
"Author? Who is the author of this book?"

When Stephanie asked this sentence, Sean realized that he had forgotten such a key person.

Who wrote this "Stories of the Greedy Poet"?

He quickly put his head over, and Stephanie quickly closed the book. There was no author on the cover.

Opening to the title page, there is also nothing.

There was also no last page or back of the book. Even Stephanie couldn't find the author's name after flipping through the entire book.

This is a book without an author.

The two looked at each other and started reading the first story from the beginning.

However, the first story is a bit cliche. The protagonist is still a bard, but this time the bard solved a major accident in the kingdom and was loved by people.

As you continue reading, the protagonist remains unchanged. The second story is that the bard met a woman who made him fall in love, pursued her to no avail, and finally left lonely.

This "Collection of Stories by the Greedy Poet" is not too thick, especially since each story is accompanied by illustrations. It does not take much time to read the entire book roughly.

The two of them got together and turned to the last page in no time.

The last story was about the bard's evil alchemy experiment. After staring at it for a long time, the two of them still felt slightly dizzy.

Sean raised his head, shook his head, frowned and said, "Although most of them are dark stories, fables and fairy tales, they have nothing to do with each other."

“The only thing they have in common is that the bard appears in every story, and mostly serves as the main point of view,” adds Stephanie.

"But the image of the bard in the illustrations is rarely consistent, and there is no key point that can be connected between the various stories - after the story of "The Poet and the Greedy Snake of Wisdom", the next story became The story of a bard and a medieval vampire plotting against each other..." Sean said.

Stephanie thought for a while and then said: "I feel that maybe those are the true experiences of the bard. After all, if that story is excluded, the other stories will at least have a gradual change."

"Well, what should I say?" Sean asked doubtfully.

"If you recall, except for that story, in all the other stories, the character of the bard becomes darker and more despicable - it is more like the decline of the bard than the collection of stories. Of course, we don’t know how he fell.”

Sean recalled it himself and found that it was indeed as Stephanie said, the bard was slowly getting worse. In the last evil alchemy experiment, the bard even killed an entire village of innocent residents, which was truly heinous. .

"Then what is the purpose of the author who recorded these stories? To reveal the truth about the evil nature of the bard to the world?" Sean thought thoughtfully.

Stephanie shook her head: "This cannot give an accurate answer, but what I am curious about is the relationship between the author and the bard."

Sean thought thoughtfully: "If this author and the bard are enemies, then how can he reveal the evil true face of the bard to the world if he leaves such a collection of unclear stories? If it is a friend or family member, There is no need to write this if there are descendants and the like..."

"This is obviously not a fairy tale that can be mass-produced -" Stephanie patted the weird and thick cover, "The author must have written it to convey a certain message."

""The Poet and the Greedy Snake of Wisdom", this is the message that the author wants to convey, he/she/it is revealing a truth - as to why it should be expressed so obscurely instead of explaining it in a straightforward way, I do have a guess."

Stephanie speaks smoothly and quickly, and her words are equally clear, giving people a very reliable feeling.

Sean didn't expect that the other party had already thought about so many things, so he also said: "Tell me about it."

"That new world, that is, the trance dreamland you told me, is the middle ground between the earth and hell. Obviously, the trance environment is very special -" the silver-haired girl walked as she walked, walked to a stone wall and took a photo shoot. The wooden door opened, she waved her wand, and two velvet armchairs from the Room of Requirement floated out.

"Sit down and talk." Stephanie pushed over a chair.

When Sean sat down, she drew up her legs and curled up in the chair, hugging her knees with her hands, looking at the ceiling of the library in trance.

"The tangled illusion is special enough, and the killed snakes of wisdom and robins must be one of the most special ones in the special world, otherwise the tangled illusion wouldn't have started to gradually collapse after they died."

"Then can we assume that the snake of wisdom and the robin are in a sense the rulers of the trance-like world - people who go there have to pass seven tests before they can see the robin, and the snake of wisdom can Drive away the final tester under the nose of the robin."

"This shows that they are probably beyond the existence of ordinary wizards..." Stephanie paused and secretly glanced at Sean's thoughtful expression. The corners of the girl's mouth slightly raised, and then she spoke in more detail. .

"They may represent the rights of the trance, and the bard killed them and took a piece of the black stone. Then, the bard may also have mastered some of the abilities of the snake of wisdom and the robin — like we both have partial access to the Room of Requirement.”

Sean nodded while thinking. Although they were all guesses, everything was reasonable. Stephanie's mind worked very quickly and was very sharp.

The silver-haired girl continued: "We compare Hogwarts to a trance. If the bard has the authority of the Room of Requirement like us, or even more..."

"Then he can [watch] the people in the whole castle, just like us." Sean's eyes lit up, and he knew what Stephanie was talking about.

"That's right," Stephanie agreed, "We don't monitor anyone else in the castle, but the bard does."

Sean continued: "In other words, the author of "Stories of the Greedy Poet" is probably a being in a trance?"

"Yes, that bard may be an extremely powerful wizard in reality, and in the tangled illusion, he is the supreme being who can control the survival of the creatures in the illusion. Although it is just a guess, I think this is the most reasonable explanation." Stephen Ni's tilted head slowly lowered, and then rested on her knees.

"So, I don't dare to write it in too much detail, let alone write it straightforwardly. I only dare to use the form of a fable to suggest it." Sean made a fist with his right hand and lightly smashed it on the palm of his left hand.

"Well -" Stephanie tilted her head, her tone becoming lazy at some point, "Actually, we can also know that when the bard finally killed the snake of wisdom and the robin, there was another pair or several pairs. All eyes have seen this scene, and the author is one of them.”

"Then if we can find the bystander, maybe we can know the truth behind the whole story." Sean said.

The girl tilted her head: "That's true, but there is a problem. The trance hall should be in ruins now, but it still retains the function of a transit station [from earth to hell]. We are all living people, how can we enter the trance hall?" Where’s the fantasy?”

Sean rubbed his forehead and smiled bitterly, yes, how to get in?

In fact, Sean actually knows a resident of Twisted Illusion...

Guilty [Arrogance], that huge flame giant Sean, lives in the blurred environment. Sean can even use the Obscurus and his connection with Guilty to appear in the trance like a soul.

But the only place he can move is the one-third of an acre on the empty island. Looking outside, everything is filled with magma...

You can't ask [Arrogance]: Hey, that stupid guy who lives in my body, what big things happened in the fantasy world back then, tell me everything you know.

Apart from this possibility, another way to enter the trance hallucination is to be like Harry in the original work - he was accidentally made into the seventh Horcrux by Voldemort. When Voldemort hit Harry with the death curse, Voldemort's The soul fragment blocked the curse for him, and then Harry went to the tranceland.

Not to mention that the risk was too high, what Harry saw when he entered was King's Cross Station. This was a projection of his own heart - he still didn't know how to get to the world itself in a confusing environment.

Of course, there is another direction - the returnees must know...

"I want to know this secret and then I can deal with you and my guessed leader, tell me."

Just drinking a bucket of Felixir can do this...

Looking at Sean who was thinking hard, Stephanie said softly: "Actually, you don't have to worry so much now. Our guess has not been confirmed yet, and the hidden meaning of the story has not been completely answered."

"Well, I know..." Sean smiled at the girl.

Stephanie reminded him: there is no need to worry so much now.

If there are people in the world who know this story besides the person involved, then Sean can only think of two people.

Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald.

In fact, Sean already had many thoughts when thinking about Dumbledore.

In his speculation, Dumbledore and the Returned had established an unbreakable oath, and it was obviously unrealistic to want to learn the secrets about the Returned from Dumbledore.

But can this answer a question that has always troubled Sean: why Dumbledore cooperated with the Returned.

Perhaps it was because of the truth of this story that Dumbledore made such a decision.

As for Grindelwald, there is a high probability that he does not know this story now, and neither the old Grindelwald nor the young Grindelwald is in a position to discuss matters.

But when the time comes next year, after 1996, Grindelwald merges into one, and the impact of the time accident is eliminated. Now that Grindelwald has complete memories, does he know more?

Sean was inclined to know that Grindelwald's long time travel might even have something to do with it all.

Thinking of this, Sean stretched.

"Now I am sitting here in the middle of the night and I can't think of anything. But today is not without gain. At least we know more secret things and can connect them with many things now."

"Yeah." Stephanie responded softly.

"Let's go back and rest first, it's so late... huh?"

Not hearing a reply, Sean moved closer in confusion.

Stephanie, who was curled up in the chair, breathed softly and steadily. She hugged herself tightly and her eyes were closed.

"Stephanie? Asleep?" Sean was speechless.

When he got closer, he could see the other person's eyelashes fluttering slightly, he could see the other person's delicate and flawless face, and he could also see the fatigue between his brows.

Only then did Sean realize. It seemed that Stephanie's "quantum reading"-like ability and super memory did not come without a price. It was not as easy as she said.

In order to drive her talent, she obviously spent a lot of energy, and just now she was racking her brains to think about the whole thing.

She must be very tired...

Sean sighed softly and looked around.

She can’t sleep here either... just take her back to sleep——

Sean thought for a moment and took out his wand.

He cast an infinite force on himself, and sufficient power suddenly filled his body.

Then, Sean directly picked up the chair.

He walked into the Room of Requirement and then to Stephanie's private little room.

Putting the chair next to the bed, Sean hesitated for a moment before picking up Stephanie.

The girl was as light as a bone, and even though the duration of Sean's power spell had expired, it was effortless to pick up the sixth-grade senior.

However, Sean had no intention of feeling the beautiful body of the other person. He gently carried Stephanie to the bed as quickly as possible, and then covered her with a quilt.

"It's time for me to go back to sleep..." Sean stretched and walked outside.

As soon as he took a step forward, Sean accidentally discovered a piece of parchment on the desk in the room.

The corner of the parchment was a little burnt, and there were beautiful cursive characters on it.

A look at the secret rooms of Hogwarts and known ways to enter them.

This is……

Sean picked up the parchment in surprise. He had seen this parchment before.

At first, he was trapped in Slytherin's small secret room, and he found this piece of paper in the Room of Requirement the day after his return. Sean didn't take it to heart at the time.

However, he is now much more familiar with Stephanie than before, and he can naturally recognize the other person's handwriting.

This parchment was written by her at that time...

Sean took the paper and glanced back unconsciously.

The silver-haired girl was still sleeping peacefully.

Sean sighed silently, carefully put the parchment back into place, and then quietly left the room.

He closed the wooden door and whispered at the end.

"Good night, sweet dreams."

On the bed, the silver-haired girl seemed to be having a sweet dream. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her sleeping face was peaceful and beautiful.

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