I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 395 The grown-up magical animals


After putting down the third golden prize, Sean set his sights on the last golden light.

Future gaze (gold): Time always flows unchanged, and after an abrupt node appears in the long river, even if the current washes away the obstacles and the world looks away, the self from the future is already watching.

After using this item, you will receive a gift from Sean Wallop in 1996 and control it with self-awareness. It lasts for five minutes and has a cooling time of six natural months.

"Hiss..." Sean gasped.

This is the first time he has seen comments appearing in golden prizes, and although the ability description does not use a long paragraph of text, the amount of information in it is too much!

Will I receive the year 1996, my own gift? !

Based on the previous comments, you can deduce a lot of things.

"Time always flows unchanged, but after an abrupt node appears in the long river, even if the current washes away the obstruction, the world looks away."

This sentence obviously refers to Grindelwald's cross-century time travel event.

And the last sentence, "But the self from the future is already watching." This sentence means... that timeline, that is, Sean Wallop in 1966, can actually penetrate time. What's hindering me from seeing me now?

A question popped up in Sean's mind almost immediately.

Although it is a bit immodest to say this, but excluding his talents in ancient runes and potions, Sean's talents are almost at the top level in the wizarding world.

Moreover, he has one of the strongest people in the world as his teacher. He also studies very hard and has more actual combat skills than many adult wizards.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sean is always proud.

I am so good and work so hard, I have the right time, place and people, I have secrets that no one knows, and I even have strong enough connections.

Then it is to be expected that I will stand out and even reach the top.

This is not a function of guilt, but that Sean is such a proud person at heart.

But he didn't get to the point of being conceited either.

Sean believes that he will do better in the future, but that may take several years, ten years or even decades. After all, the higher you go, the thicker the fog of magic becomes.

But what he didn't expect was that in that timeline, in 1996, he already had such great strength? !

This is unreasonable... Sean couldn't figure it out.

No matter what, I am still a mortal body. No matter how big my appetite is and how good my digestion is, I still have to eat the meal one bite at a time. Even with the help of Obscurus and such magical animal friends, the span will not be so big.

Sean read the description of the ability carefully again.

After using this item, you will receive a gift from Sean Wallop in 1996 and control it with self-awareness. It lasts for five minutes and has a cooling time of six natural months.

First of all, this ability must be very powerful, otherwise it would not be possible to have such a short invalidation with a full half-year cooling time.

Secondly, this self-awareness manipulation is worth pondering.

"Huh?" Sean's penis enlarged.

This gift from my future self...couldn't it be transformed into a crime? !

Only the power of guilt can cast its gaze from the future and possess such a powerful and indescribable magic.

Otherwise, the ability description would not have added the sentence "control with self-awareness". If it were other gifts, Sean himself would not have lost the right to control.

It is only necessary to stand up and deny the guilt of only wanting to destroy the world...

That means that I have the opportunity to transform into a sinner every six months? !

Moreover, he can still fully control it!

This discovery made Sean's heart suddenly become hot.

Although he knows that guilt is not a good thing, he has also experienced the power of guilt.

Although Voldemort, who is parasitic in other people's bodies, is not in full power, it is not too difficult to deal with Sean alone.

After he transformed, Voldemort didn't even have the strength to resist. In the eyes of guilt, everything was equal.

There is no difference between squeezing Voldemort to death and squeezing a small insect to death. The only difference is probably the distance between the flesh and blood splashing.

And the Mouth of Silence, which absorbed the red Silence in Guilty's body and became extremely powerful, was when Sean regained control of his body. Guilty's power was also vulnerable to a blow despite its rapid decay.

It only took a tiny bit of effort to crush that silent mouth, just like when your palm touched a thin layer of spider web when you were about to crush an insect to death.

Are there any obstacles? have.

Is it strong in hindrance? It's equal to none.

In addition, Sean transformed into a guilty giant and successfully broke through the imprisonment barrier set up by Dumbledore...

Such a powerful force that Sean will now be able to use once in half a year!

And there is no need to worry about being controlled by guilt, and being occupied by negative emotions and destructive desires.

That meant that, at least for those five minutes, Sean was almost the most invincible person in the world.

"This is good stuff..." Sean's eyes shone.

The results of this lottery far exceeded my expectations. The four golden prizes are very practical, especially the last one.

Now, Sean finally had the confidence to lift the table directly. Although this confidence only lasted for five minutes and could only be delivered once in half a year, he still had enough confidence!

Satisfied, Sean looked at the remaining purple prizes.

There are four purple items in total.

Minerva McGonagall's Transfiguration Experience Card (Purple): Consumable, number of uses 5/5. After using this card, you will gain the Transfiguration abilities of Minerva McGonagall, Professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts, for ten minutes.

Please note: This experience card cannot fully restore Minerva McGonagall's level of transfiguration. The higher the user's own understanding of transfiguration, the better the effect of using the card.

Professor McGonagall’s Transfiguration Experience Card, Sean nodded.

Limited by the quality of purple, this experience card obviously cannot restore all levels, but Professor McGonagall's level of transfiguration is unquestionable. Apart from Dumbledore and Grindelwald, she is the most powerful transfiguration master in the world. one.

Moreover, Sean's current thinking is quite changeable. The experience card does not have to be used entirely in actual combat. He can use the first two or three use opportunities for learning.

In terms of understanding and learning the art of Transfiguration, what could be more intuitive and effective than becoming a Master of Transfiguration yourself?

Moreover, Sean can take advantage of the first few opportunities to severely improve his level of transformation, leaving two or three opportunities for fighting. By then, he may be able to fully exert the strength of Professor McGonagall's transformation. .

Powerful Psychostimulant Potion (Purple): Consumable. After using this item, the user will obtain a powerful euphoric state for ten minutes. During this period, your five senses such as vision and smell, your brain clarity, and your danger alert perception will be greatly enhanced. At the same time, the pain sensation will be greatly reduced, and you will be immune to spells such as hypnotic spells.

Side effects: Two hours after using the powerful mental stimulation potion, you will experience a great degree of mental exhaustion and will fall into a disadvantageous state depending on your physical injuries.

Please use with caution!

Sean touched his chin. This is an enhanced version of the magic adrenaline shot. The effect should be very powerful, but the side effects also require more attention.

This thing is usually used when fighting for your life.

Magical soothing wizard hat (purple): When wearing this wizard hat, you will get a certain calming effect and sleep aid effect. At the same time, your charm value to people who like wizard hats will increase.

Sean bared his teeth. This thing must have some uses, but it's not as big as expected.

Sure enough, a lot of good things were drawn out in the last fifteen, and it was time for some tasteless ones.

But Sean's mentality is quite good now, and the four golden prizes are enough for him to be happy for a while.

He looked at the last purple item with amusement.

Magical Creature Culture Fluid (Purple): Consumable, number of uses 10/10. After using this culture fluid on a magical animal, thirty days later, it will gain improved abilities in terms of strength, speed, etc., and there will be a certain probability of enhancing one of its original abilities.

The speed of digesting the culture fluid depends on the strength of the magical animal itself. The higher the strength, the faster the digestion, and vice versa. At the same time, fighting can speed up the digestion of the culture fluid.

Sean raised his eyebrows in surprise. This was the first time he had drawn a prize that could strengthen his magical animals. In other words, there are very few ways to strengthen magical animals in the real wizarding world.

Strengthening magical animals generally relies on their own mutation. Of course, there are also other more evil ways, such as the hybridization of Hagrid and the magical animal that Newt West is passionate about...

However, seeing the prize, Sean remembered that he had not yet entered the ring to see how his little guys were doing. During this period, Dave contacted him several times and it said that he was stronger. Of course, the appetite is also greater...

After finishing a hurried breakfast, Sean quickly went to the Room of Requirement without mingling with other people who were discussing animatedly.

After opening the ring and climbing down the vertical ladder, Sean stood in his small workshop.

"Huh? Where are these little guys?"

What surprised Sean was that the Airwing and Nadja, the bird-snake, who usually liked to stay in this small room, were missing.

Sean walked outside in confusion, then froze in place.

To the front left was the wasteland area that Sean had set up, which was mainly for the little thunderbird to live in. But what he didn't expect was that the wasteland had expanded several times before he knew it!

He picked up the ability at the beginning of the third grade. This ability does have the effect of expanding space...

: Your items with a space-expanding spell cast on them will automatically expand the space when you encounter new magical animals and bring them into your little world.

It's just that he wasn't this big when he came here two days ago...

Wait a minute... Sean was stunned on the spot.

He just thought about the magical animals he raised growing up, but he seemed to have forgotten one thing.

Eggs will also hatch...

That little ptarmigan came with seven ptarmigan eggs...

The thunderbird is a magical animal with a large territory, so this endless wilderness...

Help him directly open up the life domain of the eight thunderbirds? !

Thinking of this, Sean quickly flew towards the wasteland. It was not impossible for him to accept eight thunderbirds. One was enough to raise, and eight were enough to raise. Sean was not short of money for such rations.

But what happened to the other magical animals in my family?

And where is the Selma Lake Monster that just joined the gang a few days ago? It also has an egg with it.

"Dave, where are you?" Sean asked using his thoughts while flying.

Dave's thoughts immediately came to him: "In the interior of the far left side of the wasteland, this place suddenly expanded."

"Where are you all?"

"They're all here - oh, no, the big snake you brought back a few days ago is not there. Ah, they are fighting. I'm so hungry."

What the hell? Why did they start fighting? Sean was dumbfounded.

Under his care, the relationship between these magical animals is very good. That idiot little Airwing can even use the basilisk's letter as a slide.

Isn't it a problem with the newly hatched Thunderbird?

When he thought of this, Sean immediately speeded up.

Fortunately, this is just an extended space within the ring after all, and it didn't take long for Sean to reach his destination.

In front of him, the magical animals were clearly divided into two rows.

On one side is the towering basilisk with strange glasses, the bird-snake Nadja, who has also grown into an extremely huge body, and the cat-leopard Pudding standing on the hillside.

On the other side is a large group of thunderbirds. The largest thunderbird is flapping its gorgeous wings majestically. Behind it, several smaller thunderbirds follow the same example and keep flapping their wings. Two thick ones The tail feathers and fourteen small tail feathers were fluttering behind him, and lightning and thunder already appeared in the sky.

Oh, there is also a Winged Demon next to Thunderbird, but Dave looks lazy and seems to be just joining in the fun.

In the middle of the two rows of magical animals, the Airwing, which had grown several times in size, was turning into a hot air balloon and floating around, making a few chirps from time to time.

"Whoa! Whoa! (Are you ready?)"

The corners of Sean's eyes twitched. Why are you acting as a referee? !

He immediately stepped forward and ran between the two groups of animals.

"What are you doing?! How many times have I told you, no fighting, no fighting!"

The magical beasts all turned their attention to Sean, then looked at each other in confusion.

The basilisk hissed: "Are we not prepared to fight?"


ten minutes later.

Sean was being pestered by Najia, scratching the cat leopard's belly with one hand and rubbing the little airwing's head with one hand, his face speechless.

When I woke up today, the seven little thunderbirds hatched and reached a certain size. However, the wilderness suddenly expanded and several little ones flew out.

Then a few basilisks came out to look for birds...

As for the confrontation, ha... Sean let out a long sigh.

After finding the little ptarmigan, the group of magical animals even discussed it.

The view of the Basilisk faction is that Sean is a friend. The view from Thunderbird and Dave's side is that Sean is the master.

As for Airwing, this guy with a reflex arc longer than the wasteland and a heartless guy, actually came up with the so-called Magical Beasts Debate.

The losing group of magical creatures split their dinner with each other.

What is this all about...

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