The person who gets the reward gets the reward.

Those who deserve to be punished get punished.

This straw hat pirate group was called by Jinbei to be the future pirate king or something.

It just looked shocked.

At most, I feel that this kid is very troublesome, and there are many problems that are caused by him.

For the people here, that guy is just a little guy right now.

Although luck may be good, the background is also very strong.

But in this pirate world, many times still need to look at strength.

Backstage or something can only play a supporting role.

Someone quickly thought of the things about the straw hat boy.

It may be because of this incident that Four Emperors Charlotte Linlin fought with the straw hat boys.

Even to the back, he ran away successfully.

Many people have various ideas because of this straw hat boy.

But Guy didn't care much.

I already know what I should know, what else to care about.

And that guy should still be locked up now.

"Okay, all the rewards should be in hand. Welcome everyone to come again next time."

"This game is over."

Seeing that there was no problem with the bounce, Guy announced directly.

Now that several problems come up in succession are a bit uncomfortable.

Some are because of exposure and some are because of rewards.

Of course, this is bad for others.

The bad thing for Guy is only the trouble caused by the man-made Devil Fruit.

This thing, other people will certainly not give up so simply.

The next individual came one after another, and you can imagine how difficult it is to face this situation.

"This is the end?"

"We haven't answered the question yet, we..."

Several people who had not chosen to answer the question from the beginning yelled quickly.

Compared to other people, apart from breathing a sigh of relief, all that is left is relief.

And for those who did not answer the question, they have begun to panic.

I thought there would be a problem or something.

As a result, this is it?

"Unfortunately, you can only accept punishment." Guy didn't care about them.

Only the pirates can not answer the question here.

Ordinary people are covered by Guy, and those Marine World government can trade.

For them, miserable can only rely on their own guess.

"What are you talking about, Damn it, you..."

"Kill you."

"Die together."

A man rushed towards Guy frantically.

It’s just that he hasn’t really reached Guy’s side yet.

These people have been turned into powder directly.

"Don't pay attention to them, you can go." Guy didn't care about them and turned to look at the others.

These people are still very afraid of the scene here.

Especially seeing people being killed silently like this, for this unknown ability.

It is what they resist most.

Many people are very direct, and a person disappears quickly, and they dare not continue to say anything.

"Boy, I hope I can see you next time."

"Now, haha."

Whitebeard smiled at Guy.

Blackbeard Teach and Ace next to them just watched.

As he finished speaking, he left without waiting for the reply.

"Don't you want to say anything harsh." Guy looked at the person on the other side who hadn't left.

"If you return to Marine, I can guarantee you nothing." Sengoku waited for most of the people to leave before leaving.

There are only people from World government and Marine.

He has nothing to hide.

"If you join the World government, none of your problems will be a problem.""I hope you make the right choice."

After speaking at Sengoku, a World government official next to him seemed to have received an order.

"Marine, World government."

Looking at the two parties, although they can be regarded as a group of people, in fact, in some fundamental matters, without the highest-level instructions, their goals would not be unified.

"If I were to be the boss, I might have agreed."


"Know that there are countless people who want to join the World government. There are a lot of guys like you in the ocean."

"Rejecting the invitation of the World government, are you really ready?"

People in the world government became angry at the first time.

Just refuse.

He was talking directly about becoming their boss or something.

This is totally looking down on them.

Say such words.

"Do you mean that too?" Guy didn't care.

He waved his hand and looked at Sengoku and them.

And those figures of World government have disappeared.

It was not killed, it was just teleported away.

Here he also has to abide by the rules, it is impossible to kill him casually.

"If it was before, maybe."

"Now, you don't have to think about it." Sengoku spoke directly.

Of course, he also knows that many things are wrong now.

If it was before, he wouldn't necessarily let the other party take the lead.

Regardless of his strength, his motivation is completely different.

Now, he is thinking about retiring as soon as possible because things are getting more and more troublesome.

There are other factors that make him think that he should retire.

Most of it is because of this guy.

Whether it was before or now, this is really unlikely.

But in his opinion, if the other party is in Marine and messes around by himself, then it is possible.

"That's a shame." Guy didn't continue to say more.

Just a simple wave of hands, as if bye-bye.

Now things are done.

Then there is nothing about them.

It's best to send it all away.

One individual disappeared quickly.

In the end, there was no picture, and the system began to go dark.

Only the various people who came to the chat area were talking.

And Guy is about to receive the rewards of the system.

【System is evolving. 】

[Please leave the system. 】

[Evolution is unknown, please determine by yourself after evolution. . 】

I wanted to see what I gained this time.

The news I received was this stuff.


Upon receiving this news, Guy quickly left where he was and disappeared.

Reappearing in a place full of ice and snow, Guy also a little lamented that this system is cheating.

Even if the reward is not given, just get him out.

This is really fun.

He has been spotted as soon as he appeared in the Drum Kingdom.

Then he got the news.

"World government, I really know how to play."

Hearing these news, Guy paused.

"Find some people to interrogate, and if you can find out the information of the World government, just ask it out. If it doesn't work, let's get rid of it all."

Without wasting too much time, Guy had already settled his attention.

These guys are already here, don't even think about going back.

Anyway, I hide my identity, who knows who you are, let's talk about it if you kill.

Even if they are exposed and let people know what, so what.

Anyway, this will happen sooner or later.

"It's fine if you make a decision." Zephyr, who was also to explain the news, heard the news.

I didn't continue to say anything, I just reminded him, and then left to train.

Today's recruiters' training is even more bleak and miserable.

A man was so miserable that he yelled.

In the end, I doubted what devil day was today.

"How's that kid?"

Back at the castle, Nico Robin came out to hold on, and Guy spoke directly when they met.

Now he still cares about the straw hat boy and his party.

Regardless of the background of these guys, there may be luck or something.

Still made him quite jealous.

Especially now he is still trying it out.

For example, Enel and Zephyr are both guys who were beaten by Luffy in the original plot.

We need to see if we can break through the situation here.

"It's still the same, always shouting to be a Pirate King."

"Nami was here before and let me let them go."

"But in the end..."

Nico Robin spoke quickly.

Regarding the current situation, she still made it simple and clear.

If you can’t do everything well, it’s too embarrassing. Even if you are not abandoned, you will gradually be ignored.

It is rare that there is a place that is a little safer.

She wouldn't choose to give up like this.

"Go and see this guy."

Guy directly let Nico Robin lead the way.

Straw hats and a group of people, the problem now is not small.

In the dungeon.

CP0, they don't have any treatment for Guy to see them.

Here is a group of Straw Hat Boys.

"Asshole, I want to fight you."

"Rubber Iron Body."

"Ah, I have no strength."

Seeing Guy coming, Luffy roared and was about to do it.

It just hit the iron pillar next to him with a hard punch, without a dent.

In the end, he made himself unable to fall down.


"This guy is really dumb."

The Straw Hat Pirates looked at Luffy.

I sighed why I was so stupid that I recognized such a person as a captain.

Is the brain sick?

Ideas are ideas, and in the end, they are all choices.

"Really energetic."

"Starting today, the food will be halved for them, and Luffy's will be halved again, giving only a quarter of the average person's weight."

"Since you want to be a pirate, grab it yourself, or starve to death if you can't grab it."

Guy made a decision directly to them.

This so-called food is not their appetite.

It's the food for ordinary people here.

What makes people full.

Doesn't exist at all.


"Demon, devil." Someone yelled quickly.

"Why, I haven't said anything yet."

"I want food."

A person said quickly.

"I'll say when you don't want to be a pirate." Looking at the straw hat boy Luffy.

Guy didn't mean to keep on flowing.

This time I came here just by the way.

Next time I come here, I'll wait for these guys to be hungry for a while.

It was too honest before.

All means can be tried now.

Anyway, as long as you can't kill it.As long as you can give Garp an explanation and always attract him.

What's more, he is now in contact with his father.

‘It’s really troublesome, Second Generation Third Generation. . ’

Unlike the person who came here by the backstage, Guy is not moving or not moving now.

"You guys can make a good change, little boys."

Nico Robin looked at Guy and said a few words and left without interest.

He also left a sentence, and then quickly took him to his body.

Seeing the two figures in front of him disappear quickly, Usopp began to feel helpless.

"Why, there is not enough food in the first place."

"This guy is a devil, when can I be released?"

Usopp, who is staring at the long nose, is already thinking about how to act best.

Or, beg for mercy?

Pretend to give up? Even really give up.

Various thoughts echoed in my mind.

"No matter what he is going to do, we can't handle it. This is our gap now." Zoro still has some understanding of the situation here.

There was a lot of monster aura that broke out before.

Obviously not an honest guy, even if there is no Guy.

They can't go either.

"We will have a chance."

"I'm the man who wants to be the One Piece."

Luffy spoke directly.

It's just that other people looked at him and didn't say much.

If it was before, they might believe it.

But now, it feels like a fool, what else is One Piece?

The One Piece in the Dream, One Piece in the Prison?

Time passed slowly.

In the next three days, a lot of news was reported in the system.

Most of it is ordinary information. What really makes Guy think a little bit is that New World Whitebeard has been attacked one after another.

Marine and World government also hardened Whitebeard's revenge.

Whitebeard destroyed five branches one after another, and one franchise.

The strongest man in the world, that terrifying breath makes people feel trembling, terrible. . .

In particular, Whitebeard recovered a little bit of his pre-boyhood body.

The power he burst out is already close to his peak moment.

Let him have a fun battle.

Although this has caused them to lose a lot of personnel, they still gain more.

The turmoil of the New World even caused other Four Emperors to take action.

The attention of Marine and World government has shifted to New World.

On the Grand Line side, they did not give up directly.

"That's it?"

"That's it?"

"Marshal Sengoku is too insincere."

Looking at the fifty Devil Fruits in front of them, most of them are ordinary Devil Fruits.

But this is already very scary, after all, Devil Fruit is not something that can be taken out casually.

This consumes the collection of not knowing how many people.

Even the treasure trove of Celestial Dragons has been found a lot.

"If you have any requests, you can ask them." Sengoku spoke directly.

Obviously, he was prepared before he came.

"What are the requirements? Let's not talk about it. What about the rare Devil Fruit? Wouldn't it be necessary to take out so many common things to pay off the debt." Guy said directly.

Although Devil Fruit is precious.

But if the ability can be determined, it is still strong.

It is even more precious and special.

This world doesn't know how many people are desperately searching for a Devil Fruit that suits them.

Ordinary Devil Fruit may be hard to find.

And that precious Devil Fruit is a rare species.

Logia, the special Paramecia.

These precious things are hardly seen here.

There are only some ordinary Paramecia and Zoan, and Guy is naturally unhappy.

It doesn't matter how much you bring.

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