I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 4 Journey to the Sea of ​​Fog (2)

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Ye Tianji is the founder of the warlock career. The entire Tianling Alliance has only given birth to a warlock like him since ancient times. This is something everyone knows, so...

Mr. Wei pondered: "Besides Ye Tianji, are there other soul-killing sorcerers in this world?"

No one answered this question, because even they did not expect that besides Ye Tianji, there were other soul-killing warlocks in the world.

Wasn't Warlock Yitu created by Ye Tianji?

The general asked Ruo Ganyu: "Do you know who the person who attacked you is?"

Ruo Ganyu shook his head: "He is a man. His methods are weird. I have never seen him before. If I hadn't been prepared, it might be difficult for him to come back."

The higher they are at this level, the more they understand that the Tianshen Continent is not simple. Therefore, Ruo Ganyu had already taken precautions before setting off, otherwise it might not be as simple as falling under a spell.

After a pause, Ruo Ganyu said, "But... I thought of a possibility."

The eyes of Mr. Wei and Zhuge Shu flashed at the same time. The former asked, "Are you talking about the people who attacked you at sea?"

When Ruo Ganyu brought Yun Xi and his party back from the Sky Beast Continent, they were ambushed by two spirit-killing experts. If Zhuge Shu hadn't arrived in time, they would have been annihilated. This attack might be the same as those who People matter too.

Ruo Ganyu nodded: "Yes. Although the appearance is different, the clothes of the man and the two people I encountered before are slightly similar, and the feeling he gave me... is exactly the same."

The intuition of a strong person is often more real than what he sees.

Qiu Jinlai thought: "Could he be from Zhaotian Sect?"

In the entire mixed spirit world, except for the Heavenly Spirit Alliance and the Three Holy Temples of the Demon Clan, only the forces in the Heavenly God Continent can have so many spirit-killing experts. Moreover, the Heavenly God Continent has always been alienated from the other three continents, so even they don't know. What is the overall strength of the Zhaotian Sect and other forces?

Zhuge Shu said with some confusion: "I remember that when you were attacked, it was because those two people wanted to catch the little girl Yun Xi, right? If it was really them, why did they target you again?"

"I have no idea."

This is what Ruo Ganyu doesn't understand. Attacking Yunxi and attacking her are two completely different concepts.

The leader of the alliance, who had been silent for a long time, said at this moment: "No matter what the reason is, since they dared to take action when they were at sea, it means that they are not afraid of being enemies of the Tianling Alliance. You go to Ye Tianji first and ask him to help Take a look and leave the rest to them."

Ruo Ganyu pursed his lips, suddenly raised his eyes, and looked at the leader of the alliance: "What about you?"

The scene was silent for a moment.

The general and Mr. Wei looked at each other. Mr. Wei did not speak, so the general could only say: "The leader of the alliance has other considerations, so you don't have to worry."

Ruo Ganyu glanced at the general, pulled down his sleeves and smoothed them, his expression returned to its previous cold expression, he stood up and disappeared.


Seeing Ruo Ganyu leaving so decisively, the general couldn't help but sigh. He looked at the leader of the Tianling Alliance, and just as he was about to speak, he saw the leader also stood up.

"I'll go to the Yin Pavilion and you guys can investigate this matter carefully."

After just leaving these words, the alliance leader also left, leaving only the four people present looking at each other.

Qiu Jinlai reached out and scratched his head, and said with some worry: "I always feel that Xiaoruo is getting more and more dissatisfied with the leader of the alliance. If this continues, nothing will happen..."

There was also a trace of sadness and helplessness on Mr. Wei's face: "After all, she was personally promoted by the Alliance Leader. Perhaps in her heart, the Alliance Leader should be a person who cares about the people and is responsible for everything... a perfect person."

Among the five of them, only Ruo Ganyu has no background. She has gone through hardships since she was a child. If the leader of the alliance had not been discerning and personally promoted and guided her, even if she had extraordinary talent and strong perseverance, she might not have been able to reach where she is now.

For Ruo Ganyu, the leader of the alliance should not be a hands-off shopkeeper who idles around all day.

A few people sighed, but soon

Don't dwell on this matter anymore, because compared to this matter, what is more important is the war within Tianshen Continent and the attack on Ruo Ganyu.

The general asked: "What do you think about what happened in Tianshen Continent?"

Wei Laocang's pale hair was slightly floating, and his eyes that had overlooked the world for thousands of years revealed a faint chill: "The Huating of Tianling cannot be bullied by others. Zhuge, come with me to the Tianshen Continent. , let’s see what kind of medicine they have in their gourds.”

Zhuge Shu nodded: "Okay."

Qiu Jinlai put his hand on his chin: "Then I will go to the Demon Realm and inform the Dragon Turtle and other tribes about this, so that they can be prepared and see what they think."

The corner of the general's mouth twitched: "Okay, okay, you're all gone, then I'll just stay with Tianling."

Qiu Jinlai said: "If you want to go, you can also go to the Demon Realm together."

It doesn't matter if you are lazy or not, as long as the leader of the alliance is sitting in Tianling Continent, even if he does nothing, all forces will not dare to attack Tianling casually. Not to mention that in addition to the alliance leader, Tianling also has a hidden pavilion.

The general chuckled lightly: "No need. If I don't stay, what if Xiaoruo and the leader of the alliance start a fight?"

Hearing this, the other three people held their foreheads in confusion.

The place where the sea beast appeared is not too far from the Tianling coast. At Yun Xi's speed, a few minutes is enough to get there.


"I should have been fine for more than ten minutes, right? Why is there no change in the surroundings?"

The morning fog is misty on the sea, the water is sparkling, the clouds are still in the ocean, and not an inch of land can be seen within sight.

"This may be some kind of formation."

Yimeng spoke lazily.

"Can it be cracked?" Yun Xi frowned.

Yimeng shook his head: "Don't say I don't have enough strength now. Even in its heyday, I can't break this formation. I can't see through it."

Even Yun Xi himself had no feeling of being hit by the formation before he realized that he couldn't get out. Although Yimeng was a nightmare beast, he couldn't break all the formations.

Yun Xi's face was solemn. She stood in mid-air and looked around. The fog was connected to the sea. Apart from these two elements, there were no other elements around her, not even the sky.


Yun Xi's eyebrows stretched. These days, her mental and spiritual cultivation was finally effective. Faced with this unexpected situation, she did not panic at all.

With a flash of inspiration between her fingers, she took out her mobile phone. There was no surprise. There was no signal for her mobile phone in the sea so far away from the mainland.

Yun Xi took out the Tianling Token again, but soon discovered that the Tianling Token could not even activate the interface.

After confirming that she could not contact the outside world, Yun Xi raised her head. She opened her palms, and the spiritual energy from heaven and earth circulated and gathered towards her palms. Then, Yun Xi patted her palms gently.

maple! !

The spiritual energy surged out and swept away the surrounding morning fog in an instant. However, behind the morning fog, there was still thick fog. The invisible fog re-flooded the empty space, and Yun Xi was still trapped here.

Yun Xi calmed down his breath, and his spiritual consciousness quickly dispersed. The morning fog was thick, and a lot of morning dew had already condensed on Yun Xi's head.

"These fogs limit my spiritual awareness, and the area I can detect is limited."

Yun Xi said.

"Now what?"

Although Yi Meng's spirit body is weak, it doesn't want anything to happen to Yun Xi.

"I don't know, I'll try again."

Yun Xi formed a seal with his ten fingers, and spiritual power flowed between his palms. A golden Buddha seal appeared in mid-air, and golden light burst out from the Buddha seal.

Buddha's light shines everywhere!


Like the sound of the sea breeze caressing, where the Buddha's light shone, Yun Xi could clearly feel that the dense fog around him was obviously thinning, but this situation did not last long, and soon another thick fog came over, leaving Everything she did was in vain.

There is no breath of life,

The person who used this formation seemed to really only intend to use this formation to trap her here.

"Who are they? Why are they trapping me? Could it be Feng Ming and the others again?"

Yun Xi thought carefully. Although she was trapped now, she was not in any danger. If it were Feng Ming and the others, who had always bullied the weak with more and less, they would have the patience to play hide-and-seek with her. game?

Moreover, I took this mission on a temporary basis. Unless the other party planted spies in the Tianling Alliance, they should not know my whereabouts.

But if not them, who would it be?

Yun Xi had a flash of inspiration.

Could it be a natural formation?

The ocean is far more terrifying than the mainland. This is one of the unchanging laws of the Hunling Realm. The ocean is deep and the mask is vast. In addition to countless powerful sea beasts living here, there are also natural formations.

A few of these so-called natural formations are transformed by the aura of heaven and earth triggered by natural disasters. For example, when Yun Xi and his team went to the Sky Beast Continent for the first time, they encountered the Thunder Strait on the sea. It was a thunder that came. Arousing the aura of heaven and earth, a mine field was formed cleverly and skillfully.

But more natural formations are actually created by powerful creatures combined with the aura of heaven and earth. Many powerful creatures will dissipate their skills before death to prevent others from using their bodies, and those dissipated auras, There is a certain chance that it will turn into some kind of formation and stick to one side.

It's just that the natural formation formed by the creatures and the bottom of the sky often doesn't last long.

"If it's a natural formation, I'm afraid it's impossible to break through it with my current abilities. I'll have to find a way to escape."

After making up her mind, Yun Xi lowered her head and looked at the sea below her. Although the fog was thick all around, the sky was already bright. The morning fog reflected the sky light and illuminated the sea surface. The sea water was deep blue and the bottom was invisible.

"The ocean is the grave of adventurers."

Yun Xi remembered this sentence that she had read in a book. For spiritual practitioners in the mainland, the sea is not only mysterious, but also extremely dangerous, because although most of the sea beasts in it cannot fly, they are far more powerful than those who can fly. Flying creatures are even scarier.

Yun Xi looked down at the sea, turned around, and plunged directly into it.

She had no choice to leave.

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