I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 530 Let’s see which unlucky guy it is


The owner of the hand that touched Capone's shoulder smiled in the sunlight coming from the tower.

"It seems that Mr. Roman has already settled everything?" Sean said with a smile.

If Madam Pomfrey saw Capone's current expression, she would probably call him a liar.

In the infirmary, the boy whose face was still filled with pain and a hint of gloom had a shy smile on his face. He was even a little shy.

"There is no... sir." Capone scratched his head in embarrassment.

Wallop patted him on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Smart and bold plan. You did a great job, Capone."

After being praised by his idol, Capone was even a little overwhelmed. He grabbed his sleeves excitedly and suddenly felt that everything he had done recently was worth it.

Sean put his arm around the other person's shoulders and walked down. As he walked, he touched the place where Madam Pomfrey had just applied the medicine to him.

Capone hissed.

Sean's eyes showed a little surprise: "Good boy, are you serious?"

Capone scratched his head in embarrassment: "I asked Melanie to cast a spell on me... I'm so sorry, Mr. Wallop, I haven't mastered the illusion spell you taught me yet, and it can only cover a very small area. "

Sean shook his head with a wry smile. It was already a great talent for a first-year student to be able to use the Illusion Curse, but this kid was really cruel to him - in order to wait for the other party to take the bait, he had to be prepared early, that is to say , Capone was tortured by the stinging curse for at least several hours.

For some reason, Sean felt sorry for this kid.

He waved his wand, and a soft light fell on Capone's face. The latter was surprised to find that his face, which was still stinging even after applying medicine, suddenly felt better.

"A little healing spell." Sean winked at him.

Capone nodded gratefully, and then asked sheepishly: "Sir, is it not good for me to do this?"

Sean almost squirted out a mouthful of water. He looked at the other side in a funny way: "Ask me now? You dare to even involve Professor Rozier in this conspiracy."

Sean didn't ask much about Capone's plan. He believed that the other party could do a good job, but what he didn't expect was that the other party's performance was even better than he imagined, and he was more bold.

Sean, who received Professor McGonagall, knew Capone's plan after thinking about it for a while, but this was based on his knowing the whole thing very well. If other people looked at this plan, they would just shake their heads in admiration.

This kid has enough patience and keen observation.

Thinking of this, Sean asked with great interest: "How did you think that Professor Rozier, uh, admires Mr. Grindelwald very much?"

Capone laughed sarcastically: "During the Yule Ball, I was standing on the outer edge. At that time, Mr. Grindelwald went to dance with Professor Dumbledore. Professor Rosier's eyes were a bit resentful... and, I was there I have met Professor Rosier many times in the castle. She basically has no expression on other students, but she will give me a smile."

"She and I didn't know each other before, and my father would never know such a big shot - I knew at that time that she smiled at me because of your face."

"My original plan was for Mr. Rice to be caught on the spot by Professor McGonagall and Professor Rozier. I believe they would favor me. However, Mr. Rice spoke freely, so I took advantage of the situation and pushed him away. Bundle."

Capone didn't say a word, not only from his observations at these specific times and places, but also at other times, as long as Professor Rozier and Mr. Grindelwald were present at the same time, the former's look...

He knew too well that only when you admire a person to the extreme will you have such a look in your eyes, just like you admire Mr. Wallop.

Therefore, Capone knew that if someone dared to make disrespectful remarks about Mr. Grindelwald in front of Professor Rosier, Professor Rosier would not let it go - just like, if someone disrespected Mr. Wallop in front of him Same.

After listening to his little apprentice's words, Sean nodded appreciatively: "Keeping observation, very good."

Capone clenched his fists excitedly and shyly, and then he asked with some confusion: "Sir, I don't understand something."


"After meeting Mr. Grindelwald at Hogwarts Castle, I knew that the man I met at old Mrs. Bagshot's house was him - but the Mr. Grindelwald I saw there was better than the one I see now. Much younger?"

Sean blinked: "For such a great wizard, it is really easy to change his appearance and body shape."

"That's it." Capone suddenly realized.

Sean clapped his hands: "You did a good job this time, but I am also a little confused - why did you make friends with such people? Of course, on the one hand, it is to get the news in the castle, so that you can appear in the castle more 'coincidently' The right location is, on the one hand, to create your own social image, but for you, it also takes a little too long.”

Capone rubbed his head in embarrassment: "I can't hide anything from you, sir - just like you said, when I have enough popularity, I can quickly learn about various situations in the castle - actually Mr. Si entered the castle a little earlier than I expected. My friend Reynold Nixon is an owl enthusiast. He helped me calculate the approximate time for the little Sis owl to deliver the message, but what I didn't expect was that the owl flew faster than Faster than expected.”

"Fortunately, I have a trustworthy friend who helped me delay at the gate of the castle, and also helped me reveal the information that Professor McGonagall was next to the library, so I could arrive in time and meet him at that time. Mr. Cress - in fact, the painting in the Ravenclaw common room helped me."

"As for what you said about me taking longer to lay out the plan, on the one hand I want to be more secure, and on the other hand, during my interactions with others, I realized that the knowledge you taught me cannot be achieved overnight. So, I What I want to do is communicate with more people while laying out plans.”

"I'm going to observe them, and I'm going to practice my eloquence. In this way, I will not only be able to better digest what you taught me, but I will also be able to gain more friends and help - in this way, if I meet the second The second, third Mr. Rais, or even someone more powerful than Mr. Rais, I can respond in time, even if my strength is not strong enough at the time."

Looking at Capone, who was carefully explaining all his motivations and goals, the smile on Sean's face became even bigger: "So, you were going for Mr. Lys from the beginning?"

Capone showed a puzzled expression: "Didn't you say this was a small test for me?"

Sean laughed out loud: "Of course, what I want to say is, you did a good job."

"Thank you, sir!" Capone said excitedly.

Sean shook his head secretly. The original test he left was for Capone to deal with that little Lace, but he didn't expect that he would even plot against the other person's own father.

Moreover, Mr. Rice was also a foul-mouthed man. He insisted on scolding Capone, and he seized the opportunity to lay a sharper hook.

Tsk, Professor Rosier is much crueler than Professor McGonagall...

Before dinner, Sean met Vita Rozier at the corner. The principal of Nurmengard was wearing a cloak and didn't look like he was going to dine.

"Professor, good evening." Sean greeted politely.

However, Rozier nodded, then handed over a thick stack of parchment, and whispered: "He asked me to give it to you."

Sean suddenly realized that what he had written to Grindelwald for had arrived.

I opened the parchment and took a look. On it were familiar cursive characters: topographic map of Durmstrang Castle and a list of secret locations.

With this, their plan to infiltrate Durmstrang will be more convenient.

Sean blinked excitedly: "Thank you, professor."

"You're welcome, I was just running an errand." After saying that, Professor Rosier straightened his cloak and walked towards the door.

"Professor, do you have anything else to do at this late hour?" Sean asked.

Professor Rosier just waved his hand: "I told Professor McGonagall that I had to go back to Nurmengard to deal with some things - of course, some people need to be punished."

"I know, have a nice trip."

I don’t know which unlucky guy it is...


The next morning, Sean and his group were having breakfast. Although the Ministry of Magic had long lost its credibility and various well-known media were also controlled by the Ministry of Magic, Hermione still maintained the habit of reading the Daily Prophet.

She took a sip of pumpkin juice, then pushed the newspaper a little closer: "Sean, do you know this person?"

When Sean heard this, he looked over and saw a piece of news published on a small page.

"Mr. Race, director of the Office for the Investigation and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defense Spells and Protective Equipment, a department under the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, broke into Hogwarts Castle without any reason yesterday and acted irrationally while escorting him back to the Ministry of Magic. , Mr. Rice seemed to have completely lost consciousness. He attacked the escort and then unfortunately fell from the broomstick. He is expected to spend more than half a year in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Magical Injuries. This incident will be further investigated. investigation……"

Sean: "..."

He knew which unlucky guy Professor Rosier went to punish yesterday...

"Sean?" Hermione asked confused.

Sean shook his head: "I don't know."


The learning life at Hogwarts is still going on. Although there are undercurrents, at least there is nothing unusual on the surface.

As the final game of the Goblet of Fire draws closer, the weather is gradually getting hotter.

However, Sean couldn't find a time to go outside and play with his friends. To be precise, the fifth graders didn't have the time to do so.

Although a year has been skipped, the procedures that need to be followed still need to be carried out. What they need to face is not the final exam of previous years, but the O.W.L, which is the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination.

The compulsory subjects for this exam include Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Charms, Astronomy and Herbology.

Of course, subjects chosen independently in third grade will also be included in the exam.

Even now that the credibility of the Ministry of Magic has dropped significantly, the ordinary wizard level examination has not been cancelled. For most ordinary wizards, it is still necessary to have this certificate.

The same is true for people like Sean Hermione who have taken a lot of elective subjects.

Only by passing the exam can you continue to study subjects in the sixth grade - most wizards will give up certain subjects in the sixth grade, such as potions and transfiguration. Of course, if you fail too many subjects, you may You have to take a make-up exam to continue school.

For Sean, on the one hand, he has to prepare for the Goblet of Fire, and on the other hand, he has to prepare for the plan against Durmstrang after the game. The Golden Dawn member gathering has to be held once a week, and now O.W.L has been added. Even he has some Too busy.

At first, because there was no precedent for fifth-year students to participate in the Goblet of Fire, Professor McGonagall and others were willing to guarantee that Sean would not need to take this exam. However, Sean finally decided to take the test himself.

Now he regretted it for once.

However, now that the decision has been made, of course it still needs to be reviewed carefully.

Asking Sean to go to Professor McGonagall now and tell him that he didn't want to take the exam, he couldn't bear to face it - this was probably some kind of trouble for the teenager.

"Sean, here -" In the library, Hermione handed over a thick notebook.

"What is this?" Sean took it.

Hermione put her hands on her hips and said, "Of course it's all the knowledge points and required questions on the History of Magic. You haven't read any History of Magic since you reviewed it."

Sean made a sad face: "No, Hermione... I'm going to give up History of Magic when I'm in sixth grade."

"But you can't hand in a blank paper. Besides, I won't allow my best friend to get excellent grades in other subjects, but only get a troll in History of Magic -" Hermione raised her neck and couldn't use it. He said in a tone of rejection.

Daisy, who was not under so much pressure to review, was eating marshmallows at the side. She licked the icing sugar on the corner of her mouth and nodded in agreement: "Yes, if this spreads, wouldn't it mean that Miss Granger, the super academic? I can’t even provide my friends’ review notes.”

"Shut up, don't think that I won't care about you if you don't have to take the ordinary wizard level exam. If you don't get first place in this fourth-year exam, you won't have a good life in the future." Hermione glared at the little white flower. One glance.

"But...the professors said I don't need to take the exam and concentrate on preparing for the Goblet of Fire..." Daisy said pitifully with a grimace.

"Then, you won't participate? If you don't participate, how can you prove your learning achievements this semester? If you don't participate, how can you..."

Looking at Hermione who was speaking at length, Sean and Daisy looked at each other and nodded in unison.

At this time, don't get in trouble with Hermione...

In the evening, when they walked out of the library, many students were rushing to the playground.

Sean grabbed a familiar student and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sean? You are the real owner. Come and see, I heard they are starting to build the venue for the last Goblet of Fire competition."

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