"Although you have received the inheritance from the Sword Master, she has passed away long ago after all, and the inheritance left behind is ultimately useless to you now."

After explaining the way of heaven to them, the man in white said to Mu Shenqing.

"Since you are able to come here today, I don't want anyone to come here in vain. You have stepped to the top of the spiritual realm, but you are still far away from the divine realm. I will give you a good understanding of this ray of charm. "

After saying this, the man tapped his finger, and the spiritual light flowed out, reflecting a warm and cozy light, flowing into the center of Mu Shenqing's eyebrows.

It is not a relic of the departed god, but a charm given by a living god, the God of Heaven in the Hunling Realm!

Mu Shenqing's pupils shrank, and she stood up without any hesitation. She said gratefully and seriously: "Thank you!"

The man in white smiled and waved his hand, and said, "Don't worry too much. It's hard to say how effective a wisp of charm can be. In today's world of ghosts, it's not easy to come up with a god. The way to the gods is hard to find, even if it's a god. I can’t help anyone to enter the divine way, you still have to rely on yourself.”

Mu Shenqing looked serious and said: "I will succeed!"

You Xiyun has an almost perverted obsession with Shinto, but this does not mean that she admires Shenqing and does not yearn for Shinto. It is just that she cannot be like You Xiyun, who would rather abandon all her responsibilities to pursue the illusory dream. Shinto.

Everyone's path is different. She couldn't agree with You Xiyun's behavior, but her desire to become a god would never be inferior to You Xiyun's.

Now that she has received this ray of charm, her confidence has doubled!

After hearing the words of the man in white, Yun Xi thought for a moment and asked: "Senior, when I was in the Buddha's secret realm, I heard the ancient Buddha say that the reason why it is difficult to escape from the world of ghosts is now Zunshen is due to the loss of too much spiritual energy, coupled with frequent wars, the spiritual energy cannot be gathered into a seal. The combination of these multiple reasons led to the current situation. I didn't understand it very well at the time, you know this The details?"

Regardless of whether it was the Buddha or the Demon Lord, they all revealed some information to Yun Xi after meeting Yun Xi, but they did not disclose it completely. This really gave her a headache. Now that she finally met this Tiandao Master, she had to seize the opportunity. Ask nicely.

Hearing this, the man in white had a smile in his eyes and said interestingly: "Speaking of this, the main reason I asked you to come here this time is to talk to you about this matter."

"Talk to me about this?" Yun Xi was confused.

The man in white said: "Since the Buddha told you about the creation of spiritual energy, he should have told you that for a dimension, the most important thing is the living beings, right?"

Yun Xi nodded, while Mu Shenqing and You Xiyun listened carefully.

The man in white asked: "But do you know that above the living beings, looking at it from a higher level, what is the most important thing for the spiritual energy and the stability of a plane?"

The three of them all shook their heads. They might have some guesses in their hearts, but at this time, instead of making blind guesses, it would be better to wait for the man to continue talking.

Seeing them shaking their heads, the man in white said: "It's the seal of living beings. In the world of heaven and earth, living beings are the source, providing living spiritual energy for heaven and earth. When the living spiritual energy is strong enough, under the natural nurturing of heaven and earth, a creature named living being will be born naturally. Something that is printed. This creature seal is not only an important thing that stabilizes the aura, elements, and nature of a world, but it is also a symbol of the master of the world."

The man in white turned his head and looked at the sycamore tree next to him and the jade pot on the sycamore tree that could continuously flow out clear water. His tone changed from relaxed to calm.

"Thousands of years of disasters have destroyed the life seal of the Hunling Realm. Without the life seal, the world of the Hunling Realm will naturally no longer be stable. The sky collapses, and the life and spiritual energy are lost at the same time. Even after tens of millions of years of development , the sequelae of that disaster still haven’t disappeared.”

"The meteorites that fall from time to time on the Tianling Continent, the obviously different environments in the various regions of the Tianju Continent, the water and soil without any nutrients in the Tianmo Continent, the chaotic elements of the Tianshen Continent... These are all caused by the lack of the life seal in the Hunling Realm.


"In the past tens of millions of years, the Hunling Realm has been able to stabilize and develop slowly, and it is also because of them and the existence of the way of heaven in your mouth."

The man stood up, walked to the tree, stretched out his hand and caressed the thick and rough trunk of the sycamore tree.

"After the Soul Seal disappeared from the Hunling World, in order to prevent this world from disappearing completely, their first owner came here and began to fill the collapsed sky, prevent the reverse flow of spiritual energy, and rename this place when the living beings recovered. , whose destiny is the mixed spirit world, which means the spiritual world that is reborn from chaos."

When the man in white said this, Yun Xi thought of the time when he first met the Buddha. At that time, the Buddha had indeed told them clearly that thousands of years ago, the world of mixed spirits was not called the world of mixed spirits.

The man continued: "But no matter how this sycamore tree grows, how the jade pot irrigates, and no matter how strong the spiritual energy is released, it cannot fundamentally solve the current predicament of the Hunling World. Without the Seal of Life, the order of heaven and earth in the Hunling World will never be resolved. It cannot return to normal. The order of heaven and earth is in chaos, how can you find the way of God?"

Having said this, Yun Xi and the others completely understood the current situation in the Hunling World. It is no wonder that even a genius like You Xiyun, who has unprecedented talent, has never been able to reach the threshold of Shinto.

Even the entire Hunling World was not a normal world, so how could she easily step onto that path? As for the seniors who have truly become gods in the past tens of millions of years, it is not so much that they have extraordinary talents, but rather that they are truly the best in terms of luck. They are actually able to enter the divine way in such an environment.

You Xiyun asked: "So if we want to step into the divine way now, we must first re-condensate the life seal of the Hunling Realm?"

The man in white nodded slightly: "Exactly."

Mu Shenqing frowned slightly, with a sad look on her beautiful face: "But it is too difficult to reunite the seal of life. Although the war has had an impact, even if the war stops, given the current environment of the Hunling Realm and The pattern, if you want to wait for the natural birth of the seal of life, it will take years and months."

No new spiritual seal has been condensed in the past ten million years. Who can guarantee that a spiritual seal will be born now?

"So there's only one other way."

The man looked at Yun Xi: "Retrieve the fragments of the once broken life seal, and recreate a new life seal on this basis."

When Yun Xi heard this, her thoughts were spinning rapidly. The next second, she was shocked and stood up suddenly, patting the white jade table!

She asked with a shocked expression: "So the Master Tianzhang has been collecting fragments of the living seals these years?"

The man in white smiled faintly and was noncommittal.

Finally understood, until today, Yun Xi finally understood why the system assigned those tasks to her, and why the Heavenly Palm Church competed with her for those things. It turned out that those left behind were actually fragments of ancient creature seals!

Thinking of this, Yun Xi's eyes gradually revealed something strange.

The man in white said: "The fragments of the Seal of Life have been exposed to the world in the past tens of millions of years. After the baptism of years, they have turned into various different things. The Heavenly Master you are talking about is collecting these things."

As he said that, he noticed Yun Xi's strange eyes and asked with a smile: "Any more doubts?"

Yun Xi looked at him: "Senior, how much do you know about my situation?"

By this time, Yun Xi had completely understood that the goal of Master Tian was the seal of life, and the goal of the system was also the seal of life. She didn’t know who was behind Master Tian, ​​but the person behind the system, the God of Heaven, must know Some news!

Judging from the news he revealed today and his attitude towards himself, it is obvious that he knows a lot!

He even knew that the current situation between himself and You Xiyun was caused by the fusion of souls! You must know that except for her and You Xiyun, they have never told anyone else about this news!

When You Xiyun heard Yun Xi's question, her eyes flickered and she glanced at Yun Xi.

Unlike Yun Xi, she has almost no knowledge of Yun Xi's previous life. She only knows that her soul has also transferred here, and brought with it a magical thing named [System], which contains various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which can be accumulated through points. exchange.

This was something she had never heard of before.

Judging from Yun Xi's current attitude, it seems that Yun Xi's soul transformation has other hidden secrets.

Yun Xi is already trying her best to control her voice and emotions, but she still can't control her trembling. She likes her current life very much, fully accepts it, and even enjoys it, but this does not mean that she wants to be an unknown person. people.

If given the chance, she would like to know why she was reincarnated here and why she obtained this system.

Her life is not a boring book, everything is just to add to the aura of the protagonist.

The man in white saw Yun Xi's desire in her eyes. He was silent for a moment and replied, "I know your cause and effect."

Yun Xi's pupils trembled. She supported the white jade table with her hands and leaned forward slightly, wanting to ask further questions.

But this god has continued to speak: "But I can't tell you yet. When you become a god, all questions will naturally be solved."

Yun Xi, who only got such an answer, took a deep breath. With firm eyes, she gradually straightened up and said, "I understand, so what I have to do next is to continue collecting the fragments of the seal of life, right?"

It didn't matter that he didn't get a detailed answer, because at this moment, Yun Xi at least knew that his reincarnation was no accident, but intentional.

As long as she knows this, she will have one more goal. As long as she keeps moving forward, she will get the answer sooner or later, and she is never afraid of moving forward!

Rather, from the moment she started her new life, she has been moving forward and never stopped.

Seeing Yun Xi's reaction, the man in white nodded slightly with satisfaction: "You don't need me to teach you what to do. I asked you to come here just to clear up your doubts. The lights are not bright enough for such a long way. No. And after all, I am the current God of Heaven in the Hunling Realm. It’s okay if I don’t know some things, but now that I know them, I still can’t turn a blind eye.”

When he first met Yun Xi, he was full of curiosity about Yun Xi. There were too many secrets hidden in this child, such as a powerful soul, a sleeping personality, and the inheritance of Luo Shen... But as the God of Heaven in the Hunling Realm, he actually thought about this. Not aware at all.

This was very strange, so later he went to find Luoshui, investigated Yun Xi's relevant information, and paid special attention to this girl.

He has been watching Yun Xi's growth over the years. He knows Yun Xi's experience. Because he knows, he understands the value of her character even more.

Today, whether he showed up or not, it would not have any impact on Yun Xi's tribulation, but he still showed up.

For no other reason than to see this girl who is constantly running on the road of life again and help her clear up some of the fog that has troubled her for a long time.

Mu Shenqing next to him asked: "Why must Yun Xi collect these fragments of the living seal?"

She didn't know the existence of the system, nor did she know that Yun Xi and You Xiyun were not just a simple personality conflict.

You Xiyun was silent and didn't speak. She knew it must be related to the system. The system would guide Yun Xi on how to act, but...

She also asked: "Since you are the Dao of Heaven, why don't you collect the fragments yourself?"

This is also a question. Since the man in front of me is the God of Heaven in the Hunling Realm, why can't he collect the fragments of the Life Seal by himself and create a new Life Seal? On the contrary, Yun Xi and the Heavenly Master are constantly taking action?

The man in white explained the confusion: "The Seal of Life is a natural gestation of the heaven and earth in one plane. Although I am called the Dao of Heaven by you, in the final analysis, I am still an outsider. I am just trying to maintain the stability of the plane. But if the original order interferes at will, , will only bring worse effects.”

"In the final analysis, I am actually just an agent of heaven. If the creature seal of the Hunling Realm is really generated in the future, and one of you successfully obtains it, you can truly take charge of this realm. At that time, I will You can retire peacefully, walk around and do the things you want to do.”

He chuckled and said: "So don't think that I am helping you. In fact, my ultimate goal is to think about myself."

The three people understood what they heard, but the next second, someone asked again: "What about those gods who were born in these tens of millions of years? Why can't they find fragments and condense the seal of life after they become gods?"

The man continued to explain: "How can the gods stay in this world without the seal of living beings? It is precisely because they have become gods that they cannot do this. It is difficult to sustain the world without the seal of living beings. The true form of a god has arrived. The world you see now is also outside the world of ghosts."

"It's so..."

By now, the three of them have undoubtedly heard information that they had never been able to obtain in their entire lives. Compared with Mu Shenqing's charming charm and Bai Zi who could enter the ethereal clouds, this information is the real gain of their trip.

With this information, they were finally no longer confused about the path to becoming gods, but had a clear direction.

With direction, life will have the motivation to work hard and the goal to continue working hard.

This is their biggest gain today!

[I will go to the city tomorrow and take the train back to school early the day after tomorrow to get my diploma. I estimate I will be back on the 28th. Since I only carry one bag and don’t plan to bring a computer, I will only be able to code on my phone then. The efficiency should be much lower. I may update the volume. It’s relatively low, so please report it in advance]

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