I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 558 Resurrection, Coins and Memory


"I can't wait..." Voldemort sighed in a hoarse and dry voice.

The ropes conjured by magic tightly tied Sean's hands, and his wand was rudely taken away by a returnee. Moreover, the man cast a weakening spell and was still worried, and gave it to Xiao under the watch of Voldemort. En cast several binding spells.

Even the most powerful wizard is unable to make an effective counterattack in a short time after being hit by so many spells without resistance.

Sean just struggled slightly, making himself appear more helpless and indignant. After the spell hit him, he suddenly felt that his limbs were weak, and only the frequency of his heartbeat increased.

Moreover, this rope is very strange, almost completely suppressing the flow of Sean's magic power. There seems to be some kind of rune magic circle on the rope that can limit magic power. He can "smell" a little bit of ancient writing.

Fortunately, he secretly hid the fragments before he was about to do this, otherwise, when his sore fist loosened, the fragments would fall, and Voldemort might notice something was wrong.

In addition, these magic limitations, including the strange rope, were within Sean's expectation, and he still retained countermeasures.

"Give him a better position, ha, he deserves it."

Voldemort ordered him to go down, and the returnee lifted up the weak Sean, and then roughly fixed him in front of a dilapidated statue.

The stone statue came to life. Most of the collapsed body locked Sean tightly, and the mottled stone blade was placed on his neck.

Sure enough, the first thing Voldemort had to do was the resurrection ceremony.

Sean's face showed anger, humiliation, struggle, and despair... However, beneath this appearance, his brain was running rapidly.

Resurrecting Voldemort and regaining his strength should be another scene that I want to see - otherwise, it would not be enough to disrupt the situation, and I should not get the fragment in this situation.

However, this requires further confirmation...

The only thing I'm worried about is whether the resurrected Voldemort will disrupt the situation too much... The memory conveyed by that fragment did not mention Voldemort, only the returnees. Of course, Voldemort now belongs to the returnees. member.

I have to let Voldemort help me "divide", and I must prevent him from getting the correct direction of divination...

In this case, I need a new memory to hide it from myself and Voldemort... leave a "switch" so that I can wake up in time, but this "switch" must be able to guess that Voldemort saw the forgery I made. What words will be said after the thought, and it cannot be other words that cause me to wake up early and be discovered by Voldemort, nor can it be words that Voldemort said with a small probability, so that my forged memories will deceive myself and lead to bigger problems...

Then this "button" must also be placed in it, and I need to actively guide Voldemort.

What does Voldemort care about most, and how can it be connected to Grindelwald and Godric's Hollow...

By the way, he must have heard of that, and with his personality, he would definitely guess it and make associations...

Having found a way, Sean calmly began to weave fake memories.

Fortunately, I made preparations. In order to prevent various accidents, I left a blank memory in advance... I have to thank Mr. Lockhart from hundreds of years ago, otherwise I wouldn't be so skilled in memory spells.

However, the Returner's spell has a lot of restrictions on me, and the wandless and silent casting also affects a lot... I need more time...

Where no one sees it, Sean's magic power is turning into silver threads one after another. Those threads penetrate into his mind, weaving fictitious memories and thoughts on the blank scroll left in advance. .

Need to delay for a while...

Sean's multitasking skills have always been good. He maintained a stable and small amount of magic output, gritted his teeth and looked at Voldemort: "What on earth do you want to do?! You can't kill me, and you can't kill Grindelwald! "

Voldemort seemed to be winning, and he was still being held in his swaddling clothes and letting out a harsh laugh.

"Wallup, you shouldn't know what I want to do, right?"

Sean choked when he heard this. He took a deep breath and tried to make his expression calmer.

"Ha, after all, you are still a poor 'child' -" Voldemort sighed, "Wallup, compared to Grindelwald, you are still too immature... However, this is something I can rest assured to chat with you. The reason is that your thoughts are too easy to guess compared to those old immortals."

"However, there is an old immortal who will lose his life forever tonight-" He and the returnee both laughed.

Sean said unwillingly: "No, you have no choice. If you could cause time fluctuations, you could directly kill Grindelwald, but you didn't do that..."

Voldemort interrupted Sean's words. He seemed to have the leisure to play some hunter-prey dialogue with Sean, which gave him the pleasure of solving the mystery.

"No, no, no, Wallop, I said, you are too immature... I can use you to do more things, but of course I can't use my trump card so quickly - look, aren't you being honest? Have you actually stayed here?”

"Ha, don't you understand? When we spend a pleasant time together here, other guests will visit your dear teacher - Tsk, without you, your teacher will also die painfully In time..."

Voldemort became more and more excited as he talked, as if he had seen the unwilling and desperate empty eyes of the old man who frightened him.

"Of course, if Grindelwald is lucky enough not to die, then the magic flame you left behind will come in handy - you don't think that I will really let Grindelwald live if you just surrender, right?"

"You!" Sean's eyes were splitting as he struggled desperately.

Voldemort smiled even more happily: "You are still too young. How can you raise your hands so easily when you are not sure about all this? No need to try to struggle, those spells are enough to bind you for a whole day, I know You must have mastered a lot of silent and wandless spells, so I asked someone to limit your magic output - by the way, that rope once tied up your teacher. If you are good enough, you can probably release a Luminous spell? Haha, lights up for tonight’s party, that’s cool.”

"You bastard! Son of a bitch!" Sean yelled.

"It sounds so beautiful! It sounds so beautiful!" Voldemort has always believed that the ugliness of the prey when it is struggling is far more pleasant than the moment of victory. Seeing Sean's appearance, he was not even angry at all, he only felt extremely happy.

Of course, there will be tighter confinement and more cruel torture waiting for this kid afterwards.

"You are anxious, Wallop - but also, what can the poor child do? This is a dead end. You can only step into this trap helplessly and desperately, and then cry bitterly after seeing the fog clearly. Tears - 'Oh, I'm such a useless thing'"

Voldemort humiliated Sean to his heart's content, and Sean also cooperated, making his eyes red and his body shaking slightly - this was just enough to cover up the subtle magic fluctuations he emitted due to weaving the spell.

"Oh? Still trying-" Voldemort laughed, "Then try hard! I like the way you look now."

As he spoke, he motioned to his men to move the things over.

There was a sound of friction, and a stone crucible was pushed to the edge of the tomb, in front of Sean.

The crucible is much larger than an ordinary crucible, enough to hold a person.

The unknown liquid was thrown into the crucible, and the bottom of the pot lit up with magical flames, giving everyone's faces a green sheen.

The liquid inside boiled rapidly.

Not enough time if this goes on...

Sean struggled again, but just when he was about to continue tempting Voldemort to say a few more words, the other party took the initiative to speak again.

"Oh, Wallop - I have a question that I need you to answer for me. How did you find this place?" Voldemort's voice turned cold.

Sean was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Voldemort had discovered that he had exchanged the bones of old Tom Riddle.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Sean looked a little at a loss.

"How disgusting -" Voldemort said in disgust, "Although that is the person I hate, my father's bones are not something someone like you can touch."

Sean was completely panicked: "You..."

Voldemort smiled coldly: "Ha, you surrendered so quickly. On the one hand, it's because of Grindelwald, and on the other hand, you just thought that I was stepping into the trap you had prepared long ago?"

I didn't consider this, I just wanted to take the bait...

Sean's throat twitched, and then his eyes completely fell into despair.

"You, you know..."

"Of course I know that my father's bones are one of the most important materials for me in the future. How could I not leave any arrangements behind? However, you are very smart to have thought of this... It is a pity that the prey is only smart for Struggle just adds a little more color.”

Someone who had returned waved his magic wand, and the grave belonging to old Tom Riddle was opened, and the bones inside slowly floated out.

"Oh, the model you bought in Diagon Alley? The bones of the snow monster, you also made them older..." Voldemort's voice became abnormal, "I will keep this skeleton and replace it for your father. Tell me He, this is a gift from his son."

"How dare you!" Sean's eyes were completely red.

As if he was worried that excessive stimulation would cause [Pride] to awaken, Voldemort did not continue to humiliate Sean, but just sneered and had the bones removed.

Sean's eyes were red: "You have already calculated all this..."

"Of course, you think you predicted my resurrection? Ridiculous - well, it's time for us to get started. It's your honor, Wallop -"

Voldemort let out a long breath, and then the man who had been holding him came to the stone cauldron.

Now the whole water was sparkling with sparks, as if studded with diamonds.

The pudgy figure never showed his true face, leaving Sean unsure whether he was actually Wormtail, who had always had no presence.

The swaddling clothes were untied, and the thing inside finally revealed its ugly and terrifying appearance - it had no hair, seemed to have scales on its body, and its skin was dark and red, like injured tender flesh. Its arms and legs were thin and soft, and its face - no living child had such a face - was a flat, snakelike face with gleaming red eyes.

Voldemort was "poured" into the pot, and there was a slight sound of collision with the bottom of the pot.

Just throw this bastard to death... Sean thought viciously in his heart.

After delaying for so long, thanks to Voldemort's tirade and humiliation of Sean, his memories have been woven, and now it is the process of replacing them...

A dry, greasy voice sounded, and a wand waved.

"Father's bones, unintentionally donated, can regenerate your son!" The murmur to the night sky triggered another tomb.

A small wisp of dust rose into the air in response to the call and landed softly in the crucible. The diamond-like surface of the liquid burst, hissing, sparks flying, and the liquid turned a vivid blue that was immediately poisonous.

The short and fat figure took a deep breath, then took out a handful of silver coins and cut off one of his hands without any hesitation.

"Your servant's flesh can be donated voluntarily, so that your master can be reborn." His voice was trembling.

The potion turned fiery red, like blood boiling on fire.

The man approached Sean with a dagger, then cut his arm open. The blood dripped down the torn sleeves and was put into a glass bottle.

He staggered over to the cauldron with Sean's blood and poured it in. The liquid in the crucible immediately turned dazzling white.

The crucible was about to boil, and diamond-like sparks splashed out in all directions, so bright and dazzling that everything around them turned the color of black velvet.

As for Sean, a memory was completely replaced, and his expression finally became truly frightened and desperate.

The sparks on the crucible went out, and a stream of white steam rose from the crucible.

Through the white mist in front of him, Sean saw with horror the black figure of a man rising slowly from the crucible. He was tall and thin, like a skeleton.

The black mist stirred up and turned into a man's robe. He stared at Sean - his face was paler than a skull, with two big red eyes, a nose as flat as a snake's nose, and two nostrils. A thin seam.

Voldemort is resurrected.

"Oh - how beautiful..." Voldemort's voice was hoarse than the previous baby's, but also more powerful.

"Wallup—" He showed an ecstatic expression.

Sean trembled involuntarily, and cold sweat continued to flow from his forehead.

Voldemort first glanced at the returnees around him, then took a wand. He waved it, and the short and fat figure stood up, possessing a silver-white hand again.

"Thank you, thank you, great master——"

Voldemort lazily waved his hand, motioning for the other party to get out of the way.

He came to Sean, looked at it first, and then smiled and grabbed Sean's cut arm.

"It's right here..."

Because of his rough movements, a round thing ran out of Sean's sleeve.

"No!" Sean blurted out.

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