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In a city on the border of Hanling County, a purple-haired young man stood in a hotel room. He stood in front of the window. Through the window, he could directly see the snowy land in the distance, among which Tongtian Peak was particularly special. Eye-catching and dazzling.

A ringtone suddenly rang in the room. The young man looked down at his phone and clicked to connect: "Six adults."

Liuquan's voice came from the mobile phone: "Lei Bai, how is the matter handled?"

The purple-haired young man replied: "The three people I hired have found Yun Xi's traces and are following her. But for some reason, Yun Xi suddenly decided to climb the mountain yesterday and has now reached the height of 50,000 meters on Tongtian Peak. , and further up is the domain of several demon kings from Tongtian Peak, so the three of them are ready to take action in advance. I have already notified the people from Han Jingyuan of the Tianling Alliance, and they should rush over immediately."

According to their original plan, they should wait for Kang Chenglie and Zhang Shengyi to take action first. Yun Xi could not be a match for these three people, so once he was in danger of life and death, You Xiyun would definitely wake up.

Liuquan said that after You Xiyun woke up, the only difference from Yun Xi was that there was a red magic pattern between his eyebrows. It was even unclear whether the magic pattern could be hidden actively, so he wanted to prove that Yun Xi and You Xiyun The only way to connect them was to force her to take action herself.

As long as You Xiyun takes action and is seen by Kang Chenglie and Wen Heming, they will naturally realize that there is a problem, and if they report it, the Tianling Alliance will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it.

As long as there are first-hand witnesses and physical evidence proving that Yun Xi has exerted power that should not belong to her, then the slaying spirits of the Tianling Alliance will naturally investigate carefully, and it will be difficult for You Xiyun to pretend to be Yun Xi anymore.

When You Xiyun's identity is exposed, the demon clan will definitely not watch their saint daughter being imprisoned by the people of the Tianling Alliance. The war will be about to break out, and even the demon clan will be hard-pressed to stop the war.

The demons and the heavenly spirits have been fighting for millions of years, and their grievances cannot be easily eliminated with a peace agreement.

"Climb Tongtian Peak?"

Liuquan was silent for a moment after hearing Lei Bai's story, as if he was thinking, and then said: "With Yunxi's strength, it is impossible to climb Tongtian Peak."

Lei Bai's eyes narrowed: "What do you mean, sir?"

"The person you are following now should be You Xiyun." Liuquan pondered for a while, "As expected, Yun Xi is just a cover-up for You Xiyun's identity. She can wake up at any time. It seems like you The person sent should have been discovered. Even if a peak spirit-killing soul is transformed, the strength of the soul will not weaken, and several peak-level soul-killing souls cannot escape her perception."

Lei Bai was shocked, but still said: "Sir, even if You Xiyun discovers their traces, as long as Zhang Shengyi and the others take action, she will still not be their opponent without using her original power, right? As long as she takes action, everything will be over That’s easy to say.”

Liuquan chuckled: "Who told you that she must do it herself?"

"Then what is she going to do..." Lei Bai suddenly paused and his voice became louder, "Tongtian Wugui?"

Liuquan said: "Don't underestimate this woman. Since she dares to risk her life to transform her soul into a heavenly spirit, she naturally has something to rely on. In the past few thousand years, she has been traveling around the four continents, and no one knows how many people she has fought against. , and what kind of connections do you have? Do you think that all living beings who are Heavenly Spirits hate her to the core?"

There is indeed a grudge between the demons and the heavenly spirits, but You Xiyun is someone who is admired and even loved by countless spiritual beings.

Lei Bai was frightened for a while after hearing this. He had thought that after everyone was in place, he would follow and watch a good show, but he didn't expect that there was such a backhand.

In the Tongtian Snow Territory, once Wu Kui takes action, even Tianling's Gui Du can only avoid his sharp edge, let alone him.

He gradually calmed down his somewhat complicated mood and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

There was no sound from the phone, but Lei Bai could hear Liuquan's breathing, and he knew that the adult was also thinking now.

The Five Chiefs of Tongtian are all powerful demon kings in the Luck Spirit Realm. With the help of the right time and place in the Tongtian Snow Region, they can exert a combat power close to that of killing spirits. If they take action, unless Liuquan comes in person, otherwise

It will not threaten You Xiyun.

But this is inside the Tianling Mirror. Once he appears, it will be difficult to leave.

Seeing that Liuquan had not come to a conclusion, Lei Bai took the initiative and said: "Sir, ordinary people can't control the five beasts on Tongtian Peak. If they really take action, we can also use them to prove the relationship between Yun Xi and these demon kings. There is a connection between them, right?”

Liuquan said: "This is why You Xiyun wants to go to Tongtian Peak. In the territory of Tongtian Peak, the actions of those demon kings will become logical. As long as they don't take the initiative to admit it, no one can prove that they are related to Yun." The connection between Xi."

In the entire Tianling Continent, the most suitable place to take action against Yun Xi is Tongtian Peak, because the spiritual energy here is rich and chaotic, and even if a battle breaks out, it will be difficult to be discovered in a short period of time.

But the premise is that they can really make You Xiyun have to take action personally.

Of course, Lei Bai could also directly tell Kang Chenglie and the others about the soul transfer of "Yunxi is Youxiyun", but the question is, will they believe it?

Soul transfer is not infiltration. This method is not only very difficult to succeed, but also very difficult to prove that it is successful. Just like reincarnation, a person says that he has memories of his previous life and how majestic he was in his previous life. If you listen to this, you won't think he is very powerful, you will only think that this person is a *** and there is probably something wrong with his brain.

Soul transmigration is reincarnation. It does exist, but it is extremely difficult to prove by people other than the parties involved.

And when this news spreads, no matter whether Kang Chenglie and the others believe it or not, at least they will catch Lei Bai first, because as the person who spread the news, no matter whether the news is true or false, this person will definitely not be safe for the Tianling Alliance. What kind intentions.

No matter how incompetent Kang Chenglie and the two were and were involved in the black market, they were still the governors and princes of Tianling. As long as their selfish desires were not affected, they would still stand on Tianling's side.

On the other end of the phone, Liuquan frowned. Only then did he realize that even if he discovered the fact that Youxi Yunhunzhuan, it would be difficult to really threaten her. This woman was clearly in the realm of the heavenly spirit. , but it’s still hard to get started.

After thinking for ten breaths, Liuquan finally said: "The plan is as usual, it's just three chess pieces. If they die, they will die. It is also valuable to explore whether You Xiyun is really connected with Tongtian Wugui. As for you, Just leave Tianling as soon as possible and don’t show up again in a short time.”

"Since You Xiyun has someone to rely on within Tianling, then we can look for opportunities from outside. She is not the only one who can prove that Yun Xi is You Xiyun." Liu Quan suddenly smiled, as if he had something in his heart again. end.


Lei Bai felt relieved when he heard that the master seemed to have other methods. To be honest, when he knew that he had to plot against You Xiyun personally, he was both excited and scared.

In the thousands of years of history of the Hunling Realm, You Xiyun is one of the powerful people who has left the most important writings. She relies on her powerful talent and strength to become famous in the world. In the era of her existence, as long as she is a spiritual cultivator , there is basically no one who has never heard of her name.

But according to the descriptions of several adults, You Xiyun's strongest thing is not her strength, but her terrifying connections and methods. Master Wu Zhu once said, if You Xiyun's mind was not always focused on the illusory divine way, , perhaps in these thousand years, the demon clan's millions-of-year dream of conquering the heavenly spirits may really come true.

And even though she never participated in the war between the two clans, because of her existence, the Tianling Alliance never launched a more ferocious attack on the demon clan.

The balance of thousands of years has been maintained by her existence.

Thinking about the comments of several adults about You Xiyun, Lei Bai took another look at the peak towering into the clouds from a distance, contacted Zhang Shengyi and Kang Chenglie respectively, and after confirming the action plan, he immediately left the place.

"Zhuyi, we are leaving for the Tongtian Snow Region now."

In the Yun family courtyard, Kang Chenglie and Wen Heming appeared suddenly, startling Zhuyi Qingchan and others.

Qingchan and others looked at these two people who suddenly appeared warily, and instinctively prepared for a fight, but after hearing what they said, they paused.

Qingchan asked Zhuyi: "Do you know him?


Zhuyi explained: "They are the ones responsible for following me, they are from the Tianling Alliance."

Before Zhuyi could say more, Xia Zidie stepped forward, bowed her head and respectfully shouted to Kang Chenglie, "Uncle."

Kang Chenglie glanced at her and nodded in agreement.

When Xia Zidi called her uncle, Kang Chenglie's identity was revealed.

Qingchan and the others knew Xia Zidi's identity, and naturally knew who her uncle was, but Xia Zidi clearly said that her father and uncle were both imprisoned for making mistakes, so how could they appear here?

There is also Wen Heming, the former King of Jiangming County who was among the first to be arrested in the Yuezhou black market incident. Qingchan and others have experienced the pain, so they naturally know this person.

Both of them were people who should have been imprisoned. Why did they appear with Zhuyi, and what is Zhuyi's identity?

"Are we leaving now? But I still plan to stay here for a while."

In one day, Zhuyi was already very satisfied with the life of the Yun family, and felt that there was no harm in not looking for Yun Xi.

"You can come back after meeting Yun Xi. I heard that Yun Xi seems to be retreating there. If you go late, you may not be able to see her before you go back."

Kang Chengyeol told lies with a serious expression.

Upon hearing this, Zhuyi thought for a while and asked Qingchan: "How long will you stay at the Yun family?"

Qingchan said: "Only for a few days."

Zhuyi nodded: "Then I'll be back early."

Qingchan hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is it convenient for you to bring a few more people? We can actually go together."

The Tongtian Snowy Territory is very dangerous. If they were allowed to go there by themselves, they would definitely not take the risk. But since they are accompanied by two powerful spirits, there is no reason not to seize this opportunity to meet their sisters.

Zhuyi's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Really?"

Qingchan nodded: "We also want to meet the ladies."

We haven’t seen each other for nearly two months, so it’s impossible to say that we don’t want to.

Qingchan and others seized this opportunity and set off with Zhuyi. The Yunze brothers and sisters also wanted to go, but Qingchan flatly refused.

Both of them had only been practicing cultivation for a short time, and their bodies could not withstand the cold air of the snow-covered sky.

With the help of those with strong luck, thousands of miles can be covered in a very short time.

On the way, Qingchan came to Zhuyi and asked in a low voice: "Do you have a good relationship with the Tianling Alliance?"

Zhuyi shook his head and said seriously: "It's very bad! That's why they sent people to monitor me! Even my hands and feet were shackled!"

She pointed angrily at the rings on her hands and feet.

Qingchan and the other four couldn't help but be stunned.

Xuanxuan asked nonchalantly: "What...are you?"

"The demon in Hanjingyuan!"

"Where is Han Jingyuan?"

"Hanming Mountains."

"What about your realm?"

"Originally, I was in the Luck Spirit Realm. But my spiritual veins were restricted by these, so I can't use my spiritual power now."


Han Jingyuan had never heard of it, but everyone knew about the Hanming Mountain Range, the most dangerous place in Tianling.

Zhuyi is actually the great luck spirit demon inside, so no wonder two luck spirits are sent to accompany him.

But the problem is...

The four of them stared at Zhuyi's face in unison.

Appearance of sixteen or seventeen years old, beautiful and lovely appearance, charming and naive expression, eyes full of curiosity about the world...

Zhuyi's image makes it difficult for people to associate her with the three words "Luck Spirit Realm".

The four fell into silence, and then Xuanxuan reached out to cover her face.

She thought of their careless attitude when they were getting along with Zhuyi yesterday, and said, "Well, Zhuyi, I admit, my voice was a bit loud yesterday..."

Tongtian Peak.

On the mountainside of 50,000 meters, the faint clouds are still resting.

But this break was not like sitting down for a while when she was tired. Instead, she meditated directly in the ice and snow.

Light blue spiritual power surrounded You Xiyun, and she was actually practicing in such a place.

In the distance, Zhang Shengyi and the other two people's eyes widened.

Zhang Shengming was shocked: "She doesn't want her life, how dare she absorb Tongtian Peak's spiritual energy?"

"What's going on with this woman..."

Ever since they officially started tracking Yun Xi yesterday, this woman's actions have always exceeded their expectations. First, she incredibly traveled to many places in just one day and accurately found small white beads; Then he fought alone against dozens of Red Flame Army without losing; later he chose to climb the mountain alone; and now he started meditating directly on Tongtian Peak!

Tongtian Peak is different from other places. The spiritual energy here is rich and intense, but extremely violent. Except for a few demonic beasts with powerful bloodlines, no one else, whether human or demonic, can withstand the spiritual energy that lives here!

Yun Xi is not a strong person in the Soul Luck and Soul Killing Realm, how could she dare?

With such confusion, they stared at Yun Xi.

Time passed slowly with the wind. Yun Xi closed her eyes and looked calm. A spiritual whirlpool appeared outside her body, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of the world around her.

"Really... can you bear it?"

The three Zhang Shengyi brothers looked at the figure in the distance in shock, filled with incomprehension.

Zhang Shengming rolled up his sleeves and said, "Brother, this woman is too much. She is only a Level 2 Tribulation Spirit, but she doesn't behave like a Level 2 Tribulation Spirit. I can't bear it anymore. Let's do something about it?"

Zhang Shengyi pondered for a moment, feeling that there was indeed some jealousy in his heart, and at the same time, greed was slowly rising.

There must be a secret hidden in Yun Xi, there is no doubt about it. Now that the time is right, the place is right, and the people from the employer haven't arrived yet, it is difficult for the Tianling Alliance to detect the fluctuations of spiritual energy here.

If they start now, they might actually be able to get hold of Yun Xi's secrets!

Get something and flee immediately. The world of Hunlings is so big, there is still a place for them outside of Heavenly Spirits. If the Tianling Alliance doesn't accept them, then they will regret it!

At this thought, his breathing suddenly became heavy, his eyes sharpened, and he shouted:

"Do it!"

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