I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 388 New Partner—Future Me

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The Selma Lake Monster obviously didn't notice that the little human behind it was a little angry. It made a harsh and hoarse sound, and the water flow turned into a giant snake helmet under its control.

The helmet wrapped around the lake monster, its huge mouth opened, and the surrounding water formed sharp teeth.

Then, the bite came!

"The trajectory flashed——" Sean's figure disappeared again.

The Selma Lake Monster immediately integrated its perception ability into the water flow, and instantly found an obstruction point behind itself.

Without turning its head, it swung its tail fiercely. This attack was not a hasty attack like last time. The Selma Lake Monster used its high IQ to make an immediate judgment - the little one would suffer from this attack. Completely incapacitated.

At that time, you can enjoy the fresh flesh and blood that you haven't smelled for a long time.

However, what surprised the Selma Lake Monster was that his confident tail flick did not encounter any obstacles, but directly hit the wall.

Immediately afterwards, it noticed that the rock above its head was shaking violently, and then it smashed down!

"Deprimo", Sean revealed himself holding a wand.

The boulder was blocked by the current, and its impact had been weakened. Sean knew that the collapse of his house could only hinder the Selma Lake Monster for a moment at most, but could not really kill it.

So without any hesitation, he immediately connected another gravity spell, but the target was not the Selma Lake Monster, but the sinking boulder.

As soon as the spell was cast, the falling momentum of the boulder suddenly increased, and the Selma Lake Monster, which was already struggling to escape, was hit hard.

That wasn't the end yet. Sean pointed his wand at the ground beneath the lake monster again, and the digging spell came out.

"Dig three feet ()"

The floor of the cave exploded in response, and together with the boulder above which was cast a gravity spell, the Selma Lake Monster was completely buried in a large pit.

The roar of the lake monster in pain seemed ethereal and heavy in the water, and huge water bubbles kept spewing out from the cracks in the rocks.

But Sean was not prepared to give the other party any chance to resist.

Creatures like the Selma Lake Monster obviously have extremely high magic resistance. Magic spells alone cannot quickly subdue them, so Sean chose physical subduing.

Waving his wand, he used his best technique of transformation.

The two largest boulders buried on the back of the lake monster twisted for a while, and then turned into big hands of stone!

Sean continued to output magic power, and his big hand stirred up water under his control, and then firmly grasped the neck of the Selma Lake Monster.

The lake monster finally felt the severe pain and the inescapable oppression. It struggled wildly, and the entire cave was shaking.

However, Sean's stone with the gravity spell on it and the rock pit below formed a natural prison that could not be shaken even if it twisted wildly.

And those giant rock hands held on to the basilisk under Sean's wave after wave of magic output, without wavering in the slightest.

The Selma Lake Monster finally screamed in pain.

Sean touched his throbbing ribs, a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes.

He swam to the Selma Lake Monster's head. The originally huge head was now buried under a pile of rocks. The surrounding water snake heads tried to attack Sean, but were dispersed by a violent wave of his left hand.

"Disobedient guy..." Sean snorted coldly.

His left hand quickly turned into black particles in the water, almost blending into the lake.

The power of the Obscurus was constantly twisting and merging under Sean's control, and, perhaps because there were too many Inferi here, Sean could clearly feel the excitement of magic when he transformed into the Obscurus.

The lake is filled with dark and negative forces.

Sean was not polite, and used the power of Obscurus to draw in the darkness and negativity around him.

Then, a huge black snake tail gradually took shape in the water.

Sean directly used the Obscurus to imitate the thick tail of the Selma Lake Monster.

The lake monster somehow sensed danger,

Still smelling something wrong from the water flow, its struggle became more intense.

However, just as its head broke free from the obstruction of a pile of gravel, it saw a somewhat illusory black water snake tail slamming down on its head!

"Winter--" The dull, shuddering sound of the crash resounded throughout the cave.

The Selma Lake Monster's head only came out a little bit before it was slapped back hard by Silence again. This magical animal, which was invincible at the bottom of the lake, felt like the world was spinning for a while, and there was also a magical power with a dark aura surrounding it. Corroding his own scales.

"Ang--" The lake monster instinctively let out an angry roar.

What greeted it was another heavy blow from Obscurus!

Moreover, Sean also deliberately incorporated Obscurus' unique corrosive ability into the huge magic attack.

The Selma Lake monster has high magic resistance and a large size. Sean was prepared to use this continuous attack to crazily weaken the opponent's defense - he didn't believe it. When the scales began to fall off, the white flesh could still withstand it. The magic slap of the Obscurus?

"Ang -" Mo Ran pushed the lake monster back again.

"Ang--" The Selma Lake Monster's head was smashed into the ground.

Time and time again, the tendrils on the head of the lake monster could no longer flutter as usual, and the scales had spread out in large areas, and blood seeped into the surrounding lake water.

Sean used his magic wand to control his transformation technique to firmly imprison the opponent, and transformed into an Obscurus with his other hand to continuously launch the same attacks but making the opponent unable to fight back.

At the same time, he was even thinking about the other person's cry in his mind.

After all, the skills of an animal whisperer are only rudimentary. When facing a magical animal that has never been seen before, it will take a lot of time to understand the meaning expressed by the other party - this also depends on the IQ of that magical animal.

Anyway, Sean has never communicated with the Flobber Caterpillar until now.

Although the Selma Lake Monster can become the overlord of any body of water in the world, it will not work in front of Sean.

Sean just hammered the lake monster into the pit one after another, never getting tired of it.

The Selma Lake Monster's neighing sound became lower and lower, and in the end there was only a small hissing sound left.

Sean hammered a few more times uneasily, and then took back the Obscurus.

The Selma Lake Monster was already lying motionless on the ground, with only the long letter spitting out and retracting, and then making an extremely weak sound.

This time Sean can understand the general meaning of the lake monster.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting..."

Sean raised his eyebrows, pointed his wand at his ribs and fired a green spell.

If other wizards were scared to jump up here, how could anyone cast a death curse on him?

However, this curse is actually a healing spell taught to Sean by Grindelwald and is the predecessor of the Death Curse.

The broken ribs felt much better, with only some dull pain left. However, the bones still needed a more powerful healer to heal. He was just trying to make himself feel better.

After doing all this, Sean slowly swam to the top of the Selma Lake Monster's head and waved his wand to lift a few rocks.

"Ang—(Do you still want to eat me?)" Sean let out a jerky hiss. Although the Selma Lake Monster looks like a giant snake, it can't communicate with snakes.

"Ang - (Don't eat, don't eat, please let me go...let me take the eggs, this place is yours)" The Selma Lake Monster's erect child clearly showed fear and grievance. look.

"This is my place - my teacher's place is mine, and I will most likely inherit his legacy in the future." Sean muttered.

He looked at the Selma Lake Monster again. It looked terrible. Sean was really angry at the beginning and didn't attack lightly.

But judging from the previous performance of this lake monster, its vitality is probably very strong, and these injuries cannot be called fatal.

Sean swam unsteadily in front of the Selma Lake Monster's eyes. The guy's head involuntarily shrank back, and a humanized look of fear appeared in his face.

"Isn't it bad to have been like this earlier? I just have a bad temper and refuse to listen to advice. Isn't this spanking in vain?" Sean kicked the other person angrily.

The lake monster was even more frightened.

"Stop shrinking back, come here, calm down a little bit - eh, that's right, that's it - tsk, why are you shaking, I won't hit you! - Come on, come on, eyes, open your eyes - eh , Okay, be good, yes, yes, relax - come and look at me, look into my eyes..."

Sean's tone gradually changed from harsh to gentle, and the bewitching flavor slowly spread.

However, the Selma Lake Monster still seems to be quite afraid of him. The former moved its head forward according to Sean's request, raised it slightly, and stared wide open - not like a ferocious giant snake, but more like a vicious snake. A scared girl who will be defiled by a gangster...

"Bah!" Sean threw away the stupid thoughts in his head and shook his head.

He slowly approached, then opened his eyes slightly, and met the panic-stricken gaze of the Selma Lake Monster.

Ten plus one magical animal affinity immediately comes into play.

Gradually, the Selma Lake Monster's body, which was restless and anxious due to various emotions, stopped twisting, and it looked at Sean blankly.

The feeling of intimacy and familiarity is slowly building up.

Sean also gradually felt the emotions of the Selma Lake Monster, including irritability, grievance, fear, worry...all kinds of things.

At the end, the Selma Lake Monster made a tiny neighing sound and actively rubbed its big head against Sean's palm.

Sean grinned and a string of blisters appeared.

This guy took a beating and was tamed even faster than Sean had tamed Pudding.

After helping the lake monster remove its restraints, Sean threw some magical animal-specific healing herbs to it when the other party neighed a little aggrievedly.

After one operation, the originally terrifying lake monster has stuck to Sean's side and refuses to leave.

Moreover, this guy has a different attitude from Pudding and the others. In the eyes of Pudding, Nadja and other magical animals, Sean has two identities: friend and master, and the proportion of friends is even higher.

However, judging from the attitude shown by the Selma Lake Monster, it has regarded Sean as its master-even after Sean sometimes kicked him lightly because he thought it was too close, the lake monster behaved instead. Gotta be happier.

Sean secretly thought something strange... This guy doesn't have masochistic tendencies...

During the exchange with the other party, Sean finally found out that the Selma Lake Monster was actually born here.

According to the other party's description, she emerged from a strange place with mountains and water. She accidentally got lost while wandering around, and finally swam into the lake.

As soon as he saw so many "food rations" for the Inferi, this lake monster simply settled here.

The Selma Lake Monster is a magical animal that can reproduce parthenogenously. It - oh, no, it should be her. After eating the inferi in this lake for decades, she finally wants to reproduce. .

This is where the egg comes from.

"This cave should have been here originally. You have been here so much, have you ever noticed anything wrong?" Sean did not forget his main purpose of coming here.

The Selma Lake Monster nodded, then pointed its tail in one direction.

"Ang——(there, I seem to be born from there)"

Where was the lake monster born? Sean frowned.

Logically speaking, the Selma Lake Monster is a specialty of Norway...

Sean swam towards that place for a while, and then he found something familiar to him.

A rock crevice was covered by magic. It was a unique technique that Grindelwald once taught him!

Passing through the rock crevice that could only allow one person to pass through, Sean suddenly discovered that there was a small space inside, and all the lake water was blocked out.

"Well hidden, old man..."

Sean saw a stone platform in the center of the ground. On the simple stone platform was a small crystal bottle, which contained thick, pale silver memory.

"It seems that this is the memory used to convince little Grindelwald..."

Sean put the glass bottle away properly, and then looked at another thing on the stone table in confusion.

It was originally supposed to be a parchment paper bag, but now the paper bag has long been broken, revealing a bright red color inside.

Sean blew off bits of parchment with his wand and his eyes widened!

It was a ring... exactly the same as the one on my finger!

Did Grindelwald bring this ring too?

Sean walked forward and found that there was a note pressed under the ring.

The moment he opened the note, Sean was stunned.

This is not Grindelwald's wild cursive handwriting, but Sean is still very familiar with it - no, there is no one in the world who is more familiar with this handwriting than him.

This is his own handwriting!

Because of his father who dreamed of being an aristocrat, Sean learned the ES font since he was a child. His writing style is sharp yet elegant, and Sean is also used to adding some uncommon consecutive strokes.

Sean is very familiar with this handwriting!

With shock and excitement, Sean looked at the parchment.

"I left something in the ring, but remember, you have to wait until the teacher's time travel accident is over before you can go in and check it out."

Sean's penis suddenly shrank, which meant that the version of himself in 1996 in that timeline was not dead in battle or turned into a culprit as he expected.

He even knew about Grindelwald's plan and asked him to bring back the ring!

What message does the future me in a different timeline want to convey to me?

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