I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 50 People who haven’t come back

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"The map of the south?"

Xiao Lingyuan and the others were a little surprised when they heard the news brought by Yun Xi and Ling Xiaoyun.

Because to the south is Tongtian Peak.

The Tongtian Snow Area was very large, and their sight was blocked when they came in. Naturally, they did not know the exact location where they were now, but as long as the wind and snow were not heavy, they could determine the location of Tongtian Peak.

Because there is no higher peak than Tongtian Peak in the entire Tianling Continent.

Yun Xi said: "Well, since I have participated in this training, I cannot fall behind others. Of course I have to take on the most important task."

A few people thought for a while: "This does make some sense."

Yun Xi said: "It's getting late today, let's rest for a day and start again early tomorrow morning."

It was their first time to come to Tongtian Snow Territory and they were not familiar with it. If they went out at night, they might not get lost in this snowy territory.

No one knows how many dangers are hidden under the white snow.

Night fell with the wind, and the snowfield was filled with the noise caused by the cold wind blowing through the tent. This area completely belonged to nature, and the environment was really bad.

In the evening, Yun Xi sat outside the tent. The wind blew her two long braids. She looked up at the sky. The starry sky was bright. The wind in the snowy field was not calm, but the sky was very clear.

Yun Xi looked at the sky like this and thought of the Tianshan Mountains, the Tianchi Lake, and Bai Qing. She knew that Bai Qing had obtained the inheritance of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox in the Demon Lord's Secret Realm and successfully grew a ninth tail. I don’t know what level my realm has reached now.

Thinking of the Demon Lord's secret realm, she thought of the Demon Lord.

That senior is still living in this world after tens of millions of years. This should be something that the entire Hunling World has never thought of. I wonder where the senior has gone now and what changes her existence will bring to this world. .

Yun Xi had a lot on his mind, but most of all he was thinking that Liuquan had learned about You Xiyun's actions, so when would he be exposed?

A few footsteps interrupted Yun Xi's thoughts. She turned around and saw Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan sneaking over.

"Why are you here if you don't rest?"

Yun Xi asked.

Xiao Lingyuan said: "The wind is too loud and it's hard to rest in the tent, and we're not familiar with the other three. Besides, we're not far from you."

They were in the same team, so the tents were naturally close to each other.

"What are you thinking about?"

Yun Xi was sitting on a bench, and Ye Nianhan and Xiao Lingyuan were sitting on both sides of her.

"I was thinking that the sky here is really beautiful, but it's a little far away."

Xiao Lingyuan pursed her lips toward the south: "Why don't you go up there? It's close to the sky."

Yun Xi said: "I will definitely go, there are fifteen thousand snow beads hidden there."

Xiao Lingyuan curled her lips, then smiled and said, "When you go, I don't know if the mountain will collapse."

Ye Nianhan agreed: "It's not impossible."

"Talk too much!"

Yun Xi swayed from side to side and pushed their shoulders. She knew they were teasing her.

In the past few years, she has been to three of Tianling's four dangerous places.

In these three places, the great evil cultivators of Xuanming Valley were all imprisoned in the Soul-Suppressing Prison, the only great spirit-killing demon in Han Jingyuan escaped, and the Deserted City became an ordinary old city ruins. The changes in these places have an indelible relationship with her.

Therefore, people often laugh at her as a dangerous killer, who eliminates most dangers wherever she goes.

Yun Xi could only smile helplessly at this, so from a factual point of view, it seemed that this was really the case.

The morning light rose and set on the second day. All the Qingchao troops walked out of their tents and moved forward according to their own plans.

Yun Xi called everyone together, looked to the south, and said: "Let's set off now. We are divided into three groups. I, Xiao Yuan'er, Nian Han, and A Qi are together. Xiao Ying, you are taking Yao Zi, Tian Ye, and Feng Wei Yan with you. Xiaoyun, you are with Wei Wenlong, Qingyao, and Zixiao. Remember, try to fly as low as possible. If necessary, you can do anything.

. "

Since we are drawing a map,

Naturally, it is necessary to see more places as quickly as possible, so flying in the air is the best choice, but whether it is the Hanming Mountains or the Tongtian Snowy Area, this is a very dangerous behavior.

Because for those local residents hiding in the dark, things in the sky are often living targets.

Everyone nodded: "Understood."

"Okay, let's go!"

The figure was like a sword, and everyone left one after another.

Similar scenes also occurred in other squadrons. Three thousand Qingchao troops were dispatched in full force, flying away like a flock of eagles, and soon dispersed.

Yun Xi stood on the clouds, looking at the magnificent snowfield, with infinite admiration in her heart.

Suddenly, she stretched out a hand and felt the aura of heaven and earth contained in the wind and snow around her. She frowned slightly and said, "I had only heard that the aura of the Snowy Land was extremely violent and that flying was extremely difficult. I only learned about this rumor after experiencing it myself today." Sure enough, it’s not nothing.”

Among the three people behind her, Lu Qi glanced around, carefully taking in all the scenery, and quickly drew the corresponding map on the parchment in his hand.

Ye Nianhan observed every mountain peak and every valley. What she had to do was to calculate the width, height and even depth of these mountains, rivers and ice valleys.

Naturally, this kind of calculation out of thin air cannot be seen through at a glance, but requires a lot of spiritual consciousness. Therefore, Xiao Lingyuan is responsible for relaying with her, and what Yun Xi does is naturally to be vigilant about the surroundings to ensure everyone's safety.

Although the Tongtian Snow Area was not as large as the Snow Fox Clan's snow area, it was still vast. Three thousand Qingchao troops spread out around the station, and after almost two quarters of an hour, it was hard to see anyone else.

The sound of the wind made the entire snowfield not quiet, but it revealed a dead silence that no living thing could enter.

Xiao Lingyuan stood beside Yun Xi. As a spiritual person, she could naturally feel the ferocity of this world and asked, "Can you hold on?"

Yun Xi said easily: "As long as we don't climb that mountain, there won't be any problem."

Xiao Lingyuan looked at the Tongtian Peak in the distance with her. It was the real Tongtian Peak. Even though it was hundreds of miles away and there was even a light wind and snow covering his eyes, Xiao Lingyuan could still see it clearly. That mountain peak.

It rises from among the mountains, standing out like a flock of chickens. Even if she raises her head high, she cannot see the top of the mountain.

At this time, Ye Nianhan suddenly said: "There is an ice valley over there, it's a bit long."

Several people lowered their heads and saw an ice valley stretching for tens of miles below. This ice valley was probably dozens of meters wide. From a high place, it seemed as if a hole had been torn across the entire earth.

Ye Nianhan couldn't explore such a large ice valley just by relying on his spiritual sense.

So Yun Xi led everyone to the ground, where the sky was filled with white snow. The snow on the ground was very thick. As soon as the four of them landed, the white snow covered their calves.

Yun Xi walked to the ice valley and looked into the valley. The light gradually dimmed and was swallowed by the abyss.

"Snowfield beads must be hidden in a place like this."

Xiao Lingyuan said firmly.

Yun Xi smiled and asked, "Let's go down and have a look."

"You have to protect me."

Xiao Lingyuan grabbed Yun Xi's arm and looked a little scared. After all, this was a snow-covered area. Who knew what was hidden at the bottom of the valley?

Getting ready, the four jumped down.

Being able to fly is a very convenient thing. In such a dark ice valley, Yun Xi and the others will not worry about falling to death.

After descending for dozens of seconds, everyone reached the bottom of the valley.

"It's so deep, it should be 3,600 meters deep."

Ye Nianhan has been calculating the distance of their descent.

"It's normal for a place like this to be dark. But... I didn't expect it to be so bright."

In the deep valley, light blue light shines all around. In this ice valley, countless small blue monsters like butterflies hang on the two walls of the glacier. They remain quiet, facing Yun Xi. There was no reaction from these outsiders.

The blue light reflects on the thick ice,

The entire glacier valley is beautifully reflected.

While recording the data, Lu Qi exclaimed, "I didn't expect that there would be such a wonder in this valley."

Before today, they had never been to Tongtian Peak, and naturally they had never seen such a scene.

Yun Xi subconsciously wanted to take out her camera and take pictures of these scenes. She scanned the storage ring with her spiritual consciousness and remembered that she was not allowed to take these things with her, which made her quite regretful.

"Let's go."

Yun Xi spoke softly, and the four of them began to inspect the appearance of the valley.

After walking under the ice for an unknown amount of time, they finally saw something beyond the butterflies and ice. It was a glacier. The glacier came out from deep underground, leaving only a trace in the ice valley.

Among the traces, several people saw a white bead with snowflakes printed on it.

"The first one."

Xiao Lingyuan looked at the bead with some excitement. With a wave of his hand, his spiritual power dived into the water and took out the snowy field bead.

But the moment Xueyuanzhu left the bottom of the river, a piercing scream sounded!

Yun Xi's expression suddenly changed. She quickly turned her head and looked at the glacier cliffs on both sides.

The butterflies that were supposed to be sleeping fluttered their wings at this moment. When the wings opened, Yun Xi and the others discovered that the true form of these butterflies was much larger than normal butterflies.

They detached themselves from the cliff one after another, making disturbing noises, and flew towards Yun Xi and others in groups!

"Follow me!"

Yun Xi said quickly to Xiao Lingyuan and the other three, and the next moment he put his fingers together.

The sword chanted, and two rays of sword light flew out from Yun Xi's hand. The sword energy that burst out in an instant shook the entire butterfly group away.

Yun Xi took a step forward and flew upwards. Ye Nianhan and the others quickly followed. Xiao Lingyuan still held the snowy field bead in her hand.

After a short breath of adjustment, the scattered butterflies gathered together again and charged towards the four of them. They were emitting a faint blue light, and together they looked like a giant dragon swallowing people in the abyss. Open that bloody mouth.

Faced with this situation, Yun Xi didn't panic at all. She lowered her head and glanced underneath her. She could see the faces of these butterflies, which were as terrifying as bats.

She frowned, and flames suddenly rose behind her.

Chi! !

The fierce flames separated and turned into a pair of beautiful phoenix feathers. The sacred and noble aura emanated from Yun Xi's body, shocking all the butterflies in the ice valley.

When they came to their senses again, there were still intruders under the glacier.

Xiao Lingyuan, who returned to the ground, looked at the Snow Bead in his hand and said with lingering fear: "I didn't expect that taking this Snow Bead would be so dangerous!"

Ye Nianhan didn't look relaxed either: "If I had been surrounded by those butterflies just now, I'm afraid it wouldn't be easy to escape."

If Yun Xi hadn't reacted quickly and used his sword to clear the way, they might have been surrounded by countless butterflies just now. If they tried to figure it out by then, they would have to pay a heavy price.

Yun Xi said: "If these things are so easy to obtain, then there is no need to arrange this training plan. Let's go and continue exploring."

Exploring the map was a very boring process. When night fell, Yun Xi and others returned to their base.

If it were an ordinary area, one day would be enough for them to fly across the snowy area. However, the wind in the snowy area is very strong and the spiritual power is very strong. In addition, it takes time to draw pictures. They spent the whole day exploring the area. It's not very broad.

But even so, they still gained a lot. The map was held in Lu Qi's hand. When everyone arrived, they would merge the maps and finally draw a complete surrounding map together with other teams.

But when the cold wind howled and the stars were shining down from the Milky Way, there were still people who hadn't come back.

Ying Nian Ling and the four others have not been seen yet.

Every member of the Qingchao Army carries a stick of tuberose on his body. When they face the irresistible

When they are in danger, if they light the tuberose, someone will come to rescue them, but this also means that they will be expelled from the Qingchao Army as losers.

There was no news from the military about anyone lighting tuberose, so they should be fine, but this is still worrying.

Xiao Lingyuan looked up at the horizon. People kept coming back in the cold wind, but they were not the ones they were waiting for.

Yun Xi sat in the snow and looked at her Heavenly Spirit Order. She had sent several messages to Xiao Lingyuan and the others, but there was still no response.

"There might be something wrong. I want to take a look."

Yun Xi stood up and said.

"I will go with you!"

Xiao Lingyuan responded quickly.

"No, the snowfield is too dangerous at night, you have to stay here."

This is not the Qinghai Mountains. Danger is hidden in visible places. The night in the snow-covered sky is more dangerous than anywhere else, because this place is very harsh in all aspects, and only a few monsters can adapt to the environment here.

Therefore, those who can adapt are not ordinary monsters.

It is very dangerous to operate at night in such a place.

Yun Xi has confidence in herself, but she cannot let Xiao Lingyuan and the others take risks together.

"Captain Yunxi, how is the map drawing on your side going?"

At the moment when Yun Xi decided to set off, someone came over.

They are Qiu Jin, the captain of the first team, and Wang Yu, the captain of the third team.

Yun Xi said: "Sorry, there are still a few team members who are not back. I will go find them now."

"Is there anyone who hasn't come back yet?"

Qiu Jin frowned, with a hint of worry in his eyes, and said: "The snowfield will be much more dangerous at night than during the day. It is too dangerous for you to go alone, so we will go with you."

According to what was agreed yesterday, at 9pm today, all the captains of the 15th Squadron will gather at the squadron camp on time to draw a complete map. Then the members of these squadrons must return to the station before 8:30.

But it was now past ten o'clock, and there was still no news from Ying Nianling and others. It was obvious that they had encountered some kind of accident.

Yun Xi knew that their realms were higher than hers, so she thought about it and did not refuse: "Okay."

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