I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 477 Double test and accumulated madness!


The warriors gathered around, Krum from Durmstrang, Fleur from Beauxbatons, Daniels from Nurmengard, Cedric from Hogwarts, and of course, Sean.

These five people are closest to each other and are the default leaders of the five teams.

Everyone's attention was focused on Mr. Bagman's hands, while Sean was quietly observing the facial expressions of the other contestants.

They all seemed to have a lot of doubts and no obvious nervousness...

Hasn’t the first project this time been leaked...

At this time, Mr. Bagman said: "I think you all had a long conversation with the warriors who had participated in the Four Powers? Five years ago, that was really nostalgic -"

"Sir -" Cedric reminded him politely, otherwise Mr. Bagman would start to reminisce about the past.

"Oh, oh, oh, of course, let's get down to business - you know, the first challenge of the last Four Wizard Tournament was to face ten fully grown mountain monsters at the same time - it sounds incredible, right? "He burst out laughing.

Of course, Sean also knew the items of the last competition, ten mountain monsters, which may not sound like much, but in fact, trolls are magical animals that are difficult for adult wizards to deal with because they possess super high magic. Resistance - Mountain trolls are better than ordinary trolls. In the original book, Harry and his team were lucky enough to defeat a troll when they were in first grade.

From this we can also see the difficulty of the semi-finals.

"This year, the first project is also about fighting magical beasts, but -" Mr. Bagman chuckled, "it will be carried out in two stages."

The warriors all looked at each other and their companions, and everyone began to feel nervous.

Mr. Bagman first raised the magic rope in his hand: "The magic rope is specially made by the referee team before the game. This rope is very strong - but it only has a strong effect. All you have to do is to take one and tie it up." The first [boss] standing in front of you."

"One--a chicken-tailed beast."

Even Sean frowned at the name of this magical creature.

The Chickentail is a magical animal with a Ministry of Magic danger rating of xxxx, which is already fatal to ordinary wizards, but can be dealt with by elite wizards - let alone three wizards.

However, this magical animal has a characteristic. It is very prone to irritability, and it is very easy to fall into a state... that Sean himself described as [neurotic].

The requirement of the competition is to tie the chicken with a rope, which is much more difficult than defeating it, because the chicken in a neurotic state will run around - don't forget, this is only the first stage, the organizers will not If a chicken-tailed beast is brought in that is not too difficult to deal with, it must be that this magical animal will have an impact on the second stage, such as delaying time.

Seeing the expressions of the warriors, Mr. Bagman showed a satisfied smile and continued: "When the chicken tailed beast is tied up, you can start the second stage - ha, you have to start from the guards of the two fire dragons. Get the golden eggs from their nests."


Upon hearing this, everyone present took a breath, including Sean.

Fire dragons are a frequent visitor to competitions, and the warriors present are also prepared to face fire dragons. However, two fire dragons are a bit scary...

This is much more powerful than a single fire dragon. If those two fire dragons are still husband and wife...

More importantly, the chicken-bodied snake-tailed beast in the previous level...

Someone asked Sean's doubts, and Fleur took a step forward: "Sir, are those two fire dragons placed in the same venue as the chicken-tailed beast?"

"Yes, you are really sharp, Miss Fleur." Mr. Bagman replied happily.

The warriors fell silent for a moment.

Once the chicken-tailed beast cannot be dealt with quickly, this [neurotic] ​​magical animal will run wild throughout the venue. By then, they may have to face the attack of the fire dragon in advance!

Moreover, the scurrying chicken-tailed beasts would probably directly crush the golden eggs they wanted to bring back - the golden eggs were obviously not the children of the fire dragons, and the fire dragons would not pay attention to protecting the treasures under their feet when roaring their filial piety.

Although the number of people has increased, the difficulty has actually increased so much... Sean thought silently.

"Okay, okay, let's extract it?" Mr. Bagman raised the rope in his hand.

Krum, Fleur, Daniels, Cedric and Sean all looked at each other and then all held out their hands.

"I am number one -" Cedric raised the magic rope in his hand.

"Oh, no -" the Weasley brothers wailed exaggeratedly. Although there was an element of acting, the frustration in their hearts could also be seen.

The pressure to be the first to play in this kind of game will be very high.

Others also raised the ropes in their hands. Beauxbatons is No. 2, Durmstrang is No. 3, Nurmengaard is No. 4, and Sean holds the No. 5 rope in his hand.

"Are we the last..." Xiao Baihua grabbed Sean's hand and asked nervously.

"Correct answer, Miss Potter," Mr. Bagman said, "The numbers on the rope are the order in which you will appear. Then, come on, draw your... fire dragon."

The fiery dragon's fiery words caused a freeze for the first time. After taking several deep breaths, the warriors gathered around him.

"Swedish Brachysaurus, Mr. Diggory—a good choice."

"Australian Opaleye, Miss Delacour - this dragon is as beautiful as you."

"Oh, oh, fireball dragon, Mr. Krum - I have to say, it fits Durmstrang's fiery appearance very well."

"Oh ho ho, my God, this is an opponent that is not easy to mess with, the warriors of Nurmengard - the Hungarian Tree Peak Dragon!"

Sean also looked down at the fire dragon model in his hand, which was only the size of his palm. At this moment, it was looking at him with confused eyes.

It has black, rough scales, and a row of ridges on its back that are not deep but as sharp as razors. The tip of its tail is a thin arrowhead, and its wings are like bats.

"Look at our team of young warriors, wow, the Hebridean Black Dragon -" Mr. Bagman sighed in surprise, "aggressive guys - I have a little news for you, Mr. Wallop , Potter and Miss Ollivander."

Sean looked up and saw an excited smile on Mr. Bagman's face: "Because of the dragon species, the two fire dragons in the other four groups are all adult fire dragons. They each have their own territory and cannot coexist. So the judges enchanted them so that the two big ones wouldn't fight each other - only the Hebridean black dragon. I heard you did well in Care of Magical Creatures, Mr. Wallup?"

Sean glanced at his mouth, thinking that he was lucky if he didn't choose the Hungarian Tree Peak, but with two fire dragons, their Hebridean Islands Black Dragon was the worst choice.

Not only to answer Bagman's question, but also to explain to Daisy and the others: "The black dragons of the Hebridean Islands are naturally aggressive, so each one needs a territory of more than one hundred square miles, but this kind of black dragon has been responsible for generations of the McFasty clan. Take care of them, they think you can use magic to defeat the fire dragon, but you cannot affect the mind of the fire dragon, which is a kind of blasphemy against the aggressive heart of this powerful magical animal."

"So, so what?" Fred on the side asked doubtfully.

"So, the two black dragons sent by the McFasty clan must be male fire dragons and female fire dragons that can live in harmony - and even if these fire dragons are of the opposite sex, they can only live in harmony in two periods -" Sean held up two fingers and said, "Estrus and breeding period."

He spread his hands and said, "The current weather is not suitable for hatching. In short, these two Hebridean Islands black dragons are probably preparing for pregnancy - well, a period when they are the most violent and protective of their partners."

"Hiss—" Others took a breath of air.

Not only Cedric and the others, but even Fleur also looked at her with sympathy and concern - Durmstrang's Reinhard Nott gloated, and after being glared at by Krum , instead he gestured provocatively to Sean's neck.

"Idiot..." Sean shook his head silently.

He looked at Daisy, who was already showing signs of hiccups, and Stephanie, whose face was also serious, and smiled easily.

"God's Coming"

"It's a pity that we are the last ones, otherwise we would have got off work early and gone back to rest."

Such an arrogant tone... Others looked at Sean in surprise. According to this fifth-grade student, the chicken-tailed beast and the violent fire dragon seemed to be just pets kept at home.

Hugo and Patricia were not surprised at all. In their minds, Sean was a wizard who could talk to fire dragons - it should also be effective against the violent fire dragon couple, right?

Cedric and the others naturally knew that Sean could talk to the fire dragon, but they were still worried. After all, magical animals were just animals, and their reproductive instincts might suppress their little wisdom.

"Alright, Hogwarts' first team, it's time for you to set off -"

As if in response to Mr. Bagman's words, two earth-shattering roars immediately came from outside the tent.

Sean patted Fred's shoulder lightly and whispered: "The Swedish Brachysaurus's flight speed and flame temperature are the most dangerous places, but its eyes are more protected than other fire dragons. Don't use the eye disease spell." , try hypnosis first, and when it comes to fighting, aim at the barbs on the Swedish Brachyrhinosaurus' nose, that's its weakness."

"Hey, Mr. Weiss, it's time for you to go." Mr. Bagman opened a corner of the tent and shouted from there.

Blinking at the surprised Fred, Sean smiled slightly.

Competition is true, but in Sean's heart, the safety of his friends is more important.


Is the fire dragon a threat to me?

Cedric and the twins walked out, and soon, strange neighing sounds came from outside. It was the sound of a chicken-tailed beast, accompanied by waves of exclamations from the audience.

In the tent, Sean followed the same example and told Hugo and Patricia about the weaknesses of the Hungarian Tree Peak Dragon. However, he was not very worried about the Nurmengard team.

Judging from the experience of so many competitions, the strength of Nurmengard students is often better than that of other schools.

Seeing Sean talking to acquaintances about the points to pay attention to so easily, Daisy and Stephanie looked at each other.

"Sean, you're really not nervous at all... Stephanie, what about you?"

The silver-haired girl shook her head: "I will be nervous, Sean... he is really confident."

"He is somewhere we can't see, and his growth rate may exceed our imagination." The silver-haired girl smiled, "We believe he is."

Daisy nodded vigorously: "I always believe in him!"

The warriors in the tent (except Sean) were all waiting anxiously. Even the seemingly invincible Reinhard Knott discussed countermeasures with his teammates.

Mr. Bagman's commentary kept coming from outside.

"Oh, oh, so dangerous! What a risky decision, they want to save more time!"

"The curse is too great - the fire dragon was also alarmed!"

"Oh, this treatment is so beautiful!"

After a while, the roar of the chicken-tailed beast subsided, replaced by a more violent dragon roar.

"Look, it's a beautiful charm!"

"But, two fire dragons are coming together to surround us. What a dangerous situation!"

The audience's exclamations, Bagman's commentary, and the deafening roar of the dragon were all mixed together.

"Oh my god, what a beautiful curse!" After a shout, a huge cheer sounded outside.

It looked like Cedric and the others had successfully completed the race.

Sure enough, after a while, someone came to notify the Beauxbatons warriors to start preparing to play.

The same noise, and after a longer time than Hogwarts, the cheers also sounded.

"Durmstrang warriors, prepare to appear!"

There were only three people from Nurmengard and Sean left in the tent - Sean was tasting some of the food Hugo had brought.

"Wow, that's amazing - the juice of the Screaming Fruit is mixed in? But it's neutralized so well." Sean praised while chewing.

Hugo looked at Sean with a sigh: "President, someone who loves food like me can only eat one portion, and you actually ate two portions!"

Sean licked his fingers and said with a smile: "I still like to taste delicious food."

What a big heart... Everyone present had such an idea at the same time.

Not long after, Nurmengard's team also came on stage.

Amidst various sounds, the tent was suddenly opened, and Hermione left and returned.

She whispered anxiously: "Listen, guys, Fred asked me to inform you - there is only one Chickentail, and it has never been replaced!"

"Ah?" Daisy was a little confused, "Then aren't we just taking advantage?"

"No," Sean said calmly, "The neurosis of a creature like a chickentail will continue to accumulate, and the desire of this creature to attack will only continue to increase in failure - well, judging by the sound, the previous few Add up the time it takes for each team to deal with the Chickentail, and wow, we will be facing a magical animal that has completely lost its mind."

Hermione nodded anxiously: "Yes, your affinity..."

Sean's affinity is also effective against irrational creatures, but those negative emotions will be borne by Sean, and the cocktailed beast has accumulated a lot of madness...

Under the worried eyes of others, Sean stood up and stretched.

"I had no intention of having a heart-to-heart talk with that little cutie - um, it's almost our time? Finish early and get off work early -"

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