In the Ravenclaw common room, a cold wind blew outside the arched windows. At this time, it was a bit chilly in the room. This place is not located on the dry and warm ground like Hufflepuff's common room. The tower located high up always has a sense of loneliness.

However, Sean, Hermione, and Daisy were chatting lively.

Under a dome depicting stars, the three sat in their usual little corner, near the alcove that held the white statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. Hermione said that this position was more immersive when studying.

"Sean, thank God, you're okay!" Hermione and Daisy shared a blanket, curled up together, with expressions of surprise on their faces.

"I've always had good luck. Apart from being a little hungry, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern." Sean leaned lazily on the back of his chair and replied with a smile.

Daisy sat up straight. She freed herself from the blanket and stretched one foot off the ground.

"I'm going to get you something to eat. There are a lot of snacks left over from last Halloween - and I also hid some dinner and brought it back to the dormitory." The girl said a little embarrassed.

"No, food will be delivered later," Sean stopped her and asked curiously, "Why are you bringing dinner back to the dormitory now?"

Hermione gathered up the slipping blanket for Daisy and explained: "Harry lent Daisy the Invisibility Cloak, and the two of us would sneak out of the dormitory and go to the library in the middle of the night - staying up late at night always makes us feel hungry. Yes, most of the food went into my stomach."

Daisy pursed her lips and looked at Hermione with some gratitude.

In fact, Hermione had a poor appetite during this period, but she, on the other hand, felt hungry after going to bed late, so she had no choice but to bring dinner back for a midnight snack.

The relationship between the two has become closer and closer recently. When they were getting along, Daisy, who ate a lot, expressed her worries to Hermione: eating too much would make others think she is not cute enough...

What she didn't expect was that Hermione would consider this thoughtfully and help her maintain her image in front of Sean.

Daisy continued: "Actually, Hermione has been having a hard time during this period..."

Sean looked at Hermione, who had an invisible blush on her face.

"Hermione spends time in the library whenever she has time. She has been trying to find some information about the castle. She is worried that you have strayed into a certain place. After all, there are all kinds of magical spaces in Hogwarts Castle. And , every day after class, Hermione would take me to the professor to ask about the situation. Professor Flitwick always tried to deal with us... So we thought of other ways. Brothers Fred and Harry often went to various places. When I was looking for someone somewhere, Hermione took me to look up information. Even going to the forbidden book area in the middle of the night to look for information was her suggestion." Daisy talked endlessly about Hermione's efforts during this period.

"Daisy, stop talking..." Hermione looked a little embarrassed.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Sean was moved and smiled even brighter.

"I know that the relationship between us doesn't require too much politeness, but I have to say, thank you very much for your concern and efforts, which makes me a little..."

Hermione glared at him and interrupted what he was about to say anxiously: "It'll be fine if everyone is fine... Daisy and I have learned a lot of knowledge during this time... Anyway, it will be fine if everyone is fine... "

Daisy nodded her head quickly.

Sean smiled and nodded: "Yes, everything is fine."

After these words, no one suddenly spoke, and the empty lounge fell into a brief calm.

Several people looked at each other and finally burst into laughter.

Hermione seemed to be completely relaxed. She leaned back on the chair comfortably and tiredly. This was the first time she sat in the lounge but didn't want to open a book at all.

Daisy put her head on her shoulder, with a smile and a little sleepiness on her face.

The two girls tilted their heads and pressed against each other. Sean smiled and watched this scene without saying a word, enjoying some indescribable warmth.

At this time, the air at the door of the lounge suddenly became distorted. After a slight explosion, a house elf carrying a large dinner plate appeared here.

Wearing a tea towel with the Hogwarts crest on it, he easily held the dinner plate with his slender fingers, and then bowed exaggeratedly to several people.

"It's an honor to meet you. I have permission from Mr. Dumbledore to teleport into the lounge and serve dinner to Mr. Sean Wallop!" he said sharply.

"Thank you," Sean stood up and took the plate, and then saw the other party's appearance, "Conis? Hey, good evening, it's nice to see you."

He had been to the kitchen many times before and met many house elves who worked for Hogwarts. Cornis was one of them. He probably played the role of foreman and was a very enthusiastic guy.

Cornis's eyes widened, and the bulging eyeballs that were originally far beyond those of ordinary wizards were like two light bulbs.

"Mr. Wallop!" he screamed, even whimpering, "Oh my God, you remember me!"

"Of course, haven't we known each other for a long time?" Sean replied with a smile.

He stretched out his hand and wanted to shake Cornish's hand.

Cornish trembled with excitement and shouted in disbelief: "Do you want to shake my hand?!"

"Yes, Cornis." Sean understood the house elf's thoughts very well. The other person believed from the bottom of his heart that he was inferior to the wizard. This idea was difficult to change.

However, Sean never cared about that. He liked making friends with people. Moreover, he always has an idea deep in his heart, that is, races such as magical animals and house elves are more reliable than humans...

Cornis shook hands with Sean carefully, and then quickly stretched his hand back.

He whimpered happily and excitedly, his body swaying.

"I shook hands with Mr. Wallop!" he shrieked. "By God, my friends will die of envy!"

"I won't wash my hands in ten years! I wish you a pleasant meal! There are two beautiful ladies!" With Sean's helpless expression, Cornis bowed deeply and then disappeared into the air.

Sean held the dinner plate and shrugged at the two unresponsive girls: "They are always like this, uh, surprised."

Hermione looked a little unbelievable. She frowned and muttered: "I have seen the introduction of house elves in the book, but I didn't expect..."

She thought for a long time before she could find a word: "They are so humble."

Sean returned to his seat with the food. He glanced at Hermione who was thinking. It seemed that Cornis's appearance inspired Hermione's empathy, and the House Elf Rights Promotion Association might be born in advance.

How to put it, Hermione's starting point was actually good, but he didn't agree with the method. So, Sean decided that if Hermione were to do anything like this in the future, he would provide some sound advice.

Although the house elves are an enslaved race, they themselves are not aware of this. This is the key point.

Of course, now is not the time to think about that. Sean pushed the dinner plate towards the two girls.

"Let's eat something together?"

The two girls looked at each other, and Hermione nodded in Daisy's eager eyes. When Sean returned, the big stone in her heart fell to the ground. She, who had always had no appetite, was now a little hungry.

The house elves were quite good at cooking, and under Dumbledore's instructions, the food brought this time was very generous. The three of them had a hearty meal, and when the plates were completely empty, they lay down lazily.

During the chat after dinner, Sean picked out some of his experiences these days and told the two of them, and finally Hermione came to a conclusion.

Sean has a troublesome physique and always attracts all kinds of inexplicable things.

Hearing such a comment, Sean could only sneer. He was in the midst of a prophecy, so he couldn't escape due to physical problems, and he himself was a very curious person.

While they were laughing and talking, no one noticed that someone was watching them secretly in the passage from the girls' dormitory to the lounge.

It was Stephanie with silver hair. She was holding a piece of parchment in her hand, with a title written in beautiful cursive script on the top.

A look at the secret rooms of Hogwarts and known ways to enter them.

The parchment records various special locations in the castle in detail, and the entry method is marked in detail at the back. There are some places where there is no way to enter, but the general conditions of the place are also specifically stated.

Even the entrance to the secret room was written in.

Stephanie was hiding in the shadows with an expressionless face. She looked at the three of Sean who were joking, then lowered her head and glanced at the parchment in her hand.

She took out her wand, and without making any sound, a flame danced on the tip of the wand.

She wanted to bring the flame closer to the parchment, but when the corner of the parchment began to burn black, she seemed to hesitate.

Finally, Stephanie extinguished the flame on the tip of her wand and silently walked back towards the bedroom.

The next day, Sean, who was still sleeping in bed, suddenly felt a weight. He opened his sleepy eyes and looked over.

I chatted with Hermione and Daisy very late last night, and I was still confused when it came to watching people.

"Sean! You're back!" His roommate Terry Butt hugged his quilt in surprise.

"Hey, Terry, good morning..." Sean greeted sleepily.

"Terry, I told you, Sean must be very tired, you shouldn't disturb him." Another roommate Anthony Goldstein said next to him.

The other roommates also looked at Sean in surprise.

"Good morning, guys... I'm so happy to see you... Hey! I'm not up yet! Don't hug me! Ugh!"

The enthusiasm of the students was obviously more than a little, as Sean also received shouts of surprise and countless hugs in the Ravenclaw lounge. When he appeared in the Great Hall, Hogwarts, which had been a little depressed for a while, suddenly came alive.

The Weasley twins laughed and put their arms around Sean's shoulders, winking at him and whispering in his ears.

"Sean, did you discover some secret place?! Remember to take us there next time!"

The trio of Gryffindors, Harry, Ron and Neville, also hugged Sean happily. Percy looked very excited. While he was asking his brothers not to hinder Sean's breakfast, he also Smiling and shaking hands vigorously with Sean.

Cedric's handsome face was full of smiles, and he looked a little naive.

Sean's good popularity is undoubtedly reflected at this moment. Everyone who is familiar with him comes up to hug him, and people who are not familiar with him also follow the example of others and come up to shake hands and say hello.

"I'm glad you're okay, Sean!"

"Welcome back, Wallop!"

Amidst the warm greetings from others, Sean made an excuse at random, saying that he had accepted Dumbledore's special mission and had to leave Hogwarts for a while.

Somehow, the students imagined this task as something particularly dangerous, and there were constant screams in the auditorium. By the time breakfast was over, the rumor had taken another shape: Sean fought ten fire dragons and tamed dementors...

Rumors are terrible... helpless Sean could only think this way.

Of course, not everyone welcomes Sean's return. The little snakes looked at the lively scene in the auditorium with cold eyes. They pursed their lips unhappily. The students who had had grudges with Sean even snorted in dissatisfaction.

"Draco, this bastard is very lucky. What a pity, all your enemies have disappeared." Crabbe said to Malfoy at the dinner table.

Malfoy echoed a few words absently, with a proud and indifferent expression on his face, as if this enemy was not taken seriously by him.

However, when no one noticed, Malfoy raised his lips invisibly.

"Draco, have you thought of anything happy?" Goyle finished his eighth sausage and turned around to see Malfoy's expression.

"Idiot, which one of your eyes is happy to see me!" Malfoy cursed in a panic, his pale face flushed with blood, "Huh, luckily that bastard Wallop is back. I originally wanted to fix it. His method has its uses!"

"Oh, that's it!" Gao Er suddenly realized, lowered his head and started eating the ninth sausage.

Malfoy glared at him dissatisfiedly, then turned his attention to Sean, who was surrounded by the crowd, and he snorted proudly.

Hey, bad guys only live for a thousand years...

In the morning's Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall seemed particularly tolerant. She was in a good mood, so even the few students who had failed to master the transformation of beetles into buttons after practicing for almost half a semester were not severely criticized by her.

After Sean returned to class and easily transformed the rabbit into a pair of house slippers, she generously awarded Ravenclaw twenty points.

After finishing the course in a happy mood, Sean received the package. Early in the morning, he first wrote back to his parents to express that he was fine, and then ordered a lot of ingredients.

It's all a feast for Dave, Nadja and Pudding.

He took Hermione and Daisy to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor.

Daisy, who came here for the first time, looked around curiously, while Hermione pulled out a book and started reading with ease.

"Sean, look at this." Daisy shouted.

Sean walked over and saw a piece of parchment on the table.

The parchment looked a little worn, with traces of fire scratches on one corner.

A look at the secret rooms of Hogwarts and known ways to enter them.


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