Wan Licheng's attempt to search for Yun Xi and the others inside the sea beast naturally did not escape the eyes of Xia Weiqiu and Fei Hao.

There was blood on Fei Hao's left arm at this time. This was the injury caused by the opponent when he and Wan Licheng fought in just a few minutes. He turned his head and looked at Wan Licheng, and then at Xia who was in a stalemate in the battle. Wei Qiu and Wan Jianxi decisively chose to help Xia Weiqiu.

He couldn't stop Wan Licheng. He knew this better than anyone. Instead of risking his life to stop Wan Licheng, it was better to join forces with Xia Weiqiu first to see if they could seize this time to inflict some injuries on Wan Jianxi. Judging from Xia Weiqiu's current performance in the battle, this woman is obviously hiding her strength.

Wan Licheng walked towards the body of the sea beast unhurriedly. When he passed by Shu Tao and others, he paused briefly and turned to look at these people.

The eight people huddled in the corner, heads lowered, and no one dared to look at him.

They had only known each other for a few days and were not close to Yun Xi and Yu Linqiong. There was no need to risk their lives for these two women.

Inside the body of the sea beast, there was an open space that was not too deep. Yu Linqiong and Yun Xi stopped. Because they had not yet entered the depths, there were only some weak sea monsters trying to attack the two humans who suddenly broke in.

Yu Linqiong was about to take care of these miscellaneous fish first, but before she could draw her sword, countless sharp sword lights swept from behind her, passed her, and chopped down all the sea fish around her.

Yu Linqiong turned back and looked at Yun Xi.

Yun Xi held the Liuyun Soft Sword in her hand and said to her: "If you believe me, seize the time to overcome the disaster. If you miss this time, I will never protect you from the disaster again."

We had obviously been working together for a few days, but Yun Xi today was obviously different from before. Whether it was the tone of her voice or the indescribable confidence, she seemed to be a completely different person.

Yu Linqiong wanted to ask Yun Xi who he was, but before he could glare at her and speak, Yun Xi had already turned around and left.

Looking at Yun Xi's back, Yu Linqiong took a deep breath, took out all ten Abyssal Sea Spirit Beads, and placed them beside him.

She knew very well that if she did not survive this catastrophe today, she would be taken away by the three Wan Jiancheng brothers. Once taken away, regardless of life or death, as long as she was left to act alone, there would be no good one. The ending, even if Tang Linzhi and the others are found again... everyone's impression of her will only be worse.

A roar came from above the head, and billowing thunderclouds suddenly appeared and condensed inside the sea beast's body.

The catastrophe has come out.

The roaring sound of the thundercloud also reached Yun Xi's ears. She did not look back, but just walked back. She walked out of the open space and came to the passage. She took out two small metal sticks and inserted one of them behind her. entrance.

This stick is called [Feng Xing], and there are three sticks, one main body and two possessions. The one she inserted now is one of the possessions. As for the other possession, when she came over, she It has been hidden in some obscure corner in advance.

The sealing line is a spiritual object that Yun Xi exchanged in advance in the system mall. This thing has no other effects. It is just a simple barrier. As long as it is under the slaying spirit, even a strong person with perfect luck will be affected by this sealing line. If you are trapped, you won’t be able to get out for a while. Of course, it will also take some time for people outside to get in.

After Yun Xi put the two possessed sticks in place, she walked to a stone nearby and looked down at her feet. Because of the water flowing all the way, her shoes were already soaked.

She kicked her feet, steam rose, and the wet feeling dissipated.

"You're the only one, where's the other one? Tsk! Did you really survive the tribulation? Should I say that you are brave? Or are you extremely stupid?"

A voice came from the walkway ahead, echoing faintly within the sea beast's body, but was soon crushed by the rolling sound of thunderclouds behind it.

Wan Licheng held the handle of the knife in his hand, put the sword on his shoulder, and walked towards Yun Xi with a funny look on his face.

"Are you going to stop me alone?"

Yun Xi lowered his head, held Feng Xing's main body's hand and pressed it lightly.

The array started silently. Wan Licheng only saw a golden light rising. The next moment, the thunder disappeared, and the breath of the outside world also disappeared.


Wan Licheng was shocked and immediately used his skills to find that he could not leave the barrier.

Yun Xi put away the main body of Feng Xing, and only then did she raise her head and look at him.

Just relying on Feng Xing to stop Wan Licheng is definitely not enough. Even if Yu Linqiong successfully overcomes the tribulation, she cannot be Wan Licheng's opponent. The reason why she is allowed to overcome the tribulation now is because Yun Xi has already made a plan.

Bring someone over first to solve it.

Tang Linzhi can deal with one, Xia Weiqiu and Fei Hao join forces, and with the breakthrough Yu Linqiong, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with another one. Then, as long as he solves another one, the balance of victory will tilt towards them.

She looked at Wan Licheng, and her calm eyes made Wan Licheng feel very uncomfortable.

But it was uncomfortable. Since the woman in front of him had a spiritual weapon that created a barrier that even he could not get out of, it meant that she had an extraordinary status. So it was not surprising that she had other spiritual weapons on her body.

Wan Licheng was not careless. He stared at Yun Xi, his eyes sharp at first. The spiritual energy in the barrier vibrated, and the space around Yun Xi was distorted and squeezed.

Although he cannot leave the barrier directly through space transfer, he can directly deal with Yun Xi who is also in the barrier by compressing the space. As a strong luck spirit, he can crush Yun Xi in many ways without risking his body. method.

However, although the idea was good, when the space around Yun Xi shrank to a certain extent, it stopped turbulent, and no matter how he controlled it, there was no change.

Yun Xi stood on the stone, with emerald-white leg rings around her slender jade legs. In the pockets of her hot pants, there were two hands. On the slender wrist of her left hand, a blue-white bracelet shone brightly. Shine.

That was the bracelet Ruo Ganyu gave Yun Xi after she was kidnapped by Changsun Gong and rescued by Ruo Ganyu.

After learning about You Xiyun's incident, Yun Xi put away the bracelet and didn't take it out until she entered the Yuanhai Secret Realm. Because it could only be used here, even if Ruo Ganyu noticed it, she couldn't do anything about it. Find it.

Yun Xi is not afraid of or rejects Ruo Ganyu, but now she understands that as long as You Xiyun coexists with her, she will never be able to get rid of her identity as a traitor, especially since she has made the decision to escape from Han. Jing Yuan’s choice.

In this case, if Ruo Ganyu had a secret meeting with her and someone discovered it, it would not be a good thing for her or Ruo Ganyu.

Mr. Wei and the others have already helped her a lot, and she doesn't want to involve more people.

The bracelet shimmered, and the aura on it spread out, causing Wan Licheng's expression to change.

His pupils dilated and he stared at Yun Xi in shock. He did not expect that this seemingly ordinary woman would actually have a protective amulet given by the spirit-killing expert.

His face darkened, and he was even more unpredictable about Yun Xi, but now he had no other way out except killing this woman!


A sword light came out. The cautious Wan Licheng still did not approach Yun Xi. Instead, he slashed through the air with the sword. The sword light cut through the space and came to Yun Xi. But before the sword light fell, the bracelet in her hand fell. With a slight flash, a sword energy suddenly shot out.

The sword energy had the intention of the sword, and it instantly destroyed Wan Licheng's sword light. After the sword light was extinguished, the sword energy did not stop, but rushed straight towards Wan Licheng.

Soul-killing sword energy!

The moment Wan Licheng saw this sword energy, his spiritual veins shook. He held the sword in both hands and slashed out horizontally.

How powerful is the sword that condenses the strongest power of a master of luck?

This question was answered at this time.

The moment the sword was swung, cracks appeared in the surrounding space, and the dark space cracks sucked in the seaweed and coral on the ground.

Swords clash!


A shocking loud noise echoed within the barrier. In the echo, a figure "swooshed" across, black hair flying in the air. Yun Xi, who was shocked by the aftermath of the battle, faced the blood flowing out of his eyes and ears, Rushing towards Wan Licheng.

"court death!"

Wan Li became the one who used the sword energy to cut through Ruo Ganyu. However, he was definitely not someone at the peak of the Spirit Tribulation who could touch porcelain at will. With a twist of his wrist, the sword that he had just slashed suddenly turned around. , slashed directly towards Yun Xi's waist.

When this knife fell, Yun Xi was bound to be cut in two even though she was made of copper skin and iron bones, not to mention her small waist was so delicate.

But, at this moment, he saw a ray of purple in Yun Xi's bleeding pupils, and then, a shadow appeared behind Yun Xi.

It was a tall monster beast with two horns on its head, a body as white as jade, hair like a lion, a thin and long tail, and it was mighty and majestic.

It stood behind Yun Xi, looking down at Wan Licheng, its eyes full of majesty.

‘Nightmare beast? ’

A question came into Wan Licheng's mind. He recognized the type of the other party, but that was all.

Time was too fast, and there was no time for him to react. The moment a dream appeared, a buzzing sound instantly resounded through Wan Licheng's mind, and the sea of ​​consciousness was turbulent. Wan Licheng immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the spiritual power in his body Suddenly he fell into chaos.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a sword.

It was an unbelievably beautiful sword. In his life, he had come into contact with countless people from the Lingshen State, where there were countless swordsmen, but he had never seen such a beautiful sword in anyone's hands. It was like a The fallen fairy is graceful and charming.

Light blue spiritual power flowed around Yun Xi, and then a trickle appeared on the sword. The trickle overflowed and turned into a sea in an instant.

"Three thousand weak waters·Three thousand waves!"

The waves swept across the entire space, and Wan Licheng suddenly felt like an ordinary person standing on a small boat. Although the waves kept shaking, he might fall into the sea at any time.

The picture in front of him gradually turned upside down. He saw his waist and legs; he saw the broken coral branches close at hand; he saw the splash of water; and the moment it finally fell to the ground, he saw the dome inside the sea beast's body. .

‘Fa, what happened? ’

Such doubts arose in Wan Licheng's mind.

‘I-I lost? Was I cut off by her sword? Impossible, this is impossible, she only has the Peak of Tribulation Spirit! How could someone at the peak of the Tribulation Spirit cut me off with one sword? ! And where is my knife? Even if the sea of ​​consciousness is impacted, my sword will definitely cut it down! Why? Why is she okay? ’

"Who are you? Who the hell are you!!"

he asked with a growl.

Yun Xi turned around, she was holding the Luo Shen Sword in her right hand, her left hand was hanging down weakly, the bones inside seemed to have been broken, and beside her left arm, there was an emerald white shield hanging.

The jade of benevolence.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yun Xi coughed heavily, and every cough was accompanied by bright red blood flowing out.

Her face was pale, but she still walked to Wan Licheng with difficult steps.

"Aren't you looking for me... You can't even recognize me... Are you really stupid... or are you pretending to be stupid..."

Wan Licheng's pupils suddenly shrank, almost turning into pinpricks: "It's you! It's really you! Impossible, this is impossible, you have already re-cultivated, and it is impossible to exert such a powerful power only in the Tribulation Spirit Realm! He lied to me ! They lied to me!!"

He roared angrily, his angry voice echoing inside the barrier over and over again.

"You are so noisy..."

Yun Xi looked at him and sighed.

Then, she raised the Luo Shen Sword, and pierced Wan Licheng's chest with the sword. When the soul reaches the luck of the spirit, even if the body is broken, it will not die immediately. It must pierce the heart or cut off the head.

His heart was pierced, Wan Licheng's roar suddenly stopped, and his whole body was completely lifeless.

Yimeng shrank in size and floated next to Yun Xi. He looked down at the upper body and sneered: "It's just a trick."


I saw Yi Meng suddenly open a bloody mouth larger than his body, and with a fierce suction, an almost completely transparent soul body was pulled out from Wan Licheng's corpse.

"No! No! Spare me! Please! Spare..."

The spirit body entered Yimeng's belly, restored its small body shape, and burped comfortably.

"I just finished digesting that woman's soul, now I've digested some more."

Yimeng said while rubbing her belly with her little paws.

Yun Xi next to her looked at it, put away the Luo Shen Sword in her hand, and the jade of benevolence turned into a leg ring again and wrapped it around her thigh.

"I forgot to tell him that because I was in a hurry, this battle was not one-on-one."

Saying these words with a hint of regret, Yun Xi began to use the Luo Shen Mind Technique. Light blue spiritual energy circulated throughout his body, reviving his broken arm and repairing his internal organs. In just ten breaths, Yun Xi, who was originally seriously injured, recovered. He has returned to his physical condition before the battle, but his face is still pale.

"Your technique is really abnormal, it's almost like you are immortal!"

Yimeng knew Yun Xi very well, so he couldn't help complaining: "Your spirit-restoring pill has a three-month validity period, but you are like a perpetual motion machine!"

Yun Xi smiled and said, "This will also cost me a lot of spiritual energy."

As she said that, she sighed softly: "Sure enough, if you don't step into the realm of luck, the opponent who has achieved great luck is still a formidable enemy to me. Last time, I took the opponent by surprise and used the opponent's attack to counterattack. This time, I relied on It’s the bracelet left by Ruo Huating and you, but relying on external forces is not a long-term solution after all.”

Yimeng shrugged, glanced down at the bracelet in her hand, and asked, "How many more times can you use this bracelet?"

"There are still two sword energies left."

"It's indeed a little missing." Yimeng said.

"It's pretty good that the sword energy of Zhu Ling can store three channels." Yun Xi spoke for Ruo Ganyu.

Yimeng didn't argue with her. He just thought about it and asked, "The move you just performed was the last move of Three Thousand Weak Water, right?"

"Well, strong, right?" Yun Xi said proudly.

"It is ok."

Yimeng replied disgustedly.

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