Aiken was not impressed by the fifth-grade student with the weird tattoo. After all, Nurmengard was such a big place and there were thousands of students from all over the world.

I have no impression of him, which means that the other party usually has no sense of existence. He is probably one of those mixed-blood wizards who are neither low nor high.

He clearly remembers those with outstanding talents, purebloods, and marrow wizards. After all, those will be the people he wants to win over or suppress. The fact that the person in front of him has no memory does not mean that there is something wrong with his memory. It just means that the other person has no value worthy of attention.

Aiken frowned and looked at the dirt on the fifth grader's arm, and stroked his pet cat Nizi impatiently.

On the other side, after Terrell stepped forward to negotiate with the man, he turned back to Aiken and made an OK gesture.

The fifth grader from Nurmengard looked a little gloomy, half of his face was hidden in his hood and his true face could not be seen clearly. He took a Galleung and stopped what he was doing, and then walked towards the door.

Before he could take two steps, there were sudden footsteps coming from outside.

Aiken turned his head impatiently and saw a boy wearing a Hogwarts uniform.

The fifth-year student from Nurmengard stopped, his pale face in the hood showing a little doubt.

"Ernie MacMillan? What's he doing here?" Sean muttered to himself.

Yes, this fifth grader from Nurmengard was exactly what he was pretending to be, and his target was naturally Fabian Aiken.

The purple props drawn previously: Nymphadora Tonks's mask still had a lot of time left to use, and Sean disguised himself as a fifth-year student from Nurmengard who was usually ignored.

This guy was in confinement because of a mistake in Potions class. Aiken wanted to cause trouble afterwards, and the other party also had a perfect alibi.

As for the Dark Mark, that was also Sean's little thought.

However, what he didn't expect was that he would actually meet his school classmate, Ernie MacMillan.

The other person is in the same grade as him and is a student of Hufflepuff. He is usually a relatively easy-to-get-together guy.

What Sean didn't expect was that the person who spoke first was Fabian Aiken, and he obviously knew Ernie.

"Ernie MacMillan, what a coincidence..." Aiken showed a friendly smile.

Ernie didn't seem to recognize this Nurmengard seventh grader. He asked doubtfully: "Have we met before?"

"No, but I know you," Aiken continued. "The MacMillan family is one of the most orthodox pure-blood families. No one in the entire wizarding world doesn't know about it, right?"

The other person's words made Ernie raise his head proudly. Although he was not an extreme bloodist, he had always been very proud of his bloodline and family.

"Oh, thank you. May I ask your name?"

"Fabien Aiken, from France."

"The Aiken family..." Ernie's eyelids drooped a little when he heard the other party's last name. It seemed that the other party's family didn't have a very good reputation.

However, Ernie still extended his hand and shook the other person's hand as a sign of goodwill.

Sean, who had been motionless, had a slightly strange expression on his face. This Fabian Aiken had done a lot of preparations. He probably knew the students from the pure-blood families in several schools very well.

Aiken shook hands with the other party and smiled casually: "I remember that one of your ancestors married a certain Mr. Black?"

"Oh, that was a long time ago, how did you know?"

"I've heard that the Aiken family and the Black family have always had a good relationship..."

"Really? However, in the past ten years, our family has not been in contact with each other much -"

Aiken looked familiar, talkative and kind: "Oh, oh, oh, Ernie - can I call you that? I must say, as one of the distinguished pure-blood families, our The same noble blood flows through our bodies. In this era, shouldn’t we communicate more?”

Ernie showed an embarrassed expression. He was indeed proud of his ancestry, but he also had no prejudice against wizards of other ancestry. For example, the Muggle-born Justin Finch-Fletchley was his very good friend. Sean also has a good relationship with him.

Being friends with a pure-blood wizard is not a bad thing, but Aiken's statement always makes Ernie a little confused.

One of the reasons why their family has less and less contact with the Black family is that the Black family is too radical and is a pure-blood family with strong prejudices.

Aiken had obviously investigated Ernie. He smiled without any concern and hugged Ernie's shoulders intimately: "Don't worry, my friend, it's just acquaintance. I always have high hopes for an outstanding wizard like you. appreciate."

He didn't mind the other party's attitude. The McMillan in front of him was only in his second year. He was confident that he could influence and change the other party and make him his solid comrade-a noble and pure pure-blood wizard.

Aiken was about to say something more to Ernie when he saw Sean, who was motionless.

"This classmate -" His meaning was obvious, why don't you get out of here after you take the money?

Sean didn't say much and quickly left the flower greenhouse.

On the way to the castle, he thought about what he had just heard.

Are the Aiken family in France related to the Black family in England?

Sean still remembered the Malfoy family and Lestrange he had met in Diagon Alley. He had been thinking at that time, whether the other party had still become a Death Eater?

If the Death Eater team has not changed, then the French Wizards Rights Protection Association is even more noteworthy. There may be old acquaintances behind that organization...

However, when Aiken saw the Dark Mark that he had specially put on it just now, the other party did not behave strangely...

Must be considered comprehensively...

While thinking this way, Sean had already returned to Nurmengard Castle. He quickly walked to the end of the corridor on the second floor, and in front of him was the prefect's private bathroom.

There was a sign saying "Under Construction" in front of the bathroom. Of course, Sean put it up while the Nurmengard students were in class in the morning, so that there would be no other irrelevant people in the bathroom.

Although the probability of someone coming to take a shower during the day is very small, it is still necessary to be just in case.

Sean put the sign away and slipped into the prefect's bathroom.

In the flower greenhouse, Aiken talked with Ernie for a while. Ernie didn't seem to want to have an in-depth conversation with him. After a few words, he picked a flower and left quickly.

Looking at the other party's leaving figure, Terrell, who had been standing beside him, said: "It seems that that little guy doesn't trust you very much."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter," Aiken said indifferently. "The MacMillan family is different from the Weasley family. They are still proud of their bloodline. The Weasley group has completely forgotten their glory."

"The most important thing is that Ernie McMillan is the only son of their family, a second-grade kid. His character and outlook have not yet been fully formed. As long as he works hard, he will return to the right path sooner or later. Come up - when Ernie gets older, I can introduce the women from the pure-blood families around me to him, and in twenty or thirty years like this, won't the MacMillan family become our friends again?"

Aiken turned to look at the bright flowers in the greenhouse. One of the buds was hanging down, almost touching a small grass sprouting from the soil next to it.

Aiken did not stretch out his hand, but just stretched out his wand. The flower bud slowly lifted up, away from the grass, and then slowly bloomed.

"You see, a flower will always be a flower. It will not become one of those vulgar, lowly weeds. If something happens to a flower while it is growing, and it only needs a little help, then it will return to its normal path. Come up."

"And the weeds..." Aiken narrowed his eyes, waved his wand, and the grass was uprooted and disappeared into the flames, "Just clean it up..."

After doing all this, Aiken looked at his follower with great satisfaction: "Look, it's very simple, isn't it..."

Before he could finish his words, the piece of soil where the grass had just been pulled out exploded!

With a "bang" sound, the soil and fertilizer exploded violently. The smelly dragon dung and sticky mud stuck to the surface of the flowers and sprayed all over Fabian Aiken's body.

His meticulous hair style, neatly maintained uniform, and smiling face were all stained with all kinds of filth, which also contained the unique strong smell of big dung eggs.

"...Who...who!" Aiken, who has a mysophobia, even his face contorted. He wanted to reach out and pat away the dirty things, but he was afraid of contaminating more.

Aiken froze on the spot, his hands were shaking slightly, and his originally handsome face had turned green and purple.

Terrell was startled, and the Iron Armor Curse was instantly activated, but the explosion was too fast, and the Iron Armor Curse did not block much dirt for Aiken.

He lowered his head and checked: "It seems to be a stimulating big dung egg. This thing is not a magic spell and has no lethality, so your magic props have no reaction."

Aiken's words were almost squeezed out from between his teeth: "Then! Then you! Why don't you hurry up and clean it for me?"

"Just a little dragon dung and dirt..." Terrell muttered and waved the wand, and the dirt on Aiken was taken away by the magic spell and became clean again.

Aiken's expression calmed down slightly when he felt the dirt on his body disappear. However, he always felt that the stench was still lingering on his body, and the smell of dragon dung seemed to permeate his clothes and skin.

"Which bastard..." He gritted his teeth, completely losing the elegance he had just now.

I can’t take any more of these clothes… I can’t take any of the accessories… I can’t take any of them!

Aiken walked towards the castle with a livid face.

"Hey, don't you appreciate the flowers?"

"Flower viewing is a piece of shit!" He cursed without even looking back.

Terrell quickly chased after him: "It's been cleaned up very well..."

"Shut up! Go to the dormitory and get me a whole new set of clothes. I'm going to take a shower. Then, check all the information about that fifth grader just now! Also, go find someone and ask me clearly. Those Where have all the bastards from Hogwarts been this morning!"

"I...I must..." Aiken seemed to want to say something harsh, but the more he opened his mouth, the more stink he felt going straight into his mouth, and the harsh words were finally suppressed.

Even while walking on the road, he felt that something was wrong with the way other people looked at him.

The increasingly sensitive Aiken quickened his pace and arrived at the prefect's bathroom on the second floor. As soon as he stepped through the door with his right foot, he turned back and said: "After you get your clothes, stay here for me and don't let anyone else come in!"

"No one comes to take a shower during the day..."


"Okay, I get it." Terrell felt that Aiken was making a fuss, but he was his employer after all, so he agreed obediently in the end.

Aiken walked to the bathroom with a livid face and quickly took off all his clothes. He also took off his magic bracelets and amulets, and was going to write home to ask his father to buy him a new set.

As for his pet cat Nizi, Aiken was not ready to take it. The little guy was covered in dragon dung just like himself, and he had thrown it on the ground when he went out.

In the end, he only had a gem necklace left around his neck, and then quickly jumped into the pool.

After frantically rubbing his skin, applying half a bottle of magic shower gel, and turning on all the water changing faucets to wait for the water in the pool to be changed, Aiken's expression finally relaxed.

He sank half of his body into the water and let out a big breath of relief.

Only now did he feel that the stench on his body had disappeared.

"Bastard boy, you'd better pray that you won't be found by me now, otherwise, I will definitely leave you with a lesson that you will never forget."

Aiken, who was half lying by the pool, still looked ugly. He was already thinking about which bastard did this to him.

"The fifth grader is a big suspect, as well as the Weasley twins who I beat up, and the mudblood Sean Wallop is also possible..." He kept thinking about the suspects.

On one side of the bathroom sink, the air seemed to fluctuate slightly, but in the dense room, Aiken didn't notice anything was wrong at all. He was already thinking about future protection strategies.

"Just the magic tools to deal with the curse are not enough..." He touched the gem necklace hanging around his neck. This was a tool that his father paid a large sum of money to hire an alchemist to create.

This necklace can protect against most ill-intentioned spells, and can be used many times. If necessary, the necklace can also inspire a super powerful iron armor spell according to the owner's wishes.

"It's not enough... We will need items that can protect against non-magic in the future. Damn it! This necklace is more expensive than the living expenses of those mudbloods for several years. It can't even stop a big dung egg!" Aiken pinched the necklace dissatisfied. .

Of course, he won't take off the necklace. Although the dung eggs are disgusting, they will never be fatal, but the same cannot be said for the hypnotic spells, disarming spells, soul-stealing curses, etc. shot from hidden places.

"Is the water temperature too high? Why am I feeling dizzy..." Aiken shook his head, feeling his whole body sore and weak.

He wanted to stand up, but found that he could no longer control his limbs - to be precise, he had lost control of his body.

The Imperius Curse? ! Impossible, I’m wearing a necklace!

Fabian Aiken fell into panic because he saw a strange figure twisting in the air on the other side of the pool.


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