I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 422 The local Potions professor is so rude

"Dave, why didn't you inform me!"

"It's not dangerous... the smell of this brain is very familiar..."

"Is this not dangerous? Is this not dangerous?! Remember the smell of this guy in front of you. If you smell it, let me know!"

"But it's hard to tell them apart when there are many people..."

"I can't tell you that you will lose 30% of your food in the future."

"I smell! Can't you just smell it?"

Sean used his thoughts to annoy Dave while trying to look calm on his face.

It's not that he hasn't considered Snape's problem, so he has been avoiding him since the incident ended... In fact, Sean was going to Professor McGonagall's place, and took a leave of absence to skip the potions class in the afternoon... …

But even all precautions failed to prevent this unexpected encounter.

Encountered a big bat at the corner...

"Well, oh - good day, Professor Snape." Sean tried his best to look innocent, as if nothing had happened recently.

"I just happened to meet you..." Snape held his chin up, his cold eyes like a smooth, scaleless snake.

Just happened to meet... It doesn't look like it, right? !

Sean groaned secretly in his heart, Snape was obviously trying to block him.

"What a coincidence, Professor..." Sean's eyes twitched, and then he suddenly clapped his hands artificially, "I almost forgot, Professor McGonagall asked me to go to her office. Professor Snape , I’ll excuse you now…”

As he spoke, Sean showed an apologetic expression, and then prepared to take steps and pass Snape.

Snape didn't stop him or say anything.

His head was like a smoothly running, cold surveillance camera, and his eyes were like red dots on the camera, turning coldly following Sean's movements.

Keep staring at Sean.

Sean unconsciously slowed down when he was halfway there. He had a feeling that if he pretended to be dead and ran away today, he might die more miserably in the future...

"Ha...I remembered again that things on Professor McGonagall's side are not very urgent..." Sean said with a sneer.

Snape's expression remained unchanged, and his voice sounded like an old record player that had been fished out of a frozen lake and had its parts slightly lubricated with the warm blood of a freshly killed stag.

"Professor McGonagall's matter must be very important. Why didn't you go? Am I stopping you?" Snape's tone did not fluctuate at all.

But aren't you the one who's stopping me... If you let me go, then I wouldn't dare to go either...

Sean was cursing in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. He touched his head and said, "Ah, there's no rush. Professor McGonagall said you can go at night..."

"Oh? Then why don't you go about your own business and why are you standing here?" Snape continued.

Standing here because I'm afraid of death...I want to drink pumpkin juice and butterbeer in peace in the future...

And what kind of hard-to-get tricks are you playing with me?

Sean was on the verge of crying. He felt like he might be tortured for a long time...

Taking his steps back honestly, Sean coughed lightly: "Well, Professor, you also know that my grades in Potions class are not very satisfactory, so... um, so when I see you, I can't help but want to ask some questions..."

Snape looked at him coldly, then smiled sarcastically.

"Indeed, your level of making potions is puzzling... Although most people who learn potions are idiots, you, Mr. Wallop, are the worst class of students I have ever taught. …”

The old bat's mouth is really poisonous... But Sean didn't even have the ability to talk back. At this moment, he could only lower his head with a look of shame.

Who knows, it’s not over yet.

Snape raised his chin and added: "The worst one in..."

Sean: "..."

Merlin, are you watching? Kill this old bat with an explosive spell!

It really doesn't work...

It’s okay to blow me up!

Snape's right hand, which had been hanging by his side, was raised, and Sean saw that he was actually wearing dragon leather gloves - Snape's hand scratched in the air.

Sean was shocked to find that following the opponent's movements, a stream of blue gas was drawn out.

This thing...

Snape took out a glass bottle, "grabbed" the gas into the bottle, and then put it into his arms casually.

"Oh, fortunately you stopped. I just found out that the mist floating poison prepared a few days ago accidentally escaped... Hey, I'm sorry, Mr. Wallop."

Sean's eyebrows twitched violently.

Mist floating poison, as the name suggests, this potion can float in the air. The floating poison, which usually appears as a faint blue mist, will blend into the air after being released. The original color cannot be seen and the pungent smell cannot be smelled.

Moreover, because this gas potion uses the blood extract of the Lightning Sloth, it is very "lazy" in the air.

Basically, when you put this potion into the air, it will blend into the air in a small area nearby, and then slowly float there, waiting for a "lucky" visitor.

After inhaling the aerosol floating poison or coming into contact with the skin, the patient will immediately begin to have difficulty breathing, tears and extremely slow consciousness.

Without interference, this poison would cause the patient to suffer for nearly forty-eight hours before dying of unconsciousness and respiratory failure.

Merlin's iron pants... Damn! You old bat, actually want to poison yourself? !

If he insists on going his own way and is determined to escape Snape's "trial" first, then he will definitely have difficulty breathing and twitching in place...

That "嘁" of yours is just a pity that I wasn't poisoned, right? ! It must be, right? !

Of course Snape wouldn't poison himself, but he would definitely be happy to see himself tortured for dozens of minutes - a potions master is so terrifying, he can make such horrible poisons, and he can also brew incompatible poisons. The antidote for the sequelae.

Anyway, it will make you suffer for a long time without leaving any evidence.

This also proves one thing...

Sean was wailing in his heart. It was too painful to offend someone like Snape!

"Mr. Wallop," Snape said slowly, "Why are you in a daze? Did you inhale the potion accidentally? That is really my fault, and I might be blamed by others. Come on, Drink some antidote?"

"No, no, I'm fine, I was just distracted." Sean glanced at the small brown bottle containing an unknown liquid and immediately took a step back.

Moreover, there is something in Snape's words...

This was obviously a warning to him that if he dared to complain to Daisy, Snape would give him some "antidote"...

Snape then put away all the bottles and glanced at him coldly.

"Come with me."

"Okay, Professor..." Sean followed him dejectedly.

The two came to an empty professor's room. Snape stood on the podium and looked down at Sean.

"Mr. Wallop, do you know why I called you here?"

"For Daisy..." After seeing Snape's eyes suddenly turn cold, Sean quickly changed his words, "Yes, for my recent reckless behavior?"

"It seems that you still have some self-awareness..." Snape snorted coldly, "I have no interest in you trying to be a hero or anything... but as a professor at Hogwarts, I need to remind you."

"Of course, Professor." Sean drooped his head listlessly.

"I don't have the interest or energy to care about what you are willing to do, but I must remind you to think about it before doing things...Other people, when you are in danger, others may also want to save you. get into trouble."

Sean nodded: "Yes, Professor, I understand."

"You have to think twice before doing things, and don't be blindly arrogant. Think more, think more - do you understand?"

Sean nodded sincerely: "I understand, Professor."

"You have to be precise and cautious in doing things, just like brewing a magic potion. You can't be half-hearted..."

Sean nodded: "No problem, Professor, I'll note it down."

"Don't think you are the only smart person. Think about other people. There are many idiots in the world, but smart people are not extinct..."

Nodding: "Okay, no problem, Professor."


Nodding: "Yes, yes."

"in addition……"

Nodding: "Okay, okay"

"at last……"

Nodding: "That's right."

"Do you have any thoughts about Miss Daisy Potter?"

"Yes, yes..." Sean nodded mechanically and immediately froze. He raised his head awkwardly like a rusty old machine.

Snape's face could no longer calm down, his anger couldn't stop rising, and his eyes were even trembling slightly because of the tension.

"Mr——wallop...what did you just say?"

Snape's voice felt like it had been stuffed into ice cubes and frozen for a hundred years, and soaked in basilisk venom for a hundred years. Every word came out from between his teeth and stabbed directly into Sean's heart. eardrum.

Sean was wailing crazily in his heart.

This old bat is so unruly that he actually enforces the law when fishing?

The Potions professor at our school is so rude!

Sean stiffened his face and pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Um, Professor, I'm just approving of your... uh, teaching! Yes, that's teaching! Miss Potter's incident was purely accidental... …”

"Huh?" Snape leaned closer, his hooked nose and greasy hair almost touching Sean's face, "You called her, Miss Potter?"

"Ah, Daisy, Daisy...I mean..."

Snape's anger became even more intense: "We're just classmates, why do we need to call them so close?!"

Merlin's uncle...this old bat has no sense at all...

Sean was about to cry but had no tears. Snape's purely protective mentality prevented him from getting close to Daisy, and it also prevented him from using unfamiliar names to Daisy.

"Daisy and I have known each other for a long time..." Sean said coquettishly.

"Humph, you don't need to remind me!" Snape yelled at him.

I'd better pretend to be dead...

Snape was like a big bat that had just emerged from the shadows. He was walking slowly but extremely anxiously, pacing beside him.

Finally, he stopped and then suddenly turned his head to stare at Sean: "Dai... Miss Potter's patron saint, is this your first time meeting her?"

After thinking again and again, Sean answered honestly: "I've seen it before..."

Snape's breathing was obviously more rapid, and he stared at Sean: "Have you ever asked what memories Miss Potter used when she summoned the Patronus?"

Sean was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "I didn't ask, but I can probably guess."

The memory used by Daisy must be the moment when the silence in her body was expelled and the blood curse was removed, because only at that moment did this little white flower, which had always been strong and fragile blooming in the shadow, finally emerge from the endless He struggled out of despair.

Snape's breathing stopped for a moment, then became more rapid.

He walked heavily to the window and grasped the curtain tightly with one hand to prevent Sean from seeing his expression.

But in the silent classroom, Snape's violent heartbeat could clearly be heard.

He was distressed and angry... Sean thought silently.

After a while, Snape finally regained his composure.

He turned around and looked at Sean gloomily, snorted coldly and said, "Hmph... next time, go to my office. I'm currently studying... blood curses. Find me an example."

Just tell me directly and tell you how much pain Daisy suffered at that time...

But Sean still nodded honestly: "I understand, Professor."

Snape stared at him for a moment, then spoke.

His voice was not so cold, but still threatening: "When you are in danger, Daisy...Miss Daisy is so anxious..."

The word "anxious" was almost hummed with a dissatisfied nasal voice.

"Don't let her be so... worried anymore, and don't let her get hurt, do you understand what I mean?"

Sean nodded repeatedly: "Of course, Professor!"

His sincere expression only made Snape raise his eyebrows disdainfully: "You'd better really understand..."

As he spoke, Snape took out a small suitcase, which he seemed to have prepared a long time ago.

"The top row are all healing and stimulating potions used in emergencies, and the bottom row are poisons." Snape explained coldly.

"This is?" Sean looked at the other party.

Snape snorted coldly: "It's just leftovers from making potions. Help me deal with them."

Can a bottle of scraps be sold for dozens or even hundreds of galleons on the black market... In order to prevent Daisy from falling into this worrying situation again, she is even willing to give me so many rare potions... Sean couldn't help but click his tongue. .

From the looks of it, I still made a profit...

Snape looked at Sean gloomily. Obviously, the hint of surprise that Sean showed just now made him very unhappy.

However, he still took out another bottle of potion.


He tossed it to Sean casually: "It's about to expire, let me study it for you."

Hiss... Sean took a breath.

"Hmph, that unpromising expression -" Snape mocked him, "You know what you have to do when dealing with these potions, right?"

"Um, what are you going to do?" Sean was really unsure.

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