I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 53 I want to eat glutinous rice (a 4,900-word chapter)

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What happened at night is like a book written in the snow. No one except the person involved can see the traces buried under the snow after one night.

When Yun Xi and others walked out of the tent, they could feel many vague glances. These gazes contained admiration, surprise, and more often, fighting intent, or even implicit hostility.

Everyone saw the rankings yesterday. Yun Xi and others had just arrived and got the first place in the squad on the first day. This made many soldiers of the Qingchao Army feel a little embarrassed. Some squadrons were even killed by the squadron leader in the middle of the night. He screamed and cursed.

Therefore, starting today, Yun Xi's tenth team is not only everyone's comrade-in-arms, but also a competitor.

Everyone may welcome the arrival of beautiful girls like them, but they will never allow themselves to fall behind others.

There were many looks, not only Yun Xi, but even Ying Nianling, who had always been delicate and naive, noticed something was wrong. She looked at Yun Xi, and Yun Xi returned her look, indicating that it was okay.

"Xiao Xi."

At this time, Xiao Lingyuan and others also came over. Xiao Lingyuan walked to Yun Xi's side, smiled and lowered her voice and said: "It seems that we are a little too conspicuous."

Yun Xi smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, let's continue today's exploration."


Following yesterday's progress, everyone set off again and began today's map exploration.

According to what the team leaders agreed upon during the meeting, the exploration scope of the map does not need to be too wide. This kind of exploration not only makes it easier for everyone to understand the surrounding dangers, but also helps to distinguish where the snowfield beads have been obtained, thus reducing some wasted efforts.

After the performance of Yun Xi's team on the first day, both the Qing Chao Army and the Red Flame Army were working hard on the second day, preparing to snatch the first position of their team.

There are even people in the Chiyan Army who are looking for the whereabouts of Yun Xi and others, preparing to regain their place.

The Qingchao Army was stationed a hundred miles to the south. The division of labor among the four Ling Xiaoyun was clear. The task of drawing the map was given to Wei Wenlong, while Li Zixiao and Xia Qingyao alternately explored the high mountains and deep valleys.

"Li Zixiao, can you explore that mountain?"

Wei Wenlong was drawing a picture when he saw a snow mountain not far away. He looked up and said to Li Zixiao.

Li Zixiao looked into the distance and remained silent.

"Li Zixiao?"

Wei Wenlong shouted again, and Li Zixiao's eyes flickered and quickly regained focus. She thought about what Wei Wenlong said just now and nodded.


After Li Zixiao left, Wei Wenlong looked at Ling Xiaoyun and Xia Qingyao with confusion and asked, "She seems to be in something wrong?"

Ling Xiaoyun nodded: "It is true that she is a little distracted. It is hard to imagine that she would have such emotions."

Everyone knows that Li Zixiao has a cold personality. In past contacts, she has always been cold and rarely changes her mood. Today's behavior is the first time they have seen her.

Xia Qingyao looked at Li Zixiao's back. She had a lot of contact with Li Zixiao, even more than Yun Xi, but she couldn't figure out what happened to Li Zixiao. Could it be that he didn't have a good rest last night? ?

Yun Xi and the four of them explored due south. Because Yun Xi's spiritual consciousness was stronger than that of ordinary people, their progress was very fast.

When it was afternoon, they arrived at the highest mountain peak.

"Want to go up?"

Xiao Lingyuan asked.

Yun Xi raised his head and looked up. From a distance, Tongtian Peak seemed to be extremely high and the top was unforgettable. But when he got closer, he realized that it was not a straight mountain, but a very broad and huge mountain that gradually extended upward.

Even if this area is not larger than the Tianshan Mountain of the Snow Fox Clan, it is not much different.

"No need, let's explore other places first, draw the map as soon as possible, and come back later when we can search for the Snow Pearl with all our strength."

If you want to get a good ranking in training, you must come to Tongtian Peak, but not now.

Yun Xi can feel that the sky is full of

Although the peak is also part of the Tongtian Snow Domain,

But it's obviously more dangerous here than elsewhere.

After passing Tongtian Peak, they explored the south for dozens of miles, looked at the wind and snow that was getting stronger, and started to return.

On the way back, passing Tongtian Peak again, Ye Nianhan asked: "According to the current progress, our exploration mission should be completed after tomorrow, right?"

Yun Xi nodded: "Yes, so we must first remember some places where Snowfield Pearls are more likely to appear, and then come directly to find them."

The Tongtian Snow Territory is very wide, and those like them who are responsible for map exploration only need to explore the map within a certain range centered on the station, and will not explore the entire Tongtian Snow Territory.

Otherwise it is time-consuming and dangerous.

Yun Xi rolled up her sleeves and glanced at the watch on her wrist. It was not too late yet.

"Let's check out a few places on the way back. Maybe we can find some snowfield beads."


Several people returned the same way and tried to search after passing several places. Although they encountered some monsters, they still found two snow beads.

This is the invisible benefit brought by map exploration. They go farther than ordinary people and see more mountains and valleys. There are always some impressive places suitable for hiding snow beads.

I went there to take a look on my way back, and it was not surprising that I had some unexpected gains.

After wasting some time like this, it was already getting late when we returned to the station.

No one in the team encountered any accident today, and everyone returned to the station safely before the specified time.

Yun Xi saw some people standing in the wind and snow not far away, helping each other back. It was obvious that not everyone had encountered accidents.

"Xiao Xi."

Xiao Lingyuan came to Yun Xi and whispered: "When we came back just now, we encountered a fight between the Qing Chao Army and the Red Flame Army."

Yun Xi raised an eyebrow: "What then?"

Xiao Lingyuan looked a little dissatisfied: "We wanted to help, but they refused."

Yun Xi's eyes changed slightly.

Ye Nianhan also came over and said, "I feel like they may be worried that after we help them eliminate their enemies, we will take away their merits. Now many people in the Qingchao Army are wary of us."

Yun Xi frowned, feeling a little helpless: "Well, since they don't want our help, let them deal with it themselves. We are here to complete the graduation mission, and after we complete it, we will naturally have nothing to do with them."

"I understand the truth, but I just feel a little uncomfortable."

Xiao Lingyuan pouted and muttered, "It's not like I came here."

Yun Xi paused for a moment, then said awkwardly: "To be honest, the fact that you were summoned here has something to do with me."

She told everyone about the time when the general invited her to go to the Tianling Army.

When everyone heard this, they became even more angry: "So they asked us to come on their own initiative, and they still have this attitude?"

Nangong Yao crossed his arms and said, "It's indeed a bit excessive."

Ling Xiaoyun smiled bitterly: "People who are too good will always be jealous, not to mention that we just defeated them at that exchange meeting not long ago."

There is indeed an inextricable connection between the Tianling Army and the Tianling Tentang, but they are still two units of the Tianling Alliance in essence, and it is not uncommon for them to dislike each other.

It's just that Yun Xi and the others are women after all. Everyone is more tolerant towards women, but they also don't want to be stepped on by women, especially these women are not from the Tianling Army.

These emotions include both the dignity of the Tianling Army and the self-esteem of men.

Yun Xi can understand these emotions, but understanding and accepting them are two different things.

She said: "It's okay, we just have to do our best. They don't want to lose to us, and of course we can't lose to them. Half a year is enough for these people to see how powerful we are."

When the general asked her to join the Tianling Army, he didn't tell her about Chaoyun's plan. Now that she thinks about it, maybe the general was already

If they want to use their hands to dampen the spirit of the Tianling Army, then naturally they cannot let the general down.


While they were discussing this, a shout suddenly came from not far away.

Yun Xi looked back and saw Qiu Jin and others waving to them.

Then she saw Qiu Jin and the others dragging several half-human snow beasts in their hands.

Yun Xi walked over and asked, "Captain Qiu, are you ready for a meeting?"

Qiu Jin shook his head, raised the snow beast in his hand and said, "On the way back, we were besieged by these beasts. I killed a few of them, and I'll share one with you."

Yun Xi was a little surprised, but before she could refuse, Qiu Jin continued: "Don't worry, we have killed ten, exactly one for each team. The training of the Tianling Army has always consumed a lot of physical energy. This snowy field is dangerous. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is definitely not enough to maintain the state, so don’t be polite and just take it.”

After hearing what he said, Yun Xi couldn't say anything else, so she could only smile and say, "Thank you very much, Captain Qiu."

Qiu Jin also smiled, not thinking that such a small thing was worth thanking.

He approached Yun Xi and whispered: "This is all a trivial matter. You should be able to notice by now that many people in the Qingchao Army are wary and hostile towards you. This is actually normal, you don't have to You are too caring. We usually compete with each other a lot. You are considered an outsider, so naturally we don’t want to be compared with you. Please understand."

Yun Xi nodded: "Understood."

She wasn't such a petty person originally.

Carrying the snow beast back to the tent, Yun Xi handed it to Nangong Yao: "Keep it for now. I'll see if I can find some plants in the snowfield to make condiments in the next few days. Then I can bake it. It could taste better."


"It seems that not everyone is hostile to us." Lu Qi said with a smile.

Xiao Lingyuan curled her lips and stopped talking.

After the meeting in the evening, it was already quite late. Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan slept together in Yun Xi's tent until midnight before returning to their own tents.

At midnight that night, everyone looked at the Tianling Order and refreshed the rankings on time.

Because they didn't encounter anyone from the Red Flame Army today, Yunxi's team received very few merits. With the hard work of other teams, they had fallen from first place to tenth place in just one day.

Regarding this phenomenon, everyone in Yunxi's team was not surprised at all. It was only the second day of half a year of training, and there was still a lot of time in the future.

The night is getting darker.

Yun Xi lay on her side on the bed, but the direction she was facing was opposite to yesterday. This time she was facing the direction of someone.

There was a strong cold wind outside the tent. It is strange to say that the snow in this snow-covered area has not melted all year round. The snowy night never stops, especially at night, when the storm becomes more severe. If there is no formation guard around the station, I'm just afraid that sooner or later the tent will be blown away.

After thinking about this, Yun Xi looked at the darkness and felt inexplicably nervous.

She was a little worried...worried that Li Zixiao wouldn't come over tonight.

On the other side of darkness, Li Zixiao was also leaning sideways. Although it had been two days, she was still not used to sleeping in this bed.

But if we go to see Yun Xi again tonight, what if yesterday's accident happens again?

She looked in Yun Xi's direction, feeling a little confused.

The wind was blowing loudly, and three long and even breathing sounds sounded in the room. Both of them pricked their ears and carefully distinguished the sounds in the tent, and then they both realized that besides themselves, there was someone else who was awake.

It is obvious who this person is.

Yun Xi knew that Li Zixiao definitely still wanted to come over, and Li Zixiao knew that Yun Xi definitely still wanted to come over.

So Li Zixiao shrank into the quilt, took a deep breath, then lifted the quilt and walked over quietly.

It was also time to go to Yun Xi's bed. Last night she took advantage of the darkness and walked there openly, but today she looked cautious, like a cat ready to steal something.

She frowned, feeling that she was not a cat.

Yun Xi listened carefully and found that she could not hear the footsteps at all, which surprised her.

Is this really Li Zixiao? The skills gained through spiritual cultivation are actually found in a place like this.

When she had this question in her heart, a figure had already come to her bed, gently lifted her quilt, and got in.

Night is the best color at this time. It covers everyone's figure and makes the other person's expression unclear. The courage comes from not being able to see clearly.

Yun Xi pulled up the quilt and hid herself and Li Zixiao under the quilt. The two did not have any communication, but their actions were in perfect agreement.

If people knew that their tacit understanding was used in such a place, they would probably find it funny, but if that person was Xiao Lingyuan, he would just come over with a gun at this moment.

The bed was very small, and Yun Xi was holding Li Zixiao. In fact, Li Zixiao's height was not much different from Yun Xi's, and she was not petite at all. But when Yun Xi held her like this, she instinctively shrank a little.

It's just that this time Yun Xi was more careful and didn't let last night's accident happen again.

She lowered her head, pushed forward with her forehead, and then touched Li Zixiao's forehead.

"How brave you are."

Yun Xi kept her voice to a minimum.

Li Zixiao pursed his lips, his face already very red.

"Do you know what you look like now?" Yun Xi asked again.

Li Zixiao raised his eyebrows, indicating that she should continue speaking, but then he thought that she couldn't see his face, so he softly let out a confused sound.

There was a hint of smile in Yun Xi's low voice: "Like a cat that comes to steal sex."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yun Xi felt her head being pushed by Li Zixiao. She couldn't help but smile, thinking that Li Zixiao's body temperature was much higher today than yesterday. Could it be that he had adjusted his exercise belt? What's the purpose?

Li Zixiao pressed against Yun Xi, her face a little feverish and flushed. She thought this must be because the quilt was too tight and she couldn't breathe.

She opened her mouth wide, took a few more breaths, and then suddenly froze, as if the gap was too big. She sniffed carefully, and then discovered that there was a special, light fragrance in the quilt.

This kind of fragrance is not unfamiliar to her. Every time Yun Xi sneaks into her room, she can smell this fragrance on her body. This is the unique fragrance of Yun Xi.

In fact, many women who have practiced spiritual practice will have some fragrance on their body. This is the good influence of spiritual practice on the body. But Yunxi's fragrance has been there since she was a child. It is light and fragrant, which makes people miss her endlessly.

She gently sniffed the light fragrance on Yun Xi's body, but she didn't know that Yun Xi also took a few more breaths at this time.

"This girl still smells so good."

Different from the fragrance on Yun Xi's body, the fragrance on Li Zixiao's body is stronger, but this kind of fragrance needs to be very close to smell it.

Yun Xi has always been curious about why a cold-hearted person like Li Zixiao has such an alluring fragrance.

In the darkness, both of them secretly smelled each other's fragrance without the other being aware of it.

But soon, Li Zixiao frowned.

Because the accident didn't happen.

Only then did she realize that her previous worry was not about what to do if an accident occurred, but about not having an accident today.

She pursed her lips, feeling a little unhappy. After a brief inner struggle, she moved slightly closer to Yun Xi.

Yun Xi blinked. She and Li Zixiao were so close that she could naturally detect each other's small movements. She was stunned for a moment and was a little unresponsive, but then she thought of what happened last night.


In the darkness, a strange sound suddenly broke the silence. Yun Xi felt a little embarrassed and thought that what Qiu Jin said was indeed right. In the snowy environment, relying on the aura of heaven and earth alone was not enough. Tomorrow night, the snow beast Roasted.

But that was definitely not possible now, so she whispered in Li Zixiao's ear: "Zixiao, I'm hungry."

Li Zixiao naturally heard it

There was a soft sound and a small response: "Yeah."

This voice was not as cold as usual, and seemed a little cramped and nervous.

But Yun Xi was more nervous than she was. Yun Xi pursed her lips, and after a short moment of silence she suddenly spoke:

"I-I want to eat sticky rice."

[I always feel that if I keep writing like this, I will never come back. Danger Danger Danger. 】

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