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"Father...father? Mother...mother?"

When such a title fell from You Xiyun's mouth, both Yun Yi and his wife, as well as everyone around them, including Bai Yao not far away, were stunned on the spot.

Bai Yao looked at You Xiyun from a distance, couldn't help but burst into laughter, and murmured: "Now, the Yun family will make a lot of money..."

Gui Weitao also had a face full of disbelief: "That guy really opened his mouth?"

Meng Yuan's eyes gradually deepened, looking at that stunning face, he whispered: "Maybe it has something to do with Yun Xi."

After the relationship between Yun Xi and You Xiyun was exposed, they all knew that You Xiyun and Yun Xi were now in a relationship with dual personalities, but no one knew what the specific emotional relationship between these dual personalities was. .

The ones who were most shocked by these two claims were undoubtedly Yun Xi's parents. Yun Yi froze on the spot with his eyes wide open, while Xu Qinghan looked stunned.

When the wind blew across everyone's cheeks, the coolness in the wind suddenly woke everyone up. Smoking

Xu Qinghan then stammered: "W-what did you call me?"

Yun Yi also confirmed: "You... you are You Xiyun, right?"

You Xiyun said calmly: "Although I have been reincarnated, from a soul perspective, I am still You Xiyun. But from a blood perspective, both Yun Xi and I should call you parents."


You Xiyun's explanation left everyone speechless. Ever since they learned that Yun Xi was the soul of You Xi Yun, as Yun Xi's relatives, they had always been wary and hateful towards You Xiyun. Why did they hate her? He wants his soul to transfer to Yun Xi, and be wary of the possibility of her snatching Yun Xi's body.

However, during this first meeting, You Xiyun's behavior was completely different from what they expected. Even if she didn't act indifferent to them, she should at least have a condescending attitude, right?

how so? Smoking

Everyone's expressions changed, which made the Yunxu family, who had already written the dialogue script in their hearts, not know how to speak for a while.

Compared to them, You Xiyun seemed much more calm. When she saw everyone was silent, she said: "If you are worried that I will conflict with Yun Xi, then you are thinking too much. For now, she and I are still The interests and interests are equal."

I don't know why, but when these words come out of You Xiyun's mouth, they are inexplicably very credible, and when heard in the ears of everyone, they don't even raise the slightest suspicion.

However, You Xiyun's initiative to speak made them confused about what to say. Originally, they and You Xiyun were not from the same world, and now their intersection was because of Yun Xi, but she took the initiative and said that she would not harm Yun Xi. So what else can they say?

Fortunately, they didn't speak, but You Xiyun didn't make the scene awkward. She glanced at the young people present and asked, "Which of you are going to participate in the selection for the Taiwei quota?"

Everyone looked at each other, Xu Qiwei, Xu Xunning, Wei Ruoxi, and Yunze Yunli all stood up.

Seeing this, You Xiyun raised her hand and touched her fingers. Several streams of light flew out from her fingers and flowed into the minds of several people. The majestic knowledge came uninvited and they felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was rolling. , the whole world seemed to be turned upside down, and it was particularly uncomfortable. Smoking

However, after they adapted, they realized what You Xiyun had given them.

It's not just the twelve chapters of "Quiet as a Mirror", there are also many powerful spiritual skills and body techniques, as well as insights into spiritual practice.

This finger of You Xiyun is a huge wealth that countless people cannot exchange for in their entire lives.

Several young people stood there blankly, staring at You Xiyun. Before they could say thank you, they heard You Xiyun say indifferently: "If you don't get the quota, you will forget these things."

After that, the magic lines between her eyebrows faded away, her aura was restrained, and her whole temperament changed from cold and noble to sunny and lively.

"Is it over so soon?"

The moment Yun Xi opened her eyes,

I couldn't help but murmured, then looked at everyone with a smile and asked: "How is it? How do you feel about her?"

Everyone was silent for a while, and finally Yunfeng hesitated and said: "'s a bit unexpected."

Not only was it unexpected, it was completely different from the You Xiyun everyone expected.

Yun Xi looked at everyone's expressions and could roughly guess what happened just now.

She and You Xiyun had talked a lot these days. The thick book next to the piano stand contained their conversations, and it contained information about family.

Yun Xi smiled and said to them: "So I have already said, don't worry about me. Do you think I am just comforting you? If nothing else, at least she is very generous, right? That is with the leader of the alliance. A gift from a strong person on the same level as your lord, even an extraordinary person would be hard to get, right?"

"And don't look at her being so cold. In fact, she has a good heart. She is not the kind of person who thinks she is superior and looks down on others. Xiao Yuan'er and the others have also inherited a lot of benefits from her... and the things I gave you before. Those pills actually have a lot to do with her! And more..."

Seeing that Yun Xi kept saying good things to You Xiyun, everyone who had been silent could not help but feel dumb. Xu Qinghan even smiled helplessly. She reached out and put her hand on Yun Xi's head, and Yun Xi immediately stopped her tirade. Smoking

She looked at her mother, her eyes still clear and pure after experiencing countless tribulations.

Xu Qinghan gently touched his daughter's hair and said, "We understand what you mean, we won't hate her."

Since Yun Xi himself told them how good You Xiyun was, how could they bear to go against Yun Xi's wishes as Yun Xi's relatives.

Yun Xi looked at her mother's gentle eyes, then looked at her father, grandfather and others. Although everyone still found it hard to accept it, the moment they met Yun Xi's eyes, they still smiled slightly.

In any case, Yun Xi's own will is more important.

Yun Xi understood their expressions, tilted her head and smiled.


The cool wind suddenly became much stronger, blowing Yun Xi's long hair, which matched with the smile on her face, was so touching, and the books on the side were also blown up.

The pages of the book were opened, revealing a lot of words on one side.

"Now that our identities have been exposed, what do you think we should do? I'm not talking about facing the Tianling Alliance, but what should I do when facing my family? You know, I am the group's favorite at home, which makes my family People will definitely be very painful and angry if they know that you still exist in my body and cannot be separated. There is a possibility of bringing danger to me.

Although Xiao Yuan'er and the others will most likely help us explain it, they may not have much effect. If they are angry and hateful towards you, that's not a good thing. "

[If you hate them, you hate them. I have nothing to do with them. I will leave after we become gods. 】

"Oh, that's an ideal situation! Tell me on my conscience, even if we can become gods, how long will it take? Do we have to put it off like this before we become gods? My parents didn't know before. Forget it, now I know, when I see them in the future, they will definitely ask about you, right? They may even find a way to enter Han Jingyuan in advance!

What to do then? Do you want me to pretend to be stupid? Those are my parents, and Aze and Li'er. They are all my darlings, and I don't want to make them sad. You Xiyun, you don’t want me to practice cultivation with guilt for my family and melancholy for the future, right? "

At the end of the long words, there was a cute little hand-drawn expression of "puffed cheeks".

【...Then what do you think we should do? 】

After the short sentence ended, there was actually a helpless expression of holding his forehead.

"I will definitely put in a good word for you, but it's useless for me to say it, right? The best way is for you to face them directly! I don't think you need to have a good attitude, as long as you maintain your normal character and be a little generous A little, should be able to leave a good impression on others, right? Especially under the premise that people think you may actually have a very bad temper.


, although you have been reincarnated as a soul, in terms of current blood relationship, they are also your relatives in this life. If you are willing to call mom and dad then, maybe it will work wonders. Blood relationship is also a very important part of life, right? "

【……let me try. 】Smoke

"come on! Come on!"

An encouraging meme.

Yun Xi doesn't expect her family to change their view of You Xiyun because of her and You Xiyun's words and deeds. She only hopes that they can support her choice, whether it is now... or in the future.

After taking the topic away from You Xiyun, Yun Xi re-introduced Bai Qing and other friends of the demon clan to everyone from his own perspective. After chatting with relatives and friends for a while, this meeting was coming to an end. .

Xu Qinghan said to Yun Xi: "Chief Bai and the others should also have something to say to you, so we will leave first. You must be well here. As long as there is a chance, we will definitely come and see you."

Yun Xi said nonchalantly: "No, considering the environment in Hanjing Abyss, coming here too often will have a certain impact on your bodies. Moreover, who knows how long I will stay in Hanjing Abyss. ..."

Yun Xi had something to say, and everyone was stunned, but out of tacit understanding, no one asked too much.

Without saying much more, Yun Xi turned to look at Bai Qing and others and said, "Thank you very much this time. I'll treat you to a drink later."

Bai Qing put her little paws on her hips and raised her head proudly: "That young patriarch wants to drink the most expensive drink."

"I'm too embarrassed to take out the cheap ones."

After Xu Qinghan and others left, the four of Bai Yao came over.

"You and You Xiyun seem to get along pretty well."

Bai Yao looked at Yun Xi with a sunny face and said with a smile.

Yun Xi replied: "Putting aside her identity, I have a good impression of her."

Bai Yao shook his head and smiled: "Among the young people, you are the only one who dares to speak in such a tone."

Yun Xi also smiled.

She and You Xiyun have been together in the Taiwei Secret Territory for 150 years. She is not timid in nature, and the 150 years have made her and You Xiyun have a deeper relationship with each other. They understand each other, and they even have a certain influence on each other.

At least when facing her, You Xiyun was not as indifferent as before.

After a few simple jokes, Yun Xi asked: "Do the seniors have anything else to do?"

If they just told themselves that they didn't have to worry about the Yun family, Xiao Lingyuan and others, Bai Yao and the others didn't have to come in person, it would be enough to let Bai Qing speak directly.

Bai Yao smiled: "You are smart, we actually want to see You Xiyun."


Yun Xi nodded without rejecting, and in the blink of an eye, You Xiyun, who had only been asleep for a while, woke up again.

Because he had seen these people when he woke up before, You Xiyun did not feel any surprise, and his expression was as calm as ever.

Her eyes swept across the four people and finally landed on Gui Weitao. She asked, "Have you brought anything with you?"

Gui Weitao was also not surprised by You Xiyun's inquiry. He stretched out his hand, and a small jade bottle appeared in his palm. Smoking

He handed it to You Xiyun and said at the same time: "The patriarch said that the previous favor has been repaid now."


You Xiyun responded lightly, took the jade bottle and put it into the system space.

The jade bottle disappeared out of thin air, but there was no spatial fluctuation around it, so that they had no idea where You Xiyun had put it. This phenomenon surprised Bai Yao and others.

From a distance before, but now from a closer look, Bai Yao circled around You Xiyun, looked at her carefully and said, "After your soul transformation, your strength has declined, but I can't see through you anymore. It seems You gained a lot from this soul transfer."

As she said that, she joked with a smile on her face: "How is it? How does it feel like to be reincarnated?"


As one of the three most powerful female cultivators of that era, although Bai Yao said she was not familiar with You Xiyun, in fact she could make fun of the latter without caring. Smoking

You Xiyun said calmly: "It's good, at least I have enough sleep every day."

You Xiyun's response made several people slightly stunned. Based on their understanding of You Xiyun, they all thought that You Xiyun should give Bai Yao a cold look at this time and tell Bai Yao to go away, but she actually made a joke?

"Hey~~" Bai Yao looked at her with a smile, his tone seemed to be reminiscing with an old friend, "We haven't seen each other for a hundred years, it seems you have changed a lot..."

You Xiyun glanced at her lightly: "If there is no change, why should I change my soul?"

Bai Yao thought about it and smiled easily: "It seems to make sense, but I don't think you are someone who will change easily."

"I don't change easily at all."

You Xiyun replied calmly. Smoking

She raised her head slightly and looked at the grassland and sky in the distance.

There is also a sky in Taiweili, which is different from the sky here.

During those one hundred and fifty years, Yun Xi once asked her a question that she couldn't answer.

[You were unable to enter Shinto in your last life, was it because you did not have enough understanding of Shinto, or was it because there was something wrong with your life and practice philosophy? 】

You Xiyun has never thought about this problem, because she has always been confident in herself. She has unparalleled talent and can learn everything quickly. There is no one more talented than her in the world. People like her will inevitably die if they cannot enter the divine way. Because she didn't have enough understanding of Shinto, she turned her soul into a heavenly spirit and wanted to enter Taiwei to understand the power of time.

But what if... she started off on the wrong foot?

I am obsessed with Shinto and cannot extricate myself, so I am trapped outside Shinto and cannot enter. Smoking

She understood what Yun Xi wanted to express, so she began to seek changes. These changes may be minimal, but they were her recognition of Yun Xi and the first time she questioned herself.

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