the power of the robbery now, and you no longer need guidance in the future."

Yun Xi is smart and talented. After Shi Rong's initial guidance, her fighting mindset changed and she adapted very quickly. Two months was enough for her to adapt to the Spiritual Tribulation Realm.

Yun Xi said gratefully: "Thank you very much, Director Shirong Gui, for your guidance during this period."

Shi Rong said: "It's just a little effort, go find your teacher, he is waiting for you outside."


After leaving the secret realm, Yun Xi saw Shi Jin sitting in a pavilion not far away. He supported his head with one hand and looked quietly at a tree outside the pavilion. There were birds chirping on the tree.

Yun Xi walked over: "Teacher."

Shi Jin turned around and said, "Have you finished practicing?"


During this period, she not only adapted to her current state, but also practiced the ninety-nine tunes of "Jin Yi Lu Yu". After several years, she finally fully learned Shi Jin's own score.

"Ready to go back now?"

"Well, there are still some tasks to be handled in the hall."

After running away for so long, you have to do something, right?

Shi Jin nodded, a thick book appeared in his hand, and handed it to Yun Xi.

"This is the interpretation of "Jinyi Yuyou". It will be good for you to read more if you have nothing to do."

Yun Xi took the interpretation, nodded obediently, and asked, "Do you need to practice any other music after that?"

"If you can practice these ninety-nine songs, other songs will not be difficult for you. If you have nothing to do, there are many things you can learn about flute, Xiao, Jia..."

"I see."

Yun Xi replied with a smile.

Shi Jin glanced at her and waved lightly: "Go back."


After leaving the Shi family, Yun Xi returned to Lingying Hall to report, and immediately took on many tasks to atone for her previous absenteeism.

In this way, time flies by and June arrives in a flash.

In the past few months, the [Xueyun] industry jointly developed by the Yun family and the Snow Fox clan has gained momentum within Tianling. With the reputation of the Snow Fox clan and the support of many families, the Yun family has established a strong presence in Fengyun County in a very short period of time. Occupying a market, the Xiao clan, which originally suppressed the Yun family, also disappeared.

Strangely enough, Xiao Gufeng, who was the source of everything, had not met Yun Xi once in the past few months, which made Yun Xi wonder if the other party was a coward.

"Miss! We are back."

The door of Jingming Community was opened, and Qingchan and the other two people who had gone out to practice finally came back at this time. Yunxi, who had already known that they were coming back, was meditating in the retreat room. When he heard the noise, he voluntarily quit the practice state and walked out. .

"You're back."

Yun Xi looked at the three of them with a smile and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, your level has improved very quickly."

With just one glance, Yun Xi could see through the realms of the three of them. Hongling Qingchan, who was about to graduate from high school, had already reached the middle stage of the early spiritual stage, while Xuanxuan, although not as good as them, had also reached the early stage of the early spiritual stage. , is a qualified spiritual person.

From this point of view, Qingchan and Hongling's cultivation talents are no worse than Yun Xi himself. If they also have cultivation pills like Yun Xi, then there will be no problem in becoming the second or third Yun Xi.

Qingchan's long green hair spread behind her, and she looked at Yun Xi with her green eyes: "What state is Miss now?"

Whether it's her or Hongling, one

I have always worked hard with Yun Xi as my goal,

They would be very happy to be closer to Yun Xi.

"I don't suggest you ask her this question."

Before Yun Xi could answer, the door of another retreat room nearby was opened, and Ye Nianhan walked out.

"elder sister."

Xuanxuan walked to Ye Nianhan.

At eighteen years old, they were already almost the same size as Yun Xi and the others.

Ye Nianhan, who had always touched his head in the past, patted Xuanxuan's shoulder this time and said with a smile, "Not bad, it's better than I did back then."

At that time, Ye Nianhan had not yet entered the threshold of the spiritual path so quickly, but this was also because the three of them had no worries about training resources and could practice with confidence, and Yun Xi had already given them the advanced medicine a long time ago. Marrow Cleansing Pill.

Xuanxuan smiled, feeling very satisfied with the compliment.

Yun Xi asked: "Are you preparing for the Lingyun Competition soon?"

The Lingyun Tournament is a regional competition within Tianling County. In addition to determining the local champion team, it also selects the seeds from Tianling County to participate in the Tianling Awards. The champion of the Lingyun Tournament in Yunxi's year was Ling Yun. Tianling University team led by Xiaoyun.

Now that July is approaching, the Lingyun Competition is about to begin. After the selection, this year's Tianling Award will begin.

But in Yun Xi's view, compared to her time, there shouldn't be much suspense about either the Lingyun Competition or the Tianling Awards this year, because according to her investigation, this year's entire Tianling Continent, so far, has not had much suspense. The only high school graduates who appeared in the middle stage of Chuling were the two in front of her.

Qingchan replied: "Well, the school has arranged for us to participate. I think it should be quite simple, hehe."

Regardless of the fact that their own realms are already very high, judging from the fact that their skills are no weaker than Luo Shen's mental skills, and are even far stronger than the former in terms of combat, it should be difficult to find people among their peers who can defeat them. come out.

"Simplicity is a good thing. We had to go through a lot of hardships to win the championship back then."

Yun Xi shrugged and smiled.

Qingchan seemed to have thought of something and said, "By the way, miss, our teacher said that there will be another graduation party before graduation. All students must attend with their parents. Miss, will you go?"

"Go ahead."

Since the beginning of the martial arts school, Yun Xi has rarely attended their parent-teacher meetings, and Lu Qi has basically done it for them. Now that she has time, she still has to go there in person.


Qingchan looked particularly happy when she heard that Yun Xi was willing to participate. Yun Xi wanted to touch her head, but when she saw that the little girl was now about the same height as herself, she did not raise her hand and just smiled. , with relief in his smile.

The graduation party of Tianling Martial Arts School is very grand, but no matter how grand the graduation party is, for students, it is actually just one of countless nights, and it is not even as touching as the class party.

During this time, everyone in the Yunxi force is busy, and the spirits don’t have to sleep at night, which means they have more time and energy to deal with more things. Therefore, when they are busy, they often cannot see each other for several months. people.

After the graduation party, only Yunxi and Ying Nianling took the time to watch the Lingyun Competition. There was no suspense in the competition. Qingchan and the others won the first place in Tianling County with a complete crushing attitude. name.

With their appearance in the competition, the names Yun Qingchan and Yun Hongling spread throughout the Tianling Continent in a very short period of time. Regardless of their own strength, they are also outstanding and distinctive. Their appearance and hair color are destined to attract everyone's attention.

When some people began to discuss whether Yun Xi Ying Nian Ling had a successor, it was revealed that these two new generations were Yun Xi's adopted sisters. Yun Xi, who had obviously done nothing, was once again a hot topic.

However, Yun Xi and Ying Nianling were not paying attention to the hot searches at the moment. After the Lingyun Competition, they were urgently summoned to the Lingying Hall.

"Master, you are looking for us."

After entering Lingying Hall, Yun Xi and Ying Nianling went directly to Zhang Jiuzhi's office.

Zhang Jiuzhi is sitting at his desk and frowning.

Mei, after seeing Yun Xi and Ying Nianling arriving, he said straight to the point: "There is an urgent task that I want to entrust you two to handle."

Yun Xi and Ying Nianling looked at each other, and the former said, "You tell me."

"I'm going to Yuezhou. Someone has sent word that there are sea monsters causing trouble in Wu Nian Sea. We sent three disciples at the peak of the psychic realm there before, but there is no news so far. I need you to go and have a look."

The number of disciples in the inner hall of Lingying Hall is not as high as that of the other nine halls. With Yunxi and Ying Nianling’s current level of strength, they are already considered to be at the upper-middle level in the entire inner hall of Lingying Hall. They have many important tasks. They are all ready to be picked up.

"Ok, I see."

Yun Xi and Ying Nianling agreed without hesitation. Although they were extremely talented and were the key training targets within the alliance, this did not mean that they had to stay away from any danger and live like children under the care of adults.

Zhang Jiuzhi nodded: "I will send relevant information about the specific mission to your Heavenly Spirit Order. You should set off as soon as possible. Remember to be careful and come back immediately if something goes wrong."


Yun Xi and Ying Nianling acted very calmly when they were suddenly assigned a temporary mission. Apparently, such sudden missions had happened more than once or twice in recent years.

After Yun Xi sent a message to Qingchan and the others to explain the situation, he rushed to Yuezhou in a hurry.

There are five states in Tianling Kyushu that are close to the sea, and Yuezhou is one of them. Yuezhou is adjacent to Wu Nian Sea, which has many islands and is a tourist destination. However, in recent years, the sea has been unstable, so many island tourism projects have been closed. Shut down.

Auspicious clouds were galloping in the sky, and Yun Xi and Ying Nianling set off immediately without any delay.

"The monsters in the mountains have finally calmed down. Why is there another problem in the sea?"

Yun Xi sat on the cloud and said somewhat helplessly.

"I don't know. I've dealt with problems at sea a few times, but actually the overall number is not bad, not too much. It's just that the distance is long and troublesome."

Ying Nianling took out a box of tin cans from the storage ring, opened the tin can, reached out, pinched a heart-shaped chocolate, and put it into her mouth.

After the Demon Lord's trip to the secret realm ended, Ying Nianling's mind gradually became normal, but she was still irresistible to snacks and a proper food lover.


Yun Xi sighed softly, took out her phone and looked at it idly. After seeing the hot searches about herself on, she couldn't help but feel funny.

"Does this have something to do with me? Xiaoying, hurry up, go to and post updates to help me attract some firepower."

Ying Nianling tilted her head, her crimson eyes reflecting Yun Xi's beautiful face. She thought for a moment, took out her phone, took a photo of Yun Xi, and then posted it on her account.

Copywriting: Yun Xi said that she would like to treat me to sea fish today.

As a result, Yun Xi and Ying Nianling's backstage exploded.

Yun Xi, who was flipping through her phone, also saw Ying Nian Ling's new posts. She turned to look at Ying Nian Ling: "Xiao Ying, I asked you to help me attract firepower, not to drag me into the water with you."

Ying Nianling looked at the increasing number of replies in her background and said, "I also shared some of the burden."

Yun Xi pouted. Ever since Xiaoying's mind gradually became normal, he could no longer treat her like a child like before.

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