"What is this picture?"

After White Zetsu got the generals.

There is also an additional screen video on the system panel.

In the picture.

Jiraiya saw it right away, and there were a few familiar voices in there.

There is also the Na Xiao organization.

"Master Hanzo has already given the news. As long as you cooperate with him, peace will come soon."

"The country of rain will be peaceful."

Akatsuki's Yahiko and his group said happily.

During this period, there were still some scenes showing how Hanzo had sent people messages before.

Seeing that my apprentice is really working hard for peace.

Jiraiya was very pleased, but thought of their current situation.

He was depressed for a while, and at the same time, he was even more upset with Danzo in the village.

It's all because of them.

And this masked man.

He wouldn't think that this guy really just happened to be there.

It's not just about the previous village.

Yahiko's matter may also have something to do with them, otherwise it won't be so clear.

Good guy, the several apprentices he accepted seem to have something to do with him.

Will he be scammed to death in the end? Jiraiya couldn't help thinking.

And the plot in the screen has begun to change drastically.

Danzo appeared, and once again wanted to continue to expand the war, the counterfeit Iwagakure also attacked Yahiko and others, but they were finally repelled.

And that Rinnegan was directly exposed, making Danzo stare at this Nagato.

"Is that the power of Rinnegan just now?" "A terrible power." "What to do? Now that Akatsuki has acted, other teams pretending to be ninjas from other countries will also be in danger." "For the sake of Konoha's future, I must not be with Iwagakure. armistice."

The conversation between Danzo and Anbu members completely exposed their conspiracy.

Whether it's Rinnegan or this guy ruining his good deeds.

Can't forgive it.

The village where it has been raining, the residence of Hanzo, the country of rain.

Danzo killed some ninja goods to Akatsuki and his party, and then negotiated cooperation with Hanzo.

It's not just for other Shinobu villages.

Also included this Xiao organization.

Directly use tactics to make Hanzo and Akatsuki directly do it.

The methods used are also very ninja style.

Directly send someone to poison and seize Konan's threat.

"Yahiko, I want your leader to be buried here."

Hanzo appeared in front of Yahiko and Nagato with the ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village and Danzo's roots, clutching Konan and threatening them directly.

"Yahiko, Konan, Nagato..."

Looking at the experiences of several of my apprentices.

Jiraiya didn't know what to say.

I thought it was some mistake that I encountered a powerful ninja and died.

He didn't have a chance to confirm the situation.

Now I look like I was scammed to death by people in my own village like this.

Jiraiya's mood is very complicated.

He also had an idea in his heart, whether he would find a chance to beat Danzo after he went back.

He has worked so hard to cultivate a person like this.

Especially looking at Yahiko in the screen, for Konan, for Akatsuki's organization.

Yahiko can only choose to die in the hands of Nagato.

"You and Konan, must live."

After leaving a sentence, Yahiko lost his breath.

"Do it."

Hanzo Danzo was about to do it right after Yahiko died in Nagato's hands, and Nagato Konan had no plans to let it go.

The reason for doing that just now was just to weaken their combat effectiveness.

Moreover, having lost the main heart of the leader, the others are still not ‘getting it in their hands. ’

As he gets older and older, Hanzo is not the same demigod full of ambitions before, and has already begun to use such methods.

"Hanzo, Danzo."

Jiraiya even had the idea to go to the country of rain to find Hanzo's situation.

(I remember that when Hanzo died, no one knew it until the end.)Continue in the screen.

When Yahiko died in his own hands, Nagato also broke out, and he ignored everything under his grief.

"Gedo Statue."

Nagato was forced to be anxious.

Strong anger and killing intent broke out, and only Yahiko's last words were left in his head.

Now he just wants to kill them, kill the people here, no matter if his vitality can bear it.

For Konan, Nagato summoned the Gedo Statue again, even desperate to let the Gedo Statue absorb his Chakra vitality.

The Gedo Statue also exploded with strong fighting power, making the ninjas here desperate. Many people were quickly killed by the dragon shape condensed by the Gedo Statue.

Just touching is dead.

With this high combat power, perhaps Yahiko will ask if I am still alive: Did my life affect your output?

And Nagato is also very powerful. With the help of Gedo Statue, Nagato descends like a god.

With the Gedo Statue alone, he directly pushed back Danzo Hanzo, killed many of their men, and saved Konan.

Repelled Hanzo.

And Danzo disappeared in the first place.

In addition to calculating people, running is also something he is very good at.

"It's miserable."

After reading all this, Misaka Mikoto only has this idea.

I was disabled, and my partner died and injured.

This one called Nagato is also miserable.

"Every time I see this power, it feels terrifying."

Obito commented on the Gedo Statue on the side.

The voice is very quiet, no one pays much attention to it.

It was White Zetsu beside him who heard it.

Naturally, White Zetsu wouldn't say much at this time.

"After reading it all, then the next one is from your world."

Guy on one side spoke directly.

Although someone hasn't recovered from that picture yet.

But he didn't care much, he had already shown it to them anyway, and the reward was already given.

"After reading it, it's finished."

"It's just that there is no more behind?"

"Before this scene..."

White Zetsu wanted to say more to make sure.

But as the conversation grew more and more, it was stopped by Obito.

This guy is sometimes foolish about talking about himself.

Jiraiya stared at these two guys.

But in the end nothing was done.

There is really not much certainty here, and it hasn't been determined yet.

You still have to wait after you leave, and don't get mad at you.

"The next question is coming."

Following Guy's words.

Another question popped up on their panel.

[Multiple choice: Who designed to entrap and kill the first batch of Akatsuki members in the Land of Rain? ? 】

【1, Uchiha Madara, 2, Uchiha Obito, 3, Sarutobi Hiruzen, 4, Shimura Danzō. 】

[Reward: The total amount of Chakra is doubled. 】

[Punishment: Weakness in half. 】

New problems arise.

This directly caused Jiraiya to pause.

The choice is still the same.

And these people, he glanced at the last Shimura Danzō.

This old guy, wouldn't it be him again?

It is very possible that this guy is so uncompromising no matter what he does.

This is not the first time I have heard of it.

Haven't spoken yet.

Obito, who had already struggled on the other side, made a direct choice.

What if it is exposed, what if it is known.

Anyway, this time has come, and there is no retreat.

Not to mention that Jiraiya is here, even if Minato is here, what about it.

"I choose Uchiha Obito."

He did it by himself at the time, and he naturally knew it.

And the total amount of Chakra doubled, this thing is also a good thing for him.

This is why White Zetsu did not compete.

If it is the same thing, in fact, it just needs to be handed to him.

But this ability, let's do it myself.

White Zetsu on the side has no opinion.

Obito is stronger and more convenient for their future plans.


"Uchiha Obito?"

For this Minato’s apprentice, Jiraiya also knows.

He has not heard from Konoha until now.

Otherwise, he should have known him already.

He looked at the system tightly, trying to make sure it was a real pretense.

In any case, this must be determined.

And Guy looked at Uchiha Obito.

The answer was announced directly.

This guy. .

"Correct answer, Uchiha Obito, congratulations."

Looking at the other side and talking.

And this made Jiraiya beside him couldn't help it.

"This can't be Uchiha Obito."

"He died long ago, and how could he have gone to the country of rain."


Jiraiya babbled.

Can't accept this ending at all.

And neither Obito nor Guy said anything to him.

He was only here to manage people, not to answer their 100,000 whys.

After the answer has been determined, the answer is announced.

The picture soon appeared again.

This directly made Obito and the others recall the situation at that time.

To make Nagato feel pain and despair.

So I planned this action and let the other members of Akatsuki's organization disappear.

And they reappear.

Get hands-on with Obito using abilities.

A massacre occurred directly in the Akatsuki organization.

Although there are still some people who are quite strong and have the ability to resist.

But it doesn't work at all for Obito, which is the same as opening and hanging.

On the contrary, when he finally wanted to die together, he died before he had a chance to do more.

There is really a lot of difference in strength.


"Why do you do this, Uchiha Obito."

"It's you who controlled Nine Tails to attack Konoha and killed Kushina and Minato."

"He is your teacher."

"What the hell is it for???"

Jiraiya couldn't help asking at this time.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party is still here.

Maybe you can know the answer.

While talking, he looked at this Uchiha Obito.

Waiting for a reply.

Obito didn't care.

Feel the Chakra that he just broke out.

This feeling of becoming a "chat ton" is really amazing.

Let his ability improve a lot.

Although this thing is a bit tasteless, it's better to have it than not to have it anyway.

This burst of power is really not weak at all.

It makes Jiraiya feel that this guy is getting harder and harder to deal with.


After experiencing the changes in Chakra, he slowly turned his head to look at the uncle who spoke to him.

"Where is there and why?"

"If you insist, it's all for peace.""This world is too fake, this world needs to change."

"So, I did."

Obito looked at Jiraiya and said.

"And the Nine Tails thing is just a coincidence. I originally didn't plan to take Nine Tails away at that time. I have so many methods, I can do it on a whim."

"On a whim? That's why Nagato died because of such a thing? He used to talk about you, and he said that you wanted to be a Hokage man. That's how you are..."

Jiraiya looked uncomfortable.

Actually observing Obito's emotions.

According to the current situation, he has to understand the other party.


"That's something that only a fool would want to be."

"The false village, the false world, even the high-level Konoha is rotten."

"Konoha is finished."

"It will die sooner or later."

Obito said word by word.

And this situation feels a bit boring.

"Or you just play it online."

"Just kill one here, so there's no need to talk nonsense." Doflamingo said while looking at boredom.

A pair wanted to watch them fight.

It feels like watching a monkey.

Jiraiya didn't care.

And Obito was already looking at him.

If it wasn't for the wrong place, he should have gone straight up to find trouble now.

When did he become an existence seen as a monkey?

"What have you experienced?"

"Konoha didn't do anything to you, right?"

After saying a word, Jiraiya stopped.

I thought that the current Uchiha clan is completely gone.

But later it occurred to me that the Uchiha clan were all dead, and that was the next thing.

So it has nothing to do with this.

It should be because of what happened before.

Obito glanced at Jiraiya and didn't say anything more.

Already said so much,

There is no need to go on.

It's not an acquaintance anyway.

"do not waste time."

"If you want to say anything, you can wait until you finish reading the question. After that, there is time for you to talk slowly, and you can continue to answer."

Guy on the side didn't let them go on.

Go directly to the next topic.

Although it is interesting to see how their identities are exposed.

But Guy is not here now.

Or honestly let them finish the answer quickly, and then leave quickly.

And he has to be rewarded.

Here, he can't be strong anymore, he can only wait for the reward at the end.

This makes him somewhat uncomfortable, like an outsider.

While talking, let the question appear.

[Multiple choice: Who killed Sannin Jiraiya in the Land of Rain? ? 】

【1, Konan, 2, Uchiha Obito, 3, Nagato, 4, Shimura Danzō. 】

[Reward: Perfect Sage Mode (toad fruit). 】

[Punishment: an arm. 】

The next topic.

Originally, Jiraiya wanted to continue to say something.

But looking at this topic directly stopped him.

The options are all acquaintances.

"I'm not dead yet?"

"What does this topic mean?"

"There are these candidates."

Jiraiya looked at a personal name, locked in between Shimura Danzō and Uchiha Obito.

The remaining two instincts were eliminated by him.

After all, these are all the children he taught. They used to live together, and their feelings can be said to be the same as that of father and son.

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