I was rejected when I wrote a song, but I became a king on my debut

Chapter 97 The tenth issue is broadcast (please subscribe)

Director Jiang Dan simply put her phone aside and didn't bother to care about it. What happened to Zhou Yu in the show today had already been spread. Now that there were so many messages on her phone, she didn't bother to care about it. It was like Director Hu just called and asked her to delete those scenes.

With a sneer, she took a bottle of red wine and placed it next to the bathtub. She took off her clothes, revealing her flawless, plump and mature body. With bare feet on the floor, he slowly stepped into the bathtub. The fatigue of the day seemed to disappear at this moment.

While soaking in the bath, she poured herself a glass of red wine, her red lips slightly touching the goblet, and the bright red wine juice was sipped into her mouth.

The mobile phone kept ringing outside, and she didn't bother to look. It was only at this time that these people remembered that she was the director. He had gone past her before and put pressure on the students in his program. Later, he even blamed their program team and asked her, as the director, to help them share the pressure.

Now I know I'm in a hurry, so I'm sorry, I'm just the director, and everything I do is for the sake of the show. Zhou Yu's incident is so exciting that the popularity and playback volume of the show will definitely skyrocket.

Aren't these what you, Director Hu, want?

Anyway, when it comes out, it won't have any impact on her, and it can wash away the previous slander against her. The real black hand is Xingguang, Hua Tian, ​​and Taochang behind it.

She is just a director and is only responsible for the program. She is not qualified to take care of anything else.

This is what Director Hu said, and she remembers it now and must abide by it.

Well, how can the program gain greater exposure and traffic? That is to keep Zhou Yu's footage intact.

Director Hu also frowned slightly after talking to Jiang Dan on the phone. Why did he always feel that Jiang Dan's answer did not make him feel at ease.

But the best way now is this. As long as Jiang Dan and his program team delete all the words Zhou Yu said and keep the footage of his performance. When Zhou Yu is gone, they can make up some random reasons for his absence. When the time comes to seize the opportunity, even if Zhou Yu publishes a follow-up article, they will be well prepared, and the impact will definitely be within their acceptable range.

Even after seizing the opportunity, they can also say that Zhou Yu opened his mouth and made many unreasonable demands to the program team relying on his high popularity. In order to maintain fairness, the program rejected Zhou Yu's requests, and he chose to withdraw from the competition.

Director Hu felt relieved when he thought of this.

Zhou Yu is gone now. If he wants to work in the entertainment industry later, hey, I have to ask them if they agree.

As for Starlight Entertainment, Mr. Wang just finished exercising with a member of the girl group when he learned about Zhou Yu's news today.

This made him frown, and the flame that had just finished exercising suddenly emerged in his heart again.

"Damn! This kid actually dares to quit the game!"

Mad, you still dare to say these things that you shouldn't say on the show. Are you preparing to drag them into the water?

If this matter were to come out, it would have a very bad impact on their starlight. Because of the incident with Wen Shiyi, Xingguang's online reputation was not very good, and it even caused Xingguang's stock price to fall. After the storm finally passed, the stock price rebounded, and their reputation was restored by some means.

But no one will forget what happened. If such an incident comes to light, Starlight's reputation will be in crisis again, and the stock price may fall again.


Zhou Yu's withdrawal from the competition completely disrupted their plan.

The key is that Director Hu of Taochang also sent a message just now. Zhou Yu's withdrawal will have a great impact on the subsequent programs. After all, this guy is so popular now, and his contribution to the show's popularity is huge. Once the news of Zhou Yu's retirement comes out after this episode is broadcast, it will definitely be explosive news.

"As long as Jiang Dan deletes these scenes and gives us some time to buffer, when this issue is over, it will be the eleventh episode. Including the finals, there will only be two episodes left."

"When the time comes, I can find any reason and pass the blame for retiring to Zhou Yu..."

Mr. Wang thought to himself that this was all he could do now.

Mudd! This Zhou Yu, forget about disobedience, now he has directly disrupted their plans.

The same is true for Mr. Huatian Liu, who frowns. This incident always gives him a bad premonition. Although he had already sent a message and said hello to Jiang Dan, Director Hu also called him personally.

But Jiang Dan's delay in replying to his messages made him feel a little unsure.

But Jiang Dan wouldn't offend them because of an amateur student like Zhou Yu, who had offended the three major companies, right?

Although Jiang Dan can have a good future without contacting and cooperating with Taochang and their two companies due to her status in the industry, it won't have much impact on her. But who would mind having too much money? As the saying goes, many friends lead to many paths. Jiang Dan has been in the entertainment industry for so long, so he doesn't even understand these principles, right?

Even Zhou Yu's decision to withdraw from the competition caught them off guard. It could even be said that Zhou Yu turned their table over. But as long as what he said cannot be broadcast, the impact on them will be relatively small.

Zhou Yu is still too young.

Acting out of emotion, the resentment and dissatisfaction in my heart was vented on the show, but this also ruined my future and retreat. If he wants to work in the entertainment industry after that, it will be completely impossible.

Soon, it was the day when the tenth episode of "Idol's Son" was broadcast.

The popularity is still the same as before. It hasn't even started yet, but there are a lot of people watching it air.

Lin Jiajia also just came back from shopping with her friends. Originally, her friends said they wanted to play outside for a while. But tonight, she wanted to see the tenth assessment of "Idol's Son" as soon as possible. No, she wanted to know immediately what kind of songs Zhou Yu brought this issue.


In the previous two issues, Zhou Yu was targeted and suppressed, although there were trolls on the Internet taking the lead and guiding public opinion very well. However, the two issues were still very controversial. She knew it in her heart, and she also learned about the situation from some insiders in the industry.

Zhou Yu was suppressed and taught a lesson because he rejected Xingguang and Hua Tian's invitation, trying to force him to submit.

This issue was the tenth, and it was also an assessment. She also wanted to see if Zhou Yu would be suppressed in this issue. If not, Zhou Yu might have compromised and signed a contract with the company.

If there is more...

Lin Jiajia can only say that she is disgusted. These capitals are really shameless in order to achieve their own goals.

At this moment, the show has just started, and there are many people trolling Zhou Yu on the barrage.

"Sorry everyone, I just came to see Zhou Yu."

"Made, I want to see if Zhou Yu will be targeted again today."

"That's right, the first two episodes really made me angry. If it targets Zhou Yu again this time, then I will definitely not watch this show."

"I read online that it was because Zhou Yu rejected invitations from some companies, and those people wanted to force him to compromise."

"Whatever it was, it was just disgusting."

"I'll put my words here today. If Zhou Yu doesn't win the championship, haha, whose show is this? Taochang's, right? I'll let you know the pain."

As the show aired, many fans of Zhou Yu complained about his experiences in the previous two episodes.

After all, Zhou Yu performed so well in the previous two episodes, especially in the last episode, the songs he brought were so good, and it even set off a wave of travel craze on the Internet. The results of it? He was only in second place. Based on the votes on Weibo, they didn't believe that Li Xingyu could surpass Zhou Yu.

As for Li Xingyu's bad song, it can't surpass Zhou Yu on the exclusive list of "Idol's Son". In terms of popularity and spread on the Internet, it is completely inferior to Zhou Yu.

See high and low.

As this episode of the program aired, Director Hu and the others also watched this episode, and even jumped directly to Zhou Yu's part.

Director Hu frowned when he first heard what Zhou Yu said, but fortunately, it didn't matter. Zhou Yu just talked about his song and said that the song was an expression of his mood. When he heard this, he just snorted coldly.

But let Jiang Dan delete it a little bit, why should this section be kept?

Lin Jiajia also jumped directly to Zhou Yu's part, and so did many people. When they saw Zhou Yu's part, they were also stunned for a moment.

Zhou Yu's new song this time is an expression of his mood. What are the various things he has encountered recently? Something about being suppressed?

But Zhou Yu didn't say much next, and just started singing.

"Blue Lotus..."

Seeing the title of this new song, Lin Jiajia silently recited it in her mind, "Blue Lotus", she had seen it on the Internet before. A legendary magical flower that represents hope.

When Zhou Yu opened his mouth, people were immediately shocked.

"Nothing can stop

your yearning for freedom

A fantastic career

Your heart is free from worries..."

Zhou Yu's vicissitudes of life and deep singing voice immediately made people immersed in the song.

Lin Jiajia listened to Zhou Yu's song and read the first half of the lyrics, her eyes twinkling.

Zhou Yu pursues, does he want freedom?

Whether it was the last "You Once" or this song "Blue Lotus", they all have a yearning for freedom.

Is this also the reason why he refused to sign with the company?

He said before that this song is an expression of his mood, is that true?

Tomorrow we will start fulfilling our promise of adding more chapters every 500 chapters. Of course, it is impossible to release ten chapters at once. I'm working overtime to type, so I'll add one chapter a day, that is, three chapters a day from then on, and the number of words in the three chapters will be no less than 8,000 words. I promised to pay back the ten chapters slowly, and I will not break my promise.

The average number reached 500 in just one week after it was put on the shelves. I didn’t expect it to rise so fast. Haha, thank you for your hard work. The author of the book is very grateful!

Next, our goal is to hit Qianjun. I don’t know if we can achieve it before the Chinese New Year. Let’s set a goal. Before the Chinese New Year next month, we can reach the critical point and add ten more chapters!

I didn’t even take a break during the Chinese New Year, so I worked overtime coding!

Therefore, I beg everyone to support us by ordering all orders, we are in great danger! Go, go, go! By the way, please give me some votes and rewards! grateful!

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