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The Wangzun Hall is a place specially used for meetings by the powerful spirit-killing masters of the Tianling Alliance. It is not allowed to be opened easily. Every meeting requires at least nine spirit-killing experts to attend.昘

The last time a meeting was held in Wangzun Hall, it was a large-scale internal rectification of the Tianling Alliance a few years ago. At that time, several Huatings dismissed several governors and princes in one go, which had a profound impact on the entire Tianling internal structure. had a considerable impact.

But this time, the meeting started again, and the four people wanted to investigate were Yun Xi.

The four of them, Xie Ze, slowly walked into Wangzun Hall. At this time, there were already many people in Wangzun Hall, including Chen Moan, Wei Guiyi, Qiu Jinlai, Dongfang Wenyuan, Gu Suyan, Ye Tianji, Gu Jun, etc. The four of them, all the powerful spirit-killing experts from the Tianling Alliance, except for the alliance leader and Shi Ting, Zhuge Shu, and Ruo Ganyu who were still in retreat, were all here!

At the conference table, Chen Mo'an was sitting at the head of the conference table. He leaned back on the chair and looked calm.

Mr. Wei was sitting on the left, holding a cup of tea in his hand and drinking it slowly.

Xie Ze walked in, found a seat and sat down, his eyes fell on Mr. Wei, and said with a sarcastic tone: "You don't seem worried?"

Mr. Wei, who was drinking tea, raised his head: "Why should I worry?"

Xie Ze sneered and said, "Everyone knows that you love Yun Xi the most. If she is really Youxi Yunhunzhuan, do you think you can still keep your position?"

Mr. Wei put down his tea cup with a faint smile on his face: "Is this what you were thinking? I thought you were thinking that you would finally find a chance to defeat You Xiyun!"

Xie Ze's face suddenly darkened, he snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Xiao Chenghuan said: "If it is really You Xiyun, then Yun Xi's performance over the years is reasonable. It doesn't matter that a little girl with no background has such incredible talents. Those sword skills and The movement is obviously extraordinary."

Dongfang Wenyuan asked: "What about Ying Nian Ling? Ying Nian Ling's talent is no worse than Yun Xi's? How can you explain her? Can You Xiyun transform into two people?"

Xiao Chenghuan's expression remained unchanged: "That only means that Ying Nian Ling may also have problems!"

Dongfang Wenyuan's eyes gradually became sharper: "According to your opinion, as long as my Tianling's disciples are outstandingly talented, there should be problems? Then I suggest you arrest all Xiao Lingyuan, Nangong Yao and the others. Go to the town spirit prison and interrogate them properly. Even the selection competition for the Taiwei quota should be put aside for now, and all the registered disciples should be carefully searched one by one."

Xiao Chenghuan said angrily: "You are making trouble unreasonably!"

Dongfang Wenyuan replied angrily: "It's you who are prejudiced against those children!"

The quarrel between the two people covered the whole hall, and several other people were more or less a little expressionless.

It was Ling Zhuzhu who finally broke up their quarrel. The white-haired old man said: "Now, the most important issue is not to argue about the truth or falsehood, but to make a decision. If one of them is really the soul of Youxi Yunhuan, , how to deal with it."

"Kill her, of course!" Changsun Gong was the first to say, "You Xiyun, as a demon saint, secretly transformed into our heavenly spirit. Who knows what bad intentions she has? Now she has taken the opportunity to enter the Taiwei Secret Realm! This is simply a shame for our Tianling Alliance! Such a woman must not be allowed to continue to grow!"

Qiu Jinlai frowned and said, "You also know that You Xiyun is a demon saint. If you kill her, it will definitely trigger a counterattack by the demons. When the war breaks out again, will you go to fight it?"

Xiao Chenghuan looked disdainfully: "It's just a demon clan, are we still afraid of them?"

Dongfang Wenyuan's eyes narrowed: "It's just a demon clan... Then if the war breaks out again, you can take your children of the Xiao clan and the Changsun clan to the demon battlefield to fight."

"What do you mean?!" Xiao Chenghuan's face darkened.

"What do I mean?" Dongfang Wenyuan slapped the table and stood up, saying angrily, "Even if You Xiyun is among the four of them, I ask you, based on what these children have done over the years,

Is it worth the death penalty? You are not afraid of demons, so am I, the general? But that's not children's play, it's war! The war between Tianling and the demons resumed, and not only the demons died,

And we, the people of Tianling! Those who died were the soldiers of my Tianling Army! "

"And you said you wanted to kill You Xiyun, are you idiots? Once You Xiyun dies, we will be the ones to kill you. Under this premise, do you think those old monsters from the Demon Clan will still stand aside and watch? Do you think the enemy you have to face is only one demon? Do you really think that the contract in the armistice agreement was bullshit?"

Dongfang Wenyuan had a cold face and spoke without any mercy: "A few elders have become accustomed to living in the hidden pavilion and have forgotten the cruelty of war. Why can't they even see the current layout of the Hunling World clearly? ? If you really can’t see through the ways of this world, follow this general and train in the Tianling Army for a few years, and I can teach you!"

"Dongfang Wenyuan, don't go too far!"

Being criticized by Dongfang Wenyuan so shamelessly in front of everyone, both Xiao Chenghuan and Changsun Gong looked a little ugly.昘

Ling Xuanzhu also said to Dongfang Wenyuan: "Dongfang, your words are a bit too strong."

Dongfang Wenyuan took a deep breath, calmed down, and sat down again.

Ling Zhuzhu then continued: "However, what Dongfang said is not unreasonable. You Xiyun is not an ordinary demon clan member. If something happens to her, the demon clan will definitely not sit still and wait for death. In fact, the Shengyuan Palace may be in the sky now. Outside the spirit, we have arranged strong men from the demon clan to be on standby at any time.”

"We finally stopped the war, and we must not start another war just for You Xiyun alone. Moreover, you should all know that the situation in Tianshen Continent is very bad now, and Tianshen Continent may return to the Hunling Realm at any time. At this juncture, we There must not be any other accidents. Chen Mo'an, what do you think?"

Ling Xuanzhu cast his gaze on Chen Mo'an, who was sitting in the first seat.

The leader of the alliance did not attend the meeting, so Chen Mo'an naturally became the host of the meeting. Ling Xuanzhu had the highest qualifications, but he could not force himself to make the final decision alone.

Chen Mo'an had never spoken before, just listening to everyone's argument. Now that Ling Zhuzhu took the initiative to call him out, he no longer remained silent.昘

"What Elder Ling said makes sense, You Xiyun cannot die."

Xiao Chenghuan and Duke Changsun frowned, but in the end they didn't say anything more. They also realized at this moment that killing You Xiyun was indeed not a wise choice. 「

"However." Chen Mo'an added after a pause, "What You Xiyun did can be considered a violation of the regulations on co-existence between mainland China, so naturally she cannot be allowed to leave."

Everyone raised their eyebrows slightly, understanding what Chen Mo'an meant.

In fact, this is what most of them think. It is true that You Xiyun cannot be killed, but they must not let her return to the demon clan. They all know what surprises that woman can bring to the world as long as there is enough time.

At this moment, Tang Xiaoshu's voice suddenly sounded outside Wangzun Hall: "My lords, Yun Xi and others have already arrived."

All the Killing Spirits in Wangzun Hall immediately turned their heads to look in the direction of the gate. Ever since the rumors about You Xiyun came from the Demon Clan, they had all been waiting for this day to arrive.昘

"Let them come in by themselves." Chen Mo'an said quietly.


Tang Xiaoshu said to Yun Xi and the others, "You go in. Don't worry, if the rumors are false, the boss and the elders will not harm you."

"Yeah, I understand."

Yun Xi smiled at Tang Xiaoshu, and then walked in with Ying Nianling and the others. Qingchan and Hongling secretly looked at Yun Xi with worried expressions.

They knew very little about soul transfer, and had not heard much of You Xiyun's name. The short time on the road was not enough for them to fully adapt to the situation they were about to face.

Now that we are here, the main hall in front of us is not even accessible to Governor Gui, so we can imagine the identities of the people inside.昘

They realized that this matter was probably very, very serious.

The door of Wangzun Hall opened, and as soon as Yun Xi and the four of them walked in, they met a pair of eyes. These eyes came from those people sitting on the high seats. Each of them was a powerful person at the level of killing spirits. They were placed in the entire chaos. Even in the spiritual world, stamping your feet can make the earth tremble three times.


Yun Xi glanced at these people, and when she met Mr. Wei's gaze, she saw a hint of gentle relief in Mr. Wei's eyes, and she felt guilty about this.

Taking a long silent breath, Yun Xi took the lead in saluting: "Disciple Yun Xi, I have met all of you."

Ying Nianling and three others followed closely and saluted.

"It's only been a year and a half, Yun Xi, and we meet again."

Chen Moan, who was sitting in the first seat, looked down at Xiang Yunxi with his eyes slightly lowered.昘

Yun Xi raised her head and said calmly: "For this junior, it is one hundred and fifty years."

Duke Changsun said sarcastically: "One hundred and fifty years ago, are you still in the realm of spiritual robbery?"

Yun Xi turned her eyes and asked Lord Changsun, "I wonder when Elder Changsun broke through to the Luck Spirit Realm?"

Changsun Gong sneered: "Lingya. Yunxi, do you know why we asked the four of you to come?"

Yun Xi didn't pause and replied directly: "Junior knows."

Before Changsun Gong could continue to speak, Chen Mo'an continued: "The Demon Clan has accidentally spread some news in the past two years. After listening to it, I feel that those speculations are not unreasonable. You Xiyun is a saint of the Demon Clan. Back then, Even if her strength is placed in the entire Hunling World, few people can surely surpass her. However, there has been no news about her in the past hundred years. If she really chooses to change her soul..."

Chen Mo settled down for a moment and looked at Yun Xi quietly with eyes that had seen through the bustling world: "You are indeed the most likely person."

Everyone's eyes fell on Yun Xi, and Qingchan and Hongling's eyes also turned to Yun Xi.

They were not very clear about soul transfer, but they still understood the current situation. The elders of the Tianling Alliance suspected that Yun Xi had another identity.

They suddenly thought that over the years, Yun Xi would often suddenly change her personality, and even her temperament would be very different from usual. Yun Xi said that this was because she was trying to improve the Yun Heart Sutra, but they had been in Taiwei for a long time. One hundred and fifty years later, Yun Xi's condition has not improved at all.

If the rumors are true, then...

Qingchan and Hongling suddenly felt a huge stone sinking in their hearts.

Chen Mo'an asked: "Do you have anything to say about this?"

Yun Xi asked, "What if I say it's not me?"

Chen Mo'an said calmly: "I will conduct a soul test on you. You Xiyun and I are not familiar with each other, but we have fought against each other several times, so we can still tell."

For ordinary people, it is indeed not easy to prove that a person's soul has changed, but everyone present is not an ordinary person. Now that you have this guess, it will become very simple if you just verify it.

Yun Xi raised her head, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, her consciousness moved slightly, and there was a faint feeling of fainting in her mind. This was You Xiyun's response to her.

As long as she falls asleep at this moment, You Xiyun will wake up.

You Xiyun told her when she was inside Taiwei that there were not many people in the world who could see through her, and Chen Mo'an was one of them.

But she is still willing to choose to wake up, which shows that You Xiyun is ready to be exposed. In this case...

Yun Xi opened her eyes. She was not asleep. She looked at the many slaying spirits present with a calm expression: "It's me."

She said these two short words very calmly, but her slightly trembling eyes showed that her mood at the moment was definitely not as calm as her tone.

Ever since Liuquan recognized You Xiyun, it was destined that she and You Xiyun would be exposed. She had been mentally prepared for a long time, but at this moment, when many powerful men from the Tianling Alliance admitted it in person, this feeling Still incredibly complex.

Qingchan and Hongling looked at Yun Xi blankly, unable to speak for a moment.

On the high seats, the expressions of all the Killing Spirits were slightly condensed, and they looked at Yun Xi coldly.

A lot of news in this world does not come out of nowhere, especially the news about You Xiyun coming from the local demon clan, which increases the credibility of the news.

Therefore, when they first heard the news, everyone present believed it. Xiao Chenghuan and Changsun Gong were even more anxious to find Yun Xi and others.

Now, Yun Xi personally admitted that

, she is Yunxi Yunhunzhuan, decisive and calm, which surprised them, but it will not eliminate their hostility towards Yun Xi.昘

Yun Xi could feel that some of these people's expressions changed slightly differently from others.

There was a hint of sadness in Mr. Wei's eyes, Qiu Jinlai was a little dull, and the general frowned. These were the seniors who had taken good care of her, but now they were obviously a little disappointed in her.

Yes, anyone who finds out that they are being deceived all the time should be disappointed.

"You didn't struggle at all." Who was the calmest person present, naturally it was Chen Mo'an. He did not show any natural expression, nor did he show any hostility. He just continued, "I once thought about you for What choices will you make if you pursue Shinto? Seek the mystical realm of respect, fight to break the Tao, seclusion and attack... I never thought that you would start all over again, let alone that your soul would be transferred to the heavenly spirit. You Xiyun, yours I really admire your courage."

After Yun Xi admitted her secret at this moment, she gradually calmed down. She put her hands into the pockets of her sweatshirt, her silky black hair hanging behind her, and she said lightly: "Elder Chen may have misunderstood. I just said that I am You Xiyun's soul has changed, but I never said that I am You Xiyun."

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