I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 406 My transformation class is like this


"Let's skip the roll call... Frankly speaking, I don't think anyone can refuse the charm of transformation, especially you." Sean said with a smile, "First of all, let me introduce myself, although you should all know me."

"Sean Wallop, a fourth-year Ravenclaw student, is currently a teaching assistant for the Transfiguration course, certified by Professor McGonagall - by the way, I mainly teach the first-year and second-year Transfiguration courses, as well as some Third grade course.”

"I also want to teach senior courses, but unfortunately Professor McGonagall won't let me -" Sean shrugged.

The freshmen below all laughed in unison, and at the same time, they immediately united with the image they had shown to Sean in their hearts.

Polite, gentle, humorous, and very strong, he is trusted by professors - he seems to be easy to talk to.

Sean looked at everyone's expressions and laughed secretly.

Apparently, the second-grade children had never described "Professor Wallop's" class methods to them.

It's okay, this will make their first class more impressive.

Sean closed the book, took out his wand, held it in his hand, and started walking around the lecture theater.

"Yes, yes, close your "Elementary Transfiguration". This is the first class. I don't think it's good to just take a lot of notes for you. We can change it to a more vivid one -" Shawnton After a pause, he laughed and said, "Interesting way to teach."

When the freshmen heard this, they all closed their books and showed expectant expressions.

Of course, there were also a few "little Hermione" and "little Percy" who were slightly puzzled, and closed the book with a little regret.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think transfiguration is?"

Sean walked to the back of the classroom and leaned casually against the wall.

Immediately someone raised their hands.

"Please, this Miss Fiora."

The little girl looked a bit like Hermione. She stood up and immediately recited in a crisp voice: "This course teaches students to learn and understand how to change the shape and appearance of certain objects. This type of magic is usually called transfiguration. Transfiguration. There are limits to the art of Transfiguration, as illustrated by Gamp's Basic Law of Transfiguration. Transfiguration has many branches, including cross-species transfiguration and human body transfiguration. Learning Transfiguration requires a lot of "hard work" because it is more rigorous and more complex than other disciplines. Science. Only when you are completely correct in transfiguration can you be considered successful."

The little girl talked a lot eloquently. It was obvious that she came from a wizarding family and was a good student with a background in magic.

However, this is not the answer Sean wants.

He smiled and motioned for the other party to sit down: "Correct answer, Miss Fiora, two points for Gryffindor."

"The explanation is very specific and objective. This is almost the simplest statement that can be summed up by predecessors to summarize the science of transfiguration - but, what I want to tell you is this."

Sean waved his wand suddenly: "Nebulus"

Layers of fog suddenly appeared in the classroom. The fog slowly fell from the ceiling, turning the entire Transfiguration classroom into a fog room where people could not see anyone.

The freshmen looked around in surprise. They could only see the classmates closest to them, and Professor Wallop could not even be seen.

Sean's voice came from the fog. The students turned their heads and saw only fog.

"Transfiguration, in my opinion, is the most essential one that best represents [magic], a word that cannot be described in detail."

"Transfiguration is the most intuitive way to embody the mysterious side of [magic]."

"Like the mist surrounding you..."

Sean's voice slowly dropped, as if he was trapped in a fog.

The freshmen involuntarily moved closer to their companions.

Sean's voice came from various places in the fog again.

"Imagine, gentlemen and ladies, imagine that the mist surrounding you is the magic of this world..."

Hearing this, the students involuntarily stretched out their hands and waved, trying to touch the mist, but they could only get rid of the slightest gap.

"Look, under normal circumstances, magic power is intangible."

Sean's laughter came, and then everyone was surprised to find that they seemed to be being eroded by the mist, and at the same time, there were flickering light spots in the mist.

The whole classroom suddenly became dreamlike, and everyone inside seemed to be slowly sinking into it.

"You know magic, you know magic, you know you are a wizard, but you can't explain what the essence of magic is, why magic can be activated by spells and wands, why wizards can store and cast magic, and why they can convert magic A magical power that works on all kinds of things.”

"Who can explain clearly the nature of magic?"

As soon as Sean finished the call, all the students fell into deep thought. Some of the children from Muggle families had received a very good scientific education before entering school. They found that it was indeed difficult to explain this phenomenon using either scientific or magical concepts. everything.

Someone hesitantly asked the mist: "Professor Wallop, isn't it that we enroll in Hogwarts to learn magic better? Why do I feel that in your mouth..."

Sean smiled and said: "In my opinion, magic doesn't seem to be something that can be learned through study?"

The man nodded, and the light spots in the mist under his neck flickered with the airflow.

"Of course," Sean smiled even brighter, "What we are here to learn is magic. What we are learning is how to control magic more efficiently and safely. This is our learning goal."

"Then shouldn't we explore the nature of magic?" someone else asked.

"Of course. Exploring the essence of magic should be what every wizard who maintains passion and curiosity should do."

When this sentence was finished, everyone saw that the mist began to shake violently. They even felt that the mist surrounding them was trying to absorb some kind of power from their bodies!

More light spots floated out from each person's body, and then gathered into the mist.

A rotating cloud appeared in the thick fog. It was like a giant vacuum cleaner, attracting all the fog and all the light spots.

It finally became clear in the classroom, and the students looked at the cloud formed by the fog in the center of the classroom in amazement.

No, it seems that it shouldn't be called a cloud.

The mist has turned pitch black, and those light spots that come from nowhere converge in the center, looking like a condensed galaxy.

Sean, on the other hand, still stood at the very beginning, not moving.

He smiled slightly and flicked his wand.

The nebula floated up quickly, and then passed through everyone's body without any hindrance.

Everyone was startled. They only felt their bodies getting cold and hot, as if something had been taken away, and something seemed to be left behind.

Nebula came to Sean's hand, he poked it gently and said to everyone with a smile.

"I say and do these just to tell you one thing."

The students' ears pricked up.

"Don't be obsessed with appearances and don't only see appearances. The essence of magic needs to be explored by generations of people, although no one can ever explain magic clearly."

"I hope everyone can remember something."

"The essence of magic is-" Sean threw the nebula into the middle of the classroom.


The nebula dispersed, and the classroom turned into a bright starry sky, like a dream.

The students were also surprised to find that among the countless light points and stars, one was firmly connected to themselves with an almost invisible silver thread.

"This is...magic..." Someone murmured in a low voice. When he raised his head again, his eyes were filled with uncontrollable enthusiasm and expectation.

"Yes, remember, magic represents - miracle."

Sean waved his magic wand again, and the starry sky was instantly gathered together, turning into a star cluster again.

"Professor, what is that, why, why is there a wire connected to me?"

"Let's maintain some mystery-" Sean blinked, letting the nebula float in mid-air.

"Don't forget, this is a class on transfiguration."

Everyone was stunned. They almost forgot that this was a Transfiguration class - but I have to say that what Professor Wallop just showed has aroused everyone's curiosity and excitement. .

"Magic represents miracles," Sean stopped next to a little wizard wearing a wizard's hat. "And why is transfiguration the best representation of magic?"

He tapped his wand lightly, and the little wizard's hat floated steadily.

"Look, this is a magic spell. The introductory levitation spell has an obvious effect. It makes things float -" Sean waved his wand again as he spoke, and the hat suddenly turned into fragments. "This is also a magic spell. , turning the hat into pieces.”

He continued to wave his wand, and the wizard's hat began to burn, stiffen, and freeze.

Finally, Sean patted the stunned little wizard on the shoulder.


The intact wizard's hat was safely back on the little wizard's head.

"Can anyone feel the difference?"

A dark and skinny little boy raised his hand hesitantly.

"Yes, Mr. Axton."

Campbell Axton, who was the first sorted house that day and was assigned to Ravenclaw, stood up and said with some uncertainty: "I, I don't know the principle, but no matter what kind of magic you use, Damn, it's... all hats?"

Sean smiled with satisfaction: "Correct, two points for Ravenclaw."

"Yeah, floating hats, broken hats, hats on fire... the list goes on - they're all hats."

"And Transfiguration——"

In the system panel that no one could see, the echo of Hermione Granger had accumulated for the fortieth time.

Echo Effect: Echoes of Hermione Granger (gold): For every five spells you cast within half an hour of using this card, the next spell will become a silent cast; for every twenty spells cast , the next spell will become a wandless spell; every forty spells cast, the next spell will gain a boost. (Echo effects can overlap)

Sean walked up to the podium and opened his hands to everyone.

The exclamations continued.

Everyone's wizard hat has transformed into a variety of things, including the most common cats, dogs, and rabbits, as well as reduced-size lions, tigers, crocodiles, and even elephants and giraffes.

In addition to animals, above someone's head is the latest game console, a brand-new bicycle, a photo with their parents, and so on.

They discovered that their wizard hat had either turned into their favorite animal or their current favorite thing!

In the classroom, there was a constant stream of exclamations.

Sean's hands were still spread out, and he looked at everyone with a smile.

"Welcome to the world of transfiguration."




After a brief silence, the Transfiguration classroom began to boil as if hot oil had been poured on it.

Everyone's face was filled with incredible excitement, and more than half of them had even stood up holding their transformed hats.

"Is this...transformation..."

Under Sean's thick robe, his chest was rising and falling slightly.

Even with Hermione's echoes and some of the power of Obscurus, it's really difficult to transform so many items at the same time...

But so far, it seems to be working very well.

At this time, someone excitedly held a crocodile that was as big as his head and asked excitedly: "Professor! Professor! How did you do it now?! Besides transfiguration, why do you know that my favorite is crocodiles?"

Sean winked at him mysteriously.

"Because, this is what you transformed yourself."

"Huh?" There were a lot of question marks on the students' heads.

Sean snapped his fingers, and the nebula just now floated over and then dispersed again.

The starry sky reappears, and the twinkling stars connect everyone.

Some students reacted immediately.

"Sir, this star...is this our respective magic power? Did you borrow our magic power in the transformation just now?!" he shouted excitedly.

Sean just smiled mysteriously, neither denying nor admitting.

How could he have the ability to absorb other people's magic power and still have Legilimency to read so many people...

The stars are an illusion spell. As for everyone's preferences...it's all written on the personal information form...

However, the students obviously felt that this was the magic of Professor Sean Wallop, and they became more excited and enthusiastic.

Suddenly, a girl asked in a low voice: "Professor, you said this is the transformation technique we completed together, what about yours? What is your favorite?"

"Yes, Professor."

"You haven't even transformed yet!"

Sean looked at the podium, touched his chin and said slowly: "Oh my..."

"Oh - this is good."

The podium squirmed.

"Roar--" The terrifying dragon roar echoed through almost the entire castle.

The freshmen were so frightened that they took several steps back, looking at the terrifying creatures in front of them in horror.

The podium turned into a fire dragon!

Fire dragon!

Although it is not the kind of fire dragon that is more than ten meters long and can eat people, the thing in front of it is something that all the freshmen present have never seen before.

Sean patted Charmander's wings and said with a relaxed smile: "I personally quite like Charmander."

The freshmen looked at each other.

Is it possible to like something like a fire dragon... when it's around?

At this time, Sean snapped his fingers again, and the freshman was even more horrified to find that one of the assistant's arms in front of him was actually turning into a dragon's claw!

"The magic of transformation also comes with greater risks." Sean waved his right paw.

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