Such a strong guy, and still Otherworld, looks lustful, and it shouldn't be difficult to control.

"Do you have a way to get him to your side?"

Guy spoke suddenly on the side.

Let the smiling face of Doflamingo disappear.

"Can you go to other worlds here?" Jiraiya and others are also very interested in this topic.

It's just that no one here can answer them.

‘I want to know it myself. ’

Tucao silently.

"Don't ask more about things that are irrelevant."

Just choose to avoid their problems.

There is no need to fool people.

Seeing Guy's attitude, the people on the scene did not continue to say, which one of the people present was not a strong figure, licking his face to talk to people.

At least not currently used.

next question.

A glance is still the topic of Ninja World.

It may be that there are more people coming in and more questions.

Guy didn't care much about this, and he chose to let it go.

"It's still your topic."

[Multiple choice: Who is the son of destiny that Jiraiya is waiting for to save the world? 】

[1, Nagato, 2, Yahiko, 3, Namikaze Minato, 4, Uzumaki Naruto. 】

[Reward: The total amount of Chakra is doubled. 】

[Punishment: The total amount of Chakra is reduced by half. . 】

"Son of Destiny..."

Jiraiya looked at the topic before him.

He has never chosen so many topics, so many topics.

As for the topic in front of him, he actually didn't want to choose.

He only needs to know the answer.

Although doubling the total amount of Chakra is good for him, the punishment may be even more deadly.

Especially now that he knows his death.

Have to be careful, it is best to maintain a little combat effectiveness.

"Son of Destiny?"

"Yahiko and Namikaze Minato are dead, right? The remaining whirlpool Naruto should be Nine Tails Jinchūriki."

"Then according to the current situation, it is Nagato in all likelihood. He saved the world?"

"That's very interesting, but I don't know if he used the terrorist weapon in his picture to save the world or some other way."

White Zetsu said weirdly on one side.

What Uzumaki Naruto Nine Tails Jinchūriki they are not without attention.

Just like that, the environment has grown up, and no one has ever taught it. With this strength, it is basically impossible to save the world.

He cares more about this Nagato now.

Is there something wrong with them in the future?

Those who have the same idea, and Obito.

Nagato's goals and objectives are different from them, he has always known.

He was not sure about all the dynamics of that guy.

"You answer the question."

"Looking at him, he has no idea to answer the question."

Obito naturally had no idea to take a bet.

Can only push things to White Zetsu.

"My Chakra is also very precious, okay?"

"Well, anyway, this opportunity is because there are many answers."

White Zetsu originally wanted to refute something, with a weird smile.

But under Obito's eyes.

He still chose the direct and honest choice.

There is no need for Guy to continue to ask more questions.

I chose Nagato's option directly.

This made Jiraiya, who had no choice, breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally he wanted to take a bet.

It is a good thing to have no chance now.

Just look at the answer.

Although there is no reward, there is no risk. This is also good news.

"Correct answer, Uzumaki Naruto..."Guy directly clicked on the system and announced the answer directly.

This answer is actually not single.

Really count, it's Youyu Chiba Sasuke.

And a large part of Uchiha Sasuke stopped Blacken because of Uzumaki Naruto.

So there is nothing wrong with the other party.

"Wrong? How is it possible? You said the other two are resurrected, I can accept it, this kid, save the world?" White Zetsu said with a shocked look.

Then there was silence again.

Save the world from whose hands?

In other words, their plan will fail?

Not only Nagato, but also them?

White Zetsu and Obito looked at each other.

And Jiraiya on the side also spoke.

"Wait a moment.."

"Uzumaki Naruto, that is to say, Toad Sage's language is wrong?"

"Or, do you want to say, Uzumaki Naruto will be my apprentice in the future?"

Jiraiya thought about this possibility.

After this little guy has grown up, it is still possible for him to go back and accept him as an apprentice.

It's just that he has been investigating Akatsuki's situation and Orochimaru's news. It must be impossible for Konoha to teach him all the time.

Can this all save the world?

This is the son of destiny?

Jiraiya is a little guessing.

"The matter of Toad Sage is not in this topic, and this topic does not mention the relationship between Uzumaki Naruto and you."

Guy spoke directly.

"What about the picture?" Jiraiya continued in silence.


Looking at the system, Guy didn't say much.

Begin to announce the situation directly.

The picture emerged.

The goal is to grow up Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.

Naruto has now become a Nine Tails form and even Sage Mode, with Truth-Seeking Ball beside him, and his good friend Uchiha Sasuke also owns Rinnegan and Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan at this time.

In addition, there is a white-haired woman who has a hair that is better than humans. This woman's white eyes are a bit like Byakugan, and there is a red eye that looks like Rinnegan on the forehead. There are many like Sharingan Gouyu's stuff.

"What is this woman?"

"And that kid, is this the son of destiny?"

Looking at the screen, Jiraiya felt the power of these guys inside.

"Is Rinnegan so worthless?"

Thinking of the eyes of the legendary fairy, Jiraiya looked at Uchiha Sasuke very depressed.

This guy, if there were no accidents, it would be the only Uchiha.

Have the eyes evolved to this form?

With a talent like a monster, Jiraiya wondered if he could stay by his side in the future.

This time it was exposed, and he felt that they would not be very safe.

As for Naruto, he was more relieved.

According to the other party's situation, he should have become his apprentice.

The situation in Sage Mode is better than him.

In addition, the Nine Tails mode is also perfectly controlled.

Son of Destiny.

Jiraiya has various ideas here.

Obito they too. .

"How could it be like this?"

"Who is this woman?"

Obito was dumbfounded.

Shouldn’t he or Uchiha Madara be the ultimate boss?

He was ready, and the picture showed how he was defeated.

Even Nagato can accept it.

Moreover, the space fragmentation in this picture time and time again.

Let him feel that these three guys are not easy to provoke.

"White Zetsu, do you know her?"


White Zetsu said without changing his face.

Looking at the picture inside.

And this one, it's time to end.

"Six Paths· Planetary Devastation."

With Naruto and Sasuke joining forces.

This Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was sealed again.

Even in the end, I was very unwilling to be dissatisfied.

It's all over.

As the picture slowly disappears.

Talents such as Jiraiya have recovered and calmed down.

"Strange woman, is this the trouble in the future world?"

Jiraiya analyzed the situation.

According to that Uzumaki Naruto's age.

This should be a few years from now.

Now the other party is still a kid who just came out of the ninja school.


Obito and White Zetsu have different ideas at this time.

But in the end they all became helpless.

At the same time, I was a little careful about the system space.

Such a future thing, such a powerful combat power has been irradiated.

Then some hidden things like them may be exposed at any time.

Especially there are a lot of shameful things between them.

"This is the strong man in other worlds?"

"Ninja? Such a powerful existence."

"Their abilities are so special. They are not Devil Fruit but they can use abilities. Is this ninjutsu?"

"There are ninjas in Wanokuni, but I don't know if there is such a thing."

"Wanokuni has a fart. I passed by Wanokuni before and met some guys who talked about ninjas, shouting ninjutsu in their mouths, but they took out guns and slapped them back."

"The list upstairs is really not small, it's Kaido's site."

"Ninjutsu: Times have changed, my lord."

The discussion in the chat area emerged one by one.

For this scene, they have to be vigilant.

People who thought this world were at best just like them.

but now.

Especially high-level combat power.

They can clearly feel the power of the guy in that picture.

"Fortunately, they are the ultimate boss, there should not be many such guys." Doflamingo thought carefully.

I don't know at all, if it gets to the next blog post.

There will be a lot of people who can abuse Naruto Sasuke casually.

What Uchiha elbowed, Uchiha hugged.

What else Naruto was inserted, Naruto desperately died.

Various effects such as bloggers and dutiful sons.

People at the scene have their own ideas in their minds.

Even Misaka Mikoto is paying close attention to Jiraiya and the others.

The combat effectiveness of those guys clearly surpassed her, a LV5 superpower.

How pervert is this guy in the end.

she. . .

"Manager, do you have any questions?"

After Jiraiya slowed down, she still spoke first.

He doesn't care about rewards or not.

What he wants now is information about the future.

other things.

decide as things go.

"You all have so many questions, it's endless." Doflamingo murmured aside.

He has nothing to do with these guys who have been answering questions when they came here.

He is a little boring.

It's just that his words obviously ignored him.

"next question."

However, Guy has announced the next topic very casually.


In the Ninja World.

It's endless.

And this topic is quite interesting.

Seeing this question, Guy also gave White Zetsu a kind look.

This guy is one of the people who cooperated with the show.[Multiple choice: In the death of Uchiha Obito's teammate, Lin Nohara, who is behind the scenes? ? 】

【1, Uchiha Madara, 2, Senju Hashirama, 3, Hatake Kakashi, 4, Shimura Danzō. 】

[Reward: Chakra half of Three Tails. 】

[Punishment: Lose half of the vitality. 】


'Ruined. ’

Seeing this problem, White Zetsu couldn't laugh.

When Uchiha Obito saw this problem, he stopped.

"White Zetsu, don't you have anything to say?"

At this time, Obito's voice also had some coldness.

This attitude is like saying, if you don't give him a good explanation, then kill him or something.

"The man behind the scenes."

Jiraiya saw the subject aside.

Also very interested.

Minato’s apprentice is like Blacken, and his apprentice is also Blacken

There must be a problem.

Looking at the options, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama and Hatake Kakashi were directly excluded.

Finally, this is Shimura Danzō.

Old fellow, are you again?

Maybe the Nine Tails chaos is also caused by this old guy.

Just to kill Minato, and then board the Hokage position.

It's just that he didn't expect to be snatched away by the third generation old man in the end.

Jiraiya quickly analyzed.

There is already a clear choice route.

"Uchiha Obito, are you working with Danzo?"

"That guy controls your companion to die behind the scenes, and throws the pot on Minato? Make you rich with Konoha and Minato?"

Jiraiya, who is very imaginative, seems to be the Master.

And these words made White Zetsu and Obito, who were still facing each other, turned their heads to look at him directly.

‘You are so smart. ’

The two of them looked at Jiraiya with a feeling of caring for the mentally retarded.

"Danzo is indeed in contact with me, you can guess the other things."

Uchiha Obito wears a mask, as if he is the Master.

Even he controlled his emotions.

I'm ready to see the results.

Among various options.

Obito hesitated, before White Zetsu spoke.

Speak directly.

"I choose Uchiha Madara."

In his opinion, it's nine out of ten.

From the performance of White Zetsu just now, there must be a problem.

As for Danzo's situation, he knew very well that this thing must have nothing to do with Danzo.

Unless, Danzo contacts Uchiha Madara behind his back.

Of course, this is impossible in his opinion.

With Uchiha Madara's temper, it is impossible to cooperate with Danzo in any way.

"Obito, you are too impulsive." Watching half of Three Tails Chakra's reward fell into Obito's hands.

White Zetsu is also a little depressed.

Originally, he was still wondering whether to choose to answer the question directly.

This topic was chosen directly.

"Uchiha Madara?"

"He's still alive?"

Jiraiya didn't care what they were struggling with.

What he cares about now is the answer.

He thought it was Danzo out of ten.

After all, other people are either dead or impossible at the time.

Only Danzo.

If the answer is Uchiha Madara, then their latest intelligence may have gone wrong.

A person looked at Guy and planned to wait for him to announce the result.

"Correct answer: Uchiha Madara."

Guy didn't procrastinate and gave a beastly expression.

The answer was announced directly.

And this answer directly caused the faces of people in the ninja world to change quickly.

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