I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 9 Why is there still a sword?

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boom! !

The morning light is bright, and the vegetable market in Wuhai City is crowded with people coming and going. Meat here is extremely expensive, but vegetarian dishes are relatively cheap, but there are still people bargaining, making the place very lively.

However, a sudden vibration instantly broke the bustle. Everyone turned their heads in panic and looked in the direction of Wuchi.

There were huge waves and heavy white mist. Where the fog pool was, there were streams of light flashing continuously.


In the observation pavilion, the three pavilion owners reacted fastest and immediately flew out of the observation pavilion and headed towards the mist pond.

Lin Ziwu frowned, looked into the distance, and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhang Beiwang shook his head: "I don't know either."

Yesterday, he sent Yun Xi and the two of them into the mist pool and then left. What happened next is not known, but in the past, they were trapped in the three-stick incense pool before leaving, but both women passed by for a day. They haven't come out yet, which makes them suspicious, and they can't help but think that they really have the ability to leave here.

Unexpectedly, it was just after early morning that such a shocking movement occurred in the fog pool.

The few spiritual cultivators in Wuhai City all sensed what was outside the Wuchi. They either looked from the sky or jumped to the roof of a nearby house to observe the situation.

Where everyone looked, the clear water of the mist pool swept across the world, and the mist was like a curtain, blocking most of the sight.

However, despite this, with the spiritual consciousness of Lin Ziwu and the others, they could still clearly detect the three auras in the fog pool.

"Three people? Aren't there only two people who entered?"

Lin Ziwu looked at Zhang Beiwang.

Zhang Beiwang also looked confused: "When I sent them in yesterday, it was true that there were only two of them. Could it be that the guards let others in?"

"Regardless of whether it is true or not, I am afraid that the power displayed by that person is not as good as mine."

Lin Ziwu's eyes narrowed slightly.

The three of them are just casual cultivators. In this world, there is generally a huge gap between casual cultivators and spiritual beings with orthodox inheritance. This gap may not be obvious from the realm, but once there is a battle, then Having deep spiritual power and strong spiritual skills can prove a lot.

People think that there are many naughty men in big families, but in fact, even some naughty young masters and young ladies are much stronger than most casual cultivators.

Zong Min asked: "Then what should we do now? Are we going to help? I see that there seems to be a barrier blocking the fog pool, otherwise the power would have overflowed long ago."

Lin Ziwu thought for a moment and said, "Let's wait and see for now. This seems to be their personal grudge."

The battle that attracted the attention of the entire city was extremely fierce at this time. Neither Yun Xi nor Ying Nianling expected that someone would be waiting here early. Although they were quite powerful, the opponent had been preparing for many days and had already deployed many formations in the foggy pool. Dharma, and its own realm is higher, so it is not empty to fight one against two.

The water in the pool filled the sky, and Yun Xi and Ying Nian Ling were trapped in the water and found it difficult to escape.

Miaoyan held a water spirit bead in her hand and looked at the two of them quietly with a strategizing smile on her soft face.

She did not personally contact Yun Xi Ying Nian Ling, but controlled the water in the pool and the white mist in the sky to continuously attack the two of them. Yun Xi was not afraid of poison, but she could not ignore the power of the white mist after it condensed. .

The water waves were rolling, Yun Xi and Ying Nianling looked solemn at this time, and the spiritual power in their bodies continued to flow. The two people's mighty spiritual power was like a rising tide, constantly vibrating to the surroundings.

Yun Xi controlled four spiritual swords to cut off the water beasts that were rushing towards the two of them. Her eyes fell on Miaoyan from afar, or to be precise, they landed on the water spirit beads in her hands.

"Xiaoying, the water spirit bead in her hand is the key to controlling these pools of water. Help me out and I'll break it!"


Although the water flow has soaked Ying Nian Ling's ring, her crimson eyes are still shining, and her long snow-white hair is floating in the water. Ying Nian Ling's fighting spirit is high, her fingers are dancing, and the talismans are flowing!

The white talisman rose under Yun Xi's feet, and the talisman's light flashed, and Yun Xi disappeared from the spot.

space transfer book

It is a method that can only be used by those who are strong in luck, but Ying Nianling relies on her own talisman technique to operate. This means that her space transfer distance is limited, otherwise they do not need to consider cracking such as breaking through the level. Law.

Ying Nianling's hand was completely beyond Miaoyan's expectation. She stared for a moment, then immediately noticed it and slapped her palm towards the left front.

The space flowed, and at the moment she took action, Yun Xi's figure suddenly appeared, and a sword light flashed across. Yun Xi held the Yuxi sword in her hand, and the spiritual beads on the sword shone. Under her body, a clear spring floated first, and the tip of the sword Here, a water droplet fell downwards and hit the clear spring, making a crisp and sweet chirping sound.

"Three Thousand Weak Waters·Clear Water Mumbles!"

Without the slightest reservation, Yun Xi reached his peak with one sword stroke, causing the world to fall into silence!

Miaoyan's expression changed slightly. She had long heard from Feng Ming and others that Yun Xi's combat power was extraordinary and should not be seen as normal. But now after fighting in person, she understood the gold content behind this comment.

However, this did not make her panic in any way. The spirit beads in her hands were shining. Normally, spirit beads would be embedded in weapons to increase the level and strength of the weapons. However, Miaoyan used the spirit beads directly as a weapon. It is enough to prove that the water spirit bead in her hand is quite extraordinary.

While the water spirit bead in her hand was shining, a ray of rays of light flowed out from the spirit bead and converged into her palm. The rays of light combined with her own spiritual power and turned into a water shield across her body.

This water shield is different from the ordinary shield transformed by spiritual power. The water flow is swaying in it, and there is actually a hidden dragon swimming around!

The moment the Yunxi Yuxi sword struck, the Qianlong in the water shield suddenly opened its mouth, and then jumped out! Not to mention Yun Xi himself, everyone watching the battle outside saw a dragon head leaping out of the gradually thinning white mist. It flew out of the water shield and swallowed Yun Xi's sword energy in one gulp!

Yun Xi's expression changed dramatically, and the Yu Xi Sword in his hand turned, another pool of clear water splashed, and the phoenix sounded!

"Three thousand weak waters, the phoenix rises in the shallow waves!"

At the same time, the Jade Sword of Ren, the Ningshuang Sword, and the Double Sword of Nian danced together. Different sword lights circulated. Yun Xi controlled four completely different swords and wielded four sword skills in a very short period of time. Even Miaoyan had to admire this kind of multi-tasking method.

However, in the face of Yun Xi's sudden and powerful attack, Miaoyan had no other reaction. She just looked at Yun Xi and the giant dragon dancing in the water shield, swallowing these sword lights...one by one!

The dragon left the water shield and grew more than a hundred times in size!

It flicked its giant tail, sending four spiritual swords flying. At the same time, it also hit Yun Xi himself.

Bang! !

Huge force came from his lower abdomen, and Yun Xi's figure was like a sharp arrow from the string, hitting the ground.


Upon seeing this, Ying Nianling quickly formed a seal in her hand, and the space talisman under her body moved. In an instant, she came to Yun Xi's side. Yun Xi's body fell into her arms, and the huge impact force actually made her She herself took several steps back.

Ying Nianling looked at Yun Xi, who looked heavy and looked seriously injured, but in fact, she was not in good condition either.

Although the space sigil is easy to use, she has not reached the Luck Spirit Realm after all. If she uses it under normal circumstances, it is fine. There is a formation spirit sigil flowing in this pool of water. She has spent a lot of effort to force Yun Xi out before. , if you send yourself now, your body is already a little overwhelmed.

Ying Nianling hugged Yun Xi and looked up at Miaoyan standing in the air, with murderous intent in her eyes.


Yun Xi, who was injured due to the huge force, coughed a few times and slowly stood up. The light blue spiritual power flowed through her body, completely repairing her injuries. The four spiritual swords returned to her side. She looked at Miaoyan with an extremely serious expression.

Yun Xi had fought against this group of people many times, and she knew very well that they were not just ordinary people. When she was picking up the Five Peaks of Clouds, Yun Xi was surrounded and suppressed by Feng Ming and three others. At that time, the three opponents were in the same realm as her. She was one against three, but she relied on Yi Meng to win with great difficulty.

This is enough to show that they, like me, are the best in the same realm and have the ability to fight across levels.

Now Yun Xi has only one opponent, but his level is two levels ahead of her. He has been waiting for a long time, hoping to defeat the opponent, but it will be extremely difficult.

"It's best not to take on overseas missions in the future."

Yun Xi thought this in her heart, and then waved her hand, and the four spiritual swords shined again.

"Xiao Ying, stay back!"

Ying Nianling saw Yun Xi's solemn expression and immediately stepped back. There is a huge gap in strength between the transformed spirit and the robbed spirit. Even she can't cross it, not to mention that she has only reached the late stage of transforming spirit, and the other party is not an ordinary practitioner of the robbed spirit realm.

A sweet smile appeared on Miaoyan's beautiful face. She looked down at Yun Xi and said with a smile: "What, do you want to come again?"

The water spirit bead in her hand started to move again, and the water in the sky filled the pool, turning into nine water dragons, hovering in the sky. They were lifeless, but even mortals far outside the walls of the fog pool could vaguely feel the contempt of these nine giant dragons. eyes.

Yun Xi faced this scene with a calm expression. She waved her palm, and four spiritual swords stood in the air. The sword lights intertwined, and a dark blue giant sword condensed in the void. The terrifying power it exuded made even Miao Yan change her color.

"You really hide your secrets."

Miaoyan turned the spiritual pearl in her hand, and nine giant dragons circled up and swooped towards Yun Xi!

When Yun Xi saw this, she knotted her fingers, and the void blue sword suddenly fell down like a sword falling from the sky.

Return to the sword formation!

The giant sword intersected with the giant dragon, and the sharp sword intent continued to wreak havoc, strangling the giant dragons into rain and scattering them again in the pool. However, when the giant sword strangled six giant dragons one after another, its own sword light also began to change. It looks dim and lacks strength.


Miaoyan smiled lightly and stretched out her hand slightly.


The remaining three giant dragons let out ear-splitting roars and swooped towards Yun Xi.

Yun Xi's bright eyes reflected the figures of the three giant dragons, and he let out a soft drink.


Golden light circulated, and a talisman suddenly appeared, blocking Yun Xi's body.

This is the sound and spirit technique created by Yun Xi based on the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sutra. It is extremely defensive, but it is still not enough to rely on it to resist these three-day giant dragons.

Three giant dragons collided on the Buddha's seal. Even the method taught by the Buddha's predecessors still seemed to be inadequate in the face of the huge gap in realm strength.

In just two breaths, the three giant dragons smashed the Buddha seal and bit into Yun Xi.

Miaoyan looked down at Yun Xi with a smile in her eyes. She had prepared for this battle for a long time, and she was ahead in level. How could she lose?

After completing this mission, he will be able to take a long vacation and strive to be promoted to the Luck Spirit Realm before the end.


While Miaoyan was thinking this, she suddenly noticed something strange.

She stared slightly, looking at Yun Xi under the three giant dragons.

Relying on her keen spiritual sense, she noticed something was wrong.

"what happened?"

When this doubt was born in her heart, an inexplicable aura suddenly came, making her whole body suddenly feel terrified!

Her expression suddenly changed, and she immediately retreated back, but before she could retreat far, a sword light suddenly shot into the sky! Arrive in an instant!

maple! !

The three giant dragons instantly shattered and dissipated. The flame feathers behind Yun Xi were spread high, and they had already passed through the water in the sky and arrived in front of her.

Miaoyan looked at Yun Xi blankly, and at the sword in her hand. It was a woman's sword so beautiful that people would fall in love with it at first glance. Its hilt was light blue, and its blade was slender and straight. The lines on the sword are like water, so beautiful that it gives people the illusion that "this is not a sword, but a peerless woman."

Not only that, but the most important thing is that the sword intention emanating from this sword is completely different from the sword intention that Yun Xi showed before. This is a strange sword that is indifferent but contains arrogance, gentle and yet murderous. I mean, it's not scary, but it makes Miaoyan feel scared!

"Hasn't her sword been used up? Why is there still a sword?"

Miaoyan couldn't understand this, she just saw the sword in Yun Xi's hand stabbing her.

In a hurry, she blocked the water spirit bead in front of her, but in just a moment, the water spirit bead she was so proud of was pierced by the sword. The spirit bead shattered, and the rich spiritual energy in it spread out crazily.

Among the crystal fragments, the blade of the beautiful sword quickly approached and was about to pierce her heart in the blink of an eye.

The breath of death enveloped her, and she shouted in panic.

"Sir, save me!!!"

Sa! ! !

Like the autumn wind blowing, with a burst of noise, Yun Xi's sword stopped a finger's distance from Miao Yan's chest. No matter how hard it was, it would be difficult to penetrate into Miao Yan's body no matter how hard Yun Xi tried. .

The backlash from the sword came, and Yun Xi had no more strength and fell feebly toward the ground.


Ying Nianling's figure moved around and caught Yun Xi again, but this time, Yun Xi's face was much paler than before.

"Yun Xi?"

Ying Nianling shouted her name in a panic, but she saw Yun Xi spurting out a mouthful of blood, and the extremely beautiful woman's sword in his hand turned into a stream of light, flowed into Yun Xi's eyebrows, and disappeared.

Yun Xi opened her eyes with difficulty. She covered her mouth and nose with her hands, blood overflowed from her fingers, and the light blue spiritual power flowed through her body, constantly healing her injuries.

At the same time, she slowly raised her head and looked at the sky.

There, behind Miaoyan, a figure was slowly walking out of the void.

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