
Wednesday morning's astronomy theory went relatively smoothly, and Sean thought he had written the names of all the moons correctly, but he heard Goyle and Crabbe wondering if there were rats living on one of Jupiter's moons.

The practical test on astronomy cannot be held until the evening, so in the afternoon I will take divination which does not require a theoretical test.

There was nothing that Sean could do about this class. He was usually in a groggy state during class, and what could be seen in the tea leaves were mostly messy tea foam and half-drunk brown tea.

What kind of omen, warning, or notice, Sean has never seen it once in the past few years of taking divination as an elective.

Professor Marchbain, the old lady who once talked to Dumbledore, is the examiner responsible for invigilating Sean's exam this time. She seems to have high expectations for Sean - probably because he has performed well in previous exams. .

"Okay, kid, it's observation time -" Professor Marchban turned the empty hourglass upside down, "Tell me what omens you saw in the crystal ball."

The professor, who was very knowledgeable in divination, seemed to be looking forward to Sean's interpretation, with great interest on his face.

Sean thought for a while before speaking slowly: "I seemed to see two connected circles of light, and a raging fire..."

The function of crystal ball divination is to see the future or the distant past. The course teaches that before starting, stand in the middle of the crystal ball and gaze at the ball, but not at it. Try not to blink. When gazing, breathe slowly and deeply, and gaze relaxedly.

Then, you will have a sense of infinite time, enjoying this calm and simple gaze, do this for at least fifteen minutes.

However, Sean felt that he could not calmly and simply stare at the crystal ball...

Both the course and Professor Trelawney mentioned that you may be able to see it on the first try, or it may take several times, depending on you. Here’s a little note: when gazing please “think carefully and see what you wish for.”

What Sean was thinking about before he started was what would appear on tonight's dishes - which may sound trivial, but if he could successfully decipher it, it would prove to be a successful, albeit comical, divination.

However, after staring at the unlucky crystal ball for so long, Sean only felt that his eyes were sore. He felt that the aperture was just a visual hallucination after the dazzling eyes. The fire may be because the fireplace was burning too brightly - burning the fireplace on a hot day, this This is also a big reason why Sean doesn't like divination.

While recording Sean's observations, Professor Marchban asked quickly: "You want to know the dishes in the auditorium tonight, what do you think the aperture and the fire indicate?"

"Um..." Sean thought hard for a while and then tried to say, "A large fire-grilled steak, does it take two plates to fit it?"

Professor Marchban raised his head and looked at him in surprise: "Are you sure? Mr. Wallop."

I'm not sure... Sean nodded bravely.

Professor Marchban looked a little disappointed. She recorded Sean's interpretation and said in a regretful tone: "The two intersecting apertures in the crystal ball often represent the proximity of the future and the past, while the flame symbolizes a disaster. , at the same time, you also need to consider which side the flame is targeting, the future or the past. Mr. Wallop, you still need to strengthen your training."

Sean was dumbfounded after hearing what Professor Marchban said. Wasn't he the predicted dish for tonight? Why is there a past and a future, and even disasters have come out...

Professor Marchban seemed to see through his thoughts. The old lady pushed up her glasses: "Crystal ball divination is to observe the overall trend from the big picture, and then find the picture you need from the details. You will I feel that the picture I saw is too rich and layered, but the crystal ball will not show you a piece of steak directly and clearly."

"Okay, Professor..."

When interpreting the tea leaves, Sean felt that he was completely dizzy. He could not see any warning in the cup of tea that Professor Marchban drank. In the end, he could only rely on the humanoid representation that could barely be explained: March Professor Ben will meet a robed wizard next week who will save her life - maybe?

In the final palmistry, Sean failed to understand the difference between the wisdom line and the life line. He told Professor Marchban that her life was coming to an end...

After saying this, Sean regretted it. He should have made up a better lie.

Professor Marchban recorded all of Sean's performance without expression, and then politely asked him out.

When he walked out of the room, he also met Harry and Ron, who were sighing. Ron told them that he told the examiner in detail that what he saw in the crystal ball was an ugly guy with a tumor on his nose. When he looked up, he found that he was depicting the shadow of the examiner in the crystal ball. .

"Forget it, just go over there." Sean comforted the two of them, and told them the news that he had seen Professor Marchban dying soon. Harry and Ron felt a lot better all of a sudden.

Anyway, the brothers didn’t go there aiming to pass...

"We shouldn't be taking this boring lesson in the first place," Harry said.

"Fortunately, it's not too late to give up now." Ron agreed.

"Yeah," said Harry, "let's stop pretending we care about what happens when Jupiter and Uranus get too close."

"From now on, I don't care if my tea leaves spell death, guys, death - I'm going to throw them in the trash, that's where they belong," Sean continued. Concluding remarks.

The brothers smiled at each other and immediately forgot about the miserable divination exam.

It'll be nice not to have to see Professor Trelawney next school year.

During dinner, Sean was surprised to find that he actually saw a piece of fire-grilled steak, which was served on two plates put together.

He excitedly showed it off to Hermione and Daisy: "I'm just going to say that my divination is correct?! Oh my god, it's a rare success for me - but the professor said that I didn't see the real omen! Incredible!"

Hermione, who had done well in arithmetic and divination, cut a piece of steak and put it on his plate: "Although I think divination is useless, I have to tell you that the dizzy Mr. Wallop - Hagrid learned from Diagon Alley bought a batch of yaks that were scared to death by snow monsters, and we have been eating yak grilled steaks for a whole week."

Daisy also forked a piece of steak into her mouth: "It's not very chewy...Fortunately, I didn't choose divination, otherwise I would have gone through all this."

Sean then cut his food dejectedly: "Hey, I just want to give myself a little confidence."

"But you won't continue taking divination classes next semester."

"Ah, that's right." Sean enjoyed his dinner happily, without any hesitation at all.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, they came to the top of the astronomical tower. With good luck, it was an ideal night for observing celestial bodies, with no clouds and no wind.

The venue was bathed in silver moonlight, and there was a slight chill in the air. Everyone set up their own telescopes, and when Professor Marchban spoke, they began to fill in the blank star charts sent to them.

Professors Marchibane and Tofoday walked among them, watching as they filled in the precise positions of the stars and planets they had observed. It was quiet everywhere except for the scraping of parchment, the occasional creak of the telescope being adjusted on the stand, and the rustling of many quills writing. Half an hour passed, and an hour passed. The lights in the castle windows were extinguished one after another, and the square of orange light reflected on the field gradually disappeared.

Sean, who had just filled out the Orion Astrology Chart, stood up straight and stretched. The telescope stand he was assigned was not very flexible and could not be adjusted to better suit his height. His back was a little sore after such a long time. .

I looked at my watch and saw that it was already past twelve o'clock and it was the next day. In another hour, the astronomy exam would be over.

Looking at the sky, the night was particularly good today. The bright full moon hung in the sky, and the stars were dotted on the black velvet-like curtain, giving people a distant feeling in the future.

Sean lowered his head, put his eyes on the telescope again, and adjusted the focus. When twelve o'clock came, he would start observing the moon this time.

"Huh?" He made a low voice of doubt.

The telescope did not show the moon, it was empty.

Sean raised his head and took a look in confusion. Yes, the moon was not obscured by clouds. Was it an operation error?

He put his eyes up again, and then adjusted the focus little by little.

However, after adjusting for several minutes, the damn moon still did not appear in his field of vision.

Sean put his eyes closer to the ground. Just when he was about to raise his hand to indicate that there was something wrong with his telescope, the corner of a sphere appeared in his field of vision.

"There's something wrong with this damn telescope..."

Sean muttered and adjusted the telescope.

Finally, the full moon appeared in Sean's field of vision, and he immediately noticed something was wrong.

Why...why does the moon look so big?

He had taken astronomy classes for so many years and had observed the moon many times, but he had never seen anything like this.

Sean always felt like he had seen this scene before.

Yes, I...have seen this scene somewhere...where...where...

He was groggy, and his consciousness seemed to be floating up and down. The people around him didn't notice anything unusual about him, and were still observing the bright full moon in the sky.

Sean fell into a strange state. He only felt that he had lost consciousness, but he maintained consciousness, and the vision in his eyes became clearer and expanded.

"Where...is this..." Sean muttered to himself.

These words were like a switch, and the space around Sean shook instantly, and various illusory and suspended wonders kept flashing.

Sean finally regained consciousness and realized that he had entered a strange state.

However, there is no way to escape from this state, and there is a figure in the dark telling me that there is no harm in this state...

Sean looked around in surprise, and then saw the figure of a model lake in the wonder floating in mid-air.

"Who are you?" Sean wanted to ask, but was surprised to find that his voice didn't come out, as if it melted into the air.

Can't speak? No, it’s because sound can’t be transmitted...

Sean lowered his head abruptly, his eyes full of shock. He was floating directly above a crater, surrounded by craters of different sizes.

This is...the moon? !

Why did I come to the moon...

Immediately, Sean realized again that this was not his body, but his soul.

His soul floated above the moon? !

Sean looked at all this in shock, and he turned his attention to the wonders floating in the air.

There seem to be many illusory shadows floating on the sacred lakes, islands, forests and mountains. Some of these places are magnificent like heaven, but some are gloomy and depressing like hell.

On the top of the highest mountain, there is a big tree. Next to the big tree is a temple that is not that big. Standing at the door is a figure who seems to be telling Sean that there is no danger here.

This place... Sean's penis suddenly started shaking like an earthquake.

This is... a trance? !

The moment Sean's idea appeared, the surface of the moon immediately shook. Those craters disappeared and were replaced by a sea of ​​fire. No, the entire moon had turned into a sphere completely wrapped in magma.

Those illusory wonders floating in the air are constantly collapsing, and the creatures living on them are screaming and shouting.

Then, everything gradually calmed down, leaving only the magma surging continuously.

Sean looked around in shock. Only the mountain, the big tree, the temple and the figure had not disappeared.

"Did you bring me here?" Sean tried to ask.

Although no sound came out, he believed that the other party could receive his thoughts.

Sure enough, the hazy shadow nodded.

"Is this a trance? Did you show me what it looked like when the trance collapsed?" Sean asked anxiously.

The shadow nodded and shook his head, not knowing what he meant.

Sean was about to ask more, but suddenly, it was as if the gravity of the earth under his feet suddenly returned, and his whole body began to fall violently downwards.

Over the lava, over the clouds, over the night and the fire.

A soft female voice sounded in his mind, intermittently.

"You, you...came again...to save...to save them...snake...snake...you...keep it to yourself...good luck...accumulate...accumulate..."

"What?!" Sean shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Save...good luck..."

Sean's consciousness suddenly fell into darkness.

"Professor...what should I do?" On the observatory, the students looked at the sky in panic.

In the night, a fiery red full moon hung high in the center.

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