
Outside the classroom, Dumbledore's expression did not change at all, he just moved his neck.

Professor McGonagall's eyes were a little strange, but then they became firm again.

"Although it is not appropriate to present such a cruel scene to lower-level students, Sean did the right thing..." Professor McGonagall said softly, "And I said, let him do it in his own way, I won't It will disturb..."

Her words seemed to be explaining to Sean, but also to herself.

Dumbledore turned to look at her and said with a smile: "Minerva, do you think Sean's teaching method is different from what you originally imagined?"

Professor McGonagall hesitated for a while and then nodded: "It is indeed different from what I expected, but so far, it seems that he taught very well."

"I think that's very good, Minerva. As you teach all your students from the beginning, revere Transfiguration. It's obvious that Sean has taken this sentence to heart and also taught it to others. This sentence was taught perfectly. Minerva, I understand your thoughts, but you must also admit that although you are very majestic in the school and everyone respects you, the sentence "Revere Transfiguration" It always takes a lot of understanding and experience to fully understand its meaning.”

Dumbledore turned to look at the classroom. Inside, Sean didn't seem to care at all about the cruel and terrifying scene he had just shown. His expression was as usual, and he still had that faint elegant smile.

"Sean is a good boy, otherwise he wouldn't be so popular..." Dumbledore said softly, "But what you are thinking of is the scene where Sean is entertaining and educating, right?"

Professor McGonagall sighed softly and nodded.

"Actually, he can do that, he is very smart... It's just that under this tense situation, he chose a rougher but easier to remember method. I bet that even that person Mr. Ryder, you will not dare to treat transfiguration with a casual attitude in the future, and this will be good for the new students."

"Albus, I know what you mean, and I also understand what Sean means. Likewise, I can accept it..." Professor McGonagall said.

"Don't mind, Minerva," Dumbledore laughed, "I have never questioned your wisdom and logic, I was just worried that you would have a grudge. After all, you represent the [rules] at Hogwarts. This word."

Professor McGonagall returned to her usual stern look: "Rules are very important, very important, but those who don't know how to adapt are the real fools - but, Albus, in the picture Sean just showed, the transformation failed. What type of magical animal is it? Judging from the mutation process, it is indeed a case of transformation failure, but I don’t seem to have seen it before.”

Dumbledore spread his hands: "I haven't seen it either."

"Then he is?"

"Sean's illusion spell has always been outstanding, outstanding."

Professor McGonagall showed a hint of wonder in her eyes.

"Well, it seems that our new teaching assistant has nothing to worry about. Moreover, I think the students who come under his hands will be very vigilant... Minerva, why don't you go to your class?" Lido said with a smile.

Professor McGonagall was shocked: "Oh my God, I've been watching for too long. I have to go back quickly. I can't let them study by themselves anymore..."

Looking at Professor McGonagall leaving in a hurry, Dumbledore turned around and took one last look at Sean, who was smiling but full of majesty in the classroom.

"It's so similar..." After a low sigh, Dumbledore slowly walked away.

In the classroom, with Sean's explanations and demonstrations, the students no longer dared to be careless.

Now, all students hold their wands tightly and are careful not to let the tip of the wand touch the mouse.

Sean walked up and down the aisles, occasionally pointing out where the students were making mistakes.

"Sir, you are staring too closely at the ground. It is a good thing to focus on the deformed object, but too much concentration will cause the deformed image in your mind to be unclear. Pay attention to the balance between the two."

"Miss, your attention is too distracted...relax, the picture just now is the most serious deformation accident. It is just a warning. As long as you follow the steps carefully, even if you are unsuccessful, you There won’t be any problems, I can assure you.”

"Very good, a good transformation. Although the mouse's tail is still there, it's at least a good start. I have a little trick - come on, replace it with this mouse without a tail. Come back after you are familiar with the transformation process. Ask me to replace the original mouse... Oh, don't worry that this will cause your foundation to be weak, it will at most cost you some more practice time."

"All students who haven't changed their mouse tails can come to me to change them."

In the classroom, the students' moods were full of twists and turns.

At first, when they saw Sean, a well-known kind-hearted senior, they felt a little happy and relaxed. But after that terrifying scene, they didn't even dare to breathe.

And now, they discovered that this senior Wallop, oh no, is now the assistant coach of Wallop. When teaching them, I can always keenly grasp all my shortcomings and give correct guidance in a timely manner.

The worried and nervous mood gradually relaxed again, especially after Sean still seriously guided Ryder, who had talked back to him before, and the students began to admire him again.

He has strength, means, and structure, and he doesn't hold grudges at all.

Soon, the students were engaged in studying wholeheartedly.

"Okay, that's it for today's class." Beside the podium, Sean sorted out his things, "Mr. Swayne Hill, Miss Ravi Price...and Mr. Bram Ryder , well done, plus five points for their respective academies.”

In the classroom, Bram Ryder and Lovie Price raised their heads slightly when their names were called, and Bram Ryder, the prickly head, moved his buttocks in his seat in embarrassment.

"And these students, remember to strengthen the training I told you after you go back... These guys focus on portraying the images in their minds..."

Sean reported the names of many more people and mentioned things they should pay attention to and strengthen.

When it was all said and done, he waved his wand.

The "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" floated on everyone's desk.

Sean walked over briskly.

He pointed at the first person's textbook and waved it casually, and the book turned into a jumping rabbit.

He walked to the second person and repeated the action.

Rabbits, hedgehogs, roosters and more, everyone transforms into a little animal in The Beginner's Guide to Transformation.

After everyone was transformed, Sean walked back to the classroom and leaned casually on the podium.

In the audience, the students looked at him in confusion, wondering what the new assistant teacher was going to do.

"Remember what I said? A successful transformation magic involves transformation and restoration. This is the homework I left for you."

He smiled wildly: "Try to restore my transformed animals into your textbooks, oh, let me tell you in advance. This is not the same as your restoration, and the difficulty may be a little bit higher, so - those who succeed You can get a small personal reward from me in the next class. What is the reward? Let’s keep it secret for now.”

With that said, Sean turned and walked towards the classroom door.

"get out of class is over—oh, by the way," he stopped and looked at everyone, "Is there anything more?"

Sean pointed to the small animal they were holding.

The students looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The only person raised his hand hesitantly.

"Oh, Mr. Ryder, please." Sean laughed.

Bram Ryder stood up from his seat slowly, awkwardly, but loudly.

"When performing restoration, do not poke with the wand... do not touch the animal directly with the wand."

After saying that, his face turned red, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sean applauded: "The answer is correct, Mr. Ryder. It seems that you remember it well. Come on, you can look forward to the reward. get out of class is over!"

During lunch time, the other grade students looked at the first graders, oh no, second graders, strangely.

At this time, generally speaking, everyone would come to the auditorium for dinner holding the textbooks from the morning course, but the group of second-graders each held a small animal, such as a rabbit, a rooster, a hedgehog, etc.

Not only that, the group of students also competed with the little animal one by one. They stared at the animal, held their wands, muttered words, and even just took a few bites of lunch.

It didn't take long for the news to spread that Sean was serving as an assistant in the Transfiguration class to teach second-year students the art of Transfiguration.

And Sean's rough but extremely effective teaching philosophy began to gradually spread.

"Wow, man, I have to say, you are so brave. You know, there are regulations in the Education Law promulgated by the Ministry of Magic. Lower grade students cannot be exposed to various bloody magical accidents prematurely. For the sake of their physical and mental health ——You directly made a screen replay?"

George, who was holding the sausage on his fork, drank to Fred, joking with Sean as he chewed.

Sean calmly took a sip of pumpkin juice: "The Ministry of Magic probably doesn't care about me anymore - and this is very effective, isn't it?"

Fred laughed and bumped his shoulder: "As expected of you, our magical little prince~ By the way, I heard that that is your homework, and there will be rewards for those who can successfully restore it? What rewards? Those freshmen Almost obsessed.”

"Actually -" Sean finished the last piece of steak and wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, "I haven't thought about it yet, so I just wanted to give them a more interesting homework after school, but it seems they are quite cool. like?"

"More than just like-" Daisy on the side pressed her face on the table, sipping the sweet drink with a long curved straw, her cheeks squirting, "Hey, do you know that little girl?"

Sean followed her hand and looked over. It was a chubby little black-haired girl. She was staring at each other with the turtle in front of her. Her face was a little red because of the secret exertion.

"Lucy Calle? A pretty serious little girl."

Daisy nodded lazily and took another hard sip of her drink: "Her parents are colleagues of my dad and Uncle Blake. Her grandfather is very rich. She should be the kind of rich lady - even she has worked so hard. Professor Wallop, I'm curious about what your courses are like."

Sean shrugged: "Nothing surprising, just relatively straightforward."

"You can tell at a glance that the freshmen are going to adore you - ah, the drink is so delicious." Daisy rubbed her face against the table with satisfaction.

"The table hasn't been cleared yet. Don't you think it's dirty?" Hermione pulled Daisy up angrily and said to Sean, "Then you won't take Transfiguration classes with us in the future?"

Sean nodded: "That should be it."

"It's almost the same. After all, your class is equivalent to review."

While several people were talking, suddenly a group of wizards in suits and ties walked over from the hall.

Sean frowned. These clothes are from the Ministry of Magic?

People from the Ministry of Magic actually dare to come to Hogwarts? The entire family of the senior investigator sent at the beginning died immediately, and Umbridge was sent to Azkaban. In the last Hogsmeade attack, the guards had an affair with a dark wizard, and the Aurors failed to fulfill their duties. The professors at Hogwarts were very dissatisfied. They heard that Dumbledore was still going A trip to the Ministry of Magic.

Coupled with the fact that Grindelwald was elected and the British Ministry of Magic did not express support, the situation in the wizarding world was also very tense.

Under this situation, except for necessary exercises, the British Ministry of Magic has actually lost most of its leadership position in Hogwarts.

The Ministry of Magic wouldn't dare to send another senior investigator here, would it?

If that were the case, Sean wouldn't mind giving away another one.

However, Professor McGonagall stepped forward to greet him.

To everyone's surprise, after a few quiet conversations, Professor McGonagall's stern and angry voice directly echoed through several auditoriums.

"Send people to affect the teaching order of the entire school! The Aurors who followed can't even protect the safety of the students! How can you still have such a face! Hogwarts, you are not welcome!"

Under such an angry rebuke, the faces of the wizards from the Ministry of Magic were bruised and red, and they left the auditorium in embarrassment without saying a word.

Sean was a little surprised. What on earth were those people from the Ministry of Magic doing to make Professor McGonagall, who valued laws and rules, so angry?

After a while, the Weasley twins, who had disappeared at some point, came back for a walk.

"Hey, I only heard a little bit about it."

"What's going on?" Sean asked curiously.

"Goblet of Fire! It seems that the Ministry of Magic wants to use this as an excuse to put some people into Hogwarts, and then Professor McGonagall gets angry - but that looks so handsome." The two brothers laughed mischievously.

Sean suddenly understood.

He had almost forgotten that before he entered school, that is, in 1990, Hogwarts, Nurmengard, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang had restarted the Four-wizard tournament for many years. The winner is Nurmengard.

Judging from the frequency of being held every five years, the end of this semester will be the year when the Goblet of Fire is held again.

However, under the current situation, is the Goblet of Fire still going to be held?

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