I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 40 You Xiyun’s first awakening life (3)

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Tianling City is very big, but perhaps the pressure brought by being in the same closed space as You Xiyun is too great. Ye Nianhan drove faster than before and quickly arrived at Wangyue Residence.

You Xiyun glanced out the window and was about to open the car door and get out, but Xiao Lingyuan hurriedly shouted: "You...Xiao Xi! Wait a minute."

When she called out this title, her heart was shocked, both frightened and excited. No wonder Nianhan's tone when he shouted just now was so abnormal.

You Xiyun turned to look at her: "Is something wrong?"

Xiao Lingyuan quickly took out a pair of sunglasses and handed them to her: "How about you put these on?"

It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. The difference between You Xiyun's eyes and Yun Xi's eyes is not ordinary. People like Qingchan who are close to Yun Xi can see her strangeness at a glance, and others may also notice it to some extent. .

Wearing sunglasses can avoid a lot of trouble.

You Xiyun thought about it and thought it was a good idea, so he reached out and took the sunglasses and put them on.

Wearing such an elegant ancient-style dress with such modern sunglasses seems a bit weird from Yun Xi's perspective, but the people of Tianling have never had a fixed style of dressing, so they don't take it seriously. .

It's just that You Xiyun's figure and temperament were so extraordinary that she still attracted a lot of attention as soon as she got out of the car.

Ye Nianhan put the car away and followed Xiao Lingyuan on both sides of You Xiyun. They had long been accustomed to facing the probing and admiring gazes from all around, and now their attention was entirely on You Xiyun.

This is the first time since You Xiyun appeared that he has pretended to be Yun Xi and entered the public eye...in Tianling City.

The two of them were even more nervous than You Xiyun, the client.

You Xiyun seemed to hear two hearts beating in her ears. Her beautiful eyes under her sunglasses couldn't help but twitch, but after thinking for a moment, she still held back.

Just talking can't help it, they really need time to adapt to her existence.

Walking into Wangyue Residence, the costume designer in Wangyue Residence recognized Yun Xi and the others at a glance.

She stepped forward with a smile: "Miss Yun, please come in. Do you want to customize clothes for yourself or for others this time?"

You Xiyun said: "I want to customize some new clothes."


Over the years, Yun Xi has customized many dresses at Wangyue Residence. As a distinguished guest at Wangyue Residence, not only Yun Xi's figure data are recorded here, but even Yun Xi's clothing preferences are also recorded.

The dressmaker smiled and led the way: "Miss Yun, please follow me. We have just received a batch of fine brocade fabrics in the past few days, all in your favorite colors..."

"Need not."

You Xiyun's decisive and quick refusal made the costume designer stunned for a moment. Before she could ask, You Xiyun had already walked to the other side: "Let's look at other styles this time."

Unlike Yun Xi, who prefers blue and white, You Xiyun usually wears all black dresses. Only on certain occasions, she will wear bright red skirts.

Of course, her black skirt is different from You Tingjing's black gauze skirt. It is a very serious long skirt, lightly tied at the waist, and the skirt reaches to her ankles.

In fact, it is precisely because of her that many young female cultivators in the Demon Clan now prefer to wear black dresses.

Most of the demon women regard her as the saint as the object of study and admiration.

You Xiyun looked around in Wangyue Residence and selected several fabrics that he liked, including black, purple, and gorgeous red.

The costume designer was shocked when he saw the pieces of fabrics You Xiyun selected, because Yun Xi had never chosen such fabrics before. She had always valued colors such as pure white, sky blue, and blue. She really Are you picking out clothes for yourself?

Seeing the surprised expression of this extremely experienced costume designer, Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan both looked at each other quietly and sighed silently.

It seems that it is not an easy task for You Xiyun to integrate into life as Yun Xi.

Yunxi is in Tianlingtai

Now that she is famous, her image has been fixed in the eyes of many people, and You Xiyun has completely escaped those stereotypes.

You Xiyun didn't know how different her performance was from Yun Xi's. After all, no matter how incredible these people were, they would never think of her as a soul-turner, because there were only a few people in the world who knew the concept of soul-turn. Extremely limited.

At most, they think Yun Xi has a mental problem and is mentally ill... But what does Yun Xi's mental illness have to do with You Xiyun?

After choosing the fabric, You Xiyun told the person in charge here about her requirements. She did not design according to her previous styles, but continued the style of Tianling. After all, there are still certain differences between demon clothes and Tianling clothes. Different.

After ordering their clothes, the three of them were ready to leave. However, when they just walked out of the gate of Wangyue Residence, three people walked towards them.

Brother and sister Xiao Gufeng, Xiao Guyu, and Gu Ningyan.

Xiao Gufeng should also be here to customize clothes. They were talking and laughing with each other. They were obviously not expecting the appearance of Yun Xi and the other three, and they couldn't help but pause in their steps.

Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan were also stunned for a moment.

In the early years, Xiao Gufeng actually appeared in their field of vision occasionally. After Yunxi received the Buddha's inheritance, Xiao Gufeng began to pursue her.

It's just that Yun Xi is not a manly woman. Faced with the pursuit of this direct descendant of the Yin Pavilion elder, she refuses without any hesitation, which is surprising.

Xiao Gufeng tried to stalk her, but Yun Xi was not an ordinary Tianling disciple. She had no family background, but Mr. Wei valued her very much, so Xiao Gufeng did not dare to use force.

This led to the proposal and the suppression of the Yun family.

The cooperation of the Snow Fox Clan helped the Yun family get out of trouble. After that, they didn't see Xiao Gufeng for several months. They heard from Ling Xiaoyun that he had lost a lot of face in the circle of the big family.

They all wanted to say "you deserve it".

Having said so much, they actually didn't expect that outside Wangyue Ju, they would encounter this young master of the Xiao clan by chance.

Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan looked at You Xiyun subconsciously. They didn't know how much You Xiyun knew about Yun Xi's experience.

However, You Xiyun didn't seem to see Xiao Gufeng at all, and walked straight forward, passing by them, leaving the three of them stunned in place.

Only then did the two people realize that even if someone like You Xiyun knew about Xiao Gufeng, how could he care about a little person like Xiao Gufeng?

But You Xiyun didn't care about the little people, but the little people cared about him.

"Junior Sister Yunxi."

After You Xiyun walked past Xiao Gufeng and the others, Xiao Gufeng suddenly turned around and shouted Yun Xi's name to her.

You Xiyun paused, turned around, and looked at Xiao Gufeng quietly with his eyes behind his sunglasses.

Xiao Gufeng's face was filled with a warm smile, and he didn't seem to have any negative emotions at all because of what happened before.

"We haven't seen each other for so long. It's finally a chance encounter. How about having a meal together later?"

You Xiyun looked at him indifferently and did not reply.

Xiao Gufeng looked at the silent You Xiyun. He didn't know why, although he couldn't clearly see Junior Sister Yun Xi's eyes behind her sunglasses, he still felt a little panicked, and he always felt that the other party seemed to be looking down on him.

When he was about to speak again, You Xiyun spoke.

"You are too weak and don't deserve to eat with me."

After that, You Xiyun turned around and left, leaving Xiao Gufeng and the others alone in the wind.

"What...did she just say?"

After the silence lasted for a long time, Xiao Gufeng came to his senses in a daze and asked.

Xiao Guyu gloated and said, "Brother, she said you are too weak and don't deserve to eat with her. Hahaha!"

Gu Ningyan also had a confused look on his face: "Yun Xi is only at the first level of robbery, right? Why should she?"

Xiao Gufeng said in a daze: "Yes...why should she..."

After leaving Wangyue Residence, Ye Nian

Han drove You Xiyun and Xiao Lingyuan to Shiyun Square in the car. The car was still quiet.

But unlike the quietness when we first set off, there was still a bit of joy hidden in this quietness.

Ye Nianhan, who was driving the car, and Xiao Lingyuan, who was sitting in the back seat, were both in a good mood. They had just seen Xiao Gufeng's expression after hearing You Xiyun's words. They were really happy.

Especially since they hate this person so much.

With such a mood, they felt that there were some benefits to You Xiyun's control over Yun Xi's body. At least this woman was really extremely confident and arrogant and had the corresponding capital.


Recalling Xiao Gufeng's expression just now, they couldn't help but want to laugh.

You Xiyun glanced at the rearview mirror in the car and saw Xiao Lingyuan's grinning lips.

Xiao Lingyuan, who also noticed the rearview mirror, saw You Xiyun's startling glance, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly, just like a bad student who giggled in class and was caught by the class teacher.

"What are you laughing at?"

The questions You Xiyun asked seemed like questions that would only be asked by the head teacher.

Xiao Lingyuan looked obedient and didn't say anything until she quietly glanced at the rearview mirror and found You Xiyun still looking at her, then she answered honestly: "I was thinking about Xiao Gufeng's expression... It’s kind of funny.”

You Xiyun looked at Ye Nianhan again: "You too."


Ye Nianhan nodded.

The two of them were extremely honest in front of You Xiyun. If Yun Xi saw this scene, she would probably be surprised, because even she could not shock Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan so easily.

This may be the difference between people.

You Xiyun thought about it for a moment. She left after saying those words, but she didn't pay much attention to Xiao Gufeng's expression. She didn't know how much impact her words would have on the other party, because there was nothing wrong with those words.

Even if her soul is transformed now and she has lost her previous realm strength, a junior in the Spirit Tribulation realm is still a weakling in her eyes. How can she be qualified to invite her to dinner.

But thinking that Yun Xi had read some memories about this to her, she also knew that Xiao Gufeng was a descendant of Xiao Chenghuan and was pursuing her current self.

It’s simply wishful thinking!

The temperature inside the car seemed to have suddenly dropped a lot. Ye Nianhan and Xiao Lingyuan felt a sudden chill on their bodies. Before they could sense what had happened, they heard You Xiyun ask:

"How many people are pursuing Yun Xi now? Has she ever been in love?"

The two of them paused subconsciously, and then shook their heads in perfect agreement. Ye Nianhan was worried that Xiao Lingyuan was too impatient, so he explained in advance: "Xiao Xi's talent is amazing now, and her thoughts are basically focused on practice, but I haven't seen her yet. We have talked about emotional matters. But there are countless people who like Xiao Xi... I'm afraid."

Yun Xi's excellence comes from the inside out. Back then, she won the title of Tianling School Beauty just because of her outstanding appearance, and she has never lost it to this day, and the convenience of her talent is needless to say.

There are countless suitors for such a woman, from heavenly spirits to demons and demons.

You Xiyun said in an unwavering tone: "When Yun Xi wakes up, remember to tell her that if she dares to lose her virginity before I separate from her, I will kill you. There is no chance of any luck."

Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan were both stunned for a moment.

Then Ye Nianhan couldn't help but ask: "She lost her virginity, why was it me who died?"

"I can't kill her, so I'll kill you. You are very important to Yun Xi, I can see that."


Ye Nianhan was speechless for a moment, but thinking about it carefully, this was a good thing. At least he didn't have to worry about Xiao Xi being abducted by a man.

Xiao Lingyuan had a sullen face. She didn't know that she thought she was depressed because of her unintentional disaster. In fact, she was thinking that for the safety of her own life, she should not be too unscrupulous towards Xiao Xi. Otherwise, she would have to face the fire after the fire. She may not be able to bear the consequences.

After a few conversations, the atmosphere in the car became better. Although You Xiyun instinctively felt that he was treating people and things from the perspective of a strong person, he actually did not have any objections to Xiao Lingyuan and the others. temper.

After arriving at Shiyun Square, You Xiyun and the two of them walked forward along the street.

As the most prosperous tourist area in Tianling County, it is all-encompassing. Most of the known entertainment projects on the market are basically available here. Even the ski resort is stably provided all year round.

This is the benefit of having spiritual practitioners. Many restrictions brought by nature are not worth mentioning at all.

You Xiyun doesn't like to play, but she still comes here.

"It's useless to just rely on some pictures. I will walk around in the past few days to personally understand and experience the current customs and customs of Tianling."

Walking on the busy street, You Xiyun watched the people coming and going, listened to the constant noise, and said to Xiao Lingyuan and the other two.

The two nodded, thinking she was right.

You Xiyun continued: "You guys should go out with me more these days. I originally wanted to go directly to the Tianling League after visiting Shiyun Square today, but your performance today is too poor, and you still need time to adapt."

The two continued to nod, whatever she said was right.

No matter what You Xiyun wants to do, they will accompany him, but...

Xiao Lingyuan said: "You...Xiaoxi, you are talking about this matter in public, aren't you worried that others will hear you?"

You Xiyun looked at an escape room next to it. The layout there looked very large, with many people queuing up, and some people's shouts could be vaguely heard outside, which seemed interesting.

She walked over.

"Don't worry, since my soul is still there, no one in the entire Tianling Continent can overhear our conversation without being noticed by me."

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