I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 63 The Possibility of Kung Fu

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The moment Zhu Lin took over Wu Ling Jin Xiang, the deal was concluded.

Tian Li and Yue Yuan's eyes moved slightly, but they didn't say anything. Qi Bao was still chewing the bamboo, and Lin Yue frowned, but couldn't say anything more.

If Zhu Lin can really take this opportunity to step into the slaying spirit, then this transaction will undoubtedly be worth it.

"Taiwei is hidden inside the mountain of Tongtian Peak. When you climb to the highest point of Tongtian Peak, you can see a stone tablet. That stone tablet is the entrance to the mountain. There is a confusing array inside the mountain, and Taiwei is in the array. Eye. It's just that Taiwei is currently in a closed state. It has not been officially opened for a million years, and I can't open it. Whether you can go in or not depends on you."

Zhu Lin took the incense and said to You Xiyun.

Tian Li stepped on the uneven ground, put his hands on his hips, and hung his wide sleeves: "Do you want me to take you up? With your current physique, you will probably freeze to death on the mountain, right?"

Fifty thousand meters above Tongtian Peak, it is known as the extremely cold snowy area. The extreme cold here not only comes from the temperature, but is also affected by the aura of heaven and earth.

The altitude of where they are now is 80,000 meters. If they leave this cave, just the cold outside will be enough to make You Xiyun unable to walk.

You Xiyun asked calmly: "When I just came up, did you think I couldn't walk?"

Tian Li blinked: "Isn't that because I am standing by to help you block it?"

You Xiyun looked at this little girl who was so proud of her face with indifferent eyes and said, "I have eaten Jibing Snow Lotus before."

Extreme Ice Snow Lotus is a rare snow lotus that grows in the extremely cold snowy areas. Eating it can help people not fear the harsh conditions, even on the Tongtian Peak.

When Yun Xi first entered Qifeng High School, she, Ying Nianling and two seniors found a ruins in the Xilin Mountains, and the four of them were teleported to different places.

Ying Nianling was transported to the extremely cold snowy area at that time. At that time, she accidentally found the extremely ice snow lotus. After eating it, she saved her life in the cold wind.

Later, she brought back more snow lotus, and everyone in Yunxi's force at that time was lucky enough to have taken it.

At that time, no one, whether it was Yun Xi or anyone else, thought that one day they would come to Tongtian Peak, so they did not expect that the few snow lotuses that Xiaoying accidentally brought back would have such a big effect.

After hearing You Xiyun say that he had taken Jibing Snow Lotus, several people immediately understood.

Tian Li said: "Okay, okay, then I will escort you for a ride."

The extremely cold snowy area is the domain of Wu Kui, but this does not mean that only the five monsters survive here. In fact, there are more monsters living in the upper half of Tongtian Peak than in the lower half, because the spiritual energy here is abundant, and the sky There are also countless treasures of materials and land.

For those monsters that can adapt to the harsh environment here, this is their paradise.

You Xiyun didn't say anything. The area they were in now was not the top of Tongtian Peak. It would not be easy for her to go up by herself. It would be better to have Tianli accompanying her.

Before leaving Wukui's mountain palace, You Xiyun paused for a moment and added, "Bring me some more Ice Snow Lotus."

"You are so greedy! Extreme Ice Snow Lotus is rare in the entire Extreme Cold Snow Region."

Tian Li pouted dissatisfiedly.

You Xiyun glanced at her: "Just a few plants."

Zhu Lin looked at her doubtfully: "Since you have already taken Jibing Snow Lotus, there is no point in taking it again, right? Are you planning to give it to others?"

Several other people looked surprised. When would You Xiyun think about others?

You Xiyun said: "If I am not the only one who enters Taiwei, the situation will be better."

As Zhu Lin said, she was indeed planning to give Li Zixiao Lingxiao Yun and the others Jibing Snow Lotus. If she could take them into Taiwei, even if they were discovered afterwards, the impact would be on her. On the contrary, it will be smaller.

Because what the Tianling Alliance is thinking about is how they entered Taiwei,

Rather than how Yun Xi entered Taiwei.

Not to mention Lingxiao

Behind Yun there is also the most senior Yin Pavilion elder.

And there is another thing she didn't say, that is, Yun Xi is different from her. If Yun Xi knows that she has the ability to enter Taiwei, then she will definitely find a way to bring Xiao Lingyuan and the others in. In this case, it is better to do it herself first, While saving time, it can also make Xiao Lingyuan and the others more loyal to themselves.

"You dare to bring others into Taiwei. Should I say that you are lawless or that you are doing whatever it takes to get your own interests? How about you take me in too? I have tried so many times and I have never thought of how to enter Taiwei."

Tianli said expectantly.

You Xiyun was very calm: "Okay. Do you dare to go in?"

Tian Li was stunned for a moment, then embarrassment appeared on his pretty face: "Well, let's forget it."

If someone from the Tianling Alliance discovered this, a beating would probably be a light thing.

She stretched out her hand to Tian Li, and ten extremely ice snow lotuses appeared out of thin air in her palm: "Here, you have to use them sparingly. These snow lotuses are not easy to grow, and I usually don't want to eat them."

Her body is a white crane, and she usually feeds on the spiritual plants on Tongtian Peak. Among them, the extremely ice snow lotus is her favorite. When she handed out these ten snow lotuses, her expression was like a child who had been robbed of candy. The pain was so painful that I almost cried "Wow".

You Xiyun also saw Tian Li's expression, but she didn't care about it. She accepted the snow lotus and said to Tian Li, "Let's go."


The little girl's response seemed a lot more aggrieved and squeamish. If it were Yun Xi, she would have been soft-hearted and made some repayment at this time, but You Xiyun is not Yun Xi. She has a pure heart and will never feel guilty or guilty. Emotions like embarrassment.

After leaving the mountain and returning to the outside world, the heavy snow swept across the sky. In just a quarter of an hour, the snow outside had become so much heavier. The weather on Tongtian Peak was indeed changeable and moody.

Tian Li knew that there was no point in pretending to be wronged in front of You Xiyun. He might end up getting a beating from the public, so he decisively returned to his usual state. With a wave of her hand, the invisible spiritual power spread out, and the ground was freezing and the sky was cold. It's hard to influence the two of them in the slightest.

"I'll take you there directly."

she said.


You Xiyun said.

"Is there anything else?"

Tian Li raised her head in confusion and saw that You Xiyun was a head taller than her. She slightly pouted her lips, thinking that in a few thousand years, I will definitely surpass you, or why not just transform into my true form now? alright?

You Xiyun said: "Go back to the lower half of the floor first and wait for someone."

"Waiting for someone?"

You Xiyun's eyes were deep and his tone was indifferent: "The appearance of those three people is no accident. There are naturally other people involved behind the scenes. You have to find out who it is, otherwise you won't be able to find the target in the future."

The tone of the whole sentence was very flat, without any ups and downs, but Tian Li seemed to feel the murderous intention in the sky. She suddenly felt chilled, thinking of the fear and courage of this woman back then.

In the thousands of years of history of the Hunling Realm, there have not been many powerful people who have perfected the ability to slay spirits. You Xiyun is the only one she knows who stands on top of the world but chooses to reincarnate. She is a person who wants to A person who achieves his goal and will never be soft-hearted towards himself. Such a person will be ruthless to himself and even more ruthless to his enemies.

She glanced at You Xiyun's profile and subconsciously retracted her gaze. Some shadows existed deep in her soul, even though You Xiyun was no longer the saint she was back then.

"What are you thinking about?"

A question suddenly rang out. It was You Xiyun who felt strange when she saw her delay in responding.

Tian Li trembled and said hurriedly: "It's okay, then I'll send you down first."

With a flash of spiritual power, the two of them appeared directly on the mountainside, where You Xiyun had meditated before.

"Should we wait here or go further?"

"Just right here."

You Xiyun walked to the previous stone and sat down.

Tian Li looked at her and scratched his head: "Then I'll leave first. If you have anything, please contact us."


. "

Tian Li turned around and disappeared. She left a little fast, as if she was running away.

You Xiyun looked at the place where she disappeared strangely, a little confused, but soon regained his composure and began to meditate with his eyes closed.

After confirming the cooperation with Yun Xi, You Xiyun decided not to help Yun Xi practice. It was hard to get seven days in a month. What is the difference between using the body for practice and directly giving it to Yun Xi to use? But today it is a Accident.

Because the spiritual energy of Tongtian Peak is very strong, and even more because the spiritual energy of Tongtian Peak is very violent, in You Xiyun's view, Tongtian Peak is one of the most suitable places for cultivation in the entire Tianling Continent, but ordinary people simply cannot bear the spiritual power here. , so what she is doing now is to use Yun Xi's Luoshen Mind Method to research a suitable spiritual energy absorption route to solve this problem.

When Yun Xi wakes up, tell her this. Under the protection of Zhu Lintianli and the others, if Yun Xi can practice seriously, she may be able to break through to the third level of the Spirit Tribulation within a year.

If she is willing to stay at Tongtian Peak for a long time in the future, her cultivation efficiency will always be higher, and she may be able to break her previous record of breaking through the Luck Spirit and Killing Spirits.

Thinking about this, You Xiyun felt more and more unfathomable that Yun Xi was unfathomable. She had lived for three thousand years and had never seen a technique like the Luoshen Heart Technique that could even purify the nature of spiritual energy.

She doesn't know how Yun Xi's system was created. She still hasn't figured out where the things inside the system are stored and how they appear in her hands. If it is also a space technique, then this space The technique was so powerful that even she couldn't see through it.

Thinking of this, You Xiyun suddenly raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes.

She turned to look at the majestic peak and said, "I don't know the true face of Mount Lu because I am in this mountain." But Tongtian Peak is a peak that reaches the sky and cannot be seen even from outside the mountain.

From Yun Xi's current position, she looked up and saw a sky full of clouds, with snowflakes falling from them. The snow was so strong that her long, curved eyelashes were dyed with a wisp of white frost in just a moment.

She suddenly thought of another thing and looked thoughtful.

Many people, including Yun Xi herself, sometimes subconsciously forget that she actually masters two techniques, the Huayun Heart Sutra and the Luoshen Heart Sutra.

It is impossible for anyone in this world to practice two techniques at the same time, with the exception of Yun Xi. To be precise, only You Xiyun is the exception today.

The Soul Transformation Formation is the most difficult formation in the world. Its difficulties are not only limited to the difficulty of array arrangement, but also the difficulty of finding materials. It took You Xiyun hundreds of years to gather them. Got all the required materials.

There is a water element bead in this material, which was absorbed by You Xiyun, and along with her soul, it was integrated into the body of the baby in Xu Qinghan's belly. It was precisely because of the existence of the water element bead that Yun Xi was able to practice On the premise of understanding the Huayun Heart Sutra, practice the Luo Shen Heart Method.

The Shui Yuan Pearl comes from Qiuwei, who is extremely powerful and possesses the Three Yuan Pearl in her body. Back then, You Xiyun made a deal with her and used the Shui Yuan Pearl in the Three Yuan Pearl in exchange for herself to help it escape from Han Jingyuan. Be free.

It was precisely because this water elemental bead was taken away that Qiwei, the mighty spirit-slaying demon king, turned into a little girl. People in the Tianling Alliance only thought that she was trying to resist the suppression of Han Jingyuan's formation. Then she deliberately changed into the posture of a little girl.

The existence of Shui Yuanzhu helps Yun Xi master two techniques at the same time. It's just that once the technique has been practiced, wanting to practice it again means dissipating spiritual power and starting all over again. Even if Yun Xi masters two techniques, it cannot change this law.

You Xiyun would not do this, but he would not put aside the advantage of having two skills at the same time and not make good use of it.

The Huayun Heart Sutra is inherited by the Yun family. Even if Yun Xi has evolved to a certain extent when she broke through the spiritual path, it is still too weak for her today. Therefore, it is most appropriate for the cloud attribute technique to undergo a second evolution on the stormy Tongtian Peak.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. The spiritual veins in You Xiyun's body were running, and he was able to operate two techniques at the same time. Yun Xi himself was shocked when he saw this smoothness!

She closed her eyes while absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, looking for a suitable absorption route for the spiritual energy.

While sensing the Huayun Heart Sutra, he carefully analyzed the current operation of this technique and looked for points that could be changed.

This was the first time You Xiyun had been so involved in doing something since she woke up. It was not until the cloud in the sky that was incompatible with her surroundings came really close to her that she suddenly felt the presence of those breaths. exist.

There was a cloud floating in the sky, and a total of seven auras came from the cloud. Some of the faint clouds were familiar to her. She opened her eyes and looked up at the sky, feeling a little confused.

Why did Qingchan and the others appear?

The clouds descended, and Kang Chenglie and Wen Heming led everyone down.

"Miss (sister)!"

The affectionate shouts from Qingchan and Hongling made You Xiyun a little uncomfortable. These little girls had been in contact with Yun Xi for too long. A few years ago, when they were still young, they often slept in the same bed with Yun Xi. He really knows Yun Xi too well.

They easily noticed the difference between themselves and Yun Xi.

She looked at the people in front of her and recognized Kang Chenglie and Wen Heming at a glance. Before their souls were transferred to Tianling, she had already obtained the information on all the spirits and souls in Tianling Continent, even if she couldn't know these people well. , at least it can be recognized at a glance.

After officially waking up, she asked Yun Xi to get the latest one again.

"The governor of Tianling and the prince of the county..."

You Xiyun's mind changed slightly. He was not sure if anyone in the Tianling Alliance had any contact with the organization behind Liuquan.

Looking at the two older girls approaching, she thought about Yun Xi's usual behavior, stretched out her hand and gently touched the heads of Qingchan and Hongling, but she couldn't squeeze out a smile on her face, so she had to keep her face paralyzed and asked :

"Why are you here?"

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