
"By the way, Sean, can you give me your home phone number?"

After saying this, Stephanie looked at Sean quietly, her beautiful eyes shining a little under the lenses, and she seemed to completely ignore the others.

Hermione and Daisy, who had been ignored, immediately focused on Sean, their eyes locked on Sean like two surveillance cameras.

Sean, who was stared at by six eyes, felt the cold hairs on his back stand up almost instantly.

It's obviously a normal scene, it's obviously a house with torches, but Sean always feels like he's on a path of no return...


As soon as Sean opened his mouth and uttered a syllable, Hermione coughed slightly from behind.

Then she said to Daisy nonchalantly: "Let's add two more torches next time. The Room of Requirement always simulates the appearance of an underground classroom. Sometimes it feels very uncomfortable."

Sean's expression froze on his face. There were a lot of torches burning in this room...and it's June now. Wake up, Hermione!

Perhaps sensing that her excuse was a bit far-fetched, Hermione raised her neck unnaturally after saying this, but did not look away.

Stephanie was like an audience watching the performance quietly. She said nothing, just looked at Sean, with just the right amount of expectation and indifference in her eyes.

Yes, asking for a phone number from a friend is not something worth making a fuss about. In other words, it is abnormal for friends not to have contact information.

Sean also thought of this, he pulled his collar unnaturally, and then said: "The phone number is fine..."

Before he finished speaking, he shuddered, as if someone was pointing a magic wand at him from behind.

"Ahem...ahem...I mean, Stephanie, do you have something to tell me?"

Stephanie tilted her head slightly and glanced at the "Tales of the Greedy Poet" in Hermione's hand.

"Do they know?"

"Ah, of course I know." Sean touched his head strangely. Hermione was holding this book in her hands, so they must know.

Unexpectedly, when Stephanie said these words, Hermione's breathing suddenly became much faster, and her eyes became slightly evil.

Stephanie pretended not to see it and said softly: "I have a lot of books at home, and my grandfather goes out to visit old friends every summer vacation. He has to prepare enough wands for the little wizard to choose from before the school season starts. ——He always brings back a lot of books at my request. Of course, the quantity and depth are definitely not as good as the Hogwarts library, but there are occasionally some off-beat books that mention various ancient topics. material."

"I think I might be able to find more clues about that story and that nursery rhyme - I want to tell you that information earlier, maybe it will be of some help to you, well, just some help."

It was a very tempting offer, and the reason was very suitable. Sean had also seen Stephanie's extraordinary memory and sharp thinking, and he couldn't find any reason to refuse.

"Ah, that's right - this is my contact information, here it is..." Sean took a piece of parchment, wrote a line of words in a "brush" and handed it over.

Behind her, Hermione wrinkled her nose unhappily, especially when she saw Stephanie put away the note solemnly and carefully, an unknown anger surged up in her heart.

"Thank you for your hospitality tonight. I'm leaving, Sean. I wish you a good dream tonight."

After getting what she wanted, Stephanie greeted her politely and left the Room of Requirement without any sloppiness.

For some reason, when Stephanie disappeared, Sean felt relieved - he was under so much pressure just now...

He turned to say something, but Hermione had already packed her things.

The girl took Daisy's hand and walked towards the door, without even looking at Sean.

"Hey, you're back? Wait for me." Sean only saw Daisy wink at him mischievously, and then the two of them quickly opened the door and left.

The Room of Requirement became empty again. Sean stood there in a daze for a moment, then shrugged.

"I can't handle it, I can't handle it..."

The ring was opened, and Dave poked his ferocious head out, his sharp teeth flashing horribly under the light of the torch.

Sean hit it on the head.

"Keep mumbling, keep mumbling, don't eat dinner, and you will send me as many thoughts as you can think of."

Because of Sean's "skipping" dinner, Dave kept sending "pop-ups" to Sean with his thoughts while in the ring.

"Ah, if I lose one brain, I will die."

"Sean, I'm hungry, let's discuss it again?"

"You can't read minds yourself, why do you let me know how to read minds?"

"Pudding has robbed the Airwing of fish, and they have now run around here for the twentieth time - should I tell the Airwing that it can fly and doesn't have to keep chasing a cat and leopard on the ground."

Dave got out of the ring and innocently scratched his head with his bat-winged claws.

"The bounce is crooked...a little higher, it's a little itchy there."

Sean almost lost his breath. He rolled his eyes in an incomprehensible manner, then grabbed Dave into his arms, took out a silver fork and scraped his white bone head vigorously.

"It's all bones, why are you itching?"

"Hiss, use a little more force... There, yes, yes, right here... Ah -, it's comfortable... It may be itchy because you haven't eaten enough. What you mentioned last time is the lack of vitamins and rare elements. …”

"That's all you need to remember, right?"

While Dave was shaving his head with a silver fork, another big shiny head came out.

It's an airwing.

It stretched out its long tail and wrapped it around Sean's arm dissatisfiedly.

"Wow - wow - (Dave did something stupid, why should I be punished too?)"

"I have to take care of your food rations even if you don't want to be punished. Four meals a day, four fish each meal. Do you know that your kind only eats less than your average appetite? The last time you ate it, I rolled your eyes. I saved it for you. " Sean said angrily.

Unexpectedly, Airwing Bird actually corrected him.

"Whoa - whoa - (that's four fish longer than half your arm - and I only ate two tonight without rolling my eyes.)"

"After holding on to a bird that took me half an hour to react, you actually have to emphasize rigor to me..."

"What is rigor? What does it mean if you hold on? Can you eat it? And my reaction speed is very fast, as the pudding says."

"Ha--" Sean raised his eyebrows lazily, then grabbed Dave's paw and stabbed the Airwing's tail.

"My reaction is really fast. If you don't believe me, try it - I almost caught up with the pudding today... By the way, I didn't eat enough tonight. When will you return those two fishes to me?"

Dave also shook his head: "When are you going to give me back the brain you owe me tonight?"

Sean: "..."

A few minutes later, the screams of Airwings suddenly sounded in the Room of Requirement.

"Wow-ow wow-!!! (It hurts so much, it hurts so much, who bit my tail?!)"

Sean: "..."

The bird is hopelessly sluggish...

Hermione returned to normal the next day, talking to Sean as usual, and occasionally giving him a lesson for his laziness. She looked no different from before.

The same goes for Daisy, or in other words, Daisy has always been the same. She has always been smiling and sweet, and she can even discuss Stephanie's affairs with Sean sometimes.

However, Hermione and Daisy got together more frequently, and from time to time they whispered among girls.

Sean sometimes wonders what they are talking about, but he also knows that this kind of conversation between best friends is not something he, a boy, should listen to, so he leaves it alone.

One week after the exam, the results were announced, but the results made Hermione quite dissatisfied.

For the first time, Sean surpassed Hermione and became the first in his grade.

Both of them got O (excellent) in all other subjects. Even in Potions class, Sean was treated normally by Snape.

The only difference is that in the Divination elective they took, Sean got an E (exceeded expectations), while Hermione only got an A (passed).

When she got the transcript, Hermione was quite angry. She wasn't angry that she only got an A in Divination. Anyway, she wasn't going to take this course next semester.

What makes her angry is that there is no other subject in which Sean can beat Sean.

Sean could only smile and beg for mercy: "In fact, you did much better than me. In almost all the written examination subjects, you summarized the review points and gave them to me."

Hermione thought that this was indeed the case, and her mood improved a lot.

Daisy directly dominated the third grade, receiving the highest ratings in all subjects. Coupled with the fire dragon guardian angel released at the broken bridge last time, Xiao Baihua now has a faint aura of the leading sister in the third grade.

Although the leading eldest sister sticks to Hermione and Sean all day long.

Fred and George each received three O.W.L.S. certificates, which was much thinner than their brothers Bill and Percy's twelve certificates each.

But the twin brothers believed that they should get at least an E in other subjects, because they exceeded expectations by being able to take the exam.

In addition, Percy passed the S exam perfectly. Although the relationship between the British Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts had deteriorated seriously, they still sent out examiners. Sean felt that this should be the result of Dumbledore's efforts.

However, Percy, who is good enough to hold any job, has given up his original ideal of working in the Ministry of Magic. His new goal has not been set yet - he has to deal with his relationship problems with his girlfriend Penelo first.

When another result came out, Sean was very happy. The first-year and second-year students he taught performed very well, especially the first-year students. They all passed Professor McGonagall's test, and only two people even got an A. .

Among them, outstanding students, such as Campbell Axton, Natasha Fiola and others, were praised by Professor McGonagall, and Sean even received an additional teaching assistant bonus.

Compared to Jin Gallon, the significance of this reward brought greater joy to Sean, and he even fell in love with this feeling of teaching and educating people.

The end-of-semester dinner arrived as scheduled, and Dumbledore, who had frequently appeared in the castle recently, hosted the entire dinner. Although there were many accidents and accidents in this two-in-one school year, everyone still enjoyed the dinner happily.

Dumbledore has never been a person who likes long speeches. He summarized this year's accidents, and then asked everyone to be more honest during the summer vacation. Although the situation in the outside world has eased a lot, there are still some dark wizards. Working in secret.

The Academy Cup was naturally given to Ravenclaw, and the Eagles happily defended the title continuously and won the undisputed trophy.

The bonus points Sean and Hermione received in various subjects became the main force of Ravenclaw, and they also received more plaudits and cheers - in fact, Slytherin should have some opportunities to compete for the House Cup of.

After all, Sean, a scorer, was second only to Harry in Potions class in terms of deducting points. Especially since a lot of things happened this year, the old bat was even more ruthless.

But what's even more pity is that Daisy is also in Ravenclaw.

It only took Daisy half the time to get the points Sean deducted from Snape, and even the Slytherin students would quietly complain about it.

Have you ever seen something like "Hold the tweezers normally and help in a timely manner, Miss Daisy, plus ten points to Ravenclaw" after passing the tweezers to the professor?

Sean felt that Snape was restrained enough by not adding five points just because Daisy entered the Potions classroom with her left foot first.

When the dinner was over, the students fell asleep after eating and drinking.

The next day, their luggage had been sent to the Hogwarts Express by the house elves (doubtful - look how many times the author emphasized this doubt, the wizards must have misunderstood the express). They boarded the train in groups under their stricter gaze.

Sean sat in a carriage with his friends as usual. They tasted the candies given to Sean for free by the boss of Honeydukes and talked about various things in the past year.

When the train arrived at the station, Sean walked out of the platform and saw his parents and sister whom he hadn't seen for a year, no, two years. He actually had an unreal feeling.

So much has happened this year...

Sean sighed, then laughed and picked up Ella who was running over.

"Sean, Sean, I miss you." Sister Ella hugged Sean tightly.

Sean also hugged her tightly: "Of course, I miss you too, Ella."

On the side, Hermione also ran into the arms of the Grangers. This year felt like too long.

After talking to his parents and the Grangers for a few words, when Sean was about to get in the car, a voice from behind called him softly.

"Sean, remember to contact me during the summer vacation - Hello, Mr. Wallop, Mrs. Wallop, my name is Stephanie Ollivander, and I am Sean's friend at Hogwarts."

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