I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 7 Journey to the Sea of ​​Fog (5)

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"Are we going directly to the foggy pool?"

After walking out of the observation pavilion, Ying Nianling asked Yun Xi.

"Let's go take a look over there first, but there's no rush to go in today."

Yun Xi walked towards the direction of the fog pool, because she had seen the location of the fog pool in the upper part of the pit before entering the city, and now she could tell the direction.

Ying Nianling was puzzled and asked: "You're not going in today? Why?"

Yun Xi smiled and said: "Observe first, and then make some preparations."


Ying Nianling nodded ignorantly, but she didn't know what preparations Yun Xi wanted to make.

But anyway, to her, the people in this city are not important to her. As long as she can get out, everything else does not matter. She has no righteousness and cannot decide to stay here because of these people.

Not long after Yun Xi and Ying Nianling walked out, a figure followed them.

It is Zhang Beiwang, the second master of the watchtower, the white-clothed swordsman.

He came from behind and caught up with the two of them. Yun Xi looked at him with some confusion.

Zhang Beiwang said: "Let me go with you for the time being. If you have any doubts, I can try my best to clarify them."

They just met by chance. Although their experiences were the same, it didn't mean that they would become close friends when they first met. Zhang Beiwang could understand that Yun Xi wanted to break through, but he still had to come and see for himself before he could feel at ease.

Yun Xi nodded: "Thank you."

Zhang Beiwang didn't take it seriously.

On the way to Wuchi, more and more people are looking at them. The reason is simply because women are too rare in this city, and as for Xiang Ying Nianling, I am afraid these people have never seen her in their lifetime. .

Many people looked infatuated after seeing Ying Nian Ling.

Yun Xi and Ying Nianling were already used to this kind of situation.

Yun Xi looked around and saw that there were very few spiritual cultivators here. Counting those in the watchtower, there were probably not even a hundred people in total. This is probably because spiritual cultivators normally do not go to sea, so it is difficult to encounter such a situation. .

So it can be seen that Yun Xi's luck is really bad.

She sighed helplessly, and then looked toward the sky. The sky was blue and the sun was far away in the sky. She thought of a question.

"Can't fly out?"

Zhang Beiwang shook his head: "When you fly to a certain height, the sky will become foggy, and then no matter how you fly, you will be like that in the forest, and you will never be able to find a way out."

Yun Xi understood and thought that she really could only take the path of Wuchi.

The fog pool is surrounded by a thick stone wall, leaving only one entrance. Yun Xi could have easily flown over, but out of politeness, she and Ying Nianling followed Zhang Bei and took a long detour to the entrance. At the gate, there are two spiritual beings in the psychic realm controlling it.

Yun Xi and the three of them attracted too much attention along the way. When the residents who lived here saw them coming to the entrance of the fog pool, they all understood what Yun Xi and Ying Nian Ling were going to do.

Various comments spread among the crowd, and everyone's eyes showed worry and fear. Yun Xi even heard a lot of curses.

No one has any expectations for them, they just hope that they won't cause harm to them.

"Master of the Second Pavilion."

When the two people guarding the entrance of the fog pool saw Zhang Beiwang and Yun Xi coming, they all saluted, but their eyes never left Ying Nianling's body.

Zhang Beiwang said: "I will take them in."


According to the rules of Wuhai City, new residents have the right to enter the fog pool directly once, not to mention that Yun Xi and Ying Nian Ling are in a realm that they cannot despise.

The three of them walked into the stone wall in full view of everyone.

After walking through the stone wall, Yun Xi could feel the rich water vapor rushing towards her face. There was a pool of clear water in front of her, and the white mist was floating above the water.

In a place like this, if you stand for a while, your hair may get wet with mist.

Zhang Beiwang said: "These fogs cannot be approached. They appear to be the same as the fog outside, but in fact they are like burning fire.

The bones will be burned, even if Miss Yun has the cultivation level of the Tribulation Spirit Realm,

It may not be possible to resist. "

Yun Xi thought for a moment, took a few steps forward, came to the edge of the foggy pool, and stretched out a finger.

The water mist was ethereal and invisibly bound in a ring-shaped space. Yun Xi stretched his finger in, and soon countless water mist rushed towards Yun Xi's finger like dense ants.

"Miss Yun?"

Zhang Beiwang looked at Yun Xi's behavior of "If you don't let me do it, I will do it this way", and even with his good cultivation, he almost said a few curse words.

But soon, she discovered that the thick mist did not cause any harm to Yun Xi.

Between Yun Xi's fingers, there is light blue spiritual energy flowing slowly. They are like clear streams. All water mist that touches these mist dissipates directly.


Zhang Beiwang was speechless for a moment.

And at the same time that Yun Xi touched the water mist, the long-lost mechanical sound resounded in Yun Xi's mind.

[Random mission has been triggered]

[Random mission: Breaking the lost city in the sea of ​​fog]

[Mission details: Get rid of the predicament in the current place]

[Task time: one month]

[Task reward: 5000 points]

Yun Xi listened to the mechanical sound echoing in her mind, her eyes looking a little dazed. The system interface that she had not opened for a while opened silently. Yun Xi looked at the tasks promulgated by the system and her considerable points inventory, and couldn't help but smile. laugh.

My own system should be the most embarrassing system in the world. It is obviously a plug-in, but it only takes one or two years to find the opportunity to release a task.

But since the task has been triggered, it means that there is a systematic goal here, that is... something related to Shinto.

Ever since she obtained the ancient book in the Demon Lord's secret realm, Yun Xi understood that the system had big plans, and the tasks it issued to her were not simple. While she was using the system to obtain various resources to become stronger, the system also Also using her to get something.

"Miss Yun?"

Yun Xi was silent for too long. Zhang Beiwang looked at her strangely and called out softly.

Yun Xi immediately came back to her senses, gathered her thoughts, and asked: "How should I get into this foggy pool? Just dive in?"

Zhang Beiwang shook his head, pointed to the center of the fog pool and said: "In the center of the fog pool, there is a small island with an entrance. Once you enter it, you can break through. Originally, before arriving there, you had to endure the water mist. The burning pain, but judging from Miss Yun’s behavior just now, it seems that the water mist has no effect on you?"

Yun Xi said: "This mist is poison."

Zhang Beiwang nodded: "It is indeed more like poisonous mist to have such an effect, but what does this have to do with you?"

Yun Xi shrugged and said confidently: "As long as it's poison, I'm not afraid."

The purifying effect of the Luo Shen Heart Technique may not seem to have much effect on ordinary days except for general cleaning, but if it encounters such a specific occasion, its power will truly be revealed.

Zhang Beiwang was confused, but judging from Yun Xi's method, he also knew that this woman was not simple, so he didn't ask any more questions, and just said: "In this case, I will leave. I wish Miss Yun Everything goes well with Miss Shadow."

Yun Xi nodded and did not look at Zhang Beiwang who was leaving.

Zhang Beiwang left, and Yun Xi was the only two people left in the entire Wuchi.

"Yunxi, what are you going to do?"

With no one around, Ying Nianling could finally call Yun Xi by her first name. The name Yun Ling sounded too awkward, so next time she called Yun Xi by her pseudonym, she would just use Yun Ying, which sounded better.

Yun Xi said: "Take a day off and make some preparations to get through tomorrow."

Ying Nianling didn't ask her why she wanted to take a day off. She just said softly. Looking at the thick mist, a wisp of spiritual power popped up between her fingers. The spiritual power was thrown into the water mist, and she kept chasing the water mist. Very happy.

It seems that Yun Xi is not the only one who is not afraid of poison.

Yun Xi smiled slightly, took out two chairs and placed them

Next to it, she lay down on one of them and then opened the system store.

In fact, if you look at the products in the system mall alone, Yunxi's mall can be said to have a dazzling array of goods, and they are all good things. However, the things in it are all very expensive. Except for disposable supplies, they are basically a few items. Thousands of points.

Yun Xi's daily points increase is only ten points per day, which is less than 4,000 points in a year. She can't even afford an advanced marrow cleansing pill.

In addition, she has become more and more outstanding in the past few years, but no one dares to confess to her, and she has lost countless points. Yun Xi occasionally thinks that if everyone who likes her boldly confesses to her and then rejects her, then she should have no problem buying the entire mall...

However, this idea was a little too much, so Yun Xi didn't insist too much on it.

Let’s talk about the [Matchmaker] function where you can get points by helping people get out of singles... Let’s not talk about the success rate. Even if she really does it, others will probably think there is something wrong with her.

Therefore, for Yun Xi, missions are actually the best way for her to obtain points.

She has accumulated a lot of points over the years. Although she has spent some on family and friends, she still has just over 10,000 points left. These points are enough for her to exchange for many things.

The system's mall is fairly humanoid in design, with different types of products distributed in different areas. Although she hasn't exchanged many things over the years, she has visited the mall many times.

After all, whether to buy is one thing, and whether to shop is another.

Yun Xi quickly found what she wanted to exchange for and clicked on exchange.

Just wait until six o'clock tomorrow and the items will arrive.

That's why she said she wanted to take a day off.

"This is the first time I heard that the system cannot be delivered immediately. The person who designed this system must have had his head kicked by a donkey."

Yun Xi curled her lips and thought of this.

Next to her, Ying Nianling manipulated her spiritual power and played for a while. After her interest dissipated, she ran to Yun Xi and lay down next to her. She turned sideways and looked at Yun Xi, and found that Yun Xi was looking into the void, looking very attentive. What are you thinking about.

She blinked, reached out to hold Yun Xi's hand, and squeezed it gently.

Although he is clearly a sword holder, Yun Xi's hands are not rough at all, but are white and soft. They are the best hands that Ying Nian Ling has ever touched, even though she has only touched the hands of a few people besides Yun Xi.

Feeling the touch in her hand, Yun Xi turned to look at Ying Nian Ling.

"What's wrong?" Yun Xi asked with a smile.


Ying Nianling replied with the same smile.

After a while, Ying Nianling asked: "Yunxi, tell me, if a person remembers many things that she originally forgot, will she still be the same person she was before?"

Yun Xi's eyes flickered slightly, knowing that Ying Nianling was still thinking about her life experience.

She said softly: "It's natural, but it will definitely be different."

"What's the difference?"

Ying Nianling looked at Yun Xi with curiosity in her crimson eyes.

Yun Xi said: "When I recall things that I had forgotten, and the memories in my mind become richer, then that person will definitely know more and become a more meaningful person, right? I really want to see it. What does a smart little shadow look like?"

Ying Nianling blinked and asked, "Am I not smart now?"

"Smart, but not very obvious." Yun Xi said mischievously.

Ying Nianling looked at Yun Xi, and after a moment of silence she suddenly smiled and said, "It's enough that Yun Xi is smart. If Yun Xi is smart, it means that I am smart too."

"Eh? Can you calculate that?"

"Of course, we are always together anyway. When you need to be smart, just come."

Ying Nianling's eyes became shining.

"What about you?" Yun Xi asked curiously.


Ying Nianling's answer was concise and to the point.


Yun Xixiao

He made a sound, and then thought seriously:

"Well, it's good to be able to fight, but I don't really like fighting with others. It would be best if I don't fight."

"It's okay, I can help you beat Xiao Lingyuan. Don't you dislike her always touching you when she sleeps? If she doesn't obey, I'll beat her for you!"

Ying Nianling's eyes were pure, she raised her other hand and clenched her fist.

Yun Xi's pretty face couldn't help but blush when she heard this. She coughed twice, looked at the sky and said, "Ah, the sun has risen."

Ying Nianling looked at the east. A bright and round figure rose from the side of the mountain. Golden and warm light shone on their faces. The two delicate jade hands were interlocking with each other at this time.

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