I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 84 The whereabouts of the alliance leader

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In the study room of the leader of the Tianling Alliance, the leader is sitting on the large dragon chair, writing in a majestic and majestic way.

At this time, several days have passed since Chen Mo'an went to find Yun Xi, and he just came back today.

The people in his study now are Ye Tianji and Shi Ting who went to stop Chen Mo'an that day.

Upon hearing the alliance leader's inquiry, Shi Ting replied: "I didn't fight, but after checking Yun Xi, I found that Yun Xi couldn't help Chen Moan enter the Shinto, so he should give up."

The leader of the alliance smiled and said: "That old guy has long known that Yun Xi can't help him, but people who are too obsessed often get stuck in the quagmire and can't extricate themselves. If they don't get a definite answer, they always hold on to a glimmer of hope. Now This is best. How are those children doing now? Are they too powerful?"

Shi Ting said: "Yun Xi, Ying Nian Ling, and the two little girls named Yun Qingchan and Yun Hongling were selected by Taiwei, and no one else entered."

The leader of the alliance put down the pen in his hand, with a hint of surprise in his tone: "Four? That's quite a lot, but I don't know how long they can stay in there."

Shi Ting said calmly: "It shouldn't be too short."

Today's younger generation is inherently more talented, and the four of them are the best among them. As long as they are not weak-minded, there should be no problem in persisting for at least several decades.

Upon hearing Shi Ting's answer, the leader of the alliance smiled lightly and said nothing more.

Ye Tianji didn't speak until the conversation between the two ended. He asked, "What was the result of your trip to Tianshen Continent this time?"

Yes, the reason why the leader of the Tianling Alliance was not in the Tianling territory during this period was not because he was going out for a leisurely trip, but because he went to Yilitianshen Continent.

Today, when the structure of the Hunling Realm is becoming increasingly unstable, as the leader of the Tianling Alliance, him going to the Tianshen Continent alone is enough to show the seriousness of some things. What is ridiculous is that Xiao Chenghuan and others are only thinking about the secrets of Yun Xi. Completely ignored the existence of this point.

The alliance leader leaned lazily on the back of the dragon chair and sighed softly: "I went to Shouzun Valley, but I didn't see Cheng Shou. He was avoiding me. Hao Xuanmo and Mu Shenqing had a fight, and now they are I haven't seen him in seclusion for healing. The same should be true for Mu Shenqing... But as for that woman, she never likes to see me."

It is no secret that Mu Shenqing and You Xiyun have a good relationship. The demon clan is hostile to the Tianling. Even though he, the leader of the Tianling alliance, has no conflict with You Xiyun, Mu Shenqing still has no good feelings towards him. But with that woman's temperament, there are basically not many people who can make her treat her well.

Ye Tianji frowned after hearing this, and the light of stars in his eyes shone slightly: "Then you gained nothing?"

The leader of the alliance smiled confidently and said, "You can't say that. Some information can't be obtained only from these three people."

The two people present were stunned, and Ye Tianji suddenly reacted: "You mean... Chong Xiao?"

The leader of the alliance did not deny it: "Although that guy doesn't care about world affairs, the changes in the Celestial Continent have never escaped its eyes. However, its life is not easy now, so I didn't stay long. Have you heard of Master Tian?"

The two shook their heads.

The leader of the alliance said: "This is a very mysterious organization. They are very powerful. Whether it was Shiyuan Wuzhu and others who attacked Xiaoruo before, or Liuquan, they were all members of Tianzhangjiao."

The two of them looked shocked, and Ye Tianji frowned and said, "According to our previous speculation, there are at least ten slaying spirits in that force. Even in the Celestial Continent, except for those three forces, other forces cannot produce so many slaying spirits. Lingcai is right. Isn’t this Heavenly Master the result of some people colluding secretly?”

The leader of the Tianling Alliance shook his head and said: "The world is so big, there are always some secrets hidden. No matter who this Tianshangjiao is, he must have been hiding for a long time to be able to develop to the present level. The rats who have been hiding for a long time If they suddenly go out in a group, it’s not just an ordinary little cheese.”

"these years,

The demon beasts of Tianling are attacking, the monsters of the demon clan are breeding, and the people of the demon clan are going crazy. Most of them are caused by the Tianzhangjiao. But the worst thing now is not us, but the Tianshen Continent. I checked carefully

Now, the elements in the Tianshen Continent are currently in chaos. If Shouzun Valley had not sent many people to stabilize the Sealing Formation, the current Tianshen Continent would have been destroyed by natural disasters. "

"But even so, according to the current development, it is only a matter of time before the elements there collapse. Now there is a turmoil within the Tianshen Continent. Not only is Lingshen Pavilion and Zhaotian Sect fighting fiercely, but many other forces and people are also suffering. It’s unspeakable, and I want to apply for a return to the ghost world after a series of uprisings.”

"Shouzun Valley cannot stop these two madmen, Zhaotian Sect and Lingshen Pavilion, so it is impossible to maintain this situation just by relying on them. The Sealing Heaven Formation is puzzled, and the Heavenly God Continent will not return to the Hunlings world, then the collapse of the elements will not stop. This is the hidden danger caused by their independent formation over the years. Therefore, in order to survive, the closure of the Sealing Formation will be a matter of time. The question is when to close it. .”

It is rare to see such a serious alliance leader. After listening to what the alliance leader said, Shi Ting and Ye Tianji's expressions changed again and again.

The situation in the Tianshen Continent is not good. Everyone has heard about this matter as early as Ruo Ganyu came back from the Tianshen Continent. After Mr. Wei and the others came together again, everyone also knew more about it. But now listening to the leader of the alliance, how long has it been? In that time, the situation in Tianshen Continent has become as bad as it is now!覦

Ye Tianji said in a deep voice: "No matter how miserable the situation in the Tianshen Continent is, it is none of our business, but if their Heaven Sealing Formation closes and returns to public view, the entire structure of the Hunling World will be thrown off balance. That's not a good thing, especially for us."

The Celestial Continent has been closed to the outside world for tens of millions of years, and has always been outside the balance of the other three continents. This is undoubtedly the most beneficial thing for the Celestial Spirit Alliance.

Because in these three continents, the ten major heavenly beasts of the Demon Clan are in charge of their own affairs, and the three major temples of the Demon Clan stand as a tripartite. Only the Heavenly Spirit Alliance dominates one side and is the strongest force today.

If the gods do not fall, then no matter whether it is the top ten beasts or the demons, they will not have the confidence to challenge the Tianling Alliance. They will always be the most powerful force in the world. But if the Heavenly God Continent returns to the Hunling Realm, then the arrival of the three major forces of Zhaotian Sect Lingshen Pavilion Shouzun Valley will inevitably affect the current situation of the Tripartite Continent.

No matter how this pattern develops, for the original

Shi Ting also frowned, with an unusually solemn expression: "There is another question. If it is as you said, the elemental collapse of the Celestial Continent is caused by the Master Tian, ​​then their purpose of doing this is probably to force the Celestial Continent. Returning to the Hunling Realm. It’s still a small matter to break the pattern of the Hunling Realm like this, I’m afraid they have other ideas.”

The Heavenly Palm Sect has brought some troubles to all the four continents, among which the Heavenly God Continent has obviously gone beyond the category of "trouble". This is very strange, but if they do this to force the Heavenly God Continent to return to the Hunling Realm, then It makes sense.覦

Tianzhangjiao is very strong, but the ten slaying spirits are not enough to challenge them, so disrupting the situation and killing people with borrowed swords will definitely be the methods they use.

The leader said: "This is exactly what I think. So we must delay the return of the Sky God Continent as much as possible. I will personally go to the Yili Demon Realm later to discuss the matter with Gui Yuanzi and the others."

"Where's the demon clan?" Shi Ting asked.

"Just leave it to the demon tribe to negotiate over there. I've been running around here and there these days, and my body won't be able to bear it." The alliance leader, who had just been serious for a while, slumped down lazily again.

Shi Ting looked at the young appearance of the alliance leader and said nothing.

The leader of the Tianling Alliance has been in office for more than five thousand years and is nearly seven thousand years old, but his appearance is very young. Although there are many old guys who are thousands of years old who can maintain their youthful appearance and pretend to be young, the youth of the leader is more like It is a symbol of his strength.

Of course, Ruo Ganyu had different views on this. She once thought that the alliance leader was so young because he had no pressure and lived a salty life every day. A life without pressure would naturally not make him look old.覦

Shi Ting naturally knew that the alliance leader said it was because he was tired, but in fact he knew very well that it was far more appropriate to leave the negotiations with the demon clan to the demon clan than to them.

In short, since the leader of the alliance has a plan, she will naturally not interfere too much. Therefore, she changed the topic to another matter: "During this period, I checked Taiwei's accumulated strength. It is enough. For a thousand people to practice for a thousand years. In reality, this thousand years would be ten years. Ten years is enough to help us cultivate many spiritual beings in the spirit realm. Before the return of the Celestial Continent, I think it’s necessary to make good use of this power first.”

Ye Tianji nodded in agreement. In fact, he had been hoping to activate Taiwei long before. Now is the era when the young disciples of the Tianling Alliance are at their strongest. If we don't activate Taiwei now, how long will it take?

"Then activate it. Since Taiwei has been entrusted to you, you will also be responsible for the selection task. Please hold a meeting to discuss the specific details."


Shi Ting had no complaints about being thrown into a job. From the moment she took over the control of Taiwei, she had expected such a day, and she had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Taiwei can basically be said to be a grand event held once in ten thousand years by the Tianling Alliance. The power accumulated for ten thousand years is exhausted in one day. Therefore, the selection of these quotas is extremely important. There are not many people in the entire Tianling Alliance who are qualified to take charge of this matter.覦

After arranging this matter, the alliance leader sat up straight, raised his arms, stretched out comfortably, and asked: "You said before that Chen Mo'an didn't fight you, what about the others?"

Shi Ting naturally knew who the leader of the alliance was asking, and said without any delay: "Xiao Ruo had a fight with Xie Ze and was slightly injured. He should be recovering from his injuries now."

Hearing this, the leader of the alliance shook his head helplessly: "That kid has been looking forward to winning back one day since he lost to You Xiyun. I knew he was unwilling, but I didn't expect that he would actually take action against Xiaoruo. "

As the most talented slayer in the Tianling Alliance, Xie Ze's most famous deed is that he broke into the Demon Realm alone two hundred years ago, turned the Demon Clan upside down and then returned safely. At that time, he was only over 1,300 years old, and was the youngest among the active slayers.

He became famous in this battle and was worshiped by countless young descendants of Tianling.

But only a few people know that the reason why Xie Ze broke into the Demon Realm back then was not to bring any trouble to the Demon Clan, nor to hate the country or the family. He just wanted to challenge You Xiyun.

Xie Ze is a legendary figure. His background is not outstanding. His father is just a cultivator in the Spirit Tribulation Realm. It is against this background that he broke the Heavenly Spirit with the cultivation speed of eight hundred years old. In the history of the alliance, the number of spirit slayings broke through the age record, and only a few hundred years later, the spirit slaying was completed from a small level to a great level.覦

This kind of cultivation speed is something that no one else can dream of. Even the elders like Yin Pavilion are extremely envious of him.

But all this not only did not become Xie Ze's pride, but instead became his burden, because before he was called a genius, there was a person who broke the record of the entire Hunling World.

That is You Xiyun who accomplished the task of killing spirits at the age of four hundred.

Xie Ze's talent, understanding, and everything related to practice were so eclipsed in front of the woman who stood at the top of the world of ghosts in a very short period of time.

He was unwilling to give up, so he went to the Demon Realm and challenged You Xiyun alone.

At that time, he had already achieved great success in killing spirits, while You Xiyun had achieved perfection in killing spirits.

You Xiyun only used one palm to pin Xie Ze under the Wuzhi Mountain, unable to move.覦

He was unconvinced and angrily scolded You Xiyun for having the guts to suppress his realm to the level of Soul Killing before fighting him again.

Then You Xiyun crushed all his pride with one sentence.

She said: "When I was your age, I had already achieved the perfection of killing souls, so why should I suppress it?"

This short sentence directly caused Xie Ze to lose his soul for a moment. If the leader of the Tianling Alliance hadn't gone there in time, Xie Ze might have been killed by You Xiyun in the Demon Realm.

After that, Xie Ze was hit hard and fell silent for a long time. Then he became more and more devoted in his practice. The alliance leader knew that when he breaks through to the perfection of slaying spirits, he will definitely challenge You Xiyun again.

Know this past event

There are not many people who know the truth, but a few elders in the Yin Pavilion have heard about it.

But no matter how big a blow he received from You Xiyun back then, he shouldn't look for this confidence in others.覦

Shi Ting asked, "Do you want me to teach you a lesson?"

There are not many people in the Tianling League who can defeat Xie Ze, and Shi Ting happens to be one of them.

The alliance leader shook his head: "If you take action, it will only irritate him more. I'd better go for it. Isn't Chen Moan also there? Let's teach him a lesson together."

Shi Ting and Ye Tianji stared: "Are you alone?"

"Yeah. I've been lying down for so long, so I'm looking for them to stretch my muscles."

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