I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 472 There are always surprises during selection


Faced with Stephanie's question, before Sean could answer, Hermione on the side became alert.

However, with so many people watching in public, the other person just asked a very common question. Is it bad that I suddenly became so sensitive?

Just as Hermione was struggling, Sean had already nodded.

"Of course I have to participate if I have this opportunity. I'm quite curious about this year's competition."

"I understand." Stephanie nodded.

Then, she naturally took out a quill pen, and then took out a piece of paper and wrote her name on it casually.

"Stephanie?" Sean looked at the other party in surprise.

In my impression, Stephanie is not a person who likes to participate in group activities. To be precise, she almost does not participate in group activities except for necessary courses.

This girl prefers to read quietly by herself. She doesn't like to be in the limelight or make trouble, and she doesn't have the passion and sense of honor that young people have.

Stephanie reached over to Sean and left a whisper that only he could hear.

"I'm interested now."

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, Stephanie walked calmly to the Goblet of Fire - she was not even as tall as the Goblet of Fire placed on the box.

Then, with a blank look on her face, Stephanie threw the note with her name on it into the blazing flames.

It's as common as taking a book off the shelf.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they burst into applause and cheers. Those who dared to sign up to participate in the Four-wizard Tournament were the warriors in their hearts.

Hermione, who had been watching this scene, subconsciously turned her attention to the Wesley brothers who had been whistling next to her - should she get some age-enhancing agent?

However, before her deviant idea could be fully realized, Brother Wesley ran over while whistling.

"Hogwarts Champions!"

"We are unstoppable!"

In the eyes of everyone, the twin brothers bumped their butts, and then threw their name slips in happily.

"They are not for the glory of the warriors -" Sean heard Ron mutter, "Fred and George discussed with Lee Jordan all night yesterday about the three thousand gold galleons bonus for the final winner. How to use it, they even want to go to Diagon Alley to buy a store!"

Sean turned around and smiled: "At least you have a dream, don't you?"

Harry spread his hands and said, "If they hadn't been chasing Krum for his autograph yesterday, today's actions still look very courageous."

Sean laughed, these two little creatures were so funny.

Brave students from various schools put their name strips into the Goblet of Fire. The onlookers were envious and admired - the Four Wiz Tournament is really not a playground for children to play, even now that the protection measures are relatively complete. , the dangers of this event are still far beyond what students are usually exposed to.

Many sixth- and seventh-grade students still remember that in the last Goblet of Fire, their senior spent half a semester in the hospital because of a curse.

At the door of the auditorium, a man and a woman were looking at the situation inside.

After seeing Sean throw his name strip into the Goblet of Fire amid cheers, Charlotte raised her fist and waved it excitedly.

She looked at Colton next to her and smiled triumphantly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Mr. Sterling, this time, we, Hogwarts, win."

In response to Charlotte's provocation, Colton, who had his hands on his chest and looked calm, did not say anything, nor did he refute the other party's remarks - the two had already acquiesced that Sean's level was far better than the current contestants.

He glanced briefly at Charlotte.

"Miss Hawke, even if Sean leads Hogwarts to victory, this still cannot change the fact that you were my defeat last time."

Charlotte's face suddenly became stinky, and she glared at the other party angrily: "Just indulge in your past glory!"

"Thank you for reminding me, I won't forget it." Colton smiled slightly and stroked his chest in a gentlemanly gesture.

Facing Colton, who was unsophisticated and far better at talking than she was, Charlotte gritted her teeth and blushed, then suddenly changed her expression and looked back: "Mr. Grindelwald..."

As soon as he heard the name, Colton immediately stood up straight and looked back while maintaining an elite look.

"Ah -" There was a pain in his feet, and when he looked back, there was no figure of Grindelwald.


"Keep your guard up, Mr. Sterling!"

After stepping on the opponent's foot, Charlotte stuck out her tongue viciously, and then ran away happily.

Watching the other party's triumphant figure disappear around the corner, Colton's frown relaxed, and then he showed a weak smile.

Time is flying by and Halloween dinner seems to be taking much longer than usual. Perhaps because there were banquets for two consecutive days, everyone didn't seem to like those elaborately prepared sumptuous dishes as much as usual. People in the auditorium kept looking up, with anxious expressions on every face. Everyone was restless, standing up from time to time to see if Dumbledore had finished eating.

Finally, the golden plate returned to its original spotless state, and the voices in the auditorium suddenly became much louder. Immediately, Dumbledore stood up, and the auditorium suddenly became silent. Next to him, Karkaroff looked very nervous, as did Ms. Maxim next to him.

Only Grindelwald kept a cheerful smile.

"Well, it's time for the Goblet to be decided," said Dumbledore. "I reckon it'll take another minute. Listen, when the names of the champions are announced, I want them to walk to the top of the Great Hall and along the staff The desk goes over and goes into that room next door—" he gestured to the door behind the faculty desk, "—where they will receive initial instruction."

He took out his wand and waved it widely. Immediately, except for the candles in the jack-o-lantern, all the other candles were extinguished, and the auditorium suddenly fell into a state of semi-darkness. The Goblet of Fire was now emitting a dazzling light, brighter than anything in the entire auditorium, and the blue-white flames bursting with sparks were simply dazzling. Everyone was watching and waiting...a few people kept looking at their watches...

Even Sean felt a little nervous because of the atmosphere in the auditorium, although not much.

"This time, we will select a total of twelve warriors, three from each school-" Dumbledore said loudly, everyone staring firmly at the Goblet of Fire in front of him.

The flame in the goblet suddenly turned red again, and crackling sparks burst out. Then, a tongue of fire jumped into the air, and a piece of burnt parchment flew out from it - everyone in the auditorium held their breath.

Dumbledore quickly grabbed the piece of paper, and the red flames in the Goblet of Fire changed back to blue-white.

"Let's see - the first warrior!" Dumbledore enlarged his voice, "Viktor Krum, from Durmstrang!"

Applause and cheers swept through the Great Hall, and the world's best Seeker received many screams from Hogwarts.

"I knew it was you, Krum!" Karkaroff stood up and waved his fist vigorously, looking extremely excited.

Krum stood up, shook hands with Dumbledore, turned to the right, walked along the staff table, and entered the next room through the door.

"The next warrior -" the Goblet of Fire burned again, and a second note flew out, "Reinhard Nott, also from Durmstrang."

The applause was a little smaller. Amidst Karkaroff's shouts, the rough boy who had once gestured to Sean to wipe his neck stood up. He showed a wanton smile and walked towards where he was going.

Sean frowned. This guy’s surname is Nott too?

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore announced Durmstrang's third champion.

"Leon Schneider!"

A dark-haired boy with a gloomy face and a lack of energy stood up. He pushed up his glasses and walked over expressionlessly.

Sean and Capone looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

The third warrior has the same name as the owl Sean gave to Capone...

"In this way, the selection of Durmstrang's three warriors is completed. Next-" Dumbledore caught the note again.

"The first champion from Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour!"

Amid the enthusiastic cheers of the boys, Fleur hugged her sister and then stood up gracefully. Her silver hair flicked around like a dancing elf.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore pulled out two more Beauxbatons warriors, all of whom were girls. They looked excited and nervous.

"Look, Beauxbatons' style seems to be more... radical than we thought?" Hermione said, "Those who were not chosen looked particularly disappointed."

Sean felt that the word "disappointment" might be a bit understated. Several Beauxbatons students who had not been selected were covering their faces and crying.

After choosing Beauxbatons, they came to Nurmengard. Dumbledore grabbed the note and called out the first person's name.

"Morgenth Daniels!"

Sean clapped his hands. This person was considered an acquaintance of his, and his strength was beyond doubt.

The second, "Hugo Barbarossa!"

The fat blond man stood up in surprise, with a piece of melon stuffed in his mouth. He didn't look like a warrior, but a melon-eater.

Amid the roars of laughter from many people, Hugo chewed hard, wiped his mouth, showed a provocative and arrogant smile to the laughing students, and then walked towards the teacher's desk.

"Hugo should be very strong now..." Hermione said as she clapped.

Sean nodded in agreement. There was no doubt about Hugo's strength. He was born with a powerful source of magic power. Sean had a ready-made example around him - Capone.

Moreover, this guy is probably one of the guilty parties [Gluttony]. Those who laugh at him may never imagine how terrifying this fat man is when he is at full power.

Dumbledore called out the last name: "Patricia de Lensal!"

The sexy and hot girl stood up amidst the cheers. She blew a kiss to her companions, and then walked over in a hurry. Her bulging chest was bouncing, which made many boys look at her.

"Why are you looking at me? I wasn't looking just now..." Faced with Hermione's suspicious eyes, Sean said with a guilty conscience.

Just now he just glanced very, very briefly, just a glance.

Next, came the most anticipated part in the auditorium. Many Hogwarts students stared at the Goblet of Fire in front of Dumbledore.

Their three warriors are coming.

The Goblet of Fire turned red again, sparks burst out, tongues of fire shot high into the air, and Dumbledore pulled out the tenth piece of parchment from the tip of the tongues of fire.

"The first Hogwarts Champion," he shouted, "is Cedric Diggory!"

The cheers around the table were deafening. Every Hufflepuff was jumping up and down, screaming and stamping their feet, when Cedric walked past them, smiling broadly, toward the room behind the staff desk.

Sean also clapped with a smile on his face. No matter from every angle, Cedric is a very reliable teammate.

"The second champion of Hogwarts -" Dumbledore grabbed the parchment again, and then a slight surprise appeared on his face.

"Come George Weiss!"

There were exclamations in the auditorium, and George jumped up with a loud laugh. Fred and Lee Jordan hugged him like crazy and rocked him back and forth.

"Oh, George," Hermione was also a little surprised, "But he is really strong, isn't he?"

Sean was also a little surprised, but he immediately cheered and applauded.

The only person who didn't applaud was Stephanie. The silver-haired girl sat at one end of the long Ravenclaw table. Everyone around her stood up and cheered and applauded. Only she showed a regretful expression.

Of the three positions, two have already been taken, so it’s impossible for me to be selected... Stephanie thought with disappointment.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

For the first time, she was eager to participate in a tournament, but the Goblet of Fire didn't seem to acknowledge her enthusiasm.

When George skipped into the room, Dumbledore pulled out the last note.

The students in the auditorium turned their attention to Sean on the Ravenclaw table before the announcement.

The students at Hogwarts have almost assumed that Sean will have a seat. Otherwise, why would Professor Dumbledore deliberately open this back door?

Sean smiled at Hermione and the others and adjusted his collar.

"Fred Weiss is here." Dumbledore's voice echoed throughout the auditorium.

There was an inexplicable silence, and the entire auditorium was stunned for a moment, including Sean himself.

Including Fred.

Fred pointed at himself in surprise: "Me?"

"Yes, Mr. Weiss." Dumbledore showed the note in his hand, which read "Fred Weiss."

After a brief moment of surprise, applause broke out, but many people looked at Sean with surprise and pity.

Sean scratched his head in embarrassment and clapped along with everyone else.

This was indeed a situation that he had not expected. The action of adjusting his collar just now was a little embarrassing...

However, he quickly adjusted his mood and put on a smile again.

If he didn't choose, he didn't choose. He didn't need the Goblet of Fire to prove himself.

Just when everyone, including Dumbledore, thought it was over, the flame in the cup turned fiery red again.

Sparks crackled and flew out. A long tongue of fire suddenly shot into the air and held up another piece of parchment.

"Shaun Wallop."

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