
"Awe of Transfiguration."

When these words fell, all the freshmen were silent and did not dare to say anything. Sean unexpectedly gained the same atmosphere of Transfiguration class as Professor McGonagall.

Of course, this is what Sean wants to achieve.

He glanced at everyone calmly and seriously.

"Repeat what I said," Sean said softly.

"Awe of Transfiguration." The students reacted immediately. The voices were not uniform and the volume was different, but Sean really saw that everyone opened their mouths to speak.

"Very good -" Sean suddenly smiled again. He did not ask the students to repeat it loudly and neatly many times. He felt that the meaning of today's class had been achieved.

Under the podium, the freshmen glanced at each other secretly.

Professor Wallop has turned into the amiable and patient teacher again, and his handsome face really makes people feel like they are in the spring breeze.

However, the image of the monster that failed to transform and the extremely stern warning words just now left a deep impression on people.

Many students even felt a sense of absurdity - Did Professor Wallop change his face too quickly?

Sean clapped his hands with satisfaction and smiled even more.

"It seems that everyone has remembered this lesson, good - by the way, I have a question for you."

When the students looked at him with doubtful eyes, Sean waved his wand, and the distorted half-human, half-dragon monster image appeared in the air again.

Many people subconsciously stepped back.

Sean pointed to the image of the monster: "This is a deformation failure that I simulated with a magic spell. Can anyone tell me what the specific manifestations of deformation failure are? Don't rush to answer superficial questions, and try to think from the perspective of deformation."

Upon hearing this, several students who were about to raise their hands lowered their arms, and then endured the discomfort and carefully observed the image of the monster.

After a moment, a dark and thin boy raised his hand.

"Yes, please, Mr. Axton."

Sean was quite surprised and called Axton by name to answer. He found that this French-born child born into a Muggle family had a very open mind.

Moreover, during his previous illusion spell, this child still resisted the fear and tried to awaken himself, which proved that he was very courageous and a child with good moral character.

It deserves good training... Sean thought silently in his heart.

"Sir, I thought about it for a long time, and then I felt that this may be related to the knowledge of transformation that you mentioned... The monster that appears when the transformation fails is a real creature that has no specific image in the world? It may just bring... It has the characteristics of some other creatures... Well, I mean, it cannot be classified into a general category..."

Axton stammered and used his poor magic knowledge to explain his views.

The more he listened, the brighter Sean's eyes became.

This kid has a very keen sense of transfiguration...

"Very good, Mr. Axton, the answer is correct, five points for Ravenclaw." Sean did not shy away from his praise.

Axton, who got a lot of extra points in the first Transfiguration class, turned a little red.

Sean motioned for him to sit down, and then explained: "Mr. Axton is right, a common feature of transformation failure is that the image of the monster must be something that was not found in the previous world, and it may be combined with the characteristics of certain creatures. , but it definitely has not existed before. And this involves one of the key points of transfiguration - the construction of images in the brain."

"Transfiguration is a magic that requires dual-purpose. You must construct a specific image in your mind, and then overlap it with the object to be transformed. When it is exactly the same, input your magic power until the real object is exactly the same. The transformation is completed - this is a correct and successful transformation."

Sean turned around and wrote a line of big words on the blackboard.

(For the caster) A specific substance produces a known reality in an unknown form through a specific medium.

"I call this sentence the macroscopic nature of magic -" Sean knocked on the blackboard, "As for how to understand it?"

"Specific substances are substances that induce magic. We cannot always understand this kind of thing. If we are not strict, we can use [magic power] to refer to it."

"What about the specific medium? This is what is used to undertake the process of magic. What is the most intuitive thing?"

Someone raised their hand and replied: "Charms and wands?"

"Correct, what else?" Sean asked in a persuasive manner.

The students began to think hard, and after a while, Axton raised his hand again.

"Sir, your brackets say (for casters). Does that mean that in some cases, the caster is also a specific medium?"

"Clever, Mr. Axton." Sean praised.

Until now, Sean had not noticed that he had some qualities of "being a teacher". This feeling of preaching, learning, and solving problems made Sean very useful and enjoyable.

He was so absorbed in what he was talking about that he didn't notice that get out of class was over and there were already many people gathered outside the first-grade classroom.

And the freshmen didn't notice this either.

"Why can Sean always make some big news, but we can't?"

"Maybe we can't make the dragon roar?"

Fred and George used the Levitation Charm to levitate themselves, observing the situation inside through the highest window, and commenting from time to time.

"Mr. Weasley, you are not allowed to cast spells in the corridor between classes." Professor McGonagall's serious voice sounded, and the Weasley twins immediately rolled down.

The short Professor Flitwick was also standing nearby. He was floating quietly at this moment, holding his chin and looking into the classroom, nodding in admiration from time to time.

"That's not fair!" the twins secretly mouthed, but still stood on tiptoes.

In the classroom, Sean's teaching continues.

"Just now, we talked about specific substances and specific media. Now, let's talk about the unknown and the knowable-" He waved his wand cheerfully.

"The unknown is because we know very little about the principles of magic, or even know nothing about it. We can only infer and continue to explore. On the other hand, if there is a lack of unknown, then it is called science and not magic. Moreover, This unknown is the mysterious side we talked about before, and it’s why I think magic is so fascinating.”

"Can you tell?" Sean let himself float, and he pointed at his floating body, "It can be known that we can clearly recognize the results of magic, such as using a levitating spell to levitate an object - Even if we don’t know why your Professor Wallop can break away from gravity and float in front of you, even I don’t know! However, the fact of [floating] is knowable and exists objectively.”

Sean let himself walk through the classroom, his voice getting happier.

"Reflect carefully, does this return to the point we talked about at the beginning - transfiguration can best embody the miracle of magic, because its process and results are so consistent with the macroscopic nature of this magic."

"And why, the image caused by the failed transformation has never appeared?"

Some students who were already fascinated answered directly without raising their hands: "Because this is not a known phenomenon!"

"That's right! Then why should we be clear, rigorous and accurate when constructing the image of our head?"

"Because it must be consistent with known phenomena!" The students rushed to answer.

Outside the classroom, more and more students are gathering around. I don’t know who cast a magic. Sean’s voice in the classroom can be clearly heard in the corridor.

Some Ravenclaw students were already nodding their heads: "What a clear and intuitive explanation..."

"Why didn't we think of this before?"

"Sean figured this out on his own?"

"No wonder Professor McGonagall invited him to be a teaching assistant..."

Professor McGonagall, who had been listening silently, retracted his wand, raised his head slightly, and could not hide the smile on his lips.

Even the honest Fred and George behind her nodded to each other: "It does sound very profound and makes sense..."

At the front of the corridor, Professor Flitwick, floating at the top, has not spoken or expressed his opinion. No one can even see his expression. They can only notice that the dwarf professor is knocking on the wall frequently. He looked like he was thinking seriously.

Sean's lecture echoed in the corridor, and more and more students joined in to listen. Those top students who had better grades in the past showed thoughtful expressions.

The poor students who had poor grades and were too lazy to listen to the lectures, in order not to be embarrassed, also pretended to nod "I see" next to them.

At this moment, Filch's unique running sound came from the end of the corridor.

He limped over and glared at the students gathered outside the classroom, making a sharp and excited voice from his broken gong-like voice.

"Recession time is over! Students are not in class anymore!"

"Recession time is over! Students are not in class anymore!"

He even saw two professors, and then he ran over happily, pointed at the students and shouted: "Professor! It's class time! Them!"

"Shut up!" Filch replied in a sharp voice.

Professor Flitwick lost his former elegance and easygoingness. He gave Filch an angry middle finger, glared at him angrily, and then immediately turned away.

Filch opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Hey, Sean." A good-looking sixth-grade senior said hello enthusiastically as she passed by. The female companions around her held hands and laughed, and from time to time they gave bold looks. look.

"Oh - hello." Sean nodded politely.

After a few bold blowing kisses and flirtatious glances, several senior students left in a huff and havoc.

"Hey~~~~Xiao - um -" On the side, Xiao Baihua blinked her beautiful big eyes hard and imitated the words of the senior students just now in an exaggerated and charming voice, "Who is this? ? Let me think about it, oh - twenty-six girls have already come to chat with our Professor Wallop~~~ Such an enviable popularity~~~"

Sean rolled his eyes at her angrily and knocked on the top of her head: "Be normal, you really count for me, right?"

"I can't help it, this is stealing the show. Professor Flitwick is obsessed with listening to lectures and scolding Filch. Where is the famous Professor Wallop~" Hermione was cutting the steak on the plate with all her strength. He also imitated Daisy's tone just now.

Sean sighed helplessly: "Are you coming too?"

"Isn't what I said the truth?" Hermione winked at him, and then nuzzled at Daisy, "And Daisy is so serious - shouldn't she give you some feedback?"

Xiao Baihua's face blushed slightly.

Sean spread his hands: "It was just an accident, I didn't even want to drag him down."

"But now, the first and second grade students have started talking about Professor Wallop and stopped talking about Professor Wallop. You should really go and see how much you are admired by the students - and how much you are liked by the girls. "

"They just like Sean who is strict yet gentle. Oh, Sean is also very rich." Daisy nodded crazily.

"Why did I start to regret it..." Sean shook his head helplessly.

Originally, after starting the second-year teaching task, Sean's reputation at Hogwarts grew crazily. If it was the recognition of an outstanding peer, in the first Transfiguration class of that first year and Ever After the performances of Professor Li Wei and Professor McGonagall, everyone's mentality has slowly transformed into deep admiration.

This also caused Sean's romantic luck to skyrocket. Even if he was usually with Hermione and Daisy, bold girls would flirt with him and make hints.

Sean also didn't expect that his passionate lecture session would have such a great effect. His original intention was just to impress the freshmen who were new to transfiguration.

Well now, the impression has been left on the entire Hogwarts...

In fact, during this period of time, many studious senior students came to him to ask for advice on transfiguration.

And this extra-curricular lesson strengthened Sean's belief that his approach was correct - these fifth and sixth graders, the foundation of transfiguration is not very good...

Of course, Professor McGonagall couldn't teach everyone, but Sean believed that the Transfiguration Professor's class was already very good.

This only proves that many people do not review and practice properly after class...

Fortunately, under his own guidance, the first and second graders were very serious in the Transfiguration class, not only rigorous but also cautious - even a little too careful.

Nowadays, when a first-grade student is asked to turn a match into a silver needle, he must rehearse the transformation steps in his mind - more than ten times.

Of course, the effect was also outstanding. Although no one showed talent comparable to Sean, the performance of the freshmen was much better than the average level of their class.

Not bad... Sean shrugged his shoulders optimistically amid Hermione and Daisy's antics.

While they were arguing with the two, a petite silver-haired girl suddenly appeared in front of them.

It's Stephanie.

Sean smiled and said hello: "Good day, Stephanie."

Hermione and Daisy looked at each other.

"Good day, Sean," Stephanie nodded gracefully, and then said expressionlessly, "Today is the end of the month count, and Professor McGonagall asked me to tell you -"

"What?" Sean asked curiously, and Daisy and Hermione also raised their ears.

The silver-haired girl pushed up her glasses.

"The table that flew out will have to pay for it."

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