
The sky is getting late, the night curtain is opening, and the lights in the city are beginning to decorate.

The Parsons family is enjoying their dinner.

"Doug, don't read that letter anymore." Mr. Parsons wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and said to his youngest son.

His son, Doug Parsons, is eleven years old and about to enter middle school.

As a father and a company executive, he naturally wanted to find a good school for his son - however, their family received a strange admission letter.

The recipient of the letter was his son. The letter stated that his son had obtained the admission qualification and was approved to study at Durmstrang.

Mr. Parsons originally thought it was a middle school he had never heard of, so he sent someone to inquire. As a result, the name Durmstrang was not found among the middle schools registered in the German education system.

The forms attached to the letter actually required the purchase of wizard robes, crucibles, astronomical telescopes and other items, and the textbooks included strange spell books and potion books.

When Mr. Parsons got home, he read the letter carefully and finally came to the conclusion that it was a prank caused by some child.

And he already has a target of suspicion, which is his neighbor, the Lloyd family.

The Lloyd children are one year older than Doug, but their grades are much worse.

The child named Lonte Royd did not know which middle school he enrolled in last year. The Royds never mentioned it. When others asked, the couple always said that Lonte went to a middle school abroad.

Mr. Parsons scoffed.

He knew his neighbor very well. Mr. Lloyd was originally a senior manager of a forklift company, but that company had been operating poorly in the past few years, and Mr. Lloyd's income had also dropped sharply.

Judging from the other party's salary, it can only maintain the necessities of life on this wealthy street. As for other large expenses, it may be necessary to sell some things.

Under such circumstances, where would the Lloyd family get the money to send their children to study abroad?

Moreover, Lonte's child's grades are only at a passing level, so there is no need to consider scholarships.

Mr. Parsons felt that his neighbor might have sent his children to a shabby public middle school and lied to his neighbors in order to maintain his own dignity.

As for why he thinks this prank was done by the Lloyd kid?

When he went home, he read the acceptance letter from Doug in the yard.

"Durmstrang, is this the name of some magic school?"

When he sneered, Mr. Lloyd, who heard what he said, suddenly looked flustered and confused, and then hurried back into the house.

Mr. Parsons observed this scene keenly, and he immediately felt that Lloyd must know the name "Durmstrang".

Moreover, this summer vacation is almost half over, and I have never met this kid Lonte Royd. Is it possible that he went to study abroad and didn't go home to spend the summer vacation?

To put it all together, we can tell that this prank must have been done by the boy Longte.

This kid was afraid that others would find out that he went to a public middle school, so he hid at home and refused to show up. Then, he became jealous of Doug, who had excellent grades in his family, so he wrote an admission letter to a so-called magic school. Notice.

The Lloyds must have been aware of their child's prank, which is why they were so panicked when they heard the name Durmstrang - he was afraid that he would find the real culprit of the prank. In this way, the Lloyd family would be ashamed of their efforts. Isn’t all dignity gone?

Mr. Parsons proudly believed that he had discovered the truth of the whole matter and the protagonist of the prank.

However, since we are still neighbors, there is no need to expose this little prank deliberately, so that our poor neighbor can maintain his dignity for a while.

The only trouble is that although his son Doug is excellent in character and academics, he has been very passionate about these fantasy stories since he was a child.

Originally, Mr. Parsons was not opposed to his son having such hobbies, as long as he could maintain good grades.

However, Doug became almost obsessed after receiving the letter. He was convinced that he was a wizard, and that a magic school called Durmstrang was ready to accept him.

"Dad! What I said is true! What I feel is also true! When I was a child, I could do things that others couldn't do! Look, the admission notice has come! Oh, I must Go to school there!”

When he thought of his son's excited words, Mr. Parsons shook his head helplessly. The little guy was immediately fascinated.

As for those magical things, Mr. Parsons can’t deny it. For example, no matter whether Doug’s hair is long or cut short, he will always maintain his favorite hairstyle in the end. For example, when Doug was in the zoo, he would not He accidentally fell into the monkey mountain, but the monkeys and orangutans would not attack him.

It was indeed magical and interesting to talk about, but Mr. Parsons believed that it was just a small coincidence.

He glanced at his son at the table who didn't listen to his words and was still reading the admission notice that he had read dozens of times with great interest.

"Doug, it's dinner time now. Can you put the things in your hands and talk to your parents more?" He sounded slightly more serious.

Doug collected the admission notice with some regret, and finally nodded: "Okay, Dad, Mom."

"You kid..." Mr. Parsons shook his head helplessly.

He was not prepared to discipline his son many times. After all, this was just a prank. There was no wizard, no magic, and no Durmstrang. Over time, a child as smart as Doug would be able to learn from his imagination on his own. Found the truth.

Is it possible that a wizard will knock on the door now, cast a spell, and tell Doug that I am the admissions specialist of a magic school who is here to explain to you?

Parsons smiled and shook his head, ready to ask his wife about her life today.

At this time, the bell rang.

"Huh? Why is there a sudden visit at this hour?"

Mr. Parsons put down his knife and fork in confusion, pulled out his stool, walked to the door and looked through his peephole.

He is a very handsome young boy, wearing tailor-made private clothes with exquisite materials. The watch on his hand is enough to cover Mr. Parsons' salary for a year.


Mr. Parsons opened the door doubtfully.

"Oh, hello, does Doug Parsons live here?" The other person's German was very proficient, but he could tell that he was not German.

"Yes, I am his father. Do you have anything to do with him?"

"That's right, my name is Sean Wallop. I'm from the UK. I'm the admissions specialist for the British wizarding school Hogwarts. This trip is to discuss with your family the admission of Doug Parsons. matters."

"Wait...magic school? England? Watts?"

"It's Hogwarts, sir." Sean smiled.

There was the sound of a chair being pulled in the room, and an excited boy ran out and stared directly at Sean.

"Hello! I am Doug Parsons! Are you sent to find me by the magic school?"

"Actually, it is. Nice to meet you, Doug." Sean shook hands with the excited boy.

Parsons was confused: "Wait a minute, isn't this a prank by Lonte Royd's kid?"

"Sorry, sir, I don't know the child you are talking about - of course, I know that your family has a lot of doubts now. If you don't mind, could you go in and discuss it in detail?"

ten minutes later.

The Parsons family sat on the couch, stunned.

Mr. Parsons looked at his tap-dancing record player and swallowed.

"Is everything you said true?"

Sean waved his wand slightly to make the record player dance even more wildly.

"I think this proves everything, doesn't it?"

"This is magic, this is magic..." Doug stared at the record player, the light in his eyes lighting up.

Mr. Parsons and his wife, who was also shocked, looked at each other, and finally saw the meaning in each other's eyes - this was not a magic trick to deceive vision!

After another detailed discussion, the Parsons family finally fully believed Sean.

"However, Mr. Wallop, I have a question. You said you are the admissions officer of Hogwarts, but did Doug receive the admission notice from Durmstrang?"

Sean said without changing his expression: "In fact, Durmstrang is a magic school like Hogwarts, but we are different. For people like you who have not understood magic before, we at Hogwarts believe that coming to the door is Qiadan is the real sincerity - otherwise, you all think it's just a prank, don't you?"

This is the fourth time Sean has said this today. He has already "raided" three new families. These families are all located in Durmstrang's separate admissions area, and naturally they will only receive one admission notice. Book.

Don't tell me, when Sean gained three new students again, the pleasure of poaching was quite good.

The fourth freshman who is about to be confirmed is talking excitedly to his parents.

It wasn't until the other party finished speaking and confirmed that he wanted to enroll in Hogwarts that Sean handed over the admission letter.

"Very well, let's see you at Hogwarts, Doug."

"Of course, sir!" The little guy shook hands with Sean excitedly.

"By the way, we will send someone to pick you up when you go to Diagon Alley. Doug, your English is not bad, but remember to study more this summer. By then, most of the time at Hogwarts, you will be in English. Teaching.”

"no problem!"

Parsons also expressed his position: "I will hire a language teacher for Doug."

"Then I won't bother you any more, oh, by the way -" Sean walked to the door and turned his head again, "In a few days, Durmstrang's admissions specialist may come to visit again, you just need to Just tell him that you have chosen Hogwarts, and the magic has left proof."

Mr. Parsons stood up and walked him to the door. He nodded repeatedly. He now completely believed in magic.

Moreover, anyone who is not blind can tell which school is more attentive to his son by sending someone to his door and dropping an admission letter.

After Sean left, Mr. Parsons returned to the house. He looked at his excited son and spread his hands: "Okay, your dream is about to come true - but why does Mr. Lloyd look so strange? He also heard Did you say Durmstrang?"

Doug's eyes widened: "Lonte, isn't he going to school in Durmstrang?! Mr. Wallop said he couldn't tell anyone else!"

Mr. Parsons suddenly realized: "It seems that this is indeed the case! Hey, do you want to find a chance to give a hint? I just don't know if there is any difference between the preparation before going to Durmstrang and going to Hogwarts... "

Under the night, beside the railing of Parsons' house, Sean, who was about to leave, frowned.

In order not to be noticed by the neighbors, he used a lot of small magic spells. At this time, the magic was not completely over, and he heard what Mr. Parsons said.

Sean turned to look at a nearby house.

Is the child of this family the new student from Durmstrang last year?

Why didn't you notice it at all?

Freshmen returning from the holidays are not allowed to use magic, but the books, magic toys and other things they bring back from school will have small magic fluctuations. This is not triggered magic, but Sean is naturally keen and can still A wizard with an Obscurus can feel it.

A young wizard obviously wouldn't use magic to cover up this slight fluctuation of magic. He wouldn't, and there was no need.

Could it be that this child hasn't come home yet?

Sean immediately thought of a series of inappropriate behaviors by Durmstrang.

Max Dawson, who lurked into Hogwarts to steal the prophecy and caused a big mess, graduated from Durmstrang. Karkaroff, the principal of Durmstrang, was also a secret Death Eater. , today I also met the wizard named Thomas who was not quite right, and even Dumbledore made it clear that Durmstrang had a problem now.

Sean squinted his eyes and looked at the house named Lloyd, and his mind started to move.

After thinking for a while, he took out his wand and tapped himself lightly. His figure quickly faded, and then he completely integrated into the environment.

He was going to check on the Lloyd family.

The invisible Sean walked around Lloyd's house and found no magic. After looking around, he floated up and entered the room through an open window on the second floor.

The lights were on in the room, but strangely, Sean didn't hear any conversation or the sound of the TV.

"Something's wrong..." Sean frowned and called out Dave.

"Dave, can you smell a few people in the house?"

"You're the only one next to me. There are two people downstairs. The taste of brain flower is very average, but the smell is, well, very peaceful."

calm? Sean's pupils shrank.

He continued to remain invisible and silently walked down the stairs.

When they came to the living room, the lights were bright, and two middle-aged men and women were sitting on the sofa. Opposite them were the unturned TV and the untouched desserts on the coffee table.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd's eyes were blank, and they just sat there quietly.

Sean narrowed his eyes: Something went wrong...

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