
After finding out so much information and giving the most reasonable guess, Sean thought this was Stephanie's limit, but he didn't expect that she actually had new clues.

The silver-haired girl did not have a mysterious character. She directly spread out the parchment she took out. This was also a torn page from a certain book, but it was more worn and older.

"Have you ever heard of the Knott family?"

Hermione nodded immediately: "The Nott family, mentioned in the infamous "Pure Blood Guide", is one of the pure blood families - I remember there was a very cold guy in Slytherin, that is Nott. The family’s name is Theodore Nott.”

Sean also nodded, not only that, he also knew more.

The Slytherin boy named Theodore Nott is a very thin guy who always gives people a feeling of weakness. He always has a very cold face, rarely expressing disgust and even less expressing pleasure.

In addition, although Theodore Nott is a pure-blood supremacist, he has not joined Malfoy's team, whether it is the small team between them or the current large group.

Theodore Nott is a bit like a lone wolf in Slytherin. He lives alone and never joins any group. There are probably only a few people who can be called his friends.

The reason why Sean knows this person so well is because Theodore Nott's father, Nott Sr., was a Death Eater. When he was at Malfoy Manor, he was huddled in his seat wearing a black cloak.

For this kind of person, Sean has investigated his personal information and family information.

However, this may be the reason why Voldemort has not gained power. Although Old Nott became a Death Eater, his son Theodore does not seem to understand the Death Eaters as a group.

He frowned: "Is it related to the Nott family?"

Stephanie nodded: "To be precise, it is related to the Nott family in the past - you should know that in the UK, many of the so-called pure-blood families are not families that have been passed down for thousands of years. Many families are actually other families. The branch of the country's pure-blood family gradually developed, and of course, when the main family declined, the branch became the only symbol of the family."

Sean nodded. For example, the British pure-blood Rozier family comes from the French Rozier family. Evan Rozier, the "chicken" that Sean used to scare the monkeys, belongs to the British Rozier family, while Vita Rozier, the current principal of Nurmengard, belongs to the French Rozier family.

"The Nott family is not a pure-blood family born in the UK. I checked a lot of information and there is definite evidence that the Nott family is a branch of a foreign pure-blood family that settled in the UK."

Daisy asked in confusion: "But what does the Knott family have to do with the clue you just mentioned? Is the ancestor of the Knott family actually one of the characters represented by the animals in the nursery rhyme?"

Stephanie nodded: "To be precise, it is involved. Look at this -"

Several people looked at the parchment. On the old yellow paper was a crooked painting. The paint had long since peeled off. Just looking at the painting method, it seemed to be from the ancient Greek school.

In the picture, a middle-aged man wearing strange clothes is opening his eyes wide and rubbing his hands back and forth. In front of him is a mass of something whose shape cannot be seen, which seems to be some kind of treasure. Beside the man, a wizard dressed in luxurious clothes was smiling and saying something.

Below the illustration, there is a text.

"The owner of the Nott family welcomed a brand new guest. This guest seemed to come from the land of fog, with greed and alertness in his big eyes. This guest came to the Nott family with treasures in the fog. The head of the family, he plans to exchange the treasure for a place where he can settle down and live."

"The owner of the Nott family shrewdly saw the value of the treasure. He readily accepted it and provided the guest with a place where he could live and settle down. He even gave the guest a portion of the family's property."

"The two have reached a long-term trading relationship, and the Nott family has used the mist treasures brought back by this person to expand their power crazily - but the treasures in the mist also seem to have hidden dangers."

"One day, Nott, who had become a famous family leader in the city, suddenly went crazy. He completely lost his mind and held a pure black book in his hand."

"The Knott family collapsed, and the guest in the mist lost his place to shelter himself. He took the black book and the Knott family's inheritance and set out again to find a new home."

"Oh - by the way, the Knotts asked for the guest's name, and he called himself 'Mr. Audience Who Will Not Be Fooled'."

The text ended here, and several people frowned.

"The fog and the black book..." Sean thought, "There is indeed a high degree of correlation..."

Stephanie pointed to the word 'Mr. Audience Who Will Not Be Fooled' on the parchment and said, "And this..."

Sean was suddenly startled: "Audience, flies..."

When [fly] is used as a noun, it means fly, but when used as an adjective, it can be understood as [smart; not fooled; fashionable and charming] and other meanings.

"Is this person the [Fly] who was present during the whole process?!" Hermione covered her mouth, "He witnessed all this and came out of the trance. At the same time, he brought out the story "The Poet and the Greedy" The Snake of Wisdom!"

Sean let out a sigh of relief: "He may even be the author of the book."

Stephanie listened to their discussion quietly, and when it was about time, she took out a copied picture.

"You have also deduced it before. There is only one number difference between the eight species of birds and the seven culprits, and the pigeon or the skylark may be the only innocent one among them. In fact, it is indeed very possible, this 'Mr. Audience who will not be fooled' After the Knott family fell apart, no one knew where he went."

"I searched all the information I could find, including family histories of various families, etc., but found no trace of this person. The only exception is this -"

Sean looked over after hearing this, and then his pupils shrank. The copied picture was engraved with a family's emblem, and the emblem was a dove with wings spread.

"A friend of my grandfather once discovered a ruins in the wild. There may have been a family there for thousands of years, and the 'Mr. Audience who will not be fooled' appeared in the history of that family, but only A few numbers, and finally mentioned that this person and the family at that time jointly resisted the attack, but failed, the family was completely destroyed, and this person was completely lost."

"And the emblem of that family is the dove."

Sean thought of a lot of things at once: "Judging from the previous records, he was just seeking a refuge. When the Knott family was destroyed, he didn't seem to help the Knott family but ran away directly - but According to the fragmented family history seen by Mr. Ollivander’s friends, he and [Pigeon] resisted the attacking forces together..."

Hermione's smart brain started working quickly, and she said with some excitement: "The animals that appear in the nursery rhymes, [flies] and [doves] are all innocent witnesses, but because the poet has mastered the parts of the God of Death and the God of Love, Power, they could not leave the truth clearly, they could only write a book euphemistically."

She spoke faster and faster, throwing out everything like a barrage: "Innocent people escape from the trance and illusion, on the one hand, to spread the truth, and on the other hand, to avoid the poet's gaze - but the poet may notice To the anomaly of [flies] and [pigeons].”

"This can also explain why [Fly] has been looking for shelter after returning from the misty land, and the force that destroyed the [Pigeon] family was probably the force sent by the poet."

Sean said solemnly: "It makes sense, and based on the current clues, this is the most likely guess."

Stephanie also nodded: "I have repeatedly confirmed the authenticity and age of the information. There are no traces of forgery. This history does indeed exist. At least the [Fly] and [Pigeon] really existed. "

"Then our entry point is..."

Several people looked at each other and said, "The Nott family!"

Sean clenched his fist with his left hand and smashed the palm of his right hand: "Although the family split will lead to the loss of a lot of family history, but the Nott family has been able to exist from that era to the present, then there is a high probability that they have retained a lot of things they brought from the main family. , it may be a secret message, or it may be some kind of magical creation, and there may be information about that [Fly]..."

Hermione also nodded: "We have at least found a very close entry point. The only trouble is that Theodore Nott may not be easy to fool..."

Sean continued: "Try it. I will use all the power I can use to gain the trust of Theodore Nott. Malfoy can at least talk to him..."

Of course, starting with Theodore Nutt, a classmate of the same grade, is a helpless move. The best way is definitely to ask the head of the Nott family, that is, Old Nott.

If it was Sean two years ago, there would be no problem, but now, Old Nott has returned to Voldemort's arms, and the only Death Eaters he can control are most likely Barty Crouch Jr. and Bella... Lestrange.

If Sean rashly went to find Old Nott, Voldemort might have noticed something, and the returnees might also deduce something from this, which Sean absolutely didn't want to see.

"Let's start with Theodore Nott—" Sean made his decision.

Of course, there was still half a sentence he didn't say.

If Sean couldn't gain Theodore Nott's trust through normal means to obtain the Nott family's secrets, then he might have to use some less legal means.

The Imperius Curse is not very realistic. It is very bad behavior for this unforgivable Curse to appear on campus. There may be no taboos against the enemy Sean, but it cannot be used against a classmate who has not yet determined the good and evil camp. Forgiveness spell, that's a bit much.

Legilimency, which has no side effects, might be a better choice... Sean thought silently.

Although Stephanie's arrival today was a little awkward at first, the information she brought was amazing and effective, and Sean's embarrassment caused by Ella's gluttony was relieved a lot - but the little guy's summer vacation Homework cannot be reduced.

Several people who had been unable to find the clue to the mystery finally found an entry point in reality, and their emotions became much higher.

After discussing some details, the few of them fully enjoyed the afternoon tea prepared by Sean.

The mystery that has troubled them for a long time has finally found an entry point, which may represent a corner of the truth. Although several people are not sure, and even all their thoughts so far are speculation and reasoning, they still feel relaxed. With less food and delicious desserts, the atmosphere in the living room became a lot more relaxed.

However, the relaxed atmosphere did not last long.

When the business was over and the desserts were almost eaten, the atmosphere began to quietly change again.

Everyone has never forgotten the scene in the yard.

Sean ate the last pudding as slowly as possible. He regretted why he didn't prepare afternoon tea for ten people.

There is no excuse for business now. Being in the same room would kill me...

Just when Sean was struggling and distressed, Stephanie looked at the time and then stood up.

"It's all said and done. It's getting late. There is a curfew in Diagon Alley. If you go back late, you have to spend the night outside-"

Hiss, so considerate!

Sean stood up almost with grateful eyes: "Ah, are you leaving now?"

Stephanie glanced at Sean, and she could see the boy's relaxed expression.

The silver-haired girl smiled faintly: "Yes, thank you for your hospitality today, Sean—Daisy, Hermione. It's nice to see you. I look forward to meeting you next time."

"Oh, you're leaving so early... I'll see you off." Sean also laughed.

Behind her, Hermione, who was still sitting, was a little hesitant. Stephanie had already left, so should she leave?

If she doesn't leave, it will appear that she is very ignorant and impolite, and Stephanie has shown her considerate side. She is already lagging behind, so why should she rely on it?

But, if we leave... what if Stephanie comes back after a while?

There are so many reasons, especially since the curfew in Diagon Alley can give you all kinds of valid excuses.

Then, wouldn't she have to spend the night at Sean's house? !

Just when Hermione was hesitant and Daisy was about to step forward to speak, the bell rang for private guests.

Sean walked over. This living room was built for privacy. Of course, the sounds from the outside world could not be ignored, so Sean asked his father to install a communication device.

The mother's voice rang from the intercom: "Sean, didn't I bother you? But you have to come out. Professor McGonagall from your school is in the living room right now."

Why did Professor McGonagall come suddenly? Sean and several girls looked at each other in surprise.

"Okay, we're out."

When several people walked out of the living room and came into the living room, sure enough, the serious Professor of Transfiguration was sitting on the sofa.

"Oh, Sean, I'm sorry to bother you -" Professor McGonagall thanked Mrs. Wallop for the black tea, she pushed up her glasses and stood up.

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