

The gargoyle jumped aside to make way for Sean, not forgetting to mutter: "Mr. Principal is not in the office."

"I know, I came here to find something..."

The principal's office was empty, but it was no longer what it was when Sean came last.

The pensieves that Dumbledore used to view his memories have been put away, and the long river of memories is no longer floating in the air.

"Boy Wallop!" Sean yelled as soon as he entered with a photo.

It's Phineas Black.

"Hello, sir." Sean greeted politely.

"Boy Wallop, Albus is not in the office. This is not the place for a student like you!" Phineas blew his beard and widened his eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, a silver goblet flew from another canvas into Phineas's canvas and hit him accurately on the head.

The person who threw the cup was a thin old man with white hair. He shouted angrily to Phineas: "Don't tamper with Albus's meaning! And you are dead, this is not your office anymore."

Sean shrugged. He didn't know why Phineas was always unhappy with him. The other old headmasters obviously liked him very much - of course, maybe Phineas was unhappy with all the non-pure-blood wizards.

The steady headmistress and therapist Delise Devante nodded to Sean and said in a gentle voice: "What you want is in the drawer of Albus's desk."

After hearing this, Sean walked over and opened the drawer. Sure enough, a huge bottle was lying among the piles of cockroaches and sizzling bees.

Is this the memory that Grindelwald himself extracted?

Sean looked at it curiously and found that the bottle was actually enchanted, making people involuntarily want to ignore the bottle, and there would be a blurry feeling when looking at it.

However, this is not the purpose of Sean's visit this time. This bottle of memory can only be used when the two Grindelwalds "fuse into one". He came this time to see if Dumbledore would be here. There are time-turners.

Before coming here, Sean used his authority to completely search the inventory of the Room of Requirement. He couldn't find the time turner, so he turned his target to the principal's office.

Although everything in the Ministry of Magic was destroyed, a person like Dumbledore should have extra on hand.

Sean peeked inside the drawer, but finally gave up on searching. He raised his head and asked the portraits of several principals.

"Gentlemen and ladies, Professor Dumbledore told me that I could borrow something of his. I was wondering if there are any spare time turners here?"

He told a small lie, Dumbledore probably wouldn't care.

Unexpectedly, the little white-haired old man who just threw the wine glass said directly: "Don't think about it, kid, there won't be such a thing in Hogwarts."

That was Dumbledore's predecessor, Armando Dippet, who was very fond of talented wizards like Voldemort when he was in office. He had a good attitude towards Sean before.

"Why, Mr. Dippet?" Sean asked doubtfully.

"The Time-Turner is a very special kind of magical item," Armando Dippet explained to him. "It cannot always be stored outside the Department of Mysteries, because each Time-Turner needs to be replenished. Energy, otherwise it will lose its effectiveness in five or six years at most, and only the Department of Mysteries has something that can replenish energy."

"But the time turners in the Department of Mysteries have been destroyed." Sean said with a frown.

Armando Dippet took back his silver wine glass, wiped it carefully and held it up with one hand, as if there was still wine in it.

"Yes, that's the problem. Because only the Department of Mysteries can recharge the Time-Turner, even if someone steals an illegal Time-Turner, he can only use it for a few years before the thing becomes a Ordinary hourglass - unless you can also steal the mysterious time energy, but that is unrealistic, because time energy also needs a container to save, you should have seen that."

Sean recalled for a moment and asked: "That bell-shaped glass cover? There is a wonderful air flow inside, and then there is a little hummingbird repeating the process of shelling, birth, and growth."

"It seems that you have seen it, so I regret to tell you that since that thing is still in the Department of Mysteries, it proves that there is no time turner that can be used by the outside world." Principal Dippet shook his head.

"Where is the Department of Mysteries? Well, I have seen the cabinet containing the time turner, but all the hourglasses are damaged. Will the Ministry of Magic keep extra ones?" Sean asked with a frown.

"Ha!" Phineas laughed sharply and looked at Sean in an angry tone, "Look, the most outstanding student in this year actually wants to sneak into the Ministry of Magic to steal something!"

Sean caressed his chest in greeting: "Thank you for complimenting me as the best student, sir - besides, I must correct you, I was going to borrow it."

Phineas's eyes twitched. He didn't expect that a non-pure-blood student would dare to be so shameless in front of him.

The other principals ignored Phineas. Delise Devante said to Sean: "The Ministry of Magic was not long established when I was here. I know them fairly well, but I tend to think that they don't have any extra savings, even if they have extra savings." , maybe you can’t find it just by sneaking in.”

Upon hearing this, Sean touched his chin in distress.

Without a time turner, all plans would be missing the most basic thing.

Seeing his frown, Phineas snorted coldly: "I told Albus a long time ago that you are not a smart person, and he kept insisting that you have found the answer."

Did I find the answer? Sean ignored Phineas's taunt and thought about the meaning of Dumbledore's words.


Sean looked up suddenly and smiled at Phineas: "Oh, thank you, sir."

After saying that, he left the principal's office directly.

In the portrait, Phineas's face froze with ridicule, and he looked at the portrait next to him.

"Did I remind him?"

In the Room of Requirement, Sean rummaged through the ring for a while, and then took out the thing he thought of.

A golden egg.

This was the prize he got for playing the dragon in Nurmengard, and then Grindelwald playing him in turn, and finally winning Nurmengard Day.

At that time, Sean tried a lot of methods but couldn't find what was hidden in the golden egg, so he just put it at the bottom of the box - think of it as some kind of honor.

But when he was told this today, Sean remembered it.

Grindelwald had obviously planned a lot of things before extracting his memories, and it was impossible for him not to think about the problem of the time turner.

In his memory, Grindelwald did not emphasize it to himself, which meant that he was convinced that the time turner was already in Sean's hands.

Then this golden egg with nothing special becomes special. Grindelwald is not the kind of person who pays attention to honor and fame.

Sean waved his wand, making the golden egg float in mid-air, and then circled around the round, shiny thing.

This golden egg is bigger than Sean's head and requires two hands to hold it. There is a button at the top. When pressed, the tightly-fitted golden egg will slowly split into three petals.

It was empty inside.

"Strange..." Sean looked back and forth carefully several times, but still couldn't see anything special about this golden egg.

"Let's think about it differently...how did I get the golden egg..." Sean muttered silently.

I turned into a fire dragon... Grindelwald turned into me... Finally, Grindelwald transformed into me and pretended to know dragon language and tamed me, that is, the Hungarian Horntail...

Could the key point be dragons and transformation? Sean raised his eyebrows.

Dumbledore mentioned in the twelve uses of dragon's blood that dragon's blood can be disguised as human blood, used as a furnace cleaner, and can restore certain magic...

And Grindelwald likes to use the fire dragon as one of his symbols...

After thinking for a moment, Sean took out a bottle of dragon blood, which he bought from the black market at a large price - he had never thought about whether he could drain some blood after turning into a fire dragon, but the essence of the blood was still dragon blood. Well, my own blood has no special effect.

After smearing the dragon's blood on the golden egg, Sean's eyes lit up.

The center of the golden egg suddenly emitted light.


After waiting for a long time, nothing else happened except the light.

Sean thought for a moment, then cleared his throat, a low growl coming from his throat.


After mastering the beast whisperer, Sean, who was able to transform into a fire dragon, also learned dragon language, although the accent was not very authentic.

The golden egg didn't respond.


Still no response.

Sean thought about it for a while, then pointed the wand at himself.

He took on the form of Grindelwald.

Just when Grindelwald stood in front of the glowing golden egg, the golden egg shook slightly, as if he had seen its owner.

Come on, it's true, this old man is really narcissistic... Sean cursed.

He cleared his throat and let out a deep dragon roar in Grindelwald's voice.



"Restore." Still wrong.

"Gellert Grindelwald."

"The Deathly Hallows."


After trying a lot, the golden egg still only trembled slightly.

I hate the Riddler. Grindelwald doesn’t learn from other good ones, so he and Dumbledore learn riddles... Sean rolled his eyes.


Sean cleared his throat and tried to speak in dragon language.

"Albus Dumbledore."

The inside of the golden egg shines brightly.

The dazzling light dissipated and the golden egg changed its appearance.

A bell-shaped crystal jar, one size smaller than the one in the Department of Mysteries, appeared in front of Sean's eyes. Strange air currents surged up and down. Inside, smaller golden birds shed their shells, crawled, grew, and then became wet again. , then retract into the egg.

There are two identical time turners placed on both sides of the bell-shaped crystal cover.

The light that had not completely dissipated from the golden egg just now shook and merged together, and then turned into a line of wild squiggles that Sean was familiar with.

"Hahaha, the answer is correct! The one on the left is older and the one on the right is younger."

"Your dear teacher - Gellert Grindelwald."

Sean laughed out loud.

There is definitely something wrong with this old man.

"This is it..."

On a gloomy rainy day, a figure appeared by a lake somewhere.

"Tomorrow is Christmas..." Opening the hood of his cloak, Sean looked at the sky.

He bypassed a lot of confusing magic and found the location given to him by Grindelwald.

Taking out the monocular and looking forward, a dark island in the middle of the lake appeared in Sean's field of vision.

"However, this lake doesn't look right..." Sean stretched his head and took a look. There seemed to be something lurking under the dark water.

"I'm here to help, so you don't want to trick me..." Sean muttered, turning into black smoke and flying towards the island in the middle of the lake.

The moment he flew over the water, the lake, which had remained calm in the rain, suddenly became agitated, with large splashes of water emerging from everywhere.

Something is about to jump out!

Moreover, at the same time, a wave of magic power surged toward Sean, trying to push him down from the sky while he was flying.

Sean showed his face and shouted to the center of the lake: "It's me, teacher!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the restlessness of the lake and magic calmed down.

"Huh...unlucky old man..." Sean muttered, speeding up his flight.

The island in the middle of the lake is not a big place. Sean landed in the center and looked around, but did not see Grindelwald.

"Where are the people?" he muttered in confusion.

A voice came from the air next to him sadly: "You stepped on my robe..."

Sean turned his head helplessly and said to the air: "Teacher, are you childish?"

"Hahaha, come in."

Sean fumbled for a while, found the edge of the invisibility cloak, then lifted it and got directly in.

Under the invisibility cloak that was not too big, he stared at Grindelwald, who he had not seen for a long time.

Before Sean could speak, Grindelwald, who seemed much older, showed his trademark wild smile: "Did you just scold me?"

"I didn't!" Sean said with righteousness on his face.

"Ha, I just remembered it when I was bored." Grindelwald chuckled.

"This is boring..." The corners of Sean's eyes twitched.

"It's very interesting -" Grindelwald said with a leisurely smile, "The fact that you can find it here means you have found a way?"

Sean nodded: "I saw a memory."

Grindelwald showed a recalling expression: "Ah, it was left by me, right? When everything was discovered, I realized that I had planted many memory reminders for myself."

As he spoke, he laughed: "So, everything has been arranged?"

"You arranged it," Sean shrugged, "You have to take out the memory, and so does the other you."

Grindsworth thought for a while and nodded: "I understand, consistency, tsk, I am indeed a genius - so that means the thing that can convince the other me is also here? Well, let me think about it, can Did you also get something to increase your magic power?"

Sean's eyes widened: "Has your memory recovered?"

Grindelwald chuckled: "No need to remember, just use your brain. Who else knows myself better than me?"

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