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"Ling Xiaoyun, the elder of Yin Pavilion, how much do you know?"

After leaving Ruohuating's courtyard, Yun Xi drove back toward Jingming Community. She put her cell phone in the car and called Ling Xiaoyun.

It would be false to say that what happened today has no impact on her, but there is really not much she can do, because she knows very well that her identity is not clean, and coupled with her lack of strength, she can only be passive now.

When one day I enter the realm of killing spirits, I must show them well!

Ling Xiaoyun's voice sounded in the relatively quiet space of the car, and he said: "Elder of Yin Pavilion? Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Yun Xi said: "I have contacted some elders, so I want to know more about them."

Ling Xiaoyun was silent for a while and suddenly asked: "The commotion just now couldn't be because of you, right?"

The momentum that Ruo Ganyu unleashed when he broke into the Changsun Clan was felt by all the spiritual cultivators in Tianling City. Before, everyone was wondering which Gui Du had finally succeeded in breaking through and entering the realm of killing spirits. Now listening to Yun Xi's words, it seems that there is something else hidden.

Yun Xi did not hide anything and said, "I was tricked by the elder named Changsun before. It was Ruo Huating who came over and took me away."

Ling Xiaoyun was silent again, obviously not expecting that Yun Xi would experience this.

He said: "Wait a minute, I'm going to my sister's place right now. I don't know much about Elder Yinge. Let me ask her for you."

"Okay, thank you very much."

"It's all small things, it's all friends."

After hanging up the phone, Yun Xi tapped her fingers on the steering wheel and looked forward with a calm expression.

"It's really thrilling..."

She sighed inwardly.

Fortunately, she had already communicated with You Xiyun a few days ago, and the other party also exchanged the Ring of Transformation and the Memory Bead of Hidden Memory. If it weren't for these, she would have been mentally controlled by Lord Changsun this time.

Even if he is not controlled, once You Xiyun appears, the soul fluctuation caused by the personality change will be immediately noticed by Duke Changsun.

Everything depends on them acting earlier.

From this point, Yun Xi had to say that she owed You Xiyun a favor.

Ling Xiaoyun's call came back quickly. Yun Xi clicked on it and heard Ling Xiaoyun say: "I have already told my sister, let her talk to you."

The matter of Yin Pavilion should not be mentioned to others, but Yun Xi has now had direct contact with the elders of Yin Pavilion, so it doesn't hurt to learn more about them.

"Okay, please help me thank Senior Sister Ling."

"It's just a small matter, junior sister Yun Xi, don't worry about it."

Ling Xinlan's voice came from the phone. The princess of the Ling family said: "The Yin Pavilion is the hidden power of the Tianling Alliance, and every elder in it has the powerful ability to kill spirits. Today's Yin Pavilion has a total of There are eight elders.”

"The first one is the ancestor of our Spirit Clan. Our ancestor's name is Ling Xuanzhu. He was the Huating who took office. He once accompanied the leader of the Qingyuan Alliance to govern the Tianling Alliance for thousands of years. Now he has retired and retired to the hermit pavilion. , rarely takes care of things anymore. Our ancestors have a good relationship with Mr. Wei, and our cooperation with the Yun family also has his tacit approval."

The leader of the Qingyuan Alliance is the previous leader of the Tianling Alliance, and the word "Qingyuan" is his title, just like the current leader is respectfully called "Chongzun".

The current leader of the Chongzun Alliance has been in office for more than five thousand years. Ling Xuanzhu can work together with the leader of the Qingyuan Alliance. His qualifications are really not ordinary.

"This second person is the ancestor of the Changsun clan, Lord Changsun."

Yun Xi raised her eyebrows slightly, this was the guy who was trying to mentally control her.

"Changsun Gong entered the Yin Pavilion three thousand years ago. Because the Changsun clan to which he belonged was on the wrong side in the battle between alliance leaders, he only served as the governor of Gui. After becoming a slayer, he was directly assigned to the Yin Pavilion until today. , maybe he still has some opinions on the leader of the alliance. Speaking of which, I also heard a gossip about Elder Changsun."

Ling Xinlan's tone became mysterious.

Although Yun Xi hates that guy,

But I can’t help but listen to Ling Xinlan’s tone.

Somewhat curious: "What gossip?"

"I heard that Elder Changsun Gong once liked Ruo Huating and openly pursued her, but in the end, Ruo Huating cut off half of his hair with a sword, so he didn't dare to continue."

Ling Xinlan's words were full of schadenfreude, and it was obvious that she didn't like the elder very much.

Yun Xi was speechless when she heard this. She didn't know that there was such a past between Ruo Huating and Changsun Gong.

But let her remember that according to the information she knows, Ruo Huating is only about three thousand years old now, and the eldest grandson only succeeded in killing spirits three thousand years ago. How can he be one or two thousand years older than Ruo Huating? It is really an old cow eating young grass. , miss peach!

"The third person is Elder Gu Suyan. This elder is recognized as selfless. Before Ruo Huating took office, he was Huating in charge of diplomacy. However, because he was too inflexible, he often offended those days. Beast, so he was replaced by Ruo Huating early. But strictly speaking, he is still on the side of the alliance leader."

Although Gu Suyan Yunxi didn't know him, she remembered that when she first met Xiao Gufeng, Gu Ningyan who was following Xiao Gufeng seemed to be a child of the Gu family.

Ling Xinlan continued: "The fourth one is Elder Xiao Chenghuan. You should have heard about this elder."

Xiao Chenghuan is the ancestor of the Xiao clan, and Xiao Gufeng is his direct descendant. Yunxi has naturally investigated it, and she is quite disgusted with the entire Xiao clan!

"Elder Xiao Chenghuan was the previous Huating, but he and Elder Changsun Gong had the same position, so he was replaced immediately after Qiu Huating was promoted to slaying spirits. He has only been Huating for a few hundred years from beginning to end. .”

A smile appeared on Yun Xi's face. Although she didn't know this elder at all, she was so disgusted with the house that she was gloating over what happened.

"But despite this, this elder is not simple. Among the elders in the Yin Pavilion, his realm strength is at least among the top four. There is a grudge between you and Xiao Gufeng, so you still need to be careful when facing the Xiao clan."

Ling Xinlan reminded her carefully, causing the smile on Yun Xi's face to change solemnly.

Among the eight elders, he ranks among the top four in strength, which is already extremely strong.

"The fifth one is Elder Ye Tianji. This elder is also a famous figure in Tianling, the founder of Tianji Sect, and the founder of the warlock path. Elder Ye Tianji is quite famous in the alliance, and he is different from other elders. He entered the Yin Pavilion not because of others, but because he did not want to hold Huating or other positions, and just wanted to study astrology, so he took the initiative to apply to enter the Yin Pavilion."

"It is rumored that he can know thousands of years in the past and thousands of years in the future. Tianling's current technology is also inextricably related to him."

Yun Xi still knows something about Ye Tianji. Now the warlock class in Tianling's martial arts school is because of him, and he can be regarded as a celebrity recorded in books.

"The sixth one is Elder Xie Ze."

Ling Xinlan paused, with a hint of admiration in her tone: "This elder is a bit special. In terms of age, many governors are actually older than him, but in terms of strength, even Elder Xiao Chenghuan may not win. He surpassed him. He became a slayer of spirits when he was eight hundred years old, and he is only over a thousand years old now. In terms of talent in cultivation, even the current alliance leader is not as good as him."

"The battle that made him famous happened more than two hundred years ago. At that time, he broke into the demon realm alone, turned the demons upside down, and escaped without a trace, shocking the entire world of ghosts."

Yun Xi was surprised and asked, "Has such a person been arranged to enter the Yin Pavilion?"

She already knows now that although the elders of Yin Pavilion are also capable of killing spirits, their power and status are incomparable to General Sanhuating and the others. Most powerful people are unlikely to be willing to enter Yin Pavilion, let alone Talk about someone with such talent.

Ling Xinlan paused for a while and said with some embarrassment: "Because earlier... he had openly challenged the leader of the alliance..."

Yun Xi: "..."

Things suddenly made sense.

However, being able to become a spirit slayer at the age of eight hundred is truly terrifying. According to Yun Xi’s understanding, most of the powerful spirit slayers only entered this realm after they were a thousand years old, and most of them only entered this realm after they were two thousand years old. Eventually he will be killed.

Xie Ze

With this talent, it is understandable that he would challenge the leader of the alliance all at once.

Ling Xinlan said so much and paused for a while. Yun Xi's ears were sharp and she heard the sound of drinking water.

After the sound of drinking water ended, Yun Xi heard Ling Xinlan ask her: "Junior sister Yun Xi, do you know who is the most powerful female cultivator of Tianling?"

Yun Xi replied without thinking: "Ruo Huating?"

There are many people in the Tianling Alliance who kill spirits, but as far as Yun Xi knows, there is only a woman like Ruo Ganyu among them. This shows that there is indeed a gap between women and men in their cultivation.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Ruo Ganyu is favored by everyone in the alliance, even the alliance leader has never been cruel to her.

There was a hint of smile in Ling Xinlan's tone: "Most people think so, but in fact it is not the case. In fact, the strongest female cultivator is an elder from the Yin Pavilion."

"The elder of the Hidden Pavilion?"

Yun Xi was surprised. She had not known that there were women among the elders of the Yin Pavilion.

Ling Xinlan said: "The seventh elder of Yin Pavilion is named Shi Ting. You may not think that this name is ordinary, but in terms of true strength, even the two elders Xie Ze and Xiao Chenghuan are not as good as her."

"Shi Ting..." Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Your last name is Shi?"

Ling Xinlan replied: "Yes, it's what you think. Elder Shi Ting is from the Shi family, and Shi Chang'an is her nephew. Didn't you visit the Demon Realm once before, Governor Rong Gui? Governor Shi Rong Gui is Elder Shi Ting’s biological sister.”

Yun Xi finally understood the chill of what Ruo Huating said to her before. No wonder she asked her to have more contact with Governor Shi Ronggui. It turned out that there was such a relationship behind the Shi family.

Ling Xinlan said: "Elder Shi Ting is a low-key person. After he became a spirit slayer, he has been cultivating in the hidden pavilion. The only time he took action was four hundred years ago. During a diplomatic process, a conflict broke out between the heavenly spirits and the dragon clan. , Governor Shirong Gui was detained by the Jiaolong Clan. As a result, Elder Shi Ting broke into the Jiaolong Clan alone and faced the two slaying spirits. In the end, not only did he take the whole body of Governor Shirong Gui, but he even left a heavy legacy for the leader of the Jiaolong Clan. The injury caused a direct shock to the Hunling World."

Yun Xi looked at the road ahead and was quite shocked. She didn't expect that there was such a ruthless person behind the Shi family. Why had she never heard of it from her teacher or Governor Shi Ronggui?

Looking at it this way, the elders of Yin Pavilion are actually very powerful as a whole. No wonder the Tianling Alliance can always stand firm. From the external generals and military advisors of San Huating to the obscure eighth elders of Yin Pavilion, The number and strength of these spirit-killing experts in the Tianling Alliance are enough to intimidate the entire Hunling World.

Ling Xinlan continued: "As for the last elder of Yin Pavilion, his name is Chen Moan. As for his identity, I believe you can guess it without me telling you."

Yun Xi said seriously: "The person who failed in the fight with the leader of the alliance back then!"

Ling Xinlan, who was on the other end of the phone, was lying on the sofa and nodded: "That's right. Elder Chen Mo'an lost the fight with the leader of the alliance and was thrown into the Yin Pavilion. Now he is the most powerful elder in the Yin Pavilion. However, he has not appeared for more than a thousand years, and there are rumors that he is reaching the realm of the gods, but I don’t know whether it is true or not.”

Impacting the realm of the gods...

Just from this description, Yun Xi could imagine the strength of this elder, and such a strong man had not yet competed with the current leader of the alliance.

Yun Xi felt that although the leader's presence was a bit low, his strength should be among the best in the entire Hunling World.

After hearing what Ling Xinlan said, Yun Xi had some understanding of the current form of the Yin Pavilion. She sighed softly, with a hint of emotion and loneliness in her breath.

Once upon a time, she was still a student who was constantly fighting for the competition. Now, she has begun to come into contact with the top powerhouses in the world.

Ling Xiaoyun's voice came from the mobile phone: "I didn't expect that there are so many big figures hidden in the Yin Pavilion. This is the first time I have heard of it."

Ling Xinlan said angrily: "The elders of Yin Pavilion just don't have power, but that doesn't mean those elders don't have strength, okay."

"That's true if you say so."

Ling Xiaoyun cannot deny it.


Xi calmed down and said, "Thank you so much to Senior Sister Ling and Ling Xiaoyun this time. I'll treat you two to dinner another day."

Ling Xiaoyun said: "No problem, just set the time."

"What does it have to do with you? Didn't I tell her all this information?" Ling Xinlan seemed to be saying to Ling Xiaoyun.

Then Yun Xi heard Ling Xiaoyun's somewhat helpless voice: "Does it matter? Tell me and I will tell Yun Xi, it will actually be the same."


Yun Xi listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't help but smile. She said goodbye to them and hung up the phone.

The car moved steadily forward, and the scenery on the roadside was pulled back.

Yun Xi whistled, mentally planning the next trip.

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